REVISED: 8/15/08
Aire-Kraft Inc, Washington PA.
OHS-3 aka DeLloyd Monoplane 1928 = 2pOhwM; 55hp Velie M-5; no other data. Also registered as the Snyder OHS-III [X7950], later with 90hp Warner. Orval H Snyder was treasurer for Aire-Kraft, and DeLloyd Thompson was sales manager, as well as a renowned exhibition pilot. At the 1928 Chicago Air Show it was presented as Aire-Craft Cabin-Aire/DeLloyd.
Cadet Aircraft Co (Jack Thurman aka Acme Dry Cleaning), Pomona CA.
2-P-A 1931 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX- 5. POP: 1 registered as [183W] c/n 6. Recent info (1/15/05) received from FAA by J M Jarrat shows this to be the Chambers Trainer [503] c/n 1 (see entry below) that was sold to Cadet Aircraft, who re-registered it only because there was no ID card in the cockpit and numbers were not painted on the wings or tail. The plane flew with two "license plates," perhaps the only one to manage that. The how and why of Cadet's choice of "c/n 6" is another mystery.
Cadillac SEE McCarroll
Cain Aircraft Corp, 10527 Gratiot Ave, Detroit MI.
Cain CC-14 [11191] (Aviation Heritage)

Sport CC-14 1931 (ATC 2-383) = 2pOhwM; 95hp Cirrus Hi-Drive; span: 34'0" length: 23'8" v: 110/93/35 range: 550. Side-by-side; parasol wing. $2,475; POP: 2 [11191, 11342].
1928: (Edmund B) Cairns Aircraft Corp, 62 Rubber Ave, Naugatuck CT.
A, AG-4 1930 = 2pOlwM; 90hp Cairns G (Gypsy); span: 36'6" length: 24'7" v: 140/110/40. All-metal; full-panted gear. Design based largely on Clark Robinson Special. Repowered with Szekely. POP: 1 [X752Y]this registration also appears on the tail of a 1p Cairns identified as AG-4.
Cairns AC-6 [X752Y] (Frank Rezich coll)

AC-6 1931 = 2pOlwM; 185hp Curtiss Challenger. A modification of the previous (substantial, too, judging by the major shift in horsepower); [X752Y].
AW-5 c.1931 = 2pOlwM, most likely AC-6 again, with 165hp Wright J-6.
Clark Robinson Special 1928 = 1pOlwM; 70hp Szekely SR-5; span: 29'0" length: 18'0". Cairns & Robinson. A rather racy-looking craft with full-panted wheels, named for the Hollywood set designer with whom Cairns had once worked. POP: 1, crashed in a flat spin (p: Bill Hershfield slightly injured) and was never rebuilt after litigation over some alleged patent infringement [X218H].
OG 1930 = 2pOlwM; 100hp Wright-Gypsy. POP: 1 [X329V], refitted with 165hp Wright J-6. Crashed when a wing separated in flight. Reportedly another version was partially constructed in late 1931, but placed in storage after this accident.
Caldwell SEE Gray Goose Cyclogyro
California Aeroplane Co, 743 Gough St, San Francisco CA.
1912 = Thought to have been the Black Diamond's contact address for its exhibition tours.
John J Montijo & Lloyd Royer, Glendale CA.
Coupe-Cabin 1924 = 4pCB; 300hp Hisso; span: 40'0" load: 1290# v: 112/x/48. Lloyd Royer; ff: 5/7/24 (p: John Montijo). Built in the rear of a hangar used by Kinner Aircraft Co. First had 200hp Hisso. Fuselage constructed from Haskelite bonded plywood. A 20-gallon wing tank was fed by a wind-driven pump from a 50-gallon reserve tank under floor. Destroyed in late 1925 during the filming of a movie when a camera truck accidentally ran into it.
California Aero
California Aero Mfg & Supply Co (fdr: Cleve F Shaffer), San Francisco CA.
1910 = Primarily glider construction, but several powered aircraft were built, as wellone was described as as 1pOB on runners, quite likely a Wright copy; span: 27'0", no other data found. SEE ALSO Meyerhoffer. Shaffer, a friend and admirer of aeronaut John J Montgomery, also organized the West's first flying association, Pacific Aero Club, and its first annual exhibition on 8/18/09, an "Air-Ship Show" at San Francisco's Dreamland skating rink that featured 25 aircraft and models. His sister, Geneve Shaffer, became our nation's first woman pilot on 9/1/09 when she soloed one of his gliders.
California Cub
California Aircraft Corp, 5866 South San Pedro St, Los Angeles CA.
California Cub D-1 [NC137W] (Frank Rezich coll)

D-1, D-1-K 1929 (ATC 2-271) = 2pOhwM; 90hp Lambert R-266; span: 37'9" length: 23'8" load: 517#. Lawrence Brown. Parasol wing. POP: 1 [NC137W]; became D-1-K when refitted with 100hp Kinner K-5 by Madson Flying Service of National City CA, c.1940.
California Cub D-2 [NC337H] (K O Eckland coll)
California Cub D-2 [NC337H] (Gene Palmer coll)

D-2 1930 (ATC 2-344) = 2pOhwM; 100hp Cirrus Mk III; span: 37'9" length: 23'10". POP: 1 [NC337H]. Design influence apparent in Brown's Courier MT-1.
Call (aka Girard)
1908: Aerial Navigation Co of America Inc (fdr: Henry Laurens Call), Girard KS. 1912: Ended operations.
Call Mayfly (Eaton Chronicles)
Call Mayfly (clip: 1909 Fly)
Call Mayfly Likely the smaller version (clip: unknown source)

Mayfly 1909 = A curiosity with a graceful, boatlike fuselage hung under free-form wings (span: 41'0") used two 20hp Curtiss motors to turn two tractor propellers (some reports say four props) at 1000rpm and carry 10 passengers, with luggage, from Girard to Chicago, in theory. In reality, its 3,000# mass refused to leave the ground. 1909 Jane's comment: "Closely resembles a Wright; recently smashed; re-building," which must reference one of Call's other planes since this hardly looked like a Wright product. Undaunted, Call next built a smaller, metal-framed version with 40hp motors, but that one, as well, remained steadfastly earthbound. Only one of Call's subsequent fanciful designsreportedly numbering 14finally made it into the air for varying lengths of time (specifically the Call II Monoplane with 30hp Harriman, a close copy of the French Nieuport), but the company, one of the first aircraft manufacturers west of the Mississippi, went bankrupt in 1912. See Sidebar
1940: (Ivan, Ruell T, Spencer) Call Aircraft Co, Afton WY. 1945: Acquired production materials from Interstate Aircraft Corp (design rights went to Harlow Aircraft Co). c.1954: North American Rockwell, Los Angeles CA. 1/1/59: Incorporated at Call-Air. 1962: Acquired by Intermountain Manufacturing Co (IMCO), Afton WY. 12/x/66: IMCO acquired by Aero Commander div of Rockwell-Standard. Production continued in utility and duster classifications through 1967 at Albany GA. 19??: Aero Commander, Intermountain (IMCO), Call-Air, S.L. Industries, Dynac, & Airplane Services Inc. 19??: Acquisition by Aerotek II, Afton WY.
A 1940 (ATC 758) = 2-3pClwM; 80hp Continental A-85; span: 36'0" length: 23'10" load: 565# v: 108/98/40 range: 475. Ivan Call, design based on Kinner Sportster. $3,500; POP: 1 prototype. Production delayed by WW2 until 1944.
A-1 1944 (ATC 758) = 2-3pClwM; 100hp Lycoming O-235; span: 35'9" length: 23'7" load: 550# v: 112/100/44 range: 400. $3,500; POP: see A-3.
Call A-2 [N2912V] (William T Larkins)

A-2 1946 (ATC 758) = 2-3pClwM; 125hp Lycoming O-290; length: 23'5" load: 520# v: 120/109/44 range: 455. $4,525; POP: see A-3.
Call A-3 [N33359] (Dan Shumaker)

A-3 1947 (ATC 758) = 2-3pClwM; 125hp Continental C-125; span: 35'9" length: 23'8" load: 530# v: 122/105/44 range: 360. POP total A-1 through -3: about 35. $4,750.
Call A-4 [N6028C] (Eut Tileston)

A-4 (Rockwell) 1953 (ATC 758) = Same as A-3 but with 135hp Lycoming O-290, and slight increase in performance.
A-5 (Rockwell) 1957 = 1pClwM crop sprayer developed from A-4; 150hp Lycoming O-320; span: 35'5" length: 23'9" load: 850# v: 100. $5800.
A-6 (Rockwell) 1958 = Same as A-5 but 180hp Lycoming O-360; load: 930# v: 120/110/42 range: 350.
A-7 (Rockwell) 19?? = 240hp Lycoming W-670.
Call-Air A-9 [N8234H] (William T Larkins)

A-9 (IMCO) 1963 = 1pClwM crop sprayer; 235hp Lycoming O-540; span: 35'5" length: 24'0" load: 1000# v: x/120/52. 620' take-off run. $9750; POP: 120 by 1965.
Call B-1A [N33359] (Dan Shumaker)

