REVISED: 4/17/09
John W Bock, Los Lunas NM.
Model 2 1970 = 1pClwM; 100hp Lycoming; 23'0" length: 18'2" v: 144/128/x range: 660. Gross wt: 1665#. POP: 1 [N3152].
John Bode, Augusta KS.
Drag 'n' Fly 197? = 1pOhwM parasol; 65hp Lycoming; span: 29'0" v: x/85/35. Described as built with parts from a derelict Porterfield. POP: 1 [N2274].
Edward Boden, no location.
1946 = No data.
Boeing Canada
Boeing Aircraft of Canada, Vancouver BC..
PB2B-1 1943 = Wartime production of Catalina IV-B. POP: 200 to RAF and RNZAF, and 40 to USN [44188/44227].
PB2B-2 1944 = Wartime production of Catalina VI. POP: 45 to RAF, 47 to RAAF, 8 to USN [44238/44245], of which 6 transferred to USAAF, who retained the s/ns. 18 more canceled.
PBY-5A 1942 = Wartime contract assembly of Canso A from supplied Consolidated parts. POP: 55 for RCAF [9751-9805].
Boeing School
Boeing School of Aeronautics, Oakland Airport CA.
Boeing T-5 [NX15542] (William T Larkins)
Boeing T-6 [NX15542] (William T Larkins)

T-5, -6 1937 = 2pClwM; 320hp Wright; span: 34'1" length: 24'9" load: 885# v: 226/200/65. John Thorp. Officially neither a Boeing Co design nor product, this attractive tandem-seat trainer was built by students at Boeing School and thusly adopted the Boeing name for licensing convenience. POP: 1 [NX15542], based on Paulic T-3, redesigned 1939 and modified with a nose wheel and 215hp Lycoming radial as T-6. Flown for 15-20 hours, then dismantled. SEE ALSO Paulic, Thorp.
George Bogardus, Troutdale OR, and Eyerly Aircraft Corp, Salem OR.
Little Gee Bee 1940 = 1pClwM 65hp Continental A-65; span: 29'6" v: 120/105/40. Tom Story, based on Long-Ralston Wimpy design by Les Long. Built by Eyerly and, after initial testing, placed in storage during WW2. Purchased and modified in 1945 by Bogardus, who obtained certification in 1947 [NX31250]. He flew this plane from Oregon to Washington DC to dramatically petition for CAA's establishment in 1948 of the Amateur-Built license category.
Ed L Bogut, Havre MT.
Model A 1932 = 1pOM; 30hp Szekely. [12728].
Bokor or Boker
Maurice Bokor (also seen as Morris Boker), Bronx NY.
Bokor [972H] (1913 Jane's)

1909 = 1pOT; 38hp 4-cyl A&B auto engine (also noted as 34hp Thomas) and two 8' pusher propellers; span: 26'0". Gross wt: 1181#. Claimed to be the third US-built plane to fly, although other reports say it lacked sufficient power to fly. Front elevator and rudder; curious triangular rudder arrangement; four-wheel, cart-like undercarriage.
1908: (Frank E & Joseph) Boland Aeroplane & Motor Co, Rahway NJ and Mineola NY. 1928: Boland Aeroplane Co, Newark NJ, on acquisition of rights to Klemm L.25.
1911 Boland Original configuration (1911 Aeronautics)
1911 Boland 3-view (1911 Aeronautics)
1912 Boland Modified version (1912 Aeronautics)

Tailless Triplane, Biplane 1911 = 1pOT and OB; 60hp Boland V-8 pusher; span: 29'6" length: 19'6" v: 50; ff: 7/3/11. 1913 data: span: 35'6" length: 21'2" v: 60. Used spring-loaded, flying-jib type of sails between the wingtips as ailerons; front elevators; quad gear. POP: 3 to 5, quite heavily modified over three years, according to articles, some with four-cylinder motors, and at least 1 fitted with a conventional, boxed-in fuselage as a biplane. As for the prototype biplane, Aeronautics of Nov 1911 editorialized: "No attempt has been made to refine the machine ... The cloth is rusty from weather and has been on for about a year ... no shed is provided for the machine at allhe just leaves it out like a lazy farmer would his plow. Some ribs have one curve, some another; sometimes they are flat due to weather conditions. All Boland wants to do is fly and he doesn't care a hang for looks."
Flying Boat 1912 = 1pOBFb modified from the 1910 design, in which Boland was killed in Trinidad on 1/23/13.
Lynn L Bollinger-Otto C Koppen, MIT, Cambridge MA.
Bolllinger-Koppen Helio prototype [N9390H] (Smithsonian)

Helioplane 1, 2, 4 1949 = 2pChwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 29'0" length: 26'0" load: 852# v: x/108/27 (data for Model 2). Based on a Piper PA-15 fuselage, these STOL experiments evolved into Helio Courier. Crosswind gear, automatic leading-edge slots, geared slow-speed 9' propeller. POP: 3 [N242B, Nx, N9390H], the last of which, as 1950 model 4, had 145hp Continental with an 11' prop. Model 3 apparently was unbuilt.
1928: Bolte Aircraft Co, Des Moines IA. 1930: Acquired by United Air Activities Inc, Newton IA, for $3,600.
Limousine 1928 = 4p LW-3 with Wright Whirlwind. $7,000. POP: 1.
LW-1 1927 = 1pOlwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D. POP: 1 [7423].
Bolte LW-2

