REVISED: 5/2/09
1928: Wabash Aircraft Co, Terre Haute IN. 1930: Ended operations.
WA-250X 1928 = 5pClwM; 260hp Salmson "superposed radial"; span: 39'0" length: 27'5"; ff: 4/20/28. POP: 1 [C5246] c/n 51-C. Put into storage in Oct 1920 at (Frank) O'Neal Aircraft Co, Vincennes IN, then acquired by O'Neal in a court sale 10/2/33 to satisfy a storage bill. Sold 10/15/34 to Peter Soderling Jr, Petersburg IN, who installed a 360hp Salmson and converted it to 3pClwM. CAA cancelled reg 11/15/37.
Wilmington Aero Club, Wilmington DE.
Delaplane 1910 = 1pOB; 45hp Elbridge. Robie Seidelinger. Elevator in the front, rudder in the back, and ailerons under the lower wings. The machine made a couple of short flights in 1910, rising from the ground a few feet, according to Delaware Aviation History. Destroyed in a hangar fire.
Waco Aircraft Co Inc (fdrs: Rich & Linda Melhoff), Forks WA. Unrelated to original Waco Corp.
Super Taperwing 1997 = Reissue of original classic Waco ATO in kit form for $38,000 less motor, plans for $350.
Chicago IL.
c.1909 = Sayeth Jane's: "Extraordinary claims have been made for this machine and its applicability to an ordinary motor car, producing the opinion that it is a mere myth. It appears, however, to be in the ordinary category of 'air suckers*,' collecting air in front and above, creating a partial vacuum, and expelling the air behind and below." (*SEE 1909 Lake, 1909 Thompson).
Wag-Aero, Lyons WI.
CUBy aka Sport Trainer 1975 = 2pChwM; 90-150hp Continental; (data for 150hp) span: 35'3" length: 22'3" load: 680# v: x/94/39; ff: 5/12/75. Design closely based on Piper J-3 Cub. Plans and kits marketed for home-builders.
Wag-A-Bond 1978 = 4pChwM; 125-200hp; span: 35'9" length: 23'5" load: 1120# v: 129/124/38 range: 670. Side-by-side cabin. Plans and kits marketed for home-builders.
Harold A Wagner, 4539 NE 21 St, Portland OR.
Parasol 1932 = 1pOhwM; 30hp Szekely. [12738] c/n 1. Sold to Marvin Wright (Beaverton) for $200 on 11/16/36, then to L S Wilson (Beaverton) on 2/13/37, then to C M Smock & N E Day (Portland) on 6/8/38, who wrote CAA on 8/22/39 that "it was necessary to discontinue flying our aircraft due to natural depreciation of materials used in its construction." Dismantled, reg canceled 6/15/39.
Wagner Twin 1 [NX1334N] (Frank Rezich coll)

Twin 1 1951 = 2pChwM; 65hp Continental C-65 and 85hp C-85; v: 120/110/x; ff: 12/6/51. 1946 Piper J-3C and 1947 PA-11 fuselages mounted side-by-side for twin performance; had STOL take-off, 1500fpm climb rate and would take-off and fly on one motor. Built in five days, despite having unequal motors and props (42" wood and 45" metal), it demonstrated negligible balance problemsthe motors were later matched as 85hp with metal props. Flown from the right fuselage only; added horsepower would in theory support four passengers, but the increased wing loading in reality wouldn't. POP: 1 [NX1334N]; dismantled after 150hrs of flight.
Wagner 2 [NX932A]

Twin 2 1952 = The novel hybrid idea was continued in a Piper PA-22 with two 125hp Lycomings O-290-D mounted side-by-side; v: 160/135/45; ff: 2/8/52. This one took three weeks to fabricate. In both the 1 and 2 overlapping prop clearance came from a 4.75" spacer on the left motor's propeller shaft. Wagner's goal: twin safety and performance with four passengers for less than a projected $9,000 selling price, and on only 12gph fuel consumption. POP: 1 [NX932A], modified back to its original configuration after 100hrs of flight testing when Wagner encountered more CAA paperwork and red tape than he felt approval was worth.
Twin 3 1952 = Piper PA-18 with a second 125hp Lycoming O-290 mounted in a nacelle above the cabin. Although it flew acceptably, there were vibration problems with the tail and the project was dropped. POP: 1, restored to single-engine after 10 hrs, then sold.
1963: (Fred G) Wagner Aircraft Co Inc, San Diego CA. 1964: Sunrise Aircraft Corp of America, San Diego.
Wagner W-18 Concept art (Aviation Week via Ron Dupas)

W-18 c.1964 = STOL short-haul transport. 18-24pChwM rg; two 660hp Garrett AiReseach TPE-331-22 turboprops; span: 50'0" length: 48'6" load: 3920# v: 304/210/34 range: 1105 ceiling: 26,200'. Featured Wagner's patented "jet-induced lift" concept of boundary layer control; reports of Ryan Aeronautical as possible builder. Take-off claimed in 985' and landing with partial power in 952'. Moveable interiors for custom passenger and cargo configurations. Less than $500,000; POP: unknown if any; reported orders from three Alaskan airlines.
Marney Wagner, no location.
V-Witt c.1976 = 1pCmwM; [N4819].
Barnaby Wainfan, Long Beach CA.
Wainfan FMX-4 [N117WD] (EAA)

Facetmobile FMX-4 1993 = 1pClwM; 50hp Rotax 503DC; span: 15'0" length: 19'6" load: 250# v: 110/90/25-30 range: 200-250 ceiling: 11,000'; ff: 4/22/93. Empty wt: 370#. An innovative "experimental lifting-body sportplane," the creation of Barnaby and Lynne Wainfan, and Rick Dean, took 2.5 years to develop and build [N117WD]. After 130 hours flight time, it was damaged in a forced landing after engine malfunction and was in reconstruction in 1999. A 2p version as FMX-5 was also in development at that time.