B-1, B-1A (IMCO) 1966 (TC A7WE, A8WE) = 1pClwM crop sprayer; 400hp Lycoming IO-720; span: 44'8" length: 30'6" load: 1500# v: 120/100/x range: 450. B-1A had 450hp P&W R-985. TCs acquired by Aerotek Call-Air B-1, B-1A (qv).
Super Cadet c.1946 = Post-war production of Interstate S-1A. POP: unknown.
Camair Div, Cameron Iron Works, Galveston TX; 1958: New Kingstown PA. 1966: Camair Aircraft Corp, Remsenburg NY.
CTN-A aka 480 Twin Navion 1953 (TC 2A2) = Executive twin conversion and modification of North American NAvion. 4pClwM rg; two 225hp Continental O-470. $39,000; POP: 1 prototype [N480E], unknown production.
CTN-B 1954 = 240hp Continental O-470B. POP: 28.
CTN-C 1960 = 260hp Continental IO-470D; span: 34'8" length: 28'0" load: 1373# v: 200/190/65.
CTN-D 196? = 300hp Continental IO-520; load: 1500# v: 215/200/60 range: 900 ceiling: 22,000'. Take-off run: 400', landing run: 600'.
California Aero Mfg & Supply Co, 441 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco CA.
1911 = Contemporary ads promised production of a biplane and a monoplane by this company that specialized in props, wheels, and other aeronautical specialties, but there is no record of actual planes being built.
Chicago Aircraft Mfg Corp, 6116 St Lawrence Ave, Chicago IL.
2 1927 = 3pOB; 180hp Hisso. Russell C Mossman. POP: 1 [1344]. Originally had a cantilever landing gear, later converted to conventional by Mossman. Partly destroyed by ground fire 1/8/30, possibly scrapped.
Mark M Campbell and R O Bone, Los Angeles CA.
Super Sport 1928 = 2pOhwM; 36hp Anzani; span: 30'0"; ff: 8/21/29. POP: 2 prototypes for Bone Golden Eagle C-5 [X236M, X7383], the first one of which crashed fatally on 9/5/29 (p: K W Gale).
Corwin B Campbell, Evanston IL.
CB 1931 = Unknown type; converted 45hp Franklin. [12076] c/n 1; reg cancelled 6/29/34 as "not in service."
John M Campbell, Tacoma WA.
Porpoise 1935 = 2pOMF (or Fb); 50hp Gnôme rotary. [12796].
(Hayden S) Campbell Aircraft Co, 526 North 2 St, St Joseph MO.
Campbell F [X280Y]

F 1935 = 2pClwM; 82hp Ford V-8 pusher; span: 36'0" length: 19'4" load: 535# v: 112/97/48 range: 350. Hayden Campbell, at the time VP of Barling Aircraft Co (of the same address). All-magnesium construction; monocoque fuselage pod; twin-boom, twin-tail; tricycle gear with steerable nosewheel. POP: 1 [X280Y] c/n 2; damaged in a demonstration flight and never repaired.
1944: Canadair Ltd (fdr: Benjamin W Franklin), no location. 1976: Government ownership. 1986: Acquired by Bombardier Aerospace. INFORMATION NEEDED
2-10 19?? = No data.
540 North Star 19?? = No data.
Argonaut 19??= No data.
CC-106 Yukon 19?? = POP: 12.
CC-109 SEE CL-66.
CC-144 Challenger 19?? = No data.
CC-150 Polaris 19?? = Modified UK Airbus A310 as RCAF cargo and transport. POP: ??.
Challenger 600 1978 = Bizjet. No data.
601 1983 = No data.
604 1995 = No data.
CF-5, NF-5 Freedom Fighter 1968 = No data.
CF-104 Starfighter = No data.
CF-116 Freedom Fighter = No data.
CF-111 - Original designation for CF-104.
Canadair CL-13

CL-13 Sabre 6 1950 = Licensed production of North American F-86 with Avro Orenda 14. POP: 1,025, included exports to Colombia, South Africa, West Germany.
CL-28 Argus 1957 = No data.
Canadair CL-41

CL-41 Tutor 1960 = Jet trainer. 2pClwM rg; GE J850CAN-40. POP: 210 for RCAF, included exports to Malaysia.
Canadair CL-44 [N123SW] (William T Larkins)

CL-44, Yukon 1959 = Licensed production of UK Bristol Britannica with R-R Tyne 515/10 engines; ff: 11/15/59. POP: 39.
CL-44D4 19?? = POP: 27, of which 1 converted as Conroy CL-44-0 Guppy at Santa Barbara CA.
CL-66, CC-109 Cosmopolitan 1960 = Licensed production of Convair 440 repowered with Napier Eland turboprops, later Allison 501. POP: 10 to RCAF.
Canadair CL-84 (Natl Aviation Museum, Canada)

CL-84, CX-84 Dynavert 1965 = 2pC tilt-wing V/STOL; two 1500hp Lycoming T53/LTC 1K-4C turboprops; span: 34'8" length: 53'8" load: 5225# v: 321/309/0 range: 420. POP: 4.
CL-215 1967 = Fire bomber; piston-engine forerunner of CL-415. 2pChwMAm; two 2100hp P&W R-2800 with 3-blade props; span: 93'10" length: 65'1" load: 15,160# v: 189/x/79 range: (ferry) 1720 ceiling: 20,000'; ff: 10/23/67. Hopper capacity: 1200 Igal of water refilled in flight by skim-scooping from nearby lakes and bays. Originally a floatplane, design was modifed as amphibian for more utility. POP: 125, including exports to France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Thailand, USA, Venezuela, Yugoslavia. Subsequent production and conversions as turboprop CL-21AT by Bombardier (qv).
CL-415 Super Scooper 1993 = Fire bomber evolved from CL-215. 2pChwMAm; two 2,380hp P&W-Canada PW123AF; span: 93'11" length: 65'1" v: 234/167/x; ff: 12/6/93. 13,500# workload. Commercial version seated 30 passengers.
CP-107 Argus 19?? = No data.
Canadair RJ-100LR [D-ALIT] (Harro Ranter via ASN)

CRJ-100, 200 (1987 = No data.
Global Express 1996 = No data.
PBY-5 Canso 1944 = No data.
Regional Jet CRJ-100 19?? = No data.
CRJ-200 19?? = No data.
CRJ-700 19?? = No data.
T-33 Silver Star 19?? = No data.
XT-42 19?? = No data.
Canadian Car & Foundry
1905: Canadian Car & Foundry, Turcot Quebec. c.1935: Aircraft production implemented, with contracts from several British and USA companies. 1957: Acquired by A V Roe Canada Co. 1962: Merged and restructured as subsidiary of Hawker Siddelley Canada.
CBY Loadmaster 1944 = 26p airfoil-fuselage; two P&W R-1830 Twin Wasps; span: 85'6" length: 53'11" height: 20'8" load: 10,100# v: 237/170/x range: 1025 ceiling: 24.000'; ff: 8/x/45 (p: Chalmers H Goodlin). Vincent J Burnelli. Development of Burnelli UB-14 projected for Canadian bush operations [CF-BEL-X]. Despite good test results and press reviews, the prototype failed to attract any buyers and it was eventually sold to various air carriers in Canada and South America. Design rights were sold to Airlifts Inc (Miami FL), then repurchased by Burnelli (Burnelli Avionics) and repowered with Wright R-2600s [N17N], but its heyday was over and it ended up in 1964 at New England Air Museum (CT) for restoration, where it was parked outside for a nearly a half-century and reportedly is presently rotting away instead. Model initials indicated CC&F partnered with Burnelli and Lowell Yerex (founder of Central American TACA airline ops).
Gregor FDB-1 [CF-BMB] (Aerofiles coll)
Gregor FDB-1 Wings cigarettes trading card c.1940. (K O Eckland coll)

Gregor FDB-1 (Model 10) 1938 = 1pCB rg; 700hp P&W R-1535-72, replaced by 750hp R-1535-SB4-G; span: (upper) 28'0" (lower) 23'7" length: 21'7" load: 1220# v: 275 (?>230)/205/60 range (est): 985; ff: 12/17/38 (p: George Ayde). Michael Gregor. Initialized for "Fighter Dive-Bomber," the gull-wing, flush-riveted metal ship was built for RCAF evaluation, but rejected for canopy frailty and pilot visibility problems despite better performances than Hurricane and Spitfire. Design influenced by Seversky, for whom Gregor had priorly worked. Occasionally seen as Continental FDB-1, reason unknown. POP: 1 [CF-BHB] c/n 201; lost in a 1945 hangar fire.
G-23 Goblin 1936 = Licensed production of Grumman FF-1/SF-1 export models with 700hp Wright R-1820-78. POP: total 53; 34 to Spain as Delfin (reportedly some units were assembled there), 16 to RCAF in 1940 as Goblin, and 1 each to Japan, Mexico, and Nicaragua.
Hawker Hurricane 1939 = Licensed production of the British fighter under license, with various modifications. POP: 1,400+.
CC&F Maple Leaf II [CF-BPU] (Dan Shumaker coll)

