REVISED: 11/16/08
Vought (Chance Vought), Lewis & Vought, Vought-Sikorsky
Chance Vought with others and an early design, unidentified, possibly an exhibition machine for DeLloyd Thompson (Smithsonian #0331)

July 1917: Lewis and Vought Corp, Astoria NYC (fdrs: Birdseye B Lewis, Chance M Vought). 1919: Company moved to Webster & 7th Aves, Long Island City NY. 1922: Chance Vought Corp. 1929: Component of United Aircraft and Transport Co. 1930: Moved to East Hartford CT. 7/25/30: Chance Vought died from after-effects of a tooth operation. 1936: Chance-Vought Division of United Aircraft Corp. 1939: Merged with Sikorsky as Vought-Sikorsky Aircraft Div of United Aircraft Corp. Moved to Stratford CT. 1949: Left United Aircraft and moved to Dallas TX. 1963: Merged with Ling-Temco Electronics Inc to form Ling-Temco-Vought Inc. 1965: Vought Aeronautics Div of LTV Aerospace Corp. 1991: Sold to Carlyle Group & Northrop Aviation Corp as Vought Aircraft Inc. 1994: Carlyle Group share bought by Northrop-Grumman, became Vought Systems Div of Northrop-Grumman Aerospace. 2001: Vought Div resold to Carlyle Group, renamed Vought Aircaft Industries Inc.
A-7 Corsair SEE Ling-Temco-Vought A-7
F-8 Crusader SEE F8U.
C-142 SEE Ling-Temco-Vought C-142
Vought XF2U-1 [A-7692] (Vought via W T Larkins coll)

F2U 1929 = 2pOB; cowled 450hp P&W R-1340; span: 36'0" length: 27'0" load: 1368# v: 146/110/58 range: 495. POP: 1 as XF2U-1 [A7692].
Vought XF3U-1 [9746] (Vought)

F3U 1933 = 2pCB; 700hp Wright R-1535; ff: 6/22/33. Ordered by USN for testing as replacement for Helldiver. POP: 1 as XF3U-1 [9746]. Rebuilt and modified as prototype XSBU-1.
Vought F4U As pretty as a picture (USN)

F4U, AU-1 (V-166) Corsair - USN/USMC fighter. 1pClwM rg; 1850-2450hp P&W R-2800. Rex Beisel et al. Developed in 1938 for USN and USMC, it wasn't until 1944 that the folding-wing design was finally approved by USN for use aboard carriers, originally rejected because of a high landing speed and pilot's lack of visibility. Also used in Korean War in ground-support roles. By 1952, 12,681 (?>12,751) of the famous gull-winged fighters had been built, and their combat record in the Pacific is impressive189 F4Us were lost both in combat and non-combat (but excluding training) in destroying 2,140 Japanese aircraft. Final production on 1/26/53 ended the longest production record of any airplane built up to that time. SEE ALSO Goodyear FG, Brewster F3A. POP: SEE production batches for data.
Vought XF4U-1 [1443] (NASM)

XF4U-1 (V-166A) 1940 = Goodyear FG-1 with 1850hp P&W XR-2800-4 and 14' three-bladed prop; span: 41'0" length: 31'11" load: 1852# v: 405/190/73 ceiling: 35,200'; ff: 5/29/40 (p: Lyman A Bullard). Attained 404 mph in level flight 10/1/40, the first single-engine US aircraft to do exceed 400 mph (Lockheed P-38 was the first US aircraft). POP: 1 [1443].
F4U-1 (V-166B) 1942 = Production version with 2000hp P&W R-2800-8; span: 41'0" length: 33'4" load: 3057# v: 417/182/87 range: 1015 ceiling: 36,900; ff: 6/25/42 (p: Boone T Guyton). POP total all F4U-1 variants: 4,102. 90 F4U-1s to Fleet Air Arm as Corsair I. Modified with water injection, raised cockpit, and canopy redesign after the first 1,550 units. Brewster designation F3A-1, Goodyear (fixed-wing) was FG-1.
F4U-1A 1942 = Improved F4U-1 with P&W R-2800-8, later 2250hp -8W. POP: 688 (?>666), included 360 to Fleet Air Arm as Corsair II and 173 (?>247) to RNZAF as Corsair wingtips shortened 6" and squared-off to fit lower ceilings of British carrier hangar decks, rearranged cockpit with British radio, new seat and harness, other mods.
Vought F4U-1B with shortened wingtips (Paul Buchholz coll)

F4U-1B 1943 - Temporary production designation for exports for Great Britain was never applied in deference to aircraft taken from USN production batches. (?>POP: 605 to Fleet Air Arm as Corsair I, and 370 for RNZAF to Corsair.)
Vought F4U-1C