The N-number is a joke, there is no connection between the Facetmobile design and the F-117. I have this from an audio tape that TWITT (an organization devoted to flying wings) tells of a presentation that Mr Wainfan made to them. Wainfan explains the reasoning behind the unconventional design, although he also admits it was inspired originally by a little flying wing glider in one of the aeromodelling magazines some years ago, and then further by a larger model that he made based on it. ( Lincoln Ross 2/28/02)
Lee Wainscott, Compton CA.
c.1950 = OB; 35hp Lawrance. Refitted with Continental or Lycoming and named Little Twister [N72L]. Had a pivoting wing arrangement that was eventually replaced by conventional ailerons.
Weckler-Armstrong-Lillie Co, 2717 Irving Park Blvd, Chicago IL.
Walco 1/72 model (Claudio Luchesa)

Tandem Monoplane Air Boat aka Walco Craft 1913 = 1pOmwMAm; 50hp or 70hp Sturtevant. Max Lillie. Built for entry in 7/4/13 Great Lakes Reliability Cruise (p: Lillie). Either a follow-on plane or the same one modified was described as 1pOBF with 50hp Gnôme rotary, a "competition craft" (p: De Lloyd Thompson), but it might have been a mix-up in journalistic reporting. In anticipation of the 1913 Reliability Cruise competition, Max Lillie tested his unusual new Air Boat only to realize that the expensive ship was seriously overweight and underpowered and would not fly. (Thompson had planned to be the Walco's pilot during the actual competition.)

Otto Timm recalled that Lillie's Walco was a large amphibious monoplane finished in fine mahogany with deep leather upholstery. It was extremely heavy and was powered with a 50hp motor. A large crowd had gathered to watch its test flight. Four men held onto the fuselage while it started, and when the signal was given to let go, the plane did not move, so the men pushed to get it going. When they stopped pushing, however, it rolled to a stop. The plane not only wouldn't fly, it wouldn't even taxi! ( WW1 Aero #187 via Friedrich Huggler 1/30/05)
1909: Dr Henry W Walden, Mineola NY. 1910: Walden-(George M) Dyott Aeronautic Co. 1911: The Walden Co & Flying School. 1915: Walden-Hinners Co, Edgewater NJ. 1929: Walden Aircraft Co, Long Island City NY. 1932: Ended aircraft involvement to return to dental profession.
Walden II (Mar 1938 Sportsman Pilot)

I, II 1909 = 1pOB; 15hp auto engine; span: 26'0" length: 20'0". POP: 1 each, described as looking like two biplanes with an open-framework fuselage connecting them. Scrapped after proving to be too underpowered to fly, so II was built with 25hp Anzani pusher; span: 30'0" length: 20'0". It, too, failed to get airborne.
Walden III with Henry Walden, c.1910 (Henry Walden coll)

III 1909 = 1pOhwM; 25hp Anzani pusher, likely the last with this engine. Had vanelike fins over the wingtips for "lateral balance," which do not appear on further models. Made test hops of about 10 yeads at a few feet altitude on 12/9/09, before crashing beyond economic repairthis is often recorded as the first American monoplane flight (but see next). POP: 1. There were claims of 6 more IIIs under construction, but if they were ever completed, flown, or sold is unknown.
IV 1910 = It was this model, similar to III, but with 40hp Hall-Scott and ailerons, that really flew on 8/3/10 to become the first successful US-designed and -built monoplane, and the first US craft to be licensed by FAI and Aero Club of America (although credit is often given to its look-alike IX). POP: 1. Reportedly III and IV went to Dyott when the partnership broke up in 1911 and were sold in South America; Walden retained the hangar and inventory.
V through XII 1911-13 = Total of 8 more airplanes built, all monoplanes with tricycle gears and various powerplants, for flight training. Specific data unknown, but reportedly IIX had a 50hp Roberts, and a 40hp Hall-Scott powered the last four.
(Henry?) Walden-(Roscoe) Markey Inc, Strickland & Bassett Aves, Mill Basin NY.
WM-1 1932 (2-450) = 4pOBFb; 180hp Hisso E. [NC13206] c/n 10. Likely connection with 1929 Mill Basin biplane flying boat. Possible Henry Walden involvement, but not certain.
Waldron SEE Starling
Arthur L Waldroop, Palmyra NB.
A-1 1935 = 2pOM; 80hp LeRhône rotary. [14499] c/n 101.
Fred & Herman Greve, Detroit MI.
Wild Goose 1932 = 3pCM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [11387] c/n 2, later changed to c/n M80. Apparently built by Walker, then sold to the Greves on 11/4/32. Involved in an accident and reg cancelled 8/5/34.
1928: (Stanley) Wallace Aircraft Co, 4710 Irving Park Blvd, Chicago IL. 1929: Merger with American Eagle CO, Kansas City KS.
C-2 1928 = 2pChwM; 80hp Anzani; span: 37'0" length: 23'6" load: 650# v: 95/82/40 range: 500. $4,250. POP: possibly as many as 6 in developmental stages leading to Touroplane.
Wallace Touroplane B Transitional American Eagle B-330 [NC209N] (Frank Rezich coll)
Wallace Touroplane C-31 [6842] (Wallace Co brochure)