Maple Leaf I, II 1938 = 2pOB; 145hp Warner Scarab; span: 27'0" length: 23'6" load: 600# v: 118/101/x ceiling: 16,000'; ff: 10/31/39 (p: O C S Wallace) (data for II). Initially built-up from an acquired unfinished Kinner-powered project, Wallace Trainer, flight tests were unsatisfactory; POP: 1, project cancelled. In 1939, II was a major redesign by Elsie MacGill conceived as a RCAF trainer, but rejected as being too elementary and docile. POP: 1 [CF-BPU] and 2 as components, with jigs and plans, sold to Mexican AF, who assembled at least one of them as their Ares #2.
Mentor 1954 = Licensed production of Beechcraft T-34A for RCAF. POP: 100.
SBW Helldiver 1943 = Licensed wartime production of Lend-Lease export Curtiss SB2C-4E for RNAS and RCAF. POP: 834 SBW-1, -1B, -3, -4E, -5. Additional units also built by Canada Fairchild as SBF.
CanAmerican Inc, no lacation, most likely Canada.
S.G.VI and VI-E 1947/195? = 3pCH; 200hp Franklin 6A4-200-C6; rotor: 35'0" v: x/78/0. Gross wt: 2,550#. Bernard Sznycer. The first S.G.VI was developed by Engineering Products of Canada Ltd and tested in July 1947.
No data.
c.1950 = 1pOmwM "all-wing," No data.
Allen Canton & J Melcher, Bronx NY.
19?? = No data located on an early transatlantic giant constructed at Classon Point NY.
Cape SEE Troy
Safety Airplane Corp, Oakland Airport and El Cerrito CA.
Capelis XC-12 [X12762] getting prepped for a motion picture; that's Mr Capelis holding a yardstick (for unknown reasons). Site is Grand Central Air Terminal, Glendale CA (RKO via Paul Mantz coll)
Capelis XC-12 Revised cockpit and windows (Frank Rezich coll)
Capelis XC-12 Oakland Airport (William T Larkins)

XC-12 1933 = 12pClwM rg*; two 525hp Wright Cyclone; span: 55'0" length: 42'0" load: 3000# v: 220/190/65. Dr John E Younger; POP: 1 [X12762]. All-metal; triple biplane tail; *partly-retracting gear, which extended automatically when the throttle was closed. Funded by local Greek restaurateurs as a promotional aircraft, and constructed with help from University of California students. US patent #1,745,600 issued to Socrates H Capelis, of El Cerrito, in 1930 (a modified application for patent of the design with a half-span dorsal wing and two more engines appears in 1932). The main spar was bolted together, and much of the skin attached with P-K screws rather than rivets. These tended to vibrate loose, requiring tightening or replacing every few flights. Promotional tours were soon abandoned, and its career ended as a movie prop, appearing in ground roles* in several motion pictures ("Five Came Back" 1939, "Flying Tigers" 1942, others) before reportedly being scrapped c.1943. * Flying shots in films were of a model; the plane itself was grounded by the studio's insurance company.

You have Capelis XC-12 as scrapped c. 1943. I've seen this elsewhere, so I was surprised when I watched the Columbia 1950 release "On the Isle of Samoa" on TCM, which featured both the model and the full-scale ship. So it appears the old bird lasted longer than has been suggested! ( William Villan 4/7/07)
(Ernest J) Capen Aircraft Corp, Lincoln NB.
Parasol 1925 = 3pOhwM; 165hp Curtiss Challenger. POP: 1 [X240K] c/n 200.
Skyway aka Special 1928 = 4pOhwM; Anzani (replaced by165hp Curtiss Challenger). Parasol wing. Suffered control problems after a few flights, crashed and burned, killing Capen [X7974] c/n 100.
Capital Air
1928: Capital Aircraft Co Inc, Lansing MI. 1929: Relocated and renamed Royal Aircraft Corp, Royal Oak MI (qv)
Trainer 1928 = 2pOhwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D; span: 34'0" length: 24'9" load: 475# v: 100/85/35 range: 400. $2,875. POP: 2 recorded, [X130E] c/n 4, with 90hp OX-5 in 1935, and [X131E] c/n 5; possibly others. SEE ALSO Royal Trainer.
Capital SEE Hoppi-Copter
Caribbean Husky SEE Convair L-19
Helge L Carlson, LaGrange IL.
90-7D 1930 = 1pOM; 90hp LeBlond Aircat; span: 30'0". Used for sport and racing. [10518]. Reg cancelled 2/4/33. Carlson was an auto mechanic (1925), then part owner of Schafer & Anderson Motor Sales (1929).
Goodwin Carlson, Slayton MN.
Carlson Space Saver [14837] (May 1937 Popular Aviation)

Space Saver 1936 = 1pOhwM; 30hp Szekely. Folding wings for storage. POP: 1 [14837]. Reportedly one other Carlson creation appeared earlier, but no further info found on either of them.
(Ernest W) Aircraft Inc, E Palestine OH.
Sparrow 198? = 1pOhwM; 27hp Rotax 277; span: 30'2" length: 16'9" load:
246# v: 63/58/26 range: 200. Tricycle landing gear. Marketed kits. Also as
Sparrow Sport Special with 52hp Rotax 503; load: 305# v: 100/85/30.
Sparrow II 198? = 2pOhwM; 52hp Rotax 503. POP: 1 [N4CA].
1948: Carma Manufacturing Co, Tucson AZ.
VT-1 Weejet 1956 = Primary jet trainer. 2pCmwM rg; 920# Continental J69-T-9; span: 28'0" length: 24'0" load: 1970# v: 334/280/57; ff: 3/30/56 (p: Harold. Dale). Harold Dale. Side-by-side cockpit, V-tail. POP: 1 [N8209H].
Joseph R Carnes, Hillsboro IN.
1931 = Ford-powered home-built. No other data. [10714].
Carolina SEE Atwood
Dr C E "Chuck" Carothers, Lincoln NE.
Aerobatic Midwing Special 1981 = 1pCmwM; 200hp Lycoming IO-360. Deep, slab-sided fuselage; tiny wheels, wire-braced wing. [N44XP].
Merrell L Carpenter, Joplin MO and New Orleans LA.
1930 = 1pOB with a 45hp engine, described in Joplin Globe as a "1930 Carpenter with a General Engineering motor," registered in 1934 by Bayard Arnold Carpenter, New Orleans. POP: 1 [888Y] c/n BAC-3.
Special 1931 = 2pOB; 40hp Salmson AD-9. Built for Carpenter by Wilbur Staib in 1931, but unregistered until 1933. POP: 1 [NX63Y] c/n MLC-3, modified in 1949 by Charles Rawson and repowered with 85hp Continental (span: 21'0" length: 19'6" v: 110), then sold to Ed Kellar, who changed its name to Dea-Dea.
Walter J Carr, Saginaw MI; 1924: CSC Aircraft Co (Carr, John Coryell, Edward & Walter Savage), Saginaw.
1919 = 3pCB; Curtiss OX-5 pusher. One of the first planes to be equipped with wheel brakes, using motorcycle brake drums.
Maiden Saginaw 1925 = 3pChwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 42'0" v: x/85/x range: 400. Cantilever wing. Lack of funds cancelled production.
Carr Special [NR12844]

Special aka Junior 1932 = 1pOlwM; 125hp Warner Scarab (originally 90hp Curtiss OX-5; v: 156/x/50); span: 22'0". Gee Bee-style racer, built up from an old Travel Air fuselage [NR12844]. Did not fare well at the 1932 Nationals, was more successful in midwestern competitions, eventually ended up as a skywriter. Destroyed in a landing mishap c.1937. Carr was also designer of Paramount Cabinaire.
Raymond Carroll, location unknown.
c.1920 = Ultralight. 1pOB; 15hp Excelsior; span: 26'0" length: 16'0".
(Franklin) Carson Helicopters Inc, Perkasie PA.
Super C-4 c.1960 = 2-4p conversions of Bell 47G and 47G-2 helicopters with 240hp Franklin 6VS-335A.
1994: CarterCopters LLC (pres: Jay Carter Jr), Wichita Falls TX.
CarterCopter Heliplane [N121CC] (CarterCopters)

Heliplane Transport 1998 = 5p cabin gyrocopter hybrid; 300hp turbo Chevrolet Corvette V-6 pusher; rotor: 43'6" wingspan: 32'0" length: 22'4"; ff: 9/24/98 (p: Don Farrington). Projected gyroplane that would fly coast-to-coast on 125 gallons of gas at 400mph at 45,000' and break the µ barrier. Popular Mechanics Design & Engineering Award in 2000. POP: 1 prototype [N121CC].
(Don J) Carter-(Arnold B) Maxwell Co, RFD 4, N Kansas City MO.
C-M-2 1935 = 2pOM; 50hp Ford. [14496].
Carvair SEE Douglas DC-4
Casey Jones
JVW Corp, Newark NJ.
Flying Boat 1937 = 2pOMFb; 101hp Hudson auto engine buried in the hull, belt-driving the prop; v: x/80/x. Designed by Lee Warrender and Walter Hartung at Casey Jones Flying School. Inflatable rubber wing tips and floats. [X17866] c/n B-1. This registration also belongs to a Lycoming-powered Applegate LSA amphibian (but c/n 1), which could be a rebuild.
Thomas K Cassutt, Huntington Station NY.
Cassutt Special I [N20N]

Special I 1954 = 1pCmwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 14'11" length: 16'0" load: 360# v: 230/190/58 range: 500. TWA pilot Cassutt entered the 1958 Nationals with his prototype Jersey Skeeter [N20N] and came away with a championship. Since then many Cassuts, reportedly more than 150, were crafted by home-builders worldwide.
II 1957 = Longer-wing version; span: 15'0" load: 286# v: 235/180/67. In 1959 a Special II with 13'8" wing span is noted.
III 19?? = 1pClwM; 180 Lycoming; span: 18'2" length: 16'0".
William Darwin Caswell, San Francisco CA. 1910: fdr: Sunset Aviation Co, Alameda CA.
1910 = Another former auto racer, like Robert Fowler and Fred Wiseman (qv), who briefly took on the challenge of flight, Caswell is said to have constructed several "Blériot, Curtiss, and Farman type of planes" while he operated Sunset School of Aviation. Also like Wiseman, he gave it up in 1913 to go into automobile sales and service. When the US entered WW1, Caswell instructed in Army ground schools at UC Berkeley, but soon applied for enlistment in the Air Service. However, despite his flying abilities and because of his childhood loss of a leg, he was rejected by the Army, but managed to gain a commission from the French Air Service in Nov 1918, and was enroute for duty overseas just as the Armistice was signed. He then returned to selling cars in Los Angeles.
1908: Joseph L Cato, Alameda CA. 1909: Gustine CA. 1915-1941: Engr positions with Sloane, L-W-F, Marlin-Rockwell Co, McCook Field, Elias Brothers, and Emsco. 1941: Cato Aircraft and Engine Corp. (Interesting and detailed coverage of Cato's notable career and accomplishments can be found at Dr Ralph Cooper's web site.)
1909 = 1pOB "Curtiss type" with no data, built at Sunset Aviation Field, Alameda. He learned to fly in this machine.
1910 = 1pOmwM; 35hp 2-cyl Cato. No data found on Cato's first design, somewhat like a Blèriot XI.
1910-11 = Built two more 1pOB Curtiss pusher types.
Cato and engine (Phyllis Cato Ferguson via Dr Ralph Cooper)
Cato (Drina Welch Abel coll)