LW-2 Sportplane 1928 (ATC 2-158) = 2pOlwM; 100hp Kinner K-5. $3,500; POP: about 6 [X533E, X563E, X613E, prototype X7424, et al]; the first one a 1p with 90hp LeBlond for $2,500, the second purchased by Bert Kinner for folding-wing experiments, evolved into his Kinner Sportster.
LW-3 Coupe 1928 = 2pChwM; 100hp Cirrus or 100hp Kinner. Cantilever wing. $4,000; POP: 1 [X599E].
William H Bolz Jr, Palmyra NB.
BB-1 1934 = 2pOM; 80hp Union (LeRhûne). [12585] c/n 2497; reg cancelled 5/15/35.
BB-2 1936 = 2pOM; 80hp LeRhûne. [15822] c/n 2498. Fatal crash 9/9/36 (p: Bolz Jr), reg cancelled.
BB-3 1936 = 4pOB; 100hp OXX-6. [14473] c/n 2500.
1942: J-Armand Bombardier, Quebec, Canada; mfr of tracked vehicles. 1986: Acquired Canadair. 1989: Acquired Short Bros (Ireland). 1990: Acquired Learjet Inc. 1992: Acquired Canadian de Havilland. 1996: Reorganization into Bombardier Aerospace, Bombardier Capital, Bombardier Recreational Products, Bombardier Services, and Bombardier Transportation. 1997: Flight test center opened at Learjet facility, Wichita KS.
415 19?? =No data.
Bombardier BD-100-1A10 [N525FX] (William T Larkins)

BD-100-1A10 19?? = No data.
BD-700 19?? = No data.
Challenger 300 19?? = No data.
Challenger 604 19?? = ClwM rg; span: 68'6" length: 64'4" v: x/Mach 0.83/x range: 4692 ceiling: 41,000'. POP: 500 delivered by Oct 2000.
Challenger 800 19?? = No data.
CL-44 19?? (TC 1A20, A14EA, A21EA) = No data.
CL-21 Learjet 19?? = No data.
CL-215 19?? (TC A14EA) = ChwAm; two P&W R-2800-83AM.
Bombardier CL-600 [N703BR] (Darrell Loosemore)

CL-600 19?? (TC A21EA) = No data.
Continental 19?? = 8-10pClwM rg; span: 63'10" length: 68'7" v: x/Mach 0.83/x ceiling: 45,000'.
Bombardier CRJ-200 (Bombardier)

CRJ-100 199? = No data.
CRJ-200 199? = No data.
Bombardier CRJ-700 (Bombardier)

CRJ-700 1999 = ff: 5/21/99. No data.
Bombardier CRJ-900 (Bombardier)

CRJ-900 2001 = ff: 10/20/01 (p: Chuck Ellis, Jacques Thibodeau). No data.
Global Express 19?? = No data.
Global Express 5000 19?? = No data.
DHC-3 Otter (ATC 815) 19?? = De Havilland. No data.
Q200 Dash-8 200? - 37-39p unknown type; two P&W-Canada PW123D; load: 13,189# span: 85'0" length: 73'0" v: 334/x/83 range: 1065 (possibly projected figures).
Q300 Dash-8 200? - 50-56p unknown type; two P&W-Canada PW123B; load: 17,000# span: 90'0" length: 84'4" v: 330/330/88 range: 963 (possibly projected figures).
Learjet 45 19?? = No data.
Learjet 55 19?? = No data.
Learjet 60 19?? = No data.
Sentinel 19?? = No data.
Bomhoff, Canada County OK.
c.1939 = 2pOB; no data found. Used for coyote hunting ( Air Trails July 1940).
L Dewey Bonbrake, Kansas City KS.
Parasol 1928 = 2pOhwM; 40hp Wright-Anzani (later 55hp Velie?). Began as 1920 Bahl Lark, redesigned by Bonbrake in 1924 and rebuilt as Tuxhorn Lark, then apparently purchased and renamed by Bonbrake. To cloud matters further, it was also seen as Gebhart from appearances at 1928 Nationals events piloted by Harry L "Gene" Gebhart [932Y]. Design evolved into Inland Sport series. Bonbrake (erroneously spelled Bonebrake) was later with the original Manhattan Project as designer of the trigger mechanism for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs.
John Bond, Cupertino CA.
Sky Dancer 1973 = 1pOAg; 90hp Revmaster; rotor: 23'0" length: 10'10" load: 260# v: 95/55/x range: 120.
1928: R O Bone Co, 415 E Industrial Ave, Inglewood CA.
P-1 aka ROBC Sport 1928 = 1p (assumed high-wing); 35hp Anzani; span: 24'2" length: 20'6". POP: 1 "single-seater sport plane for test work & demonstration" [X10005] c/n 2; reg expired 8/1/29. Designed and built, or converted from something, by Bone prior to his 1929 Golden Eagles (qv), information about which was uncovered by the assiduous John M Jarratt and forwarded on 1/7/05 to help clear up a long-standing mystery. Now all we need is a picture of it, as well as info if c/n 1 was the Bone Parasol P-2 appearing as such on records [464].
Leonard Warden Bonney and Kirkham Motor Co, Flushing NY.
Bonney Gull [K1783] (Paul Matt coll)
Bonney Gull Original concept model
Bonney Gull Ready for take-off

Gull aka Curtiss Bird Wing 1927 = 2pCmwM; 180hp Kirkham; span: 40'3" length: 21'7" v (est): 140/x/40. Leonard Bonney, built by Kirkham Co. This curious, birdlike machine was awarded a temporary, special-class license because of its unorthodox design [K1783]the "K" is often thought to be merely an incorrect transcription of an "X," but it is clearly evident in one photo. Folding, duraluminum wings, theoretically self-stabilizing; large, steerable tailwheel; side-by-side cockpit. Cost to build: $100,000. Crashed on its initial take-off 5/4/28, killing Bonney, an experienced pilot who learned to fly with Orville Wright in 1910. How or why the name of Curtiss was attached in some references is unknown as no records were found about involvement by Glenn Curtiss or Curtiss Co in this project.
Carr E Booker, Raleigh NC.
Booker Hummingbird (Aviation via Joe Martin)