Touroplane B, C-31 1929 (ATC 119) = 2-3pChwM; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 37'0" length: 23'11" load: 780# v: 115/100/43 range: 500 ceiling: 14,000'. Stanley Wallace. Folding wings. POP: 1 prototype [X4253] with 80hp Anzani, subsequently 165hp Wright J-5; length: 24'0"; $4,885-5,795; 13 production [NC209N, NC211N, NC276K, NC566H, NC571H, NC580H, NC584H, NC590H, X/C6842, NC744K, C7740, NC7742, C7987], of which two with 90hp OX-5 [C7740, C7987] and one with 150hp MacClatchie [C6842] as C-31. Became American Eagle 330.
Wallace Brothers
1913: Frank C and Fred M Wallace, Bettendorf IA. 1919-36: Wallace Brothers Flying Field.
Blackhawk 1919 = 2pOB; (likely) 90hp Curtiss OX-5. POP: uncertain. Also produced was a conversion of a war-surplus Thomas-Morse S-1 with an uncowled OX-5. In pre-WW1 the Davenport Mfg Co had been building a Blackhawk Model A, according to info found by John M Jarratt, and this apparently was either an offshoot or a development of that aircraft when the Wallace Bros acquired the holdings of Davenport Co in 1919, then bought a tract of land to establish Wallace Field. There is much history in the brothers' activitiesthey were involved in the construction of the first three Central States Monocoupes, and worked with Folkerts and Luscombe, as wellhowever, AeroFiles' reference material is sparse in this area, so there is much yet to be learned about their activities.
Stanley B Wallis, Ypsilanti MI.
1981 = 2pOB; 260hp Ford auto engine. Airframe was an original design to resemble the best of the great old biplanes of the 1925-32 period.
Fred W Wallman Jr, Minneapolis MN.
Sportplane c.1976 = 2pOhwM; 115hp Lycoming O-235-C1; span: 30'0" length: 21'6" load: 566# v: x/100/35; ff: 9/24/75 (p: Bert Sissler). POP: 1 [N4FW]. Fuselage and tail was steel tube, wing was all wood.
Wally Timm Aerocraft SEE Timm (Aetna)
Walker, Walker & Greve
Detroit MI.
Wild Goose 1931 = Sketchy info at best on this one, with no description but with a 90hp Curtiss OX-5, registered [11387] c/n 2. Sold to Fred & Herman Greve on 11/4/31, who changed its name and the c/n to M-80. Reported to CAA as "washed out" and license cancelled on 8/5/32.
1909: San Diego Aeroplane Mfg Co (fdr: Charles Francis Walsh), San Diego CA.
1910 = 1pOmwM; ?hp Cameron automobile motor; span: 50'0" length: 40'0". Based on the smaller Blériot XI. Walsh tried several times to get airborne on 1/23/10, but finally crashed into a fence on a take-off run, and the plane was damaged beyond economical repair. The major claim was being the first powered airplane built in San Diego.
1910 = 1pOB; 25hp Cameron. Based on the prevailing Curtiss design, Walsh succeeded in making two flights on 4/3/10, and, with several design modifications and an Elbridge motor, continued exhibition and competition flights in Southern California into 1911. A similar craft, with a Hall-Scott motor, was used by Walsh for exhibition work throughout the nation in 1911-12, but he was known to have also used Curtiss-built planes, while a member of the Curtiss Exhibition Co team, so sorting out specific machines is problematical. He was killed when a wing collapsed during a demonstration flight at Trenton NJ on 10/23/12.
1911 = 1-3pOB; ?hp Macomber. Details are sketchy, but apparently Walsh built a biplane that he eventually modified with three seats in order to carry his wife and young son on publicity flights in the Los Angeles area. Around that time there was a similar craft ordered by San Diego sportsman Harry Harkness, designed by Walsh and built by the Eaton Brothers in Los Angeles, which might have been the same plane.
Dale "Red" Walter & Roy Campbell, Severy KS.
1929 = Unknown type built by Walter; 40hp engine; span: 25'0". Crashed 10/17/29
Dale RD-9 1932 = 2pCB; 80hp LeRhône rotary. According to info dredged up by historian John M Jarratt, this was a pusher with folding wings, reportedly scaled up from model airplane plans. Assumably the "R" is for "Roy" in RD-9, but Campbell's role is unknownhe was Walter's flight student at Severy Flying Club. POP: 1 [12526] c/n CW-1. Built 5/15/32, it reported to CAA as "not in service" 11/12/32, then "junked" 1/27/34; reg cancelled 6/18/34.
War Aircraft Replicas, Santa Paula CA. War Aircraft Replicas International, Brandon FL.
F4U Corsair c.1978 = Half-scale replica. 1pClwM rg; 70-100hp VW or 100hp Continental O-200-A; span: 20'0" length: 16'0" load: 279# v: 170/140/90 range: 400. [N246S].
Focke-Wulf 190 1974 = Half-scale replica. 1pClwM rg; 100hp Continental O-200 (prototype 70hp VW); span: 20'0" length: 16'7" load: 270# v: 195/125/55 range: 400; ff: 8/21/74.
Hawker Sea Fury 1986 = Half-scale replica. 1pClwM rg; 100hp Continental O-200-A; span: 20'0" length: 16'9"; ff: 2/24/86. [G-BLTG].
Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero 198? = Half-scale replica. 1pClwM rg; 100hp Continental O-200-A; span: 21'0" length: 16'6".
P-47 Thunderbolt 198? = Half-scale replica. 1pClwM rg; 70-100hp VW or 100hp Continental O-200-A; span: 20'0" length: 17'0".
P-51 Mustang 1988 = Half-scale replica. 1pClwM rg; 100-120hp Honda; span: 20'0" length: 17'0".
Arthur P Warner, Beloit WI.
Warner-Curtiss (National Archives)

-Curtiss 1909 = 1pOB. Curtiss pusher components purchased and assembled by Warner, who taught himself to successfully fly his own creation at Turtle Ridge.
Warner Aircraft Inc, Tampa FL.tal; span: 26'0" length: 17'0" load: 250# v: 115/105/42 range: 300. Plans and kits marketed for home-builders.
Revolution II 19?? = 2pOlwM; 100hp Lycoming O-235; span: 28'0" length: 19'9" load: 600# v: x/120/42. Marketed kits for home-builders; engine options 80-160hp.
Space Walker 19?? = Essentially the original Revolution.
Warner Sportster [N269U] (Warner Co)