1911 or 1912 = 1pOB; pusher engine rebuilt from Pope-Toledo auto motor.
Cato Bounds (Phyllis Cato Ferguson via Dr Ralph Cooper)
Cato Bounds at Fort Bliss (Andres Bunsow via Emma Ochoa Bunsow)

Bounds 1915 = 1pOB; rotary (very likely Cato's first radial development); no specs found. Cato design built for Overton "Rusty" Bounds, a popular stunt pilot, as his first exhibition plane 1915-16. Photos show it to have undergone a replacement rotary in 1915, one being the French type with clockwise (dextrorotatory) rotation and the other his own creation that ran counter-clockwise (levorotatory); which was installed first is unknown.
Cato-LWF Butterfly (Phyllis Cato Ferguson via Dr Ralph Cooper)

Butterfly SEE L-W-F Butterfly.
Cato Sport Plane (Drina Welch Abel coll)

Sport Plane (L-W-F) 1919 = 1pOhwM; 72hp 2-cyl Cato; span: 29'0" length: 20'10" load: 727# v: 68/x/25 ceiling: 12,000'. Cato was an early designer for L-W-F and this plane is often called the L-W-F-Cato. Monocoque fuselage made from three layers of cedar sheeting; fuel and oil tanks on top of wing. Described as landing (at minimum speed) to a stop in 45'power-on landing in 120'take-off in 50', and that "a man can run alongside and keep up with the plane until the wheels leave the ground." It is unclear if L-W-F actually built this plane as a company project or if Cato did in his spare time. Cato also designed the 1928 convertible Elias EC-1.
Catron & Fisk
SEE ALSO Fisk, International
1917: (J W) Catron & (Edwin) Fisk, 732 Marine St, Venice CA. 1925: Reorganized as International Aircraft Corp.
1919 = 1pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 18'0" v: 110. Sport model with plywood-covered, octagonal-shaped fuselage; I-struts. Also as 2p with 29'0" wings as utility model; v: 90. Originally the Fisk Biplane.
Catron & Fisk CA-11

CF-11 1924 = 3-4pOB; 150hp Hisso A; span: 37'0" length: 26'0" load: 1000# (once lifted 1360#) v: 127/90/45 range: 550. Plywood, eight-sided-fuselage progenitor of International. POP: 2 [2675, x]. The first one, designed for aerial mapping, with 200hp Curtiss E-2, christened Constance for the wife of its first owner, was used for a while as an aerial camera ship, then was purposely destroyed in a crash sequence in the film, "Air Hostess" (Columbia 1933). The second, dubbed Jail Bait by movie pilot Frank Clarke, cleaned up a bit in design and with 90hp OX-5, was destroyed when its wings sheared off during aerobatics.
CF-13 c.1925 = Similar to CF-11 except for differences in fuselage construction. POP: 1 [3404].
CF-14 (CF-10) Triplane c.1925 = 4pCT; three 65hp Ford-T auto engines; span: 45'0". All-wood construction of bonded Haskelite, double interplane struts, fuselage-mounted undercariage. First revision with two 90hp Curtiss OX-5, redesigned wide-tread landing gear mounted under the engines; second revision with 8p cabin, balanced ailerons, "I" struts, doubled wheels, triplane tail. POP: 1, became International CF-10 entry in 1927 Dole Race as Pride of Los Angeles with 230hp Wright J-5; crashed into San Francisco Bay before the race.
1920 Catron & Fisk triplane (J W Underwood coll via Avn Heritage)
1920 Catron & Fisk triplane (clip via David Hatfield)

Sport Triplane 1921 = 1pOT; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 20'0" v: 90. All-wood construction. Later with Hall-Scott L-6 (Liberty 6). POP: 1 special design for the Curtiss Cup Race and competitions and derbies.
Carlos E Catt, Petersburg IN.
1935 = 2pOM; 40hp Ford. [15183] c/n 316.
Cavalier SEE Trans-Florida
Victor Cavasino, Bismark ND.
A 1930 = 1pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5, later replaced with Hisso A; span: 30'0" length: 24'0". [3W]. Destroyed in a crash 4/2/34.

On 5/15/29 Arthur Brand and Leslie Smith, owners of Bismark Flying School, bought the wrecked Swallow [3831] for its engine, which was used by Cavasino, the school's flight instructor, in building this plane. ( John M Jarratt 10/14/02)
Ed Caviezel Jr, Kenosha WI.
Sport 1 1928 = Unknown type; Lawrance. [10030].
Rogers Construction Co, Gloucester NJ.
CD Air Express (EAA)

Air Express 1925 = 1pOB; span: 52'0" length: 34'6" load: 1840# v: 105. Charles Day. Mail plane partially built in 1921 by Rogers, but the customer defaulted, and the plane sat in storage until its purchase in 1925 by Charles Dickinson, of Chicago, at which time it was completed. Not that it's critical, the initials honor Dickinson, not designer Day. SEE ALSO Aerial Transport.
C-E Aeroplane Works, (office) New York NY (plant) Anderson IN.
C-E A-12 Construction (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)
C-E A-12 3-view (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)

A-12 Transcontinental Triplane 1916 = 8-12pT; two 150hp Sturtevant 8; span: 56'0" length: 29'3" v: 98/90/48; climb: 900 fpm. Gross wt: 7088#. Plywood clad fuselage, cloth covered; one-piece wings with tubular steel spars glued and nailed to wooden trusswork (Eiffel #37 airfoil). "Six 40-gal fuel tanks in the body and one 30-gal tank above each motor" claimed sufficient for flights of 20-25 hours. Land and water version projected. Extent of construction or flight, if any, is unknown. Note the cockpitlike cut-out in the engine nacellewe wonder if that was fresh-air seating for the pilot(s)?
E-C-13 Triplane Tractor 1916 = Advertised 4/19/16 as partly constructed but lacking 820hp engines [sic: plural]; possibly never finished.
Central SEE Lamson
Central Aircraft Co, Mahaska KS.
1927 = 3pOhwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 35'0" length: 21'9" load: 650# v: 112/x/35. [2861]. Rebuilt dnd converted to 3pOB with 100hp OXX-2 by Ernest Barton as Barton 100 and reregistered 9/15/28 as [7631]; span: 35'0" length: 21'10". Reg cancelled 7/18/30.
Central Aircraft Corp (pres: Preston M Neilson), Keyport NJ.
c.1941 = Took over former Aeromarine Co plant and was, as stated in 1942 Jane's: "... engaged in experimental and developmental work as well as ... subassemblies for other manufacturers. Its own experimental work is concerned with the development of high-speed military aircraft and this work has progressed to the point of production of wind-tunnel models."
Central States
1926: Central States Aero Co Inc, Wallace Field, Bettendorf IA, formed to back Don Luscombe's projects. 1927: Renamed Central States Aircrfaft Co. 1928: Reorganized as Mono Aircraft Co, Moline IL.
Monocoupe 22 [NC6725] (Frank Rezich coll)

Monocoupe 22 1927 (ATC 22) = 2pChwM; 60hp Anzani; span: 30'0" length: 19'9" load: 475# v: 95/80/38 range: 400 ceiling: 8,000'; ff: 4/6/27 (p: E K "Rusty" Campbell). Clayton Folkerts, Donald Luscombe. The first cabin light monoplane to receive an ATC. The first three planes were built in the Wallace Brothers' workshops. $2,375-3,750; POP: about 25 [1025/1027, 4138, 4891, 5726, 6725, 6743, 7003, et al]. Also powered by 55hp Velie M-5, 60-75hp Detroit Air-Cat [1025], and 70hp Ryan-Siemens SH-13. SEE ALSO Mono.
Central Washington
Central Washington Air Service, Wenatchee WA.
1931 = 2pOM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 30'0" length: 19'0". POP: 1 [10628] c/n 3. Reported as not in use after 11/12/32, reg cancelled 1/31/34.
SEE Beal
1929: Century Aircraft Co, Kansas City MO.
Century SMB-4 [X559E] (Frank Rezich coll)

Apparently this is Beal Centurion (or Centurian) (qv), from recent sleuthing by historian Jarratt. There is also minor conjecture is that this and the following outfit might have been the same or allied in some way. However, principals in the Kansas City company were F E Wilcox, Ray W Wilcox, Archie F Siegling, and R H Brainerd, and in Chicago they were Manuel Cooper, H J Bluestone, and J H Wendt, which suggests otherwise.
Century Aircraft Corp, 715 W 22 St, Chicago IL.
Amphibian Monoplane aka Sea Devil c.1930 = 16pChwMAm; three
325hp Hisso; span: 72'6" length: 43'0" load: 5800# range: 1400. Metal-covered wood structure. Main landing gear fitted to short stub sponsons. A smaller, single-engine prototype was in the works 1932 but probably was not finished. [47N].