F4U-1C 1943 = Close-air-support version with four 20mm cannons; first combat at Okinawa. POP: 200 modified from F4U-1A.
Vought F4U-1D (USN)

F4U-1D 1944 = Fighter/bomber with 160-gal drop tank, bomb racks, under-wing rockets. Also as Goodyear FG-1D. POP: 150 to Fleet Air Arm as Corsair II and 190 to RNZAF as Corsair.
XF4U-2 1943 = Night fighter. POP: 1 conversion from F4U-1 [02153].
Vought F4U-2 (USN)

F4U-2 (Naval Aircraft Factory) 1943 = Night fighter conversions with radar housed in a fairing on the right wing; load: 2276# v: 381/187/82 range: 995 ceiling: 33,900'. POP: 32 converted from F4U-1s by NAF, and 2 from F4U-1As in the field.
Vought XF4U-3 (Frank Tallman coll)

XF4U-3 1946 = Experimental high-altitude fighter with twin turbochargers; v: 412/180/83 range: 780 ceiling: 38,400'. POP: 3 prototypes for Goodyear FG-3 converted from F4U-1As [02157, 17516, 49664].
XF4U-3B 1944 = Modification of F4U-1 to ground-attack fighter; P&W R-2800-16 with external turbo-supercharger. POP: 1.
XF4U-4, -4X 1943 = POP: 5 prototypes with 2450hp R-2800-18W [80759/80763], plus 2 modified from F4U-1A as XF4U-4X [49763, 50301], one of which tested with Aeroproducts' twin counter-rotating props in 1945.
Vought F4U-4 (NACA)

F4U-4 1944 = Upgraded 2350hp R-2800-18W, new cowl design, four-bladed prop; armament: six .50 guns, eight wing rockets, two 1000# bombs; length: 33'8" load: 3215# v: 446/215/89 range: 1005 ceiling: 41,500'. Production also scheduled by Goodyear as FG-4, but contract was cancelled and none built.
F4U-4B 1945 = POP: 287 scheduled for Fleet Air Arm as Corsair I, but cancelled with the end of hostilities.
F4U-4C 1945 = Four 20mm cannons. POP: 297.
F4U-4E 1946 = Night fighter with APS-4 radar. POP: possibly only 1.
F4U-4K 194? = Radio-controlled target. POP: 1.
Vought F4U-4N (John Dagle coll)

F4U-4N 1946 = Wing-mounted APS-6 radar. Might have been an upgrade of F4U-4E. POP: 1.
F4U-4P c.1946 = Photo-recon modifications; POP: 9.
XF4U-5 1945 = Updated version with newer 2450hp R-2800, four 20mm guns, as a fighter-bomber and night fighter; ff: 12/21/45 (?>4/4/46). POP: 3 converted from F4U-4.
F4U-5 1946 = Production model with all-metal wings; length: 33'6" v: 462 range: 1036 ceiling: 44,100'. POP: 223.
F4U-5N, -5NL 1947 = Night fighter. POP: 44 [124665/124709] and 72 as -5NL modified for severe climate [124504/124560, 124710/124724].
F4U-5P 1947 = Armed photo-recon. POP: 30 [122167/122206].
XF4U-6, AU-1 1951 = Low-altitude fighter. POP: 1 prototype [124665]; ff: 12/29/51.
Vought F4U-6 (USN Museum)

F4U-6, AU-1 1952 = USMC low-altitude fighter and ground support. Narrow cowling, wing oil coolers move to inside fuselage; added armor, bomb/rocket wing racks; 2300hp R-2800-83W; span: 41'0" length: 34'1" load: 9144# v: 440/184/83 range: 484 ceiling: 19,500'. F4U-6 never applied; redesignated AU-1 instead. POP: 111 to USMC squadrons in Korea [129318/129417, 133833/133843]. Veteran aircraft were overhauled and sold to French AF in 1955.
Vought F4U-7 (Paul Buchholz coll)

F4U-7 1952 = 2100hp R-2800-18W with two-stage superchargers. POP: 90 (?>94) for French AF in Indochina. The last prop-driven fighter built in the US. ß
Vought XF5U-1 [33958] (Vought Corp)
Vought XF5U-1 Test flight [33958] (Vought Corp)