Sportster 1999 = 2pOlwM; 120hp Lyc 0-290D; span: 26'0" length: 20'4" load: 650# v: x/130/45; ff: 4/18/99. POP: 1 prototype [N269U]. Marketed kits for home-builders; engine options 80-160hp.
W H "Glen" Warren, San Luis Obispo CA.
CP-1 1929 = 4pChwM; 150hp Comet 7D; span: 38'0" length: 29'9" v: 130/110/x range: 550. POP: 1, built as an aero engineering class project at California Polytechic College [X501M]. Looked like a cross between Bellanca and Ryan B. Although wearing c/n 1, it was not the first of Warren's Cal Poly aircraft SEE Glenmont.
CP-2 Warren Taperwing 1931 = 2pOB; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 27'0" length: 21'0". Also built by Cal Poly students. [X10257]. The airplane carried c/n 3, and the alternative designation CP-3 has been seen, indicating the third airplane built at Cal Poly.
Warren & Young
Location unknown.
1937 = 2pO? with two unknown-type tractor-pusher engines, and tandem-wings "in rhomboid form." No other data.
Mid-1930: Warrior Aeronautical Corp, Alliance OH, reorganization of Alliance Aircraft Corp. (Very likely was J E Foster Aircraft Co -- J M Jarratt)
C 1930 = 1pOmwM; Salmson. Seen misidentified as MacDonald Warrior C, and found reference about it being "similar to" Alliance A-1 does not wash, as the A-1 was a biplane. POP: 1 prototype [950W] c/n 501, possibly others before the Great Depression slammed the lid on their operations. Reg cancelled in 1933. Note how one of the aircraft in the background looks quite like the Alliance biplane.
William Warwick, Torrance CA.
Bantam 1966 = 1pO/ClwM; 65hp Lycoming O-145; v: x/105/52; ff: 6/x/66 [N2258B].
Tiny Champ 1960 = 1pChwM; 65hp Continental A-65; span: 20'0" length: 19'0" load: 250# v: 115/105/60 range: 250. [N3632G].
W-4 Hot Canary 1969 = 1pOB; 125hp Lycoming O-290D; span: 14'9" length: 17'0" load: 314# v: 195. Negative stagger. Intended for pylon racing in the sport biplane class. [N4777W].
1912: Washington Aeroplane Co, College Park MD.
Washington Miss Columbia Side-view (1913 Aeroplane)

Miss Columbia 1913 = 2pOBFb; 80hp Gyro; span: 38'0" length: 29'0". Wings mounted above a sleek, wooden boat hull. Built on special order for a customer.
Washington Navy Yard
Washington Navy Yard Seaplane [A-82] (1977 Naval Avn News via Jos Heyman)

Seaplane aka Richardson 82-A 191? = 3pOBF; two unidentified motors; no specs found. Seaplane for USN testing of pontoons was designed and built by a Lt (Holden C?) Richardson at the Shipyard. POP: 1 [A82]; 3 ordered and s/ns issued, but last 2 [A83/84] cancelled before construction.
Wasp Airplane Co, 3440 Boston Ave and 1044 51 Ave, Oakland CA.
Wasp Special [NX7571] (Lesley Forden coll)

Special 1927 = 1pOlwM; 80hp Anzani. W H Woerner. POP: 1 [NX7571] c/n 2. Dole Race entry, spun in and crashed prior to race. For a pertinent news report, SEE Aurebach, apparently the owner or founder of this company.
T-2 Air Coupe 1928 = 3pChwM; 120hp Anzani; span: 38'0" length: 25'0" load: 500# v: 110/90/53 range: 400. $2,345.
T-2 Air Coach 1928 = 5pChwM; 200hp Anzani (later 220hp Wright J-5); span: 38'6" length: 25'0" load: 1100# v: 140/110/52 range: 400. $6,500. Most likely was a modification of Air Coupe.
1925: (William J) Waterhouse & (Lloyd) Royer Aircraft, Glendale CA. 1926: Operations sold to Klamath Air Service (Pacific Air Transport), Klamath Falls OR. 1928: Waterhouse & Associates Design Engrs, 6331 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood CA.
Waterhouse Tijuana design
Tijuana BC-1 BMW installation (Gerard Farell coll)
Tijuana BC-2 (S A Flores coll via Skyways)

BC-1, -2, -3 1928 = 2pOhwM; 185hp BMW; span:43'0" length: 30'0" v: 122 (BC-1), 1pOhwM; Wright J-5C; span: 46'6" length: 28'6" v: 136/x/48 (BC-2). Waterhouse's design contributions went beyond our borders, like this creation for the Tijuana Aircraft Co, about which Jack Erickson refers to William Wagner's article in AAHS Journal 19/3 describing Waterhouse as a respected structural analyst and engineer who "... undertook an assignment late in 1927 for the Mexican Government, which wanted to [produce] its own aircraft. Two monoplanes were constructed by Tijuana Aircraft Co, headed by Gov Abelardo Rodriquez of Baja California. Plans were furnished by the Mexican War Department and adapted by Waterhouse. Photos clearly show the distinctive Waterhouse fin-rudder shape. The span of the strut-braced high-wing monoplane was almost identical to that of the Ryan Brougham series that followed the Spirit of St Louis in production. The planes, completed in early 1928, were approximately the size and general appearance of the Ryan Brougham. In test flights of the first, an observation type, a German BMW engine was used, but the second ship, expected to carry 380 gallons of fuel and make a non-stop flight to Mexico City, was scheduled for a Wright Whirlwind."

Another source is an article in Air Pictorial 27/2 by Jose Villela Jr, with a photo of a parasol monoplane very similar to this, except the observer's cockpit has been replaced with the pilot's cockpit and power is a radial engine. That ship had "BC-2" on its Waterhouse-like vertical tail almost identical with this one, and "BAJA CALIFORNIA" painted on the rear fuselage; photo caption: "Col. Fierro in 'Baja California No. 2' lands in the Canal Zone after his flight to Panama in 1928." In his article Villela says, "Later Colonel Roberto Fierro in the Mexican-built 'Baja California 2' made the first non-stop flight between Mexico City and Havana in 14 hours, 50 minutes."

Conjecture is this is Waterhouse's adaptation of the Mexican plans for the observation type, since the rear cockpit looks like it has a ring for a machine gun. The 185hp BMW is probably a WW1-vintage Model IIIa and looks like a photograph of that engine in 1939 Aerosphere. Maybe this was "Baja California No. 1," as it has similarities to BC-2? There was a later BC-3 described in Wagner's article with a photo that has a family resemblance to the others, including the Waterhouse vertical tail.