There is one [47N] on the registers 1930-33. During 1930-32 it is described as a single-engine (Hisso) amphibian. Then, suddenly in 1933, it's registered as 'Century Amphibian Monoplane' with three Hissos! I have an article with photos showing construction of a large tri-motor amphibian with '47N' in big letters painted on it. The name "Sea Devil" is mentioned in the article, as well. Perhaps they reserved the number 47N while experimenting with the single-engine amphibian, then switched it to a three-motor thing. ( Lennart Johnsson)
Cessna-Roos SEE Cessna
Chadwick Helicopters Intl, Sherwood OR.
C-122S Rainbow 1990 = 1pCH; 63hp Rotax 503; rotor: 18'6" length: 19'0" load: 249# v: 115/73/0 range: 125. Four-bladed rotor.
Challenger SEE Kreider-Reisner C-2
Hosea James Challis, Rensselaer IN.
1933 = 2pOmwM; 35hp Ford T. [13510] c/n 1002.
Parasol 1937 = 1pOhwM; 39hp Scorpion. [20484] c/n 1003. Gunston lists a Harold R Davis as building a Challis Special 1pCM in 1956, but no data were found, and its relativity here is only a guess.
Chamberlin, Crescent
1929: (Clarence D) Chamberlin Aeronautical Corp, Jersey City NJ. 1930: Crescent Aircraft Corp Aircraft Corp (pres: C D Chamberlin), 372 Lembeck Ave, Jersey City. 1930: Bankruptcy. 1939: Reorganization.
1927 = Constructed by Ludington Co, this two-winged lightplane project was said to have a 60' take-off run and would land in 75'; SEE Ludington.
Chamberlin 2-S (C D Chamberlin)

2-S (Crescent) 1939 = 2pOlwM rg; 100hp Chamberlin-Rover; span: 34'0" length: 23'4" load: 725# v: 130/115/42 range: 500-600. All-metal, monocoque fuselage, tandem cockpits. Advertising tells of availability as Cadet with 125hp Chamberlin-Rover, and Pursuit Trainer with 150-165hp Chamberlin-Rover, but possibly only one prototype actually built, and might be the original version of C-5.
A 1930 = Unspecified type with 300hp Wright, possible ChwM prototype of C-81. [9769] c/n 1.
C-2 Trainer 1930 = 2pOhwM; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 32'0". Parasol folding-wing primary trainer for Chamberlain School of Aviation. POP: 1 [166H].
C-5 Super Sport, -5A Pursuit Trainer (Crescent) 1939 = 2pOlwM rg; 125hp Chamberlin-Rover; span: 34'0" length: 21'4" v: 175/160/45 range: 500, or 150hp Warner Scarab; length: 22'4" v: 220/200/45 range: 500-600. Very likely this is a renaming of 2-S, as the year and specs are so similar.
C-81 (Crescent) 1931 (ATC 2-355) = 8pChwM; 300hp Wright R-975. POP: 1 prototype of C-82 [NC60W].
Chamberlin C-82 [NC69K] (C D Chamberlin)

C-82 (Crescent Transport) (Crescent) 1931 (ATC 2-343) = 7pChwM; 300hp Wright Whirlwind J-6; span: 48'0" length: 28'11" (?>28'6") load: 1260# (?>2100#) v: 130/110/50 range: 600. Clarence Chamberlin. $12,500; POP: 1 [NC69K]. Available as 8p with 450hp P&W Wasp Jr for $15,000, but none was built.
Puddle Jumper 1928 = 2pOB; 80hp Cirrus; span: 20'0" length: 18'0" load: 500#. Had "a few parts" from a Sperry Messenger. [X4248] c/n .
A A Chambers, Hornell NY.
High-wing 1928 = OhwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [7891].
Russell Chambers, Pomona CA.
Chambers R-1 [NX95Y] (Frank Rezich coll)

R-1 1938 = 1pClwM rg (manual); 90hp Menasco B-4; span: 13'10" length: 17'4". Tom Floyd. POP: 1 racer [NX95Y} Chambermaid, originally dubbed Phantom.
Trainer 1931 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5 (possibly first had a Velie). Registered as [503] c/n 1, but sold to Cadet Aircraft Co before numbers were painted on the plane. SEE Cadet entry above for the major mix-up this caused.
Champion Airplane Co (Lester F Bishop), Chicago IL.
1915 = 2pOB. No data.
1932: Champion Aircraft Corp (fdr: H S Myhres), Downey CA, in former Emsco plant.
B-1 1932 (ATC 2-409) = 1pOhwM; 23hp Cyclomotor. An ultralight trainer, the design based on Cycloplane with similar data. POP: 2 [12261, 14989]. Company only lasted about one year.
R-D-A 1932? = A low-power Champion aircraft, undescribed and lacking data, but with a 40hp Echo, was quite possibly the work of Myhres here. [265Y] s/n 2.
Champion Aircraft Corp (fdr: Robert Brown), subsidiary of Flyers Service Inc, Osceola WI. 1954: Acquired rights to Aeronca 7. 1970: Acquired by the revived Bellanca Aircraft Corp/Bellanca Sales Corp (aka Inter-Air). 1982: Acquired by Champion Aircraft Co (unrelated; SEE next entry), Houston TX. 1989: Certain assets and rights acquired by American Champion Aircraft Corp, Rochester WI.
Champion Lancer (Ron Dupas)
Champion Lancer [N9928Y] (Eddie Coates)

402 Lancer 1961 = Modernized 7FC with two 100hp Continental O-200-A; span: 34'6" length: 22'3" load: 660# v: 130/124/43 range: 744 ceiling: 17,500'; ff: 10/x/61 [prototype N9924Y]. Production didn't begin until Mar 1963. $12,500; POP: 23. Data also found as having two 95hp Continental C-90-12F; span: 35'2" length: 21'8" v: 135/105/40. Advertised as a thrifty multi-engine time-builder, but that might have been a twin variation of 7FC; POP: 2.
7EC Traveler 1955 (TC A21CE) = 2pChwM; 90hp Continental C-90-12F. Dimensions similar to Aeronca 7EC; span: 35'2" length: 21'6" load: 590# v: 110/100/45 range: 290. POP: 1. Also offered in a Deluxe version with more luxury appointments. Series continued as Bellanca product.
Champion 7ECA [N11059] (Eddie Coates coll)

7ECA Citabria 1964 = Major redesign of 7EC, short-span wing, squared tail. 100hp Continental O-200A; span: 33'5" length: 22'8" load: 700# v: 112/107/50 range; 900. Optional 115hp Lycoming O-235-C1; load: 670# v: 117/112/50 range: 728.
Champion 7FC [N7557B] (Roger Cain)

7FC Tri-Taveler 1957 = Tri-gear version of 7EC; length: 21'8" load: 532# v: 135/108/40 range: 500 (specs are from a 1957 Flying review and the disparity in airspeeds with 7EC and same engine begs a question). POP: ??. Evolved into 402 Lancer.
Champion 7GC (art: company brochure)

7GC Sky-Trac 1959 = Improved 3p Aeronca 7EC with 140hp Lycoming O-290-D2-B; span: 33'5" length: 22'1" load: 719# v: 160/120/42 range: 638 ceiling: 18,100'. Approved for floats and as an ag plane.
7GCAA Citabria 1965 = 7ECA with 150hp Lycoming O-320-A2B; span: 33'5" length: 22'8" load: 590 v: 130/125/50 range: 537; ff: 5/30/65. Became American Champion Citabria Adventure in 1998.
Champion 7GCB [N9835Y] (Eddie Coates coll)

7GCB, 7GCBA Challenger 1962 = 7EC with flaps and longer wing. 150hp O-320-A2B; span: 34'6" length: 21'1" load: 600# v: 162/125/36 range: 630 ceiling: 17,500'. $8,650; POP: 22. Also offered in a Deluxe version and as 7GCBA ag sprayer.
7GCBC Citabria 1965 = Similar to 7ECA with new engine, flaps. 150hp O-320-A2B; span: 34'6" length: 22'8" load: 540# v: 128/125/45 range: 537; ff: 12/1/65. Optional 108hp Lycoming O-235-C1; v: 116/112/45 range: 537.
Champion 7HC art (ad: Aero Digest)

7HC DX'er 1958 = 3pChwM similar to 7GC Sky-Trac; tricycle gear. Approved for ag work with Sorenson spraying system. POP: 1 [N8559E], still active in VA at the end of 1999.
Champion 7JC [N8960R]

7JC Tri-Con 1960 = Deluxe 7FC with reverse-direction tri-geara steerable third wheel was under mid-fuselage. $6,695; POP: 20, which were all reportedly* converted to 7EC before leaving the factory with s/ns 7JC-1/-20, but registered as 7EC in 1960. However, our featured plane, [N8960R] c/n 7JC-4, is presently on FAA regs as a 7JC, so this is a knot yet to be unkinked. * (researcher Joe Schmidt 7/10/00)
7KCA c.1965 = First experiment in aerobatic version of the Champ. 2pChwM; 160hp Lycoming IO-320-A2B; span: 28'5". Spring-steel gear.
7KCAB Citabria 1968 = Aerobatic version of 7KCA with inverted system. 160hp Lycoming IO-320-A2B; span: 33'5" length: 22'8" load: 575# v: 133/125/50 range: 537 ceiling: 17,000'.
8GCBC Scout - Enlarged 7GCBC. No production noted.
8KCAB Citabria Pro 1968 = Aerobatic development of 7KCAB with 200hp Lycoming IO-360; ff: 8/2/68. POP: 1 prototype [N5143T]. In 1970 it was redesigned and strengthened, and refitted with 150hp IO-320, but by then the company had fallen into financial straits and closed down shortly thereafter.
Champion Olympia (Ron Dupas)