F5U, VS-315 1945 = 1p STOL "flying pancake" development from Charles Zimmerman's Vought-Sikorsky (V-173); two 1350hp P&W R-2000-7; span: 32'0" length: 27'10". POP: 1 as XF5U-1 [33958]. Visionary projections of v: 400+/x/40 range: 1000, even plans of repowering with gas turbine engines, would not be fulfilled. During its ground-testing stage, the Navy Dept pulled the plug in March 1947 for unspecified reasonsundoubtedly the impending jet age had much to do with it, as well as a cutback in military funding after WW2. F5U was ordered scrapped, but a crane's wrecking ball merely bounced off the tough little prototype, and it finally took workers with blowtorches to reduce it to salvageable scrap.
F6U Pirate - 1pCmwM rg; Westinghouse J34-WE-22; span: 32'10" length: 35'8" v: 600 range: 730 ceiling: 49,000'.
Vought XF6U-1 [33532] (USN via W T Larkins coll)

XF6U-1 1946 = ff: 10/2/46. POP: [33532/33534], of which 1 fitted with afterburner in Apr 1948, the first USN aircraft so equipped.
Vought F6U-1 (USN)

F6U-1, -1P 1949 = POP: POP: 30 [122478/122507], of which [122483] modified as F6U-1P.
F7U Cutlass - Delta-wing fighter. 1pCmwM rg; two Westinghouse J34-WE-32; span: 38'8" length: 39'7" v: 672 range: 1170 ceiling: 41,400'.
Vought XF7U-1 [122474] (Eaton Co Chronicles)

XF7U-1 1948 = ff: 9/29/48. POP: 3 prototypes [122472/122474].
Vought F7U-1 [122474]

F7U-1 1950 = Production as trainer. POP: 20 [124415/124434].
F7U-2 - Assigned s/ns [125322/125409], but production cancelled.
Vought F7U-3

F7U-3 1951 = Redesign, radar gunsight, four 20mm cannon; two 4600# J46-WE-8A; length: 44'3" v: 610 range: 660 ceiling: 40,000'. POP: 288 [128451/128478, 139868/139917 et al], included the following variants.
Vought F7U-3M (Vought)
Vought F7U-3P Camera nose
Vought F7U-3P Instrument panel (Vought)

F7U-3M, -3P 1954 = As F7U-3M missile platform and F7U-3P photo-recon version.
F8U, F-8 Crusader - Carrier-based fighter. 1pChwM rg; shoulder-wing. The first aircraft to exceed Mach 1.0 on its maiden flight. Also the first carrier-to-carrier transcontinental flight, 6/6/67, and first supersonic transcontinental flight, 7/16/57 (SEE Chronology). Redesignated F-8 in 1962.
Vought XF8U-1 (USN)

XF8U-1 1955 = ff: 5/25/55 (p: John Konrad). POP: 2 prototypes [138899/138890].
Vought F8U-1 (USN)

F8U-1, F-8A 1955 = First production; v: 1000+; ff: 9/30/55. Awarded Collier trophy in 1957. POP: 593 [138899/138900, 140444/140448, 141336/141363, 142408/142415, 143677/143821, 144427/144625, 145318/145545, 145604/145647, 146822/146905]. Suffixes denoted roles, such as -1P recon (later RF-8A) and -1T trainer.
F8U-1D, DF-8A 19?? = Control aircraft for Regulus missiles.
F8U-1E, F-8B 1959 = Redesignation of F8U-1 equipped with APS-67 radar. POP: 130 [145416/145545].
DF-8F 19?? = Target drone controller.
F8U-1P, RF-8A 1957 = Unarmed photo-recon. POP: 144 [141363, 1446507/144625, 145604/145647, 146822/146901].
Vought F-8C USMC VMF-334 [146913] (Larry DiRicco)
Vought F-8E VF-51 [149149] (Larry DiRicco)

F8U-2, F-8C, -8D, -8E, -8J 1958 = New fire-control and APQ-94 radar systems; 10700# P&W J57-P-16/-20 (16900# with afterburner); span: 35'8" (?>35'2") length: 54'3" (?>54'6"); v: 1120/560/x range: 1400 ceiling: 59.000'; ff: 8/20/58. POP: 625 [145546/145603, 146906/147077, 147896/147925, 148627/148710, 149134/149227, 150284/150355, 150654/150683, 150843/150932] included suffixes F8U-2N/F-8D (all-weather with APQ-83 radar) and F8U-2NE/F-8E (with APQ-94 radar); plus 42 as F-8E(FN) for French Navy [151732/151773]. F-8E developed further with J57-P-20 as F-8J, with complicationsSEE F-8J sidebar.
Vought XF8U-3 Crusader III [146340]

F8U-3 Super Crusader, Crusader III 1958 = All-weather capability. Re-engineered design, forward-swept airscoop, two ventral fins, advanced flight control system; with 16500# P&W J75-P-5A/6 turbojets (29500# with afterburners); span: 38'11" length: 58'9" v: 800 (1457 at 50,000')/575/154 range: 645 ceiling: 51,000'; ff: 6/2/58. POP: 2 [146340/146341].