It was flown by my grandfather, Luis Farell Cubillas, who on 3/8/28 took off from the Tijuana factory enroute to Mexico City. The temporarly-fitted 185hp BMW IIIa quit between Hermosillo and Navajoa, and Farell crash-landed on mountainus terrain. He was uninjured but the BC-1 was destroyed. ( Gerard Farell 3/12/08)
Cruzair 1926 = 2pChwM; 200hp Wright J-4; span: 36'0" length: 23'10" load: 910# v: 138/117/45 range: 550; ff: 7/12/26 (p: Franklin Young). William Waterhouse. POP: 1 [2138=1724], built with assistance from Ryan Mechanics Monoplane Co; also seen spelled Cruizair. Partial plans reportedly were sold to T Claude Ryan as a project for the Mahoney-Ryan Flight School and were responsible for the Ryan M-1 Brougham design. [2138] bought from Pacific Air Transport by motion picture stunt pilot Dick Grace and extensively modified for his abortive Hawaii-San Francisco transpacific attempt on 7/4/27. Shipped back to California and rebuilt as Ryan Mechanics Co Miss Southern California for competitions.
Waterhouse Roamair [C990] (John W Underwood coll)
Waterhouse Roamair [2910] (Frank Rezich coll)
Waterhouse Roamair with Hisso motor (clip from unknown magazine)

Roamair aka Romair 1925 = 2-3pOB; various motors. William Waterhouse, Lloyd Royer. POP: 5: [C990] c/n 18 with Wright J-5, to Pacific Coast Air Service, rebuilt in 1931 as a crop duster with 220hp Wright J-6, and re-registered [NR12785] c/n 50; [NR1637] with 160hp Curtiss C-6, also used as a crop duster; [2537] with 90hp Curtiss OX-5 in 1926, rebuilt in 1929 with 150hp Hisso as [4867]; [2910] with 140hp Bailey Bulls-Eye, also for PAT; [3663] (possibly c/n 1) with 150hp Curtiss K-6, planned for 1928 Nationals cross-country race, but was damaged in a hard landing, possibly rebuilt in 1928 as [X7641] with 150hp Hisso. Both spellings were liberally chosen, but Royer's steadfast claim of "Romair" is tempered by some photos showing "Roamair" on the tail. SEE McDaneld Roamair, RoamAIR.
1929: Watkins Aircraft Co (pres: Everett Watkins), Wichita KS. 1931: Ended operations.
Watkins SL-1 [X470E] (Paul Davis)

SL-1, SL-2 Skylark aka X-470E 1929 (ATC 2-182) = 2pOlwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D; span: 37'0" length: 23'6" load: 517# (?>465#) v: 103/80/38. Wallace "Chet" Cummings. Laminated plywood-clad, steel-tube, monocoque fuselage. Originally tried with 55hp Velie M-5. $2,950; POP: 1 prototype SL-1 [X470E] c/n 1, and at least 5 production as SL-2 [NC102V] c/n 102, [460W] c/n 106, [461W] c/n 103, [NC487N] c/n 101, [NC11950] c/n 105, maybe c/n 104. Attractive sport design failed to make it in a slumping market and very likely is the Air Capital.
Gary Watson, Newcastle TX.
Windwagon 1977 = 1pOlwM; 35hp VW; span: 18'0" length: 12'5" load: 210# v: x/100/40; ff: 4/19/77 [N64614]. Tricycle gear; all-metal construction. Plans and kits marketed for home-builders.
(John C) Weatherly Aviation Co Inc, Hollister CA.
Weatherly 201A [N2930W] (Avn Week via Ron Dupas)

201, 201A, 201C 1966 (TC A10WE) = Agricultural utility. 1pClwM; 450hp P&W R-985; span: 39'6" length: 26'7" load: 950# v: 128/105/58. $22,800 (210A); POP: more than 100.
210-B 19?? = Agricultural utility. 1pClwM; 450hp P&W R-1340; span: 39'0" length: 26'7" load: 2260# v: 130/108/53. $31,500 in 1974.
620 1979 (TC A26WE) = 1pClwM; 450hp P&W R-985; span: 41'0" (with wingtip vanes 47'0") load: 2700#. [N256W].
620-TP 1979 = 620 with 500hp P&W PT6A-11AG.
Weatherly WM-62C [N51239] (William T Larkins)

WM-62C 1961 = Ag-version of Fairchild M-62. 1pClwM; Continental W-670 or P&W R-985. POP: 19.
Ray Weatherly & Bill Campbell, Dallas TX.
Colt 1945 = 4pChwM; 190hp Lycoming O-435 or 215hp Franklin; span: 36'3" length: 23'11" load: 685# v: 160/140/52 range: 750. Fred Knack. POP: 1 post-war completion of 1942 purchase of Luscombe Four-Place [NX54082]. Still active into the '90s.
Goodwin K Weaver & Oliver Wellet, aka Weaver Air Service, 353 S Audobon Rd, Indianapolis IN.
WAS-5 1926 = 3pOB; 90h Curtiss OX-5; span: 37'0" length: 25'3".
WW-1 1927 = Unknown type home-built with Anzani angine; span" 39'0" length: 23'3". [1705]; sold in 1930, its path vanished and its reg cancelled by CAA 11/28/32.
Marshal D Webber, Jefferson OH.
BFW-1 1938 = 2pOM; 65hp Velie. [21298].
Jimmy Wedell and the gang

1929: (James R) Wedell-(Harry P) Williams Air Service Corp, Patterson LA. c.1932: Flight school, Menefee Airport, Chalmette LA. 1936: Assets and aircraft sold after Williams' death to Eastern Air Lines for $175,000.
1929 = 1pOlwM; 150hp Hisso A. James Wedell. First plane of first basic design. Nationals racer [NR9471=NR278V] as We-Willregistration [NR9471] was temporarily "borrowed" from a Ryan B-1 company hack, creating a bit of perplexity for historians. Rebuilt as Model 44 in 1931.
Wedell-Williams [NX536V]

1930 = 1pOlwM; 225hp Wright J-6. Second plane of first basic design had speed cowling and wheel pants. Nationals racer [NR536V] as We-Winc (not We-Wini, as sometimes seen), shortened from Winchester, alluding to the company motto: "Hot as a pistol and twice as fast." Became Model 44 Special to win 1932 Bendix race.
Wedell-Williams Cirrus Derby racer [NR10337] (Robert Granville coll)