Hummingbird 1921 (?>1924) = 2pOB; 28hp Lawrance A-3; span: 20'0" length: 16'6" load: 350# v: 70/x/35 range: 250. Also tried with 60hp Wright-Lawrance L-4 (v: 90/x/40), but newspaper reports tell only of a few short flights, each ending in some sort of attritional accident.
H T Booth. Freeport NY.
Booth [810W] (Dan Shumaker coll)

1931 = 2pOBFb; Booth pusher, shaft-driven from engine in its metal hull. Had an additional 32hp outboard motor mounted in the hull, with a geared-shaft drive, to operate the plane as a boat. [810W]. John W Underwood informs that Booth was an ex-Curtiss designer who also designed Vanderbilt's Napier-powered Kirkham Air Yacht c.1925.
Cecil W Bopp, Waterloo IA.
PM-1 1930 = 1pOhwM; Wright-Morehouse. Bopp's first solo flight was also the test flight of this parasol airplane. Eventually he put 125 hours on it. [10701].
Lowell J Borchers, Mt Vernon OH.
Delta Stingray 1978 = No data or specs; 100hp Continental O-200. [N234LB] c/n/ LB-2.
Richard Borg, San Jose CA (maybe).
19?? = Reputed to be a version of Rose Parakeet with 125hp Lycoming with marketed plans for home-builders.
Harry Bosshardt, 1850 Sacramento St, San Francisco CA.
HB-1 1929 = 2plwM; 90hp LeBlond. [X528K] c/n HB-1. Landing accident on 11/15/29, after which it was fitted with "a special device for safety landing." This apparently was of little help because it crashed again on 6/28/31, and reg was cancelled on 7/13/31.
Boston Aeronautical Mfg Co, Boston MA.
1910 = No data.
Leonard L Bottoms Jr, Quinton VA.
Skeeter 1966 = 2pClwM; 125hp Lycoming; load: 485# v: x/120/x. POP: 1 [N940Z].
(Edward & Curtis) Bounsall Aircraft, Mesquite NV.
Prospector 1982 = No data.
Super Prospector 1989 = 1phwM parasol STOL taildragger bush plane; 60hp HAPI; span: 29'8" length: 19'4" load: 390# v: 100/90/35 range: 300.
San Francisco CA.
c.1910 = No data except for an intriguing mention that this had a motor that "pivoted in front of the machine for steering."
SEE Viking
1928: (Allen P) Bourdon Aircraft Corp, E Greenwich RI. 1930: Merged with Viking Flying Boat Co.
Bourdon Kitty Hawk [X5598] (ad: 1928 Aero Digest)

Kitty Hawk 1928 = 3pOB; 97hp Ryan-Siemens; span: 28'0" length: 21'11" load: 773# v: 112/90/40 range: 500. Allen Bourdon, F T Kurt, John E Summers. $5,200; POP: 1 prototype [X5598], registered as a B-2, destroyed in a hangar fire.
B-2 Kittyhawk 1929 (ATC 134, 2-56) = 3pOB; 105hp Yankee Siemens SH-14; span: 28'0" length: 22'11" load: 808# v: 105/90/42 range: 450. $5,200; POP: 6, of which the first had a 130hp Hallett [X7479].
Bourdon (Viking) B-4 [NC35V] (Frank Rezich coll)

B-4 Kittyhawk 1930 (ATC 166, 2-227) = 3pOB; 125hp Kinner K-5; span: 28'0" length: 23'0" load: 768# v: 110/92/40 range: 425. Became Viking B-8. $4,800; POP: 17. (2-227) for 100hp Kinner K-5 on [NC293M].
Clarence H Bourn, Dallas TX.
B-1 1933 = 2pOhwM; 65hp Velie M-5. Possibly a Pietenpol. [11970]; reg cancelled 8/1/34.
Peter M Bowers, Seattle WA.
Bowers Fly Baby [N500F] (Larry DiRicco)

Fly Baby 1-A 1961 = 1pOlwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 28'0" length: 19'0" load: 319# v: 120/105/45. Popular series of home-builts from marketed plans; won 1962 EAA design award. Prototype [N500F]; about 170 built from plans by early 1974. A 2p side-by-side version was developed by students at Ash Fork (AZ) high school [N247AF].
Fly Baby 1-B 1969 = 1pOB version of 1-A; span: 22'0" load: 321# v: x/87/x; ff: 5/27/69.
Namu 19?? = 2pO/ClwM; 125hp Lycoming O-290-G; span: 33'0" length: 21'6" load: 700# v: 135/120/50 range: 500 ceiling: 15,000'.
1929: (Richard "Dick") Bowlby Airplane Company, 1510 N Fairview and 413 S Market St, Wichita KS.
Sunbeam 1929 = 2pOB; 60hp Velie M-5; span: 24'0" length: 17'6". The company existed in 1929 only and produced this one airplane [9951] c/n 101, which was "used for a clown act" by William H Conner in 1929 as a Kansas City air circus. Fate unknown, but reg cancelled 7/18/30.
Bowlus SEE Nelson
Elmer Bowman, Owatonna MN.
1930 = 2pChwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Copy of Curtiss Robin. POP: 2 [12007, 12986] c/n 1 and c/n 1933sub (which might have been a relicensed Robin), the first of which was 3p for sightseeing rides, calculated by Bowman as having carried almost 4,000 passengers 1931-35.
c.1940 = 1pCB. Unique tailless creation with canard wings and tricycle gear, apparently never flown as war curtailed flying activities.
Jack B Bowyer, Wichita KS.
BW-1 19?? = 1p flying wing; 65hp Franklin 4AC; span: 26'0" length:
21'0". Not much is known about this remarkable pure flying wing designed and built, possibly in the 1960s, by a Beech Aircraft Corp engineer. Judging by photos, it flew.
Chester M & W Hunter Boyd, Logan Field, Baltimore MD.
Boyd A (Frank Blazek via J W Underwood coll)