Maximum speed was never determined, as the canopy would overheat and begin turning opaque at about Mach 2.6. With acceleration still evident at that speed, test pilots felt that Mach 3.0 was attainable. ( Dave Johnson 7/1/99)
F-8 Crusader - F8U redesignated in 1962.
F-8A, -8B SEE F8U-1.
F-8C, -8D, -8E SEE F8U-2.
Vought RF-8G at NAS Alameda, VFP-63 (Larry DiRicco)
Vought RF-8G [146835] (USN)

F-8G 1965 (LTV) = Upgraded F-8A as unarmed RF-8G recon; strengthened fuselage and wings, ventral fins, new navigation system and cameras.
F-8H 1968 (LTV) = F-8D modified to include external wing ordnance, increased strength fuselage, lead-launch computer, other improvements.
F-8J 19?? (LTV) = F-8E with larger fuselage, wings, other improvements.
F-8K 19?? (LTV) = F-8C with structural changes to fuselage, wing, landing gear.
F-8L 19?? (LTV) = F-8B with structural changes to fuselage, wing, landing gear.
F-8M 19?? (LTV) = F-8A with structural changes to fuselage, wing, landing gear.
Vought F-8SCW (NASA)

F-8SCW 1971 = F-8 modified to test NASA Langley's revolutionary SuperCritical Wing design (Richard Whitcomb) to minimize drag from shockwaves that subsequetly represented millions of dollars yearly in fuel savings and reduced air pollution as airlines switched to supercritical-wing aircraft.
FU - 1-2pOB; 220hp Wright J-5 (supercharged R-1790); span: 34'4" length: 24'5" load: 694# v: 147/x/53 range: 430. On wheels or a single-float for catapult launchesthe last fighter so equipped. Used primarily for training. ALSO SEE UO.
Vought FU-1 Landplane (Frank Rezich coll)
Vought FU-1 [A-7372] Floatplane (Vought Inc)

FU-1 1927 = 1p fighter-scout. POP: 20 converted from UO-3.
FU-2 1927 = 2p trainer converted from FU-1. POP: 14.
Vought XO-28 [29-232] (K O Eckland coll)

O-28 Corsair 1929 = USN O2U for evaluation by the Army. POP: 1 [29-323].
O24-2 1930 = 2pOBAm; 450hp P&W Wasp; span: 36'0" length: 29'8" v: 137. Civil version of O2U-1 Corsairin 1928 one was civil licensed for F B Rentschler, pres of Pratt & Whitney Corp, assumably as a company demonstrator [X7014]. Some other ex-military noted were [61E, 111N, 367H, 833H]. Other Vought strictly-military types made it into civilian dress, as welleg: SB2U-1 [NC30447], which was WW2 surplus.
O2U Corsair - USN scout. 2pOB on single-float or wheels; 450hp P&W R-1340B; span: 34'6" length: 24'6" v: (float) 147 (wheels) 150 ceiling: (float) 17,750' (wheels) 18,700'.
Vought O2U-1 [A-7536] (USN via W T Larkins coll)
Vought O2U-1 [A-7822] (USN)

O2U-1 1927 = POP: 132 [A7221/7222, A7567/7586, A7796/7831, A7900/7940].
Vought O2U-2 (USN)

O2U-2 1927 = $12,890; POP: 37 [A8091/8127], of which 6 to USMC.
Vought O2U-3 (USN)

O2U-3 1929 = POP: 80 [A8193/8272], included 1 to Army as XO-28.
Vought O2U-4 [A-8338] (W T Larkins coll)

O2U-4 1930 = $17,203-18,065; POP: 42 [A8315/8356].
O3U - USN/USMC scout. 2pOB/OBF/OBAm, single-float or wheels; 450hp P&W R-1340; span: 36'0" length: 26'1" v: (amphib) 132 (float) 137 (wheels) 141 ceiling: (amphib/float) 15,000' (wheels) 16,100'. Became SBU series.
Vought O3U-1 [A-8856] (USN)
Vought O3U-1 Retractable gear in pontoon (Eugene Palmer coll)

O3U-1 1930 = $10,607-12,653; POP: 97 [A8547/8582, A8810/8839, A8851/8871].
Vought O3U-2 (USN)

O3U-2 1930 = $14,500; POP: 15.
Vought O3U-3 [9300] (William T Larkins)