1930 = 1pOlwM; 95hp Cirrus Hi-Drive. Cowl and full-panted wheels. Second basic design [R/NR10337] built for 1930 Cirrus Derby as We-Will Jr.
Wedell-Williams Dave Elmendorf's [NR60Y]

1932 = 1pClwM; 95hp Cirrus Hi-Drive. Third basic design, a complete rebuild of We-Will Jr with shorter fuselage and canopied cockpit [NR60Y]. Later redesignated as Model 22 (for .22-caliber bullet) and repowered with 160hp Menasco Buccaneer. Last flew in competition 1935 (p: Dave Elmendorf).
McRobertson racer - Wedell mid-wing design for the 1934 MacRobertson London-Melbourne race as a joint effort by Wedell-Williams and Delgado Trades School, pre-registered as [NR67Y]. Delgado students partially built the fuselage and tail assembly, leaving the rest to the W-W crew, but the project ended with Wedell's death in the crash of a DH-60 Moth. Harry Williams was reportedly so distressed by the loss of Wedell that he destroyed the wings with a fireax.
Wedell-Williams 22 [NR64Y] (A B Bradley via John Gourley coll)
Wedell-Williams 22 at Chicago 1933 [NR64Y]

Model 22 1933 = 1pClwM; 160hp Menasco. Fourth basic design, separate from the preceding, was partially designed and built (cockpit, fuselage and tail group) by students at nearby Delgado Trades School [NR64Y], using parts salvaged from Model 44 Special wreckage [NR54Y]. Test-flown, but did not race.
Wedell-Williams 44 at Burbank, Jimmy Wedell in cockpit [NR278V] (R V Thompson)

Model 44 1931 = 1pClwM; 525hp P&W Wasp; span: 26'0" length: 24'6". Fifth basic design was complete rebuild of We-Will with new wing, cowling, and enclosed cockpit [NR278V]. Final rebuild in 1932 as Miss Patterson for Roscoe Turner, with its old wings and undercarriage going into the Robbins Racer.
Wedell-Williams 44 Special 1932 Turner [NR61Y] (Gene Palmer coll)
Wedell-Williams 44 Special 1933 Turner [NR61Y]
Wedell-Williams 44 Special 1935 Turner gold (color) [NR61Y]

Model 44 Special 1932-39 = 1pOlwM; 500hp P&W Wasp (800hp P&W T3D1 in 1933); span: 26'2" length: 21'3". James Wedell, Howard Barlow. $50,000; POP: 4 racers, first of which [NR54Y] crashed in testing. 1932 Bendix Trophy [NR536V] (p: James Haizlip); 1933 Bendix [NX/NR61Y] (p: Roscoe Turner) and Thompson (p: James Wedell); 1933 Phillips (p: Wedell); 1934 Bendix (p: Doug Davis) and Thompson (p: Turner); Shell Trophy (p: Davis); transcontinental speed record (p: Turner). SEE SIDEBAR Jimmie & Roscoe
Wedell-Williams 45 [NR62Y]

Model 45 1933 = 1pClwM rg; 500hp P&W Twin Wasp; span: 26'9" length: 23'11". POP: 1 [NR62Y]; ff: 6/28/33. Donated to Louisiana State University and eventually was scrapped.
P-34 - 1934 USAAC fighter design based on the Model 44 and 45 racers, ultimately powered by 900hp P&W XR-1830C Twin Wasp, was cancelled before construction began.
Weeks, Weeks-Riggs
Elling O Weeks and E A "Gus" Riggs, Terre Haute IN.
1910-11 = Two aircraft were built during this period, fairly traditional Wright-type designs. Then Weeks and O E Williams built two tractor biplanes in Scranton PA in 1912, after which he joined forces with Gus Riggs for a couple more in 1915-16.
Kermit Weeks, Miami FL.
Solution 1980 = 1pCB; 300hp Lycoming IO-540; span: 17'6" length: 16'6" load: 480# v: 215/195/x. Kermit Weeks. Aerobatic replica of Laird. [N300KW].
Fred E Weick, 130 Cherokee Rd, Hampton VA.
Weick Ag-1 [N222]

Ag-1, -2, -3 SEE Texas.
Weick W-1 [NS67] (NACA)
Weick W-1-A Wind tunnel test [X67] (NACA)

W-1, W-1-A 1934 = 1pChwM; 85hp Pobjoy pusher; span: 30'0" v: x/80/35. Fred Weick (Ercoupe designer). Twin-boom, twin-tail; tricycle gear. Wing had an open slot behind the main spar controlled by a small aileron on the top surface and trailing-edge ailerons. Took off in 120', landed in 100', was spin- and stall-proof. Purchased in 1934 by DoC for $5,000, plane was handed to Fairchild Corp (Kreider-Reisner) to produce a modified W-1-A, with flaps in place of slots [NX213Y=NS67=X67]. Transferred to NACA, it was damaged in testing and scrapped in 1938.
(George) Weidmann Body & Trailer Co, North Tonawanda NY.
Flying Tank 1910 = 1pOmwM; automobile engine. All-steel, including rolled-steel wing covering with folding wings; swiveling rudder. Reportedly flew despite its minuscule tail.
Weihmiller 3000 SEE Corman
Lehman Weil, 225 West 71 St, New York NY.
Weil Ornithopter
Weil Ornithopter
"Wilde Ornithicopter" Misnomer (unknown source)

Ornithopter aka Bicycle Bird 1927 = Unknown engine or specs. [22029]. Photo caption: "This Bicycle Bird will fly, insists inventor Lehman Wilde [sic]. For 34 years (he) has dreamed of his ornithicopter, now it is ready for its final tests at Curtiss Field on Long Island. The machine weighs 275 pounds and is composed mostly of wings. There is a sprocket-and-gear arrangement that flaps these wings while a pilot treadles, as one would a bicycle."