Flying Craft Model A 1924 = 2-3pOmwM; 45hp Anzani; span: 30'0" v: 110/x/30. All-duraluminum with corrugated covering; folding, shoulder gull-wings. Claimed to be first plane in USA to use controllable flaps. Accommodations were also claimed for threenot bad for 45hp! Biblical quotation on its side: "Worthy is the lamb that was slain."
Boyd C [X2062] (Frank Rezich coll)

Flying Craft Model C 1932 = 2pChwM; 210hp Lycoming or 225hp Jacobs. Variable-camber "safety plane" with corrugated metal construction [X2062] c/n 3. Originally had 125hp Warner Scarab. One noted as Hunter Boyd Experimental [1520] c/n 2 with no data.
Gary Boyd, no location.
1982 = No data.
Ernest Boyette, San Francisco CA.
1982 = No data.
Curtiss Bradley, Tulsa OK.
LRB-1 1931 = Ultralight. 1pOM; 28hp Lawrance. [11913].
Ben R Bradley, Fort Lauderdale FL.
Imp 194? = 1pChwM; 125hp Lycoming; v: 140/130/55. Take-off run: 200'. Climb: 2000 fpm. Fully aerobatic airplane with a shortened Piper J-3 fuselage and PA-11 wings, shortened 5'6" on each side. POP: 1 [N1677M].
Jacob T & Jacob J Brain, Paterson NJ.
1933 = 1pOM; 28hp Lawrance. [13254].
Braley Beezle Bug
1927: (Thomas) Braley Aircraft Co, 211 E Douglas Ave and 6400 E Franklin Rd, Wichita KS. 1930: Braley School of Flying, Wichita KS.
Braley B-1 [X8171] (Wichita State Univ Library)

B-1 1928 = 2pOB; 220hp Wright J-5; span: (upper) 27'0" (lower) 25'0" length: 21'7" load: 800# v: 184/150/35 range: 750. Ward Braley. POP: 1 [X8171]. Design was revised and expanded into B2 series.
B2-K5 1928 = 2pOB; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 27'0" length: 21'0". POP: 1 [660H].
B2-R5 aka B2-J6 1929 = 165hp Wright J-6. POP: 1 [X432N].
Braley B-2C6 [NX626K] (EAA coll)

B2-C6 1930 = Similar to B2-K5 with 170hp Curtiss Challenger. POP: 1 [NX626K], had a flap-like "air brake" within the landing gear struts that, when lowered, would reduce landing speed to about 35mph. Production was wiped out by a hangar fire in Jan 1930. Operations continued as a flying school until the outbreak of WW2, at which time the field was sold to Cessna Corp. Some records show a total Braley production of five aircraft through 1931.
Penn Elastic Co, Germantown PA. 1945: (Newby O) Brantly Helicopter Corp, Philadelphia PA. 1957: Frederick OK. 195?: Acquired by Gates Learjet. 1969: Production rights acquired by Aeronautical Research & Development Co (ARDC), Cambridge MA, marketing but no production. 1970: Operations ended. 1970: Rights acquired as Brantly Operators Inc (pres: Michael K Hynes), Frederick OK. 1971: Acquired by Franklin Capital Corp, Livonia MI (pres: F Lee Bailey) as Enstrom Helicopter Corp. 1975: Brantly-Hynes Helicopter Inc. 1984: Hynes Helicopter Inc. 1987: All assets offered for sale. 1989: Brantly Helicopter Industries. 1994: Brantly Intl, Vernon TX.
305 1964 = 5pCH; 305hp Lycoming VO-540-B1F; rotor: 28'8" length: 24'6" load: 1425# v: 100/x/0; ff: 1/x/64 (prototype [N2200U]). Newby Brantly. POP: 45. Later production as Brantly-Hynes 305.
Brantly B-1 [NX69125] (1951 Aviation Yearbook)

B-1 1946 = 2pCH; 150hp Franklin 6AC; rotor: 29'0" length: 17'6" load: 625# v: 100/x/0. Newby Brantly. Two stacked, three-bladed, coaxial rotors; no tail rotor. POP: 1 prototype [NX69125].
Brantly B-2 (Brantly)
Brantly Experimental B-2 See below (Brantly)

B-2 1953 (TC 2H2) = 2pCH with a single 23'0" main rotor, and a small tail rotor; length: 21'9" load: 580-640# v: 100/90/0 range: 200-270 ceiling: 11,400'; ff: 2/21/53. Production began in 1959. POP (total all B-2s): 498 to Dec 1999, included 5 built by LearJet.

Experimental B-2 differed from production B-2s with (1) low tail rotor, (2) engine oil cooled through a tube looped many times around the tail coneyou can see the band of looped tube towards the end of the tail cone, (3) the inboard section of the main rotor blade is not coveredthere is only a tube where later a fairing with an airfoil shape is seen, (4) two-wheel gear instead of a skid. ( Gilles Lehoux 12/18/01)
B-2A 1956 = 2pCH; Lycoming VO-360-B1A; ff: 4/14/56. Production began in 1962, featuring a redesigned cabin.
Brantly B-2B [N9015M] (Brantly)

B-2B 1963 = Fuel injection, fan-type cooling system; 180hp Lycoming IVO-360-A1A; rotor: 23'9" length: 21'1" load: 650# v: 100/90/0 range: 250 ceiling: 6,000'.
HO-3 1958 = US Army 2pCH trainer version of B-2; 180hp Lycoming VO-360-A1A; rotor: 23'8" length: 21'9" load: 690# v: 100/90/0 range: 300 . POP: 5 as YHO-3 [58-1492/1496].