O3U-3 1933 = POP: 75 [A9142/9169, 9283/9330], the last one modified as XO3U-6.
Vought O3U-4 (Vought)

O3U-4 1932 = $13,500-14,000; POP: 65 [A9077/9141]. Became SU; 1 modified as XO3U-5.
XO3U-5 1934 = POP: 1 modification of O3U-4 [A9078].
Vought XO3U-6 [9729] (USMC)

XO3U-6 1934 = Prototype. POP: 1 modification of O3U-3 [9729]; became O3U-6.
Vought O3U-6 [9739] (USN)

O3U-6 1935 = POP: 31 [9729/9744, 0001/0016], the last one temporarily as XOSU-1 for testing.
Vought XO4U-2 [A-8641] (Vought via Ed Erickson)

O4U 1931 = 2pOB; 500hp P&W R-1340D; span: 37'0 length: 27'9" v: 143 ceiling: 21,200'. POP: 1 as XO4U-1 [A8641] with a shoulder-wing. Crashed during testing, rebuilt in 1932 as XO4U-2 with a conventional wing placement and 625hp R-1535.
Vought XO5U-1 [9399] (USN via W T Larkins coll)

O5U 1934 = 2pOBAm; P&W R-1340; span: 36'0" length: 32'6" v: 155 ceiling: 15,100'; ff: . Folding wings. POP: 1 as XO5U-1 [9399].
Vought OS2U-2 Art (K O Eckland)

OS2U Kingfisher - USN scout. 2pClwM and ClwMF single-float; span: 35'11" length: 33'7". Also produced by NAF as OS2N. Despite its relatively colorless role in scouting and rescue missions, OS2U did have its moments. Two of them dive-bombed Japanese troops in the Aleutians and helped sink an enemy submarine there on 7/15/42, and one was credited with shooting down an attacking Zero over Iwo Jima.
Vought XOS2U-1 [0951] (USN)

XOS2U-1 1938 = 450hp P&W R-985-4; ff: 3/1/38. POP: 2 [0951, 1440], the first converted from O3U-6.
Vought OS2U-1 (clip: Air News)

OS2U-1 1940 = 450hp P&W R-985-48; span: 35'10" length: 33'10" v: 184. POP: 54 [1681/1734].
Vought OS2U-2 (USN)

OS2U-2 1941 = Armor, self-sealing fuel tanks; P&W R-985-50. POP: 158 [2189/2288, 3073/3130], of which 45 were floatplanes.
Vought OS2U-3 (USN)

OS2U-3 1941 = USN and USCG. P&W R-985-AN-8; load: 1890# v: 175/116/x range: 810-980 ceiling: 19.000'. POP: 1,006 [5284/5989, 09393/09692]; additional production by Naval Aircraft Factory as OS2N.
XOS2U-4 194? = Wings of narrow chord and high aspect ratio. POP: 1 converted OS2U-2 [3074].
OSU 1936 = Scout version of O3U-6. POP: 1 conversion as XOSU-1 [0016], reverted to O3U-6.
Vought XS2U-1 Mock-up (magazine clip)

S2U-1 1952 - Anti-sub aircraft design as XS2U-1W in competition with Grumman S2F and was later redesignated as XWU-1 (c.1955). Work began on 1/25/50 and a contract was awarded for two prototypes with s/ns [133780/133781]. A mock-up was built but, during construction, difficulties were encountered with the folding wings. The contract was cancelled before the aircraft could be completed and USN selected S2F instead.
SB2U, V-156 - USN's first monoplane scout-dive bomber. 2pClwM rg; 750hp P&W R-1535-78; span: 42'0" length: 34'0" (33'2" for XSB2U-1 only). Exports to British Navy as V-156 Chesapeake.
Vought XSB2U-1 [9725] (USN)

XSB2U-1 1936 = v: 230/222/66 range: 532 ceiling: 26,600'; ff: 1/4/36. POP: 1 prototype [9725]; crashed during testing on 8/20/36.
Vought SB2U-1 A classic photo (USN)

SB2U-1 1937 = First production. 825hp R-1535-96; v: 250/143/66 range: 635 ceiling: 27,400'; ff: 5/21/37. POP: 54 [0726/0779], the last of which became XSB2U-3.
Vought SB2U-2 [1372] (Harry Thorell via Archie Dean coll)
Vought SB2U-2 Instrument panel (Vought)

SB2U-2 1938 = v: 250/150/66 range: 630 ceiling: 27,500'; ff: 8/11/38. POP: 58 [1326/1383].
Vought XSB2U-3 [0779] (Vought)