Olympia 1962 = Deluxe 7GC Sky-Trac with redesigned swept-tail and 150hp Lycoming O-320-A2B; v: x/135/x. IFR panel, wheel pants.
1982: B&B Aviation, aka Champion Aircraft Co (unrelated to the previous) (pres: Jack Burden), Hooks Memorial Airport, Houston TX, on acquisition of Bellanca Champion holdings. 1985: Ended operations. 1990: Acquired by American Champion Aircraft Corp.
Citabria 1983 = Continuation of part of the acquired Bellanca Champion line. Only two planes are known built, one as Citabria 150S (7GCBC) and another as Scout (8GCBC), with data similar to the Bellanca models.
(Kenneth) Champion SEE Jupiter
Chance Vought SEE Vought
Fred C Chanonhouse, Squantum MA.
Stevens (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)

1915 = 2pOBFb; Sturtevant pusher; no other data found. George Armitage. Built for Stevens in 1914-15, Providence RI. Chanonhouse, production superintendent at Sturtevant Co, was reported as having built "a number of different types of machine for private use," which were for the main undocumented and unrecorded.
Chaparral Motors, Polmar Lake CO.
2T-1A 19?? (A18EA) = Development of Great Lakes 2T-1A.
1929: (Ralph) Charles Airplane & Motor Co, 140 S 5th St, Zanesville OH.
1928 = 2pOB; 150hpHisso A (or 180hp E?). Builder is shown in regs as Leona M Charles, Dayton OH (wife of Ralph Charles). POP: 2 [2026, 2494], shown as c/n 10 and c/n 11, with the first one also registered as the Charles Airplane Co Flivver 3p monoplane (SEE entry below).
A c.1929 = No data. POP: 1, registered as [3135] c/n 6914 with no data. It was not uncommon for builders to begin production with c/n 10 or 1000 or, for that matter, any number they chose, so most likely '6914' had some special meaning to someone.
E-1 1928 = Unknown type with Lawrance L-3. POP: 1 [2840] c/n 101.
Flivver 1929 = 3pM with 180hp Hisso E. This smacks of a lightplane project, at least its name so implies. POP: 1 [2026] c/n 10. From an ad in a 1930 Western Flying: "For sale - 3-place monoplane with 180hp Hisso motor, not yet one year old, in fine condition, $1,050; 3-place biplane, 180hp Hisso motor and in fine shape, $650. Both planes are ready to fly away. Neither has ever been in a crack-up. Ralpe [sic] Charles, Zanesville, Ohio."
MA-1 1929 = Unknown type with Charles 450 motor. POP: 1 [7417] c/n 2001.
P D Charles, Gettysburg PA.
R-1 c.1930 = This OX-5 type is in the registers as [890N] c/n 1 with no attendant description or data.
Charliss-Wendling Automatic Aeroplane Co. Location unknown.
1910 = No data.
1943: Chase Aircraft Co (fdr: Michael Stroukoff), Trenton NJ. 1953: Acquired by Kaiser-Frazer. c.1954: Ended operations. SEE ALSO Stroukoff.
C-122 Avitruc 1948 = Cargo and troop transport. 30pChwM; two 1100hp P&W R-2000 Twin Wasps; span: 95'8" length: 61'8" v: 220 range: 2900. Gross wt: 32,000#. Developed from 1946 all-metal XCG-18A troop glider; ff: 11/18/48. POP: 1 prototype YC-122 as a motorized conversion from YCG-18A [47-641].
YC-122A 1948 = Two 1350hp R-2000. POP: 2 [48-1639/1640].
YC-122B 1949 = Repowered with 1425hp Wright R-1820s. POP: 1 conversion from C-122A.
Chase YC-122C [49-2879] (USAF)

YC-122C 1950 = Service trials for 18th AF. POP: 9 [49-2879/2887 ].
Chase XC-123A [47-787] (Johan Visschedijk coll)
Chase C-123B with tipjets [52-1627] (USAF)

C-123 Avitruc, C-123A Provider 1949 = XG-20 powered glider fitted with two 1900hp P&W R-2800-83; ff: 10/14/49. POP: 1 as XC-123 [47-786], 1 as C-123A (with four paired J47s underwing; ff: 4/21/51 as the first US jet transport) [47-787], and 5 as C-123B in 1953 as pre-production models [52-1627/1631] for Fairchild C-123B.
H M Chase & M F H Gouverneur, Wilmington NC.
1910 = 1p multiplane; 40hp motor; span: 16'0" length: 30'0". Gross wt: 1200#. Framed in aluminum, described as being "somewhat like the Wright's in general plan," but this is tempered with its having "a series of planes" (the number unspecified). It flew short hops at about five feet altitude on 11/14/11, at aptly-named Wrightsville Beach, but there is no record of any flights after that.
No data.
1 1982 = 1pClwM. Strut-braced wings, conventional gear, streamline wheel fairings; [N62Y].
Milton A Chester, Bristol PA.
K-L-A-C 1929 = 2pCM; 32hp Lawrance. [X531E].
Chester, A R C
Art Chester, Chicago IL. Air Racing Chester.
Chester Jeep and Art Chester [R12930] (J W Caler coll)
Chester Jeep [R12930] (Frank Rezich coll)

Special #1 aka Jeep 1932 = 1pOmwM; 125hp Menasco C-4S; span:
16'8" length: 15'0". Racer for 1933-35 Nationals competitions [NR12930] (p: Art Chester); ff: 8/x/32. Modified with new wings as Jeep for 1936-37 races. Original airframe was donated to EAA, and was reportedly undergoing Ray Goss restoration in 1997. Named after Eugene the Jeep, as were Chester's later racers named for Alice the Goon, baby Swee' Pea, and J Wellington Wimpy, all characters in the "Popeye" comic strip (aka "Thimble Theatre").
Chester Goon [NX93Y] (WASM coll)
Chester Goon [NX93Y] "in the nude" (Ian MacFarlane coll)

Special #2 aka Goon 1938 = 1pCmwM; 290hp Menasco C-6; span: 18'6" length: 21'4". Greve and Thompson racer [NX93Y] Goon (p: Chester). Sold to Bill Falck in 1947.
Swee' Pea 1947 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 17'8" length: 16'0". POP: 2 midget racers: Y-tailed [NX8400H] Swee' Pea and [N4000K] Swee' Pea II, aka ARC from corporate name, Air Race Chester. Swee' Pea sold to Chester's mechanic, Lynn Kauffold, and was modified with conventional tail as Sky Baby (span: 18'6" length: 17'6") [N8400H] (p: Bill Broadback, Lynn Kauffold, Paul Penrose). Swee' Pea II crashed at San Diego on 4/24/49, killing Chester.
Wimpy 1948 = 1pCmwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 18'6". Midget racer, similar to Swee' Pea II, but with conventional tail; destroyed in testing 1948 [N8001H].
c.1911: Chicago Aeroplane Mfg Co, Chicago IL.
1911 - Exhibition biplane, no data. Reported Max Lillie involvement to some unknown degree. Very likely this is the same as the following entry, operating under a different or variant name.
1909: Chicago Aero Works (pres 1909-19: Herbert S Renton), 326 River St, Chicago IL.
Star Junior side-view (Chicago Historical Society via J M Jarratt)

Star Junior 1917 = 1pOB; 18-20hp 3-cyl Star Aeromotor; span: 20'0" length: 16'6" load: 190# v: 60/x/38. John B Rathbun or Max Stupar. Appears to be a basic design for other, larger models, plans for all of which were advertised for $5.00. $1,000 (incl crating); POP: unknown but, according to a company brochure, many aircraft were supplied since 1911 with their brand, mostly custom jobs for individuals (Victor Carlstrom and Hillery Beachey were named). SEE ALSO Stupar.
Star Junior Sport c.1928 = OB with 60hp 4-cyl Curtiss; span: 20'6" length: 17'8". One registered c.1928 to Aubrey M Barnes, who reportedly rebuilt it in 1929 and dismantled it in 1930 for storage. Another registration in 1929 names Harry Taylor (Chanute KS) [888N] c/n 13.
Star Tractor 1916 = OB with unknown 60-70hp motor. $2,700 (incl crating, less instruments). No data on this one, yet another in a series of either built or planned light airplanes, included Military Tractor and Speed Scout.
Chicago Aviation
Chicago Aviation Co/Chicago Aviation School, Chicago IL; aka dba Viking Aircraft Co (pres: Leon Morgan). 10/12/28: Filed for bankruptcy.
Viking 10-A 1928 - 4pCM; 120hp Anzani; span: 36'0" length: 26'1". POP: 1 [NC4625], built for Detroit Air Show, sold to Greer College. Company secretary, J C Bryan (and Charles Laird) built Bryan-Laird B-1B [516K] for Greer College in 1929, which could be this plane, reregistereda NASM abstract mentioned that he was streamlining it.
Chicago Helicopter
Chicago Helicopter Ltd, Chicago IL.
Chicago Helicopter (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)

1924 = 2pOH; no data. Designed and built by William T Strong.
Chicago Javelin SEE Locomotive
1929: Chicago-Midwest Aircraft Co, Dayton OH. 1930: Dayton Aircraft Corp, Keowee and Monument Sts, Dayton.
Chicago-Midwest (unknown magazine clip)
Chicago-Midwest twin SEE note below (Musem of Flight)

X-101 aka Dayton Overmount X 1929 = 10pChwM; two 525hp Wright R-1750 Cyclone tractor-pushers in tandem; span: 67'8" length: 51'0" v: x/140/x. The motors mounted on a pylon over the midsection; wing purchased from Fokker Corp. Boasted a take-off run of only 225'. POP: 1 [X3094]. After 80 hours' worth of successful flights, its motors were converted to side-by-side tractors, then it was sold in 1934, and ignobly converted into a concession stand at Lansing airport.