The Army is believed to have purchased the first 5 ships off the assembly linean article in American Helicopter Society, May 1958, explains they were intent on purchasing an "off-the-shelf" civil helicopter, so, no major modifications to the production B-2 were probably made such as changing the engine. Some prototypes of the B-2 used a modified 170hp O-340-A1A, but those were definitely not sold to the Army. According to the TC (2H2), the B-2 (military YHO-3BR) was approved for three engines: VO-360-A1A, -A1B, and -B1A. Thus it's possible that any one of those showed up on the Army ships. My guess is since the VO-360-A1A was the first in production, it was also the one on the Army ships. The other two engines may have been later improvements to production. ( Gilles Lehoux 1/8/00)
Brantly-Hynes H-5T (magazine clip)

-Hynes H-5T (Hynes) 1986 = Production of HO-3, similar in specs. POP: undisclosed by Army; reportedly most were used as targets, some being fitted with composite fuselage covers to resemble USSR gunships.
Brawner-Bauer SEE Pacific (1930)
Brazil Lion
1931: Lion Aircraft Co, Chicago IL. 1931: Brazil Aircraft Corp (consortium), Brazil IN.
Safety Plane 1931 = 2pOhwM; 45hp Szekely SR-3; span: 31'0" length: 19'0" v: 105/85/32. POP: 2; one, first known only as Lion, was built in Chicago in 1931, and refitted with 50hp Aeromarine and 55hp Velie [X12074]. The other was built in Brazil with 50hp Aeromarine, replaced by 65hp Velie and 65hp Lambert, and was sponsored by a group of Brazil businessmen [12810]; aka Brazil 300. Production never got under way after the designer (registered as Ray Hernley, Parker IN) disappeared, taking the original plane with him. He was later located and charged with petty larceny, but was acquitted. This plane also shows up in 1931 register as Knowlton LSP, but why?
Ray N Breecher, no location.
1936 = 2pOM; 90hp OX-5. [14848] c/n BB-14. Brothers Carl and Ray, at ages of 18 and 16, built a Northrup glider [NC12008] c/n 11, and a Heath Parasol [NC12995] c/n BB-1 (registered as Breecher 77). After a crash, it was rebuilt and changed a little, and their own souped-up Harley-Davidson motor installed. Ray Breecher built the third plane [NC14848] with an OX-5, but info is yet to be found.
Breese, Breese-Dallas, Breese-Wild
1926: (Vance) Breese Aircraft Co, Mills Field, San Francisco CA; 1927: Breese-(Arthur F "Pop") Wild Aircraft Construction Co/Breese Flying School, 270 17 St, San Francisco. 1928: Incorporation. 1928: Watts Airport, Beaverton OR. 1931: Breese Aircraft Corp, Portland OR. 1932: Breese & (Charles) Dallas Inc, 13210 French Rd, Detroit MI. c.1934: Vance Breese, Mines Field, Los Angeles.
Breese 5 City of Portland [837H] (TKnL coll)
Breese 5 Motor failure at SFO (ex-Capitol Air Lines) (SF Call-Bulletin via K O Eckland coll)

5 1927 (ATC 2-5) = 5-6pO/ChwM; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 41'0" length: 31'6" (?>27'3") load: 1460# v: 132/115/43 range: 550. Pilot in open cockpit over the wing. $12,000; POP: about 7; 1 for Varney Air Lines, City of Portland [837H], 2 for Dole Race: Aloha (John Northrop, p: Martin Jensen) [NX914], and Pabco Pacific Flyer (Phil Salzman, p: Livingston Irving) [NX646], which was later purchased by Irving and renamed Irving Cabin [C646]; one or two more reportedly built at Portland. SEE ALSO Breese-Wild below. One production plane [C3817], piloted by Breese, suffered what might be called total engine failure when the motor fell off its mounts over San Francisco on 4/16/28. By having his passengers move forward in the cabin to shift the c/g, Breese was able to maintain control and land safely on an open hillside.
Breese Junior [10645] (clip: magazine ad)

Junior, LP-2 1931 = 2pOhwM; 45hp Szekely SR-3; span: 36'6" length: 21'0" load: 450#. Parasol wing, side-by-side cockpit. Redesignated LP-2 [10645].
LT-1 1932 = Rebuild of LP-2. 2pOhwM; 90hp LeBlond. [10645].
Breese Penguin with nose-over frame [33473]

Penguin 1917 = 1pOmwM; 28hp Lawrance A-3; span: 14'0". Non-flying ground trainers for Army pilot training. POP: 301 [AS33462/33761, AS34230], but only 5 were actually used in service. The other 296 were placed in storage, then scrapped after the war.
Breese R-6-3 [NC12725]

R-6-3 (Portland) 1933 (ATC 2-447) = 5pO/ChwM; 330hp Wright J-6. Vance Breese. Similar to R-6-C and to Dole Race Aloha, except the pilot sat in an open cockpit aft of the cantilever wing. POP: 1 [NC12725].
Breese R-6-C [X844N]

R-6-C (Portland) 1928 (ATC 2-236) = 1pO/ChwM; 330hp Wright J-6; span: 41'1" length: 28'1". Prototype dive bomber that failed to meet Army specifications. Metal and fabric fuselage, plywood wings. POP: 1 [X844N] c/n 10.
-Bennett SEE Bennett.
Breese-Dallas X [NX12899] (K O Eckland coll)

-Dallas X 1933 = 6pClwM rg; 450hp P&W Wasp SC-1. W A Mankey. POP: 1 [X12899] c/n 1, born as Michigan Model 1 (qv) at the same address as Breese & Dallas. Vance Breese purchased it from Lambert Aircraft 4/5/35 and flew it to Los Angeles, repowered it, and NR-licensed it for "exhibition and motion picture camera work." Assumably this is when its name changed to Breese & Dallas X. Soon after it was modified with an 800hp P&W Twin Wasp SR-B and new fuel tanks (185- and 105-gallons in the fuselage, 40- and 15-gallons in each wing), then licensed 4/24/36 "for long-distance cross-country flights" and sold to Jackie Cochran 10/3/36 for the 1937 Bendix Race. However, Paul Mantz (United Air Services, Burbank CA) acquired it on 1/6/37 and flew it to Mexico 1/10/37 to sell to Col Roberto Fierro of the Mexican AAF (price: $25,000). Scheduled for shipment to Spain for use in their Civil War, it crashed in early 1937 flying from Mexico City to Vera Cruz (p: Cloyd Clevenger). Its CAA license expired 4/12/37.