In his lifetime (1861-1940), Lehman Weil invented several devices, including an early washing machine and a traffic light. The airplane that you show was not successfulit was too heavy (iron pipes for struts!) and my father, M William Weil (1900-1990), had funny stories of chasing the thing across Staten Island as the wings flexed and its engine strained. I don't believe he built any other flying machines. ( Richard Weil 8/5/02)
Weilandcraft SEE Douglas
1927: (Orin) Welch Aircraft Co, Anderson IN. 1928: Welch Aviation Co. 1931: Refinancing as Air-Craft Corp of America, 1406 S Meridian Ave, Anderson and Portland IN. 1936: Welch Aircraft Industries Inc, 1720 Mishawauka St, South Bend IN. 1940: Acquired by Aircraft Corp, La Porte IN; Welch Aircraft Developments, 221 Conyham St, Wilkes Barre PA.
1927 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 36'0" length: 28'0" load: 800#. Fred Parker, Orin Welch, loosely based on Swallow design. POP: 1 [1405]. "Elephant ear" ailerons, faired-in radiator underneath. First production for Welch Co, dubbed Miss Anderson and used as a company hack until its eventual sale. Badly damaged after a forced landing in a cornfield, it went into storage, then into the mists of history.
OW-1 1927 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 31'2" length: 24'2" v: 105/95/40. Orin Welch, his first original design. POP: 4 [817, 4205, 5105, 6838] c/ns 103, 100, 101, 104 respectively.
OW-2 1928 = 3pOB; 150hp Hisso A; span: 31'2" length: 24'4" load: 800# v: 101/96/32 range: 400. POP: 2; [5105] modified from OW-1, then modified again as 5p with replacement motor but destroyed in a hangar fire in Nov 1929, and [11142] c/n 106.
OW-3 aka Hi-Lift 1928 = 2pOB (?>4pOB); 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 31'0" length: 23'0". Modified Standard J-1 fuselage with a Welch-designed high-lift wing. POP: 2 [378, 3506] c/ns 10 and ES-51. Some confusion exists with use of OW-3 model designation also for the Parasol.
OW-4 1929 = 3pChwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Little was recorded about this plane but it was a modification of the Welch biplane design and might well be a duplication of records for Parasol.
Welch OW-5M [NC18261] (Roy Oberg coll)
Falcon advertisement (Roy Oberg coll)

OW-5M, ACE Falcon 1934 (ATCs 636/637, 2-474) = 2pChwM; 40hp Continental A-40 or 45hp Welch O-2; span: 34'5" length: 20'8" load: 410-435# v: 85/75/30 range: 240. Folding wings. $995; POP: 38 [NC11382, NC13500, NC13511, NC18257/18261, NC18269/18271, NC18348, NC18378/18381, NC18394, NC18396, NC20402/20404, NC20452/20456, NC20459/20468, NC20488/20489]. Prototype [NC11382] with 60hp Anzani as ACE Falcon, later replaced by 40hp Salmson, and one [NC13511] with 40hp Rathel, later replaced by 45hp Szekely. (2-474) for weight change for [NC13500].
Welch OW-6M [X14528] (Joseph Juptner coll)

OW-6M, OW-6S 1935 (ATC 636) = 2pChwM; 36hp Aeronca E-113; span: 34'5" length: 20'8" load: 435# v: 89/78/35 range: 240. $995-1,195; POP: 6 [NC13521, X=NC14528, NC18248/18429, NC18461, NC20405] c/ns 109, 112, 133/134, 131, 137, plus 1 prototype OW-6S with 45hp Szekely SR-30 and an experimental, two-speed gear-reduction system [NX14521] c/n 110.
OW-7M 1936 (ATC 637) = 2pChwM; 45hp Welch O-2; span: 34'4" length: 20'6" load: 410# v: 90/85/35 range: 260. Optional 40hp Continental A-40. $995, $899 in 1940; POP: 8 [NC14527, NC15778, NC18392/18393, NC18395, NC18397, NC20477/20478.
OW-8 1937 = 2pChwM; 40hp Franklin 4AC; length: 21'0" load: 210# v: 93/83/29 ceiling: 11,000'. $1,195; POP: 2 [NC17117, NC28803].
OW-10 through -15 - Project assignments for various experimental planes, some with radio-control, none of which was actually built.
OW-X 1930 = 1pOB; 150hp Hisso A, later 110hp Dayton Bear. POP: 1 modified Swallow with a 300-gallon fuel tanks for an endurance flight that was never made [X952W] c/n 1. Converted into a seaplane in Kentucky 1931.
Parasol (OW-3M) 1928 = 3pOhwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 33'0" length: 21'6" v: 93/x/40. POP: 1 [415] c/n 105. First prototype of the popular Welch lightplanes.
-Standard J-1 c.1925 = Modification of war-surplus Standard J-1. POP: 1 [2476] c/n OWS-1; possibly others unregistered.
R C Lusk & R M Weller, Burbank CA.
Model 1 1930 = Monoplane with 100hp Kinner apparently was not completed. Reg applied for and issued [334V] c/n EX-1, but cancelled 3/4/30.
Harry Wellington, Ontario CA.
Sport Mk 1 Pup 1966 = 2pOB; 220hp Continental W-670 (originally 160hp Kinner R-540); span: 26'0" length: 19'9" load: 630# v: 118/103/50 range: 350. [N2312C].
Harry Wells, Cicero IL.
1915 = 1pOB patterned after Laird's Baby Biplane; 12hp 2-cyl Kemp. Model airplane builder Wells likely strained his engineering expertise somewhat with this full-size ship, for he was often seen taxiing around the field, but never flying. Might he have felt more secure with rubber-power instead?
Eugene W Wells, HI.
Shama WWI 1983 = 2pOB.
George T Welsh, Long Beach CA.
Welsh Rabbit A 1965 = 1pChwM; 65hp Continental A65-8; span: 26'0" length: 18'0" load: 350# v: 108/98/48; ff: 11/12/65 [N3599G]. Conventional landing gear.
Welsh Rabbit B 1968 = 2phwM; 100hp Continental O-200; span: 27'0" length: 18'7" load: 440# v: 110/100/52 range: 220; ff: 11/x/68 [N3599G]. Tricycle landing gear.
Burdette Star Welsher, 519 High St, San Luis Obispo CA.
Arrowplane 1935 = 1pOM; 90hp LeBlond 5F. [X14977].
(Robert) Wendt Aircraft Corp, 825 Main St, N Tonawanda NY.
Wendt W-1-400 [X16920] (1938 Aero Digest)