XSB2U-3 1939 = 825hp R-1535-102, extra fuel tanks. POP: 1 conversion from SB2U-1, experimentally fitted with twin EDO pontoons [0779]. Results were not impressive and the ship was returned to wheels.
Vought SB2U-3 (U S Navy)

SB2U-3 Vindicator 1941 = USMC; v: 243/152/71 range: 1120 ceiling: 23,600'; ff: 1/10/41. POP: 57 [2044/2100].
Vought XSB3U-1 [9834] (W T Larkins coll)

SB3U 1936 = SBU development with rearward-retracting gear. POP: 1 as XSB3U-1 [9834].
SBU, V-142 - Fighter-bomber. 2pCB; 700hp P&W R-1535; span: 33'3" length: 27'10" load: 1739# v: 208/x/65 range: 902 (?>550) ceiling: 24,400'. Scouting design modified, like Curtiss XSBC-1, from a 2p fighter. Exports to Argentina were designated V-142.
Vought XSBU-1 [9746] (Vought via Ed Erickson)

XSBU-1 1934 = Rebuilt and modified from XF3U-1. POP: 1 prototype [9746].
Vought SBU-1 (U S Navy)

SBU-1 1935 = POP: 84 [9750/9833].
Vought SBU-2 (U S Navy)

SBU-2 1937 = Modified engine. POP: 40 [0802/0841].
Vought XSO2U-1 [1440] (U S Navy)

SO2U 1939 = 2pCmwM and MF (single float); 550hp Ranger XV-770; span: 38'2" length: 34'2" v: 201. Gross wt: 5186#. POP: 1 as XSO2U-1 [1440].
SU - Redesignated from O3U. 2pOB; 600hp P&W R-1690C; span: 36'0" length: 26'3" v: 170 ceiling: 19,900'.
Vought SU-1 [A-9065] (Gene Palmer coll)

SU-1 1933 = POP: 28 [A8872/8875, A8928/8937, A9062/9076].
Vought SU-2 [A-9095] (Clark Scott coll)

SU-2 1933 = POP: 53 [A9077, A9079/9108, A9110/9121].
Vought SU-3 [A-9123] (William T Larkins)

SU-3 1933 = POP: 20 [A9122/9141].
XSU-4 1934 = POP: 1 [A9109].
Vought SU-4 [9430] (Clark Scott coll)

SU-4 1934 = length: 27'11" v: 168 ceiling: 18,600'. POP: 40 [9379/9398, 9414/9433].
Vought XTBU-1 [2542] (USN)

TBU (TBY) Sea Wolf 1941 = Torpedo-bomber. 3pCmwM rg; 1850hp P&W XR-2800-20; span: 57'2" length: 39'0" load: 5743# v: 311/165/77 range: 1400 ceiling: 29,400'; ff: 12/22/41. POP: 1 as XTBU-1 [2542]. Because of more vital Vought F4U contracts, production of 180 units was assigned by the government to Vultee (Consolidated) in Sep 1943 as TBY-2.
UF 1922 = USN 2pOBF scout-observation; 220hp Lawrance J-1; span: 26'0" length: 20'1" v: 132 ceiling: 21,700'. POP: 18 as UF-1 [A6482/6499], all redesignated to UO-1.
Umbrellaplane (Cicero) 1913 = Circular wing braced like an umbrella, but with wires on top and underneath; Gnôme rotary. W B Stout.
Vought UO-1 Dirigible hook-up (USN via Gene Palmer coll)

UO - USN 2pOBF scout-observation; Originally ordered as FU.
Vought UO-1 [A-6493] hoisting aboard USS Richmond (USN)
Vought UO-1 'Skyhook' [A-6615] (USN History Archive)
Vought UO-1 [A-7047] (USN)
Vought UO-1 Cockpit (Vought)

UO-1 1922 = 200hp Lawrance J-1; span: 34'1" length: (landplane) 22'1" (seaplane) 28'6" v: 122 ceiling: (landplane) 18,200' (seaplane) 16,550'. POP: 140 [A6482/6499 (from UF-1), A6546/6551, A6603/6615, A6706/6729, A6858/6877, A6984/7023, A7031/7050], of which 1 converted by NAF to racer UO-2, and 13 to UO-5. Used in trials as hook-on scout/fighters with airshipsSEE ALSO Consolidated N2Y-1, Curtiss F9C, Sperry Messenger, Waco XJW-1 in similar roles.
UO-1C 1928 = Wheeled trainer version for USN Reserve. POP: 2 [A7007, x]. Possibly other conversions as designation was also used for planes modified for catapult launching, regardless of floats or wheels.
Vought UO-1 Cockpit (Vought)