In the second photo, notice how the nose/cockpit area and wing attach point are very different from the photo of the tandem installation. Had they produced a new fuselage? ( Dennis Parks, MOF 7/12/07)
Chickasha Aeroplane Co, Chickasha OK.
1911 - No data.
Chiquet-Van Zandt
L F Chiquet and H Van Zandt, White Plains NY.
Aerial Turbine 1936 = 2pC?; two 25hp Henderson. [16797].
Simon Chilleen, Oak Park IL. Fitton name or role unknown.
H-22 Special 1933 = 1pOlwM; Cirrus Mk III; span: 14'6" length: 12'8". Racer designed by Orville Hickman for the Nationals [R12936], but reportedly crashed in Kentucky on the way to participate in its first race (p: David Bishop).

My Uncle Sie (Simon) Chilleen built this airplane in our basement to race at the Cleveland Air Races in the early 1930s. He had to remove the wings in order to get the plane out of the basement This was. A family story handed down several generations was that the little plane crashed before the race. Uncle Sie later moved to Arizona later in the 1930s to teach aircraft sheet metal work at Phoenix Technical High School for many years. ( Dick Chilleen 11/23/03)
Phil Chipman, Anaheim CA.
Challenge c1976 = 2pClwM, 33hp Canadian Curtiss-Wright snowmobile pusher engine; load: 300#.
Joseph Chmielewski, Cleveland OH.
1A 1937 = 2pCB; 80hp Franklin. [18383].
Chris Tena
Chris Tena, Hillsboro OR. 1978: Sport Air Craft Corp.
Mini Coupe 1971 = 1pOlwM; 65hp VW 1600cc; span: 22'4" length: 16'4" load: 331# v: 105/90/43 range: 300 ceiling: 12,500' ff: 9/6/71. All-metal; twin rudders, tri-gear. Marketed plans and kits for home-builders.
Christen Industries Inc (fdr: Frank L Christensen), Hollister CA. 1991: Acquired by Aviat Aircraft Inc, Afton WY.
A-1 Husky SEE Aviat A-1.
Eagle I c. 1980 = 1pCB; 260hp Avco Lycoming; span: 19'11" length: 18'6" load: 481# v: x/165/56. Intended solely for unlimited class aerobatic competition. Available in kit form from Autumn 1982.
Eagle II 1977 = 2pCB; 200hp Avco Lycoming AEIO-360-A; span: 19'11" length: 18'6" load: 550# v 184/160/58 range: 380. More than 500 kits had been ordered by 1982, including Eagle I. The Roman numerals signified one- and two-place models, which explains why II was built before I.
Harvey Christensen, no location.
1948 = 1pCmwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 16'0" length: 16'7". Midget racer Zipper [NX5713N].
1910: (Dr William Whitney) Christmas Aeroplane Co, Washington DC. c.1912: Durham Christmas Aeroplane Sales & Exhibition Co. 1918: Cantilever Aero Co, Copiague, NY.
1912 = 3pOB; 50hp Gyro rotary pusher; span: 40'0". Swept-back wings with wing ailerons; advertised as being an "automatically balanced" aircraft. Appeared at the NYC Aero Show, and later flew at Mineola with a 75hp Roberts replacement.
c.1913 = 1pOB; tractor motor. Claimed construction; was advertised in magazines as an all-steel "armed military machine" as late as 1915, but production is unknown, and military records do not indicate they ever had a copy.
Christmas 1915 (ad: 1915 Flying)

1915 = 1pOB, no data found.
Aerial Express 1928 - A Burnelli-like design for an intercontinental airliner of huge dimensions. Something like 100 passengers, and cargo, were to be housed in the thick wing. Eight powerful engines in two groups were to drive two huge propellers. Not built. (NASM has a drawing of it.)
Christmas Bullet (Aeronautics)

Bullet 1918 = 1pOswB; 185hp Liberty 6 (prototype) and 200hp Hall-Scott L-6; span: (upper) 28'0" (lower) 12'0"; length: 21'0". William Christmas, Vincent J Burnelli (admitted to fuselage design only). Controversial cantilever design for a military scout had flexing, unbraced wings with interconnected trailing-edge ailerons; veneer-clad fuselage. POP: 2, built at Continental Aircraft, Amityville NY. Prototype destroyed after in-flight structural wing failure on 12/30/18 (?>1/14/19) at Staten Island's South Beach, killing test pilot Frank Mills, and the second crashed for similar reasons on 5/1/19. A patent for the Bullet design was reputedly granted in 1914, and the US government, facing his infringement lawsuit in 1923, allegedly bought the rights to his movable ailerons for $100,000; however, none of this has never been substantiated and most likely occured only in his publicity. US patent #1,797,326 issued to Dr Christmas in 1931 for a flying-wing aircraft shows his continued design involvement at that time, but there is no record of it being produced. His oft-noted claim of more than 100 aeronautical patents is somewhat exaggerated, and is more like 10 to 15 at most.
Christmas Red Bird (Aerial Age)

Red Bird 1909 = 1pOB; 75hp Roberts pusher. The first of Christmas' designs featured down-sloping upper wings and up-sloping lower wings, an identifying feature noted in his subsequent biplane designs. US patent #957,744. There is question about the credibility of this designthe eccentric Dr Christmas was not above employing the ideas of othersand it appears to be a very close copy of AEA's Red Wing (not to mention his imitative choice for a name). POP: 1. He claimed to have built a plane in 1908 at Fairfax VA and, after it crashed into a tree, that he burned it to prevent its "secrets" from being stolen, but there is no documentation; his actual flight history began with this machine. It is quite possible that one machine could have been built at College Park MD in 1909, as well as another in 1911 or 1912data are confusing and conflicting.
Red Bird II 1910 = Modification of the 1909 model. POP: 1. There were claims of another two or three of this model built, but no documentation, although a 1911 published photo shows this planeor one similarin flight with wing cut-outs, and a quad gear. Was this a prototype of the military craft described above?
SEE ALSO Bennett-Christofferson
1910: (Harry & Silas) Christofferson Aeroplanes, Portland and Vancouver WA. 1912: (Goodsell, Harry, Harvey & Silas) Christofferson Aviation Co Inc, 1417 Van Ness Blvd, San Francisco CA. 1913: Merger of production facilities with Alco (Allan Loughead), Ft Mason (San Francisco). 1915: Christofferson Aircraft Mfg Co, 2893 Glasscock St, Oakland CA. May 1916: (Harry) Christofferson Motor Co, Redwood City CA. 1916: Manufacturing ended shortly after Silas Christofferson was killed in a crash on 10/31/16. 1918: Interests sold to United States Aircraft Corp after Goodsell Christofferson was killed in flying accident. 1919: C-W-B (Harry Christofferson-("W" person unknown)-Frank Bryant) Mfg Co, Gough St at Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco. c.1920: Harry Christofferson, a founder of the "Early Birds" organization, gave up flying with a remarkable record of carrying more than 7,000 passengers without a single mishap; Harvey went into flight instruction, but was killed in a crash in May 1927.
1912 Christofferson Trainer Flight students and trainer (clip: 1915 Flying)

1915 = 2pOB; no specs found on this trainer for the Christofferson Flying School at Ocean Beach, San Francisco.
1920 = Probably the last of the Christofferson airplanes, an amphibian was reported in Apr 1920 Pacific Aeronautics as being built by Harry Christofferson for J Paulding Edwards. Details were sketchy, but it was to have a 47' wing, a useful load of 750#, and one 150hp Hisso A. "If this test is successful," it was stated, "this land and water craft will be produced in quantity." This must not have been the case, for Harry closed shop that year and opened an automobile agency.
1912 Christofferson (WASM coll)

Biplane 1912 = 1pOB Curtiss-type headless pusher. Used extensively for exhibition tours in the Northwest, one of which featured a take-off from a 20' x 150' planked runway on the roof of the Multnomah Hotel in Portland, but photos of the event show a standard, not headless, Curtiss design, so it is assumed there was more than one machine used on this tour.
Christofferson Model D 1914 (Dan Brownlee coll)
Christofferson Model D

D 1914 = Very likely Hydro or a variant of it, or just an added model designation. Note differences in above pix: rudder, radiator, fuel tank above motor.