-Wild 1927 = 9pChwM; Wright J-4B Whirlwind; span: 42'0" length: 30'3". POP: 1 [5053], in league with Arthur "Pop" Wild, built for Walter T Varney as a mail carrier on CAM-5, Boise ID. Placed in storage in 1929. John M Jarratt believes this was the prototype Breese 5, which is confimed by J W Underwood as prototype B-5 [C(or X)534E]; Varney rejected it, "likely from a thumbs down by chief pilot Leon Cuddeback, who favored biplanes."
Robert Liposky, Charles Roloff, Carl Unger, Oak Lawn IL.
RLU-1 1964 = 3pOhwM; 90hp Continental C-90; span: 33'0" length 22'6" load: 500# v: 100/75/30 range: 200. The fuselage was an open framework steel-tube truss. Wings and tail surfaces from a Piper Super Cruiser. Pilot in front and passengers on a bench seat behind him all sat out in the fresh air on this true Flying Carpet. More than 700 sets of plans were sold, with many examples flying all over the world.
Claude Brewster, Toledo OH.
1936 = 1pOB; 20hp Henderson. [20481].
Brewster, Brewster-Fleet
1924: Brewster and Co, Aircraft Div, Long Island City NY. 1932: Purchased by James Work; Brewster Aeronautical Corp organized. 1942: Company taken over by US Navy after charges of mismanagement, as well as an untimely strike by workers. 1946: Assets liquidated.
Brewster 33A Design project

33A 1941 - Design for a USN twin-boom shipboard fighter with pusher engine and contrarotating props only made it as far as a wood model.
Brewster XA-32A [42-13569]

A-32 1943 = Attack dive-bomber. 1pClwM rg; 2100hp P&W R-2800-37; span: 45'1" length: 40'7" load: 3692# v: 311/235/75 range: 400-500 ceiling: 26,000'. POP: 2 prototypes as XA-32 [42-13568] and -32A with wing cannons [42-13569]. Production cancelled in favor of North American A-36A.
A-34 1942 - AAF designation for B-340E (qv).
B-139 1937 = USN carrier fighter prototype. 1pClwM rg; 950hp Wright XR-1820-22; span: 35'0" length: 25'6" load: 1300# v: 278/x/67 ceiling: 30,900'. POP: 1 [0451], redesignated XF2A-2 after testing.
B-239 1939 = Export fighter. 1pClwM rg; 950hp Wright R-1820; span: 35'0" length: 26'0" load: 1920# v: 297/236/70 range: 1095 ceiling: 32,500'; ff: 12/8 (?>30)/39 (p: James Taylor). POP: 1 prototype of F2A-1 minus USN carrier equipment [NX15694].
Brewster B-339 in Belgian markings

B-339, Buffalo 1940 = Export version of B-239 with 1100hp Wright R-1820-G105A and increased fuel tankage, span: 25'11" range: 840. Originally ordered by Belgium, all those were redirected to other Allied countries after its occupation by Germany.
Brewster B-339B (clip: Air News)

B-339B 1940 = POP: 7 to Belgium, 33 to Britain.
Brewster B-339D [NX3180] (Avn Heritage coll)

B-339C/-339D 1940 = Minor modifications. POP: 72 to Netherlands East Indies in 1941. SEE B-439 comments.
B-339E 1941 = POP: 170 to RAF, RAAF, and RNZAF as Buffalo, and 1 to Netherlands East Indies (Martinique?).
Brewster B-340E Bermuda [NX389B] (Brewster)

B-340E, Bermuda 1941 = Export model of SB2A to RAF as Bermuda I; non-folding wings. POP: 206, a RAF count that excludes units diverted to Canada, and those lost in shipping enroute. Problematical, most were used as target tugs and trainers or were scrapped.
Brewster B-439 Prototype [NX341B] (Curtiss-Wright ad)

B-439 1941 = Similar to B-339. POP: 20 as Model 339-23 to RAAF in 1942.

The 439 Buffalo was in fact the US Navy's F2A-3. The RAAF aircraft referred to were in fact some (and not all) of the B-339Ds delivered to Dutch East Indies Air Force; the picture you show is one of them. On the Japanese invasion of Java in early 1942, some of these aircraft escaped to Australia where some were transferred to RAAF. Some also went to USAAF in Australia, but without a designation of AAF serials. This whole matter is a big mess that keeps historians busy! ( Jos Heyman 12/26/03)
F2A - USN carrier fighter. 1pClwM rg; Dayton T Brown. Faulted with a weak gear for carrier landings and a lack of armor, the plane also was reputed to be an easy target for Zero fighters and became unpopular with USN and Allied pilots. Yet with Finnish pilots its victory ratio was an impressive 42:1 over USSR planes. Despite its stubby, beer-barrel shape, it held a certain charm to aviation aficionadosmuch with the same eye as the ungainly Volkswagen "Bug" was seen by its audienceand has always been a popular subjct for modelers.
Brewster XF2A-1 [0451]
Brewster XF2A-1 experimental dazzle camouflage (USN)