UO-2 (NAF) 1922 = Modified, wheeled UO-1 for 1922 Curtiss Marine Trophy competition. POP: 1 [A6546], damaged in ground handling and did not race.
UO-3 - Redesignated as FU-1.
Vought UO-4 (USCG)

UO-4 1935 = Single float. POP: 2 to USCG [404=V104, 405=V105].
UO-5 193? = 220hp Wright R-790. Modification of UO-1. POP: 13 [A6729, A6860, A6866, A6988, A6997, A6999, A7005, A7010/7012, A7016, A7035, A7038].
Vought V-50 [X840W] (Frank Rezich coll)
Vought V-50 [X840W] in long pants (1931 Aero Digest)

V-50 Corsair 1931 = 2pOB company demonstrator based on O3U; 635hp P&W R-1690 with four-blade propeller; v: 190. POP: 1 [X840W], a beautiful "Tailspin Tommy" classic!
Vought V-65 Cockpit (Vought)

V-65, -66 Corsair 1933 = Export version of SU-2. POP V-65: 35 to Brazil, 46 to China, 12 to Argentina; V-66: 8 to Brazil, 1 to Argentina, 1 to Britain.
Vought V-70 [X781N] Frank Rezich coll)

V-70 Corsair 1933 = 2pOB company demonstrator based on O3U. POP: 1 as V-70-A [X781N] c/n 892.
Vought V-80P Peruvian AF (Vought)

V-80 -80P Corsair 1933 = 1pCB; 675hp P&W R-1690; span: 36'0" length: 27'7" v: 197 range: 760 ceiling: 27,800'. Enclosed cockpit, interchangeable wheels and floats. POP: 1 V-80 to Argentina, ?? V-80P to Peru.
Vought V-85G (Vought Inc)

V-85, -85G Kurier 1934 = Commercial seaborne catapult mailplane. 1pCB; 700hp P&W R-1690; span: 36'0" length: 30'9" v: 200. POP: 6 to Germany.
Vought V-90 [NX781N] (Vought)

V-90 Corsair 1933 = 2pO/CBF company demonstrator, similar to O3U/SU. Used various engines. POP: 1 [NX781N] c/n 989.
V-92 Corsair 1934 = Similar to SU-1. POP: 21 to China.
V-93 Corsair 1934 = Similar to O3U-3. POP: 12 to Siam.
V-97 Corsair 1936 = 2pCB observation; 1000hp P&W Twin Wasp. POP: 1 to Mexico.
V-99 Corsair 1937 = Similar to O3U. POP: 1 to Mexico.
V-100 Corsair Junior 1934 = Trainer/observation version of O3U; 420hp P&W R-985; span: 35'0" length: 26'8" v: 155. POP: 1 [X14377].
V-135 1934 = 1pOB engine test-bed based on O3U; P&W Twin Wasp and other engines. POP: 1 [X15949].
Vought V-143 (Northrop Archives)

V-141, -143 1936 = 1pClwM rg; 750hp P&W R-1535; span: 33'6" length: 22'2" v: c.300; ff: 3/29/36. Fighter based on purchased design of Northrop 3A. Did not fare well in Army pursuit tests and was modified with 825hp R-1535-SB, extensive fuselage and tail redesign, and redesignated V-143; Rex Beisel et al. POP: 1 [NR56V], sold to Japan. Despite contest, it is obvious that the A6M Zero fighter was heavily influenced by Japanese engineers' evaluation of the design. Additionally, design ideas are noted in F3U and F4U.
V-150 1937 = V-143 with 525hp P&W Wasp Junior. POP: 1.
Vought V-156 (Peter M Bowers coll)

V-156 Vindicator 193? = Export. 2pClwM rg; 825hp P&W R-1535-SB.
V-162 1937 = Unmanned, scale version of a circular-wing project. USN provided funds in 1939 to further develop the idea, which resulted in F5U (preceded by Vought-funded V-173).
V-166 SEE F4U.
Vought V-173 with and without its pants [02978] (Boeing)
Vought V-173 in F5U colors [02978] (Vought)

V-173 1942 = 1p circular-wing "flying pancake;" two 80hp Continental; span: 23'1" length: 26'0" v: 138; ff: 12/23/42 (p: Boone T Guyton). Charles H Zimmerman, nicknamed "Zimmer Skimmer." Wingtip-mounted motors, 16' three-blade, laminated-wood props; fabric-covered, near stall-proof wing of low aspect ratio, twin tails. Could take-off in 200' in zero wind, land in 50'. Design influenced XF5U-1 of 1947. Zimmerman had US patent #2,431,293 of 11/18/47. POP: 1 [02978], completed 171 flights for 131.8 hours flight time and was flown several times by Charles Lindbergh, who was intrigued by the design. Presently (1/20/04) in restoration at Vought Aircraft Heritage Museum.
Vought V-326 [NX41861] (Vought)