The photo is most certainly a Christofferson Flying Boat, could be a Model D or earlier variant. Unusual rudder shape and upswept hull are characteristics, even down to the pinstripe. Christofferson usually had the name and model type emblazoned on the forward hull, unfortunately just covered by the lower wing in this photo. Model D was used in 1913-14, transporting over 7000 passengers around and between San Francisco and Oakland. There is a picture of a Model D sitting on beach sand just as here... could that be post-quake SF in the background? The Model D in the photo I have does not have the diagonal engine/cabane bracing struts, and this one seems to lack the cylindrical fuel tank between the engine and the wing shown on the D. Possibly this is an earlier model, as the D was supposedly in use starting in 1913, and your photo is dated 1912. Christofferson 'boats seemed to have been well designed, especially their hulls. ( Bill Devins 2/4/01)
Looping Biplane 1916 = 2pOB; 85hp Curtiss OX-2; span: 31'0" length: 19'2". POP: 1 for exhibition flyer Joe Bocquelle.
Flying Bike (C-W-B Co) 1919 = 1pOB; 15hp Indian; span: 25'0". POP: 1, plus unknown number sold in kit form to home-builders.
Flying Boat 1915 = 3-4pOBFb; 100hp Sturtevant; span: 47'0". Propeller was chain-driven by fuselage-mounted motor. POP: 2, of which one to Mexico.
Christofferson Hydro (WASM coll)

Hydro 1913 = 3pOBFb; 120hp Hall-Scott pusher; span: (upper) 49'0" (lower) 33'6" length: 28'0" v: x/60/x. POP: 3 or 4, of which two were supplied to Roald Amundsen for a proposed Arctic flight, but not used because of outbreak of WW1; one was eventually sold to Japan. Others were used for sightseeing flights at the Panama-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco, and for Silas Christofferson's San Francisco-Oakland aerial ferry in 1914 as the second commercial airline in the US. Company field, in 1913 at the foot of Sloat Blvd, was San Francisco's first airport, with a runway comprised of flat boards laid out on the beach.
Christofferson's airport at SF's Great Beach with its "lumber" runway, 1914. Italian pilot Silvio Petterossi is seated in his Blériot. (Donna Ewald glass-plate negative coll)

Tractor 1914 = 3pOB; 100hp Hall-Scott; span: 39'0". Tricycle gear. POP: 1 for unsuccessful military trials in San Diego. The first plane to fly over Mount Whitney, at c.16,000' on 6/25/14 (p: Silas Christofferson).
Tractor 1915 = Larger version of the previous with a Sturtevant motor; span: 47'0". POP: several built under contract from the Mexican government. Could also be the two "reconaissance" aircraft ordered by the Army in 1916 [AS118/119], but cancelled.
Chrysler Group, Detroit MI.
Chrysler VZ-6 [58-5506] (Army Transportation Corps Museum)

VZ-6 1959 = 1pO twin-rotor ducted-fan test vehicle built for the Army's "Flying Jeep" competition. 500hp Lycoming, located in the center of the rectangular-shaped vehicle next to the offset pilot's position, drove dual 8'6" three-bladed propellers fore and aft; length: 21'6". Rubber skirts around the outside of the vehicle's bottom edge helped sustain lift, while forward motion resulted from lowering the nose and using duct-mounted vanes to deflect some of the slipstream rearward. POP: 2 [58-5506/5507]. Tethered flight tests in early 1959 showed the VZ-6s as overweight (2400#) and underpowered, and with severe lateral stability problems. During the first non-tethered attempt at flight, the first prototype flipped completely over. The pilot escaped without serious injury but the craft was damaged beyond economical repair. Both prototypes were scrapped in 1960.
Church & Sherwood Aviation School, Nassau Blvd Aerodrome, Long Island NY.
Biplane c.1912 = 2pOB; 50hp Kirkham 6.
(James) Church Airplane & Mfg Co, Chicago IL.
Mid-Wing Sport 1929 = 1pOmwM; 28hp Henderson; span: 26'8" (?>27'0") length: 16'10" (?>17'3") load: 228# v: 90/60/28 range: 400. Repowered with 46hp Church J-3 Marathon, as well as other motors used for testing. Modified from Heath Parasol kit with surplus Thomas-Morse Scout wing panels, later switched to Clark-Y airfoil [281M) c/n LR-1 (Excelsior engine). POP: less than 10, plus an estimated 200 home-builts from plans. Reportedly several of these were built as racers using Heath wings and fuselagefound were [10553] s/n JC-3, [10722] s/n JC-4 and registered as Church Mid-wing.
Church Racer [NR12050] (Frank Rezich coll)

Racer 1933 = 1pOmwM; 46hp Church Marathon; specs and data similar to Sport. Racer for the 1933 Nationals [NR12050] s/n R-3-31 (p: Walter Franklin).
Church & Miller
P W Church & F R Miller (as part of (Lee U) Eyerly Aircraft Corp), Salem OR.
Monoplane 1929 = 1pOM with 55hp Velie M-5; span: 32'0" length: 20'0" load: 200#; ff: 10/x/29, test-flown by Lee Eyerly. [190N] c/n 3, sold to Ray Bicknell on 2/17/32, who crashed fatally at Corvallis on 9/7/33.
Zane Cieslak, St Louis MO and Normandy MO.
Cieslak C [12388] (Bob Cieslak coll)

C Little Pal 1932 = 1pOhwM; 40hp Ford T; span: 29'0" length: 17'0" v (est): 75. Parasol wing. Flew several times before being damaged beyond economical repair in a ground loop. POP: 1 [12388] c/n 1.

My father began construction of Little Pal in 1928 by modifying a Model T engine for aircraft application and hand-carving a propeller. The wood-and-wire primary fuselage was constructed in the back yard of his St Louis apartment and, after moving to a house, completed in the basement in 1931. Not being a pilot, he "flew" the plane about a dozen times a week in 1932 from a grass field at an altitude of around three feet in flights that were always hampered by weeds clogging the radiator and carburetor. Another field was located in 1933, and a pilot-friend volunteered to make the first flight. On the take-off run a tire blew, causing a ground loop and nose-over, and Little Pal was shambles. The wreckage took up half the space in a basement until 1947, when it was burned to make room for home improvements. ( Bob Cieslak 10/8/05)
Jungclass Automobile Co, Cincinnati OH.
Monoplane c.1910 - No data.
Joe Cinquanta, Paradise CA.
D B Hawker II 1973 = 2pCmwM; 43hp Sachs snowmobile engine; span: 24'0" length: 22'6" v: x/120/ x. Empty wt: 355#. Very low twin-boom pusher,
only 38' in height at the top of the cockpit.
Hornet c.1967 = Aerobatic mod of Smith Miniplane plans. 1pOB; 80-95hp Continentals; span: 15'0" v: x/115/55. POP: reportedly 10 [N13H, N14H et al].
Circa Reproductions Inc (pres: Michael Lee), Calgary, Alba Canada
Circa Nieuport 11 (Rob Vandervelden via Circa)

Nieuport 11 aka Graham Lee Nieuport 1984 = 7/8 scale version of the WW1 French fighter. 1pOB; geared Rotax 503 or 55-80hp VW conversion; span: 21'7" length: 16'6" load: 250-296# v: 95/62/27. Graham Lee. Marketed plans for home-builders also included Nieuports 12 and 17, Morane Bullet, Sopwiths Baby and Tabloid. In 2005, EAA Chapter 292 (Independence OR) produced 14 of these ships in a mass-production team effort as their "Noon Patrol" Escadrille.
Serafin Cirigliano, New Castle DE & Farmingdale NY.
Cirigliano SC-1 [775W] (EAA)
Smith-Cirigliano SC-1 [N775W] (Brent Taylor)

SC-1 Baby Hawk 1928 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 27'0" length: 17'6" v: x/125/x. David Ashley. [775W]. Scaled-down copy of Curtiss Hawk, and a second version of Ashley SP-5 [899W]. Modified in 1949 with 145hp Warner, 27'0" wing, and cockpit canopy as Smith-Cirigiliano [N775W] (qv).
Cirrus SR-20 [N5959A] (Cirrus Co)

SR-20 1995 (TC A00009CH) = 4pClwM composite; 200hp Lycoming or Continental IO-360-ES; span: 35'7" length: 26'0" load: 1160# v: x/184/64 range: 920; ff: 3/21/95 [N200SR]. Production began in 1998. Crashed 3/23/99, killing test pilot Scott Anderson [N115CD]. Ironically the plane was not equipped with Cirrus' CAPS parachute system designed to lower the plane to the ground in an emergency, planned standard equipment on production SR-20As. $159,600 (1998), $179,400 (1999); POP: ??.
Cirrus SR-22 [N722CD] (Cirrus Co)
Cirrus SR-22G2 [N466CD] (Cirrus Co)

SR-22, -22G2 2000 = 4pClwM. 310hp Continental IO-550-N; span: 38'6" length: 26'0" load: 1150# v: x/213/70 range: 800.
Cirrus SRV-G2 (Cirrus Co)

SRV-G2 200? = 4pClwM; 200hp Continental IO-360-ES; span: 35'3" length: 26'0" load: 950# v: x/173/62 range: 1000.
ST-50 1994 = 5pClwM rg; 500# P&W-Canada PT6A-135/7 pusher; span: 39'0"
length: 26'0" load: 1950# v: x/322/71 range: 1260; ff: 12/7/94 (p: Norman E Howell) [N50ST]. Based on VK-30, Cirrus and Israviation (Israel) collaborated on design and development.
VK-30 1988 = 4-5pClwM rg; 300hp Continental IO-550-G or 350hp TSIO-550-B pusher; span: 39'6" length: 26'0" load: 1150# v: x/200/65 range: 1550; ff: 2/11/88 [N30VK]. Marketed as kits; 37 kits delivered by May 1993, 6 flown with 420# Allison 250-B17C as turboprop version. Design rights were sold to an Israeli manufacturer for commercial production, which never came to pass.
CIT-9 SEE Merrill CIT-9
"Science, beauty, freedom, adventure; what more could you ask of life? Aviation combined all the elements I loved." Charles A Lindbergh