XF2A-1, -2 1937 = 850hp Wright R-1820-22. POP: 1 [0451] redesignated from B-139, repowered in 1939 with 1200hp R-1820-40 as XF2A-2.
Brewster F2A-1 (1940 Air News)

F2A-1 (Model B-239) 1939 = 950hp Wright R-1820-34/-G5; span: 35'0" length: 26'0" load: 1255# v: 311/144/67 range: 1095 ceiling: 33,000'. POP: 11 [1386/1396], plus 43 transferred to Finland in 1940 as Model 238 with R-1820-G5 (from DC-3 airliner production) [1397/1439].
Brewster F2A-2 (Natl Museum of Naval Aviation)

F2A-2 1939 = 1200hp R-1820-40; length: 25'7" load: 1366# v: 323/157/73 range: 1015 ceiling: 34,000'. POP: 43 [1397/1439].
Brewster F2A-3 (NACA)

F2A-3 1940 (Model B-439) = F2A-2 with R-1820-40; length: 26'4" v: 322/258/83. POP: 108 [01516/01623].
XF2A-4 1941 = Pressurized cockpit. POP: 1 conversion of F2A-3 [01516].
F3A Corsair 1943 = Contract-built export versions of Vought F4U-1 with clipped wings to fit aboard British carriers. POP: 735 as F3A-1/-1D, of which 430 to England as Corsair II/III. POP: SEE production batches for data. USN cancelled further production in July 1944 because of alleged company mismanagement.
Brewster XSBA-1 [9726] (Brewster via Avn Heritage)

SBA 1936 = USN scout-bomber. 2pCmwM rg; Wright XR-1820-22; span: 39'0" length: 28'3" v: 230 ceiling: 26,800'. Dayton Brown. Design enlarged as SB2A. POP: 1 as XSBA-1 [9726], plus 30 built by NAF as SBN-1. Became SB2A.
SB2A Buccaneer - 2pCmwM rg; 1700hp P&W GR-2600; span: 47'0" length: 39'3" (?>37'4") load: 2900# v: 296/x/78 range: 1680 ceiling: 27,100' (data for SB2A-1); ff: 6/17/41. $67,000. Dayton Brown, evolved from XSBA-1.
XSB2A-1 1941 = 1400hp P&W XR-2600-8. POP: 2 prototypes [1632, 01005], became SB2A-1 on acceptance by USN.
Brewster SB2A-1 (1940 Air News)

SB2A-1 1941 = POP: 203, plus 750 under Lend-Lease to RAF/Fleet Air Arm as Bermuda. most of which ended up in utility roles.
SB2A-1B 1941 = USN designation assigned to 300 B-340Es ordered by Great Britain as Bermuda I. Only 18 were in fact built. SEE B-340E.
SB2A-2 1942 = As XSB2A-1 but with detail improvements. POP: 80 [00803/00882].
SB2A-3 1943 = As SB2A-2 but with folding wings and arrester gear. POP: 60 [00883/00942].
Brewster SB2A-4

SB2A-4 1943 = Originally built for Netherlands East Indies, impressed by USN; v: 288. POP: 162 [29214/29375].
-Fleet B-1 1939 = 2pOB; 145hp Warner Super Scarab; data similar to Fleet. Prototype [NX20699].
Briggs SEE Alexandria
Harold H Briggs, Beaverton OR.
Briggster c.1936 = 2pClwM; 165hp Comet 7-E.
Briggs Special [15512] (Lloyd Phillips via R Nortell coll)

Special aka Briggs-Marion 1936 = 2pClwM; 95hp Cirrus Mk III. Full-panted wheels, canopied tandem cockpits [15512]. Set lightplane altitude record of 21,750' in 1936.
Daniel J Brinn, Garden City KS.
SA-3 1928 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 31'0" length" 24'0". Brinn was a design engr at Curtiss and Irelandthe Ireland Meteor had the same dimensions. [C5603]; dismantled 1930.

Brinn was a flying boat expertmade the first flight of the Fleetwings F-4 [NC16793] and a whole lot moreas well as author of numerous texts used as training aids. ( John W Underwood 3/30/07)
Uriel Bristol, Sunny Isle, St Croix Virgin Islands.
BX-200 1986 = 1pCmwM; 180hp Lycoming O-360-A4A; span: 20'0" load: 550# v: 224; ff: 7/14/86. Looked like a larger Cassutt. Marketed plans and kits. [N3UB].
Brock, Brock-Stinson
Walter L Brock, Chicago IL.

c.1919 = 1pOB; unknown motor. Small, square-tailed plane looking somewhat like a WW1 SPAD, possibly was a modification or copy of one. No data located. NOTE: The photo was digitally enhanced from a tiny part of a larger picture, and front wings struts did not appear, but they could have easily been lost in the graininessa hint of a front strut appears under the right top wing under its cut-out. It's hard to believe those wings would stay on without some leading-edge assist!

This appears to be a remodeled DeLloyd Thompson Looper. Brock built two Loopers in 1916 for the Stinsons in San Antonio after he remodeled their Wright B trainers with Dep controls. According to Marge Stinson, Matty Laird borrowed one without permission and spun in, which is how he got his lame leg. ( John W Underwood 3/30/07)
Exhibition Monoplane 1916 = 1pOmwM; 50hp Gnôme rotary; span: 30'10" length: 17'3" load: 200# v: 75. Modified from and built using plans and parts of Brock's 1913 Grahame White-designed Morane-Saulnier H that he brought to the US after exhibition flights in England prior to WW1.
-Stinson aka Brock Loop Tractor 1916 = Similar to the previous, co-designed and -built by Brock and Eddie Stinson for the latter's exhibition tours in the midwest. POP: 1.
Ken Brock Mfg Co, Santa Ana CA.
Brock KB-2 Ken Brock at Sacramento [N2303] (Stu Fields)