V-326 1943 = 2pClwM rg; turbocharged P&W Wasp Major. POP: 2 [NX41861, x] built for P&W as a high-altitude test bed; some components from F4U.
V-354 1946 = 2p trainer conversion of F4U-1 for Navy evaluation but, with the impending jet age, no contract was offered. POP: 1; USN marked, possibly was assigned [49763], which lists as F4U-4XA.
Vought VE-7 Bluebird (Dan Shmaker coll)

VE-7 Bluebird (Lewis & Vought) 1917 = 2pOB; 150hp Wright-Hispano A; span: 34'2" length: 24'6" load: 536# v: 114. Advertised post-WW1 as a sport and training plane. POP: 1 prototype (the wings and tail of which were located in a hangar after WW2, and rebuilt into Waterman Pusher). The first production aircraft of Chance Vought and the first aircraft to fly from an aircraft carrier, a scratch-built replica of the Bluebird was completed in early 2007 by volunteers of the Vought Aircraft Heritage Foundation.
Vought VE-7 (USN)
Vought VE-7 Instrument panel (Vought)

VE-7 1918 = Advanced military trainer, observer, and fighter. POP: 14 to USAS [AS19898/19902, AS40072*, et al]; 20 [A5661/5680], plus 39 built by NAF [A5942/5969, A5971, A6011/6020] to USN. (* One of 2 known built at McCook Field. Reportedly 4 more were built by Springfield Co, possibly never assigned s/ns.) Conversions to VE-7G, 7GS, and -7S.
VE-7F 1921 = 180hp Wright E-3; span: 34'1" length: 24'5" v: 119 ceiling: 19,200'. POP: 40 [A5912/5941, A6021/6030], plus 29 [A5943/5971] by NAF.
Vought VE-7G [A-5692] (USMC)

VE-7G, -7GF (NAF) 1921 = 180hp Hispano E. POP: 23 conversions from VE-7 [A5681/5700] and 1 modification as VE-7GF [A5685].
VE-7H (NAF) 1924 = 180hp Hispano E; length: 31'1" v: 110 ceiling: 14,800'. POP: 9 by NAF to USN [A6436/6444].
Vought VE-7S mod from -7 (USN via W T Larkins coll)

VE-7S, -7SF 1925 = 1p with 180hp Hispano E; length: 24'5" v: 117 range: 290 ceiling: 15,000'. POP: 40 to AAC, plus 11 to USN [A5942, A6011/6020] as VE-7SF, and 1 as VE-7S converted from VE-7 by NAF [A5680].
VE-8 1918 = 2pOB; 340hp Hispano H; span: 31'9" length: 21'4". POP: 2 ordered by the Army on 10/11/18 [40099, 63266]; 3 more cancelled [40100/40102].
VE-9 1921 = VE-7 with 180hp Wright E-3. POP: 2 to Army [AS64310, AS64316].
Vought VE-9 Floatplane (clip via Les McCrae)
Vought VE-9 On wheels (USAAF)

VE-9 1927 = span: 34'2" length: 24'2" (?>24'6") load: 536# v: 119 (?>114) ceiling: 18,840'. POP: 22 to Army [22-379/400], 17 to USN [A6465/6481]. Army used same designation as USN.
VE-9H 1927 = POP: 4 to USN [A6461/6464].
VE-9W - Cancelled.
Vought VE-10 (Vought)

VE-10 Bat Boat 1919 = 3pOswBFb; 90hp Curtiss OX-5 pusher; v: 80. POP: 1 for unsuccessful USN trials. W-truss struts. The only flying boat ever built by Vought.
VE-135 1934 = 1pOB. POP: 1 military prototype [X15949].
WU-1 SEE S2U-1.
Vought-Hiller-Ryan XC-142 [62-5921] (Vought)

-Hiller-Ryan C-142 c.1964 = VSTOL tilt-wing project, tri-service cargo and assault. 4-36pChwM rg; four GE T64 turboshafts; span: 67'6" length: 58'2" v (est): 350/290/x. Variable cruise system using two engines to turn all four props. Designed to carry 32 combat-ready troops or 8,000# cargo. POP: 5 prototypes as XC-142, -142A [62-5921/5925]. [62-5924=NASA522] donated to USAF Museum.
-Sikorsky SEE Sikorsky VS-.
-Stadlman SEE Stadlman.