W-1-400 Falconer 1938 = 2pChwM; 90hp Warner Jr; span: 29'10" length: 19'9" load: 622# v: 140/125/38 range: 600. Prototype [NX16920], built by Wendt as a project for his aero engr Master's Degree, it was later donated to a local high school for vocational training until 1944, when it was scrapped..
W-2 Swift 1939 = 2pChwM; 90hp LeBlond 5F; span: 30'0" length: 20'0" load: 622# v: 130/120/35 range: 525. [NX15697].
(Harold O) Wendt Aircraft Engr, La Mesa CA. (Relationship to previous entry unknown, if any.)
WH-1 Traveler 1972 = 2pClwM; 75hp Continental A75; span: 30'0" length: 19'6" load: 500# v: 131/115/65 range: 368; ff: 5/15/72 [N3146]. H O Wendt. Plans and kits marketed for home-builders.
Werkheiser & Matson
C M Matson & Harlan Werkheiser, Bloomsburg PA.
Model A aka Experimental 1935 = 2pCM; 100hp Cirrus MkIII; ff: 6/x/35. [X15390] c/n 101. Sold 9/15/32, reg cancelled 7/28/48. The CAA inspector commented he suspected the X-license, applied for on 10/15/35, "... was to avoid a state law."
Joseph K Wesley, Somerset KY.
Special 1957 = 1pCB; 80hp Continental A-80; span: 15'5" v: 125/x/45; ff: 11/25/57.
Russell West, Atlanta (GA?) Packard Co.
Special 1931 = 3pOB; 180hp Hisso; reported to CAA as a conversion of a Southern Air Boss. [11526] c/n 1-WS; reg cancelled 7/30/34.
1929: Westbrook Aeronautical Corp (fdrs: John Knox McAfee, Neil Westbrook Perdew), Teterboro, NJ. c.1931: 142 W 24 St, New York City.
Westbrook W-5 [NC966V] (magazine clip)
Westbrook Sportster (John McAfee Sr via Stuart McAfee)

W-5, W-5-B Sportster 1931 (ATC 2-444, 2-455) = 2pOlwM; 90hp ACE Cirrus Mk III; span: 32'0" length: 23'6" load: 500# v: 125/100/40 range: 400. Neil Perdew. W-5-B had 85hp British Cirrus under (2-455) with similar data. Folding all-wood wings. $2,650; POP: about 5, and several partly constructed before business failed in 1931; [NC9N] c/n 501 destroyed in a 1931 crash, [NC92V] c/n 504, [853W] c/n 502, [NC966V] c/n 503 lost in a 1938 accident; disposition of an unlicensed one, possibly c/n 505, is unknown. ATC issued in 1933. Design planned for revival in 1939 as Allied H-28 Sport Trainer, but apparently no planes were built.
West Coast
West Coast Air Service Inc, Portland OR.
1928 = 3pCM.
West Coast WCK-2 SEE Schmuck Brothers
Western Airplane & Supply Co, Burbank CA.
Sport 1928 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 34'0" length: 33'6". Possible design or construction by secretary-treasurer W W Wright, who was also credited with the Wright Light Sport (qv) of the same year. POP: 1 [4225], reg cancelled 1930..
Western Airplane Co, 53 W Jackson Blvd, Chicago IL.
King Bird 1929 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: (upper) 35'0" (lower) c.38'0" length: 25'4" v: 95/85/30 range: 440. $2,500; POP: 1 [6768].
Western Aircraft Supplies, Calgary Alberta Canada.
PGK-1 Hirondelle c.1980 = 2pClwM; 115hp ?: span: 26'0" length: 20'7" load: 542# v: x/135/61. Glenn Gibb, John Kopala, Jean J Peters. Plans and kits marketed for home-builders.
Western Aircraft Corp (pres: Georges Hamilton), San Antonio TX.
Westair 204 1982 = 4pClwM; 200hp Lycoming TIO-360-A1B; span: 29'0" length: 23'8" load 1166# v: 240/180/x; ff: 11/x/82 [N258x2].
Western Aircraft
Western Aircraft Corp, 521 Cooper Bldg, Denver CO.
Sport 1930 = 1pOM with a Szekely; no specs found [216Y] c/n 1. Company vanished shortly after licensing this plane in mid-1930, apparently swallowed up by the Depression, and fate of the plane is unknown as its reg was cancelled in 1932.
Western Air Express
Western Air Express Inc as a holding group.
(Data: March 1930)
Aero Corp of California
Mid-Continent Air Express
Standard Air Lines Inc
West Coast Air Transport
Western Cub SEE Aircraft Associates
Western Pirate SEE Driggs Skylark 3
Miles Westfall, Oklahoma City OK and New Richmond IN.
Westfall Special W-7 (Dan Shumaker)

Special W-7 1973 = 2pCB; 125hp Lycoming O-290-G; span: 23'11" length: 21'2" load: 472# v: 140/120/48. Negative-stagger biplane. [N32E].
Westfall Sport [N13954] (EAA)
Westfall Sport with 90hp Ken-Royce (Dan Shumaker)

Sport 1934 = 1pOB; 40hp Ford A; span: (upper) 25'0" (lower) 23'0" length: 15'4" v: 98/x/30 ceiling: 14,000'. POP: 2; the first rebuilt c.1957 with Continental A-75 and was active into the '70s [N13954], the second built in 1937 with 65hp LeBlond; load: 274# v: 115/100/25 range: 315. An unknown number were built by others from marketed plans.
Westfield Aircraft Co (Summit Aeronautical Corp), Westfield MA.
Westfield Trainer Mark Granville on wing (Charles Mandrake via Tom Heitsman coll)

Trainer 1941 = 2pClwM; 125hp Kinner K-5. Howell Miller, as a sport aerobatic trainer. POP: 1, reported as possibly a modification of Summit HM-5 [29088], although design seems closer to Miller Zeta. Production curtailed by WW2.
West Virginia SEE (Kyle) Smith
"Their Lordships are of the opinion that they would not be of any practical use to the Naval Service." British Admiralty, in reply to the Wright's offer of patents for their airplane, 1907.