KB-2 Freedom Machine 1970 = 1pOAg; 72hp McCulloch 4318A or 100hp VW; rotor: 22'0" length: 11'3" v: 90/60/25 range: 150. POP: 1 prototype [N2303]; manufacture of kits for home-builders began in 1979.
Arthur L Brodhead, Miami FL.
AS-1 Albee Sport 1972 = 2pOB; 200hp Continental IO-360; span: 22'4" length: 19'6" load: 950# v: 156/120/x range: 691; ff: 6/4/72. First of two prototypes built by Robert Shamburgh [N123RS].
Brokaw Aviation Inc (Dr Burgon F Brokaw & Ernest R Jones), Leesburg FL.
Brokaw-Jones BJ-520 [N520BJ]

BJ-520 Bullet 1972 = 2pClwM rg; 285hp Continental TSIO-520-B or 380hp Lycoming TIO-541; span: 21'6" (?>23'8" ?>24'1") length: 22'6" (?>22'9" ?>23'10") load: 815# v: 282/219/86 (sea level) range: 625-750 ceiling: 25,000'; ff: 11/18/72. Claimed to be the fastest home-built in the world. [N520BJ]. Marketed home-builder plans.
1987: Bromon Aircraft Corp, Ramey Puerto Rico. 1989: Ended operations.
1987 - A bit unclear, and conflicting in locations, but apparently an attempt to breathe life into the Ahrens AH 404 project. Funding ran out before any recorded production.

Peter Ahrens came to New Zealand in the early '80s and set up Speciality Aircraft Services to build FW.190s, then was caught up in some insurance fraud over a aircraft engine and the business ended about 1992. ( Neville Mines 4/17/07)
Brooks Aeroplane Co, 209 Rust Ave, Saginaw MI.
Brooks (ad: Aeroplane)

c.1910 = Series of airplanes, either Curtiss or close copies, advertised as Biplane, Tractor-Biplane, Hydroaeroplane, and Monoplane "we have developed""Alexander Hamilton, constructing engineer"and flown at Chicago by "Hillery Beachey with both hands off the controls." Prices from $1500.
C E Brooks, Pattonville MO.
Brooks (Peter M Bowers coll)

c.1920 = Awkward, Ford-powered creation with what appears to be a short, rotating upper wing, and a side-mounted paddle-wheel arrangement, apparently for forward progress, if any. Little is known about Brooks' apparatus, but judging by this photo in an uncovered state, it didn't exactly look like something that would go tearing down a runway and plunge into the air.
Cletus Brow, Hobbs NM.
El Gringo 1974 = 1pClwM; VW 1700cc; span: 19'4" length: 15'4" load: 190# v: 140/130/40. Empty wt: 460#. Interesting is that El Gringo was a scaled-up, man-carrying version of a well-known radio-control model airplane of the same name. POP: 1 [N?5CB].
Brown Aeroplane Co, Baltimore MD.
1911 = 2pOB; ff: 5/17/11 (p: Antony Jannus).
Dewey W Brown, Dexter KS.
1919 = 1pOM; four-cyl Saxon auto engine. For what must be one of the earliest, if not youngest, home-builders, inspiration came from an article in Popular Mechanics. 20-year-old Brown hand-crafted his creation, including a hand-carved prop, from whatever material he could scrounge up. Total cost to build, $125, was mostly for dope and fabric. Unfortunately, the old motor failed to cough up enough power to get things airborne, but word reached Swallow Co, who hired him to work on their aircraft.
Louis H Brown, Toledo OH.
1927 = 4pO/CB; 180hp Hisso E; span: 36'4" length: 27'6" load: 1248# v: 100/x/43. Mahogany-lined cabin accommodated two, another passenger sat with the pilot out in the fresh air. Wood-framed fuselage. Designer-builder Brown, 19 years old at the time, was also his own test pilot, and made many successful flights in his creation [168].
1926: Lawrence W Brown, Clover Field, Santa Monica CA. 1931: Brown Aircraft Co, Montebello CA. SEE ALSO Brown-Mercury
1926 = 2pOhwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Modification of Thomas-Morse S-4 as parasol monoplane.
1927 = 1pOM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: about 40'. Empty wt: 1200#. Larry Brown. Test-flown at Burdette Airport (Los Angeles) 1/x/27 at a reported 110mph.
1929 = 2pOhwM; 260hp Menasco-Salmson. Parasol wing. Built for aircraft manufacturer Joseph Kreutzer as a personal sportplane [4646].
Brown B-1 [NR/NX83Y] (Paul Matt coll via Drina Welch Abel coll)

B-1 1933 = 1pOlwM; span: 18'9" length: 16'0". Dan Holloway. Racer for Ralph Bushey, damaged in a crash after its motor fell off during a race [NR/NX83Y]. Rebuilt 1947 as 1pClwM with 85hp Continental as midget racer Suzie Jayne.
Brown B-2 [NR255Y] (Ian MacFarlane coll)
Brown B-2 Bill Turner restoration [N255Y] (Dan Shumaker)

B-2 1934 = 1pOlwM rg; 160hp Menasco B-6; span: 19'3" length: 19'10". Larry Brown. Greve racer [R/NX255Y] Miss Los Angeles (p: Roy Minor, Marion McKeen) until damaged in a 1938 crash. Restored in 1938 with 21'0" wing, but destroyed in a crash at the 1939 Nationals at Cleveland, killing pilot Lee Williams.
Brown B-3 [X266Y] (K O Eckland coll)

B-3 1936 = 1pClwM; 290hp Menasco D-6; span: 32'0" length: 25'10" v: 225. Improved B-2 [X266Y].
B-3 Super Sport 1935 = 2pClwM; 160hp supercharged Menasco; v: 200/180/40. Slotted wing; patterned after Brown racers. $8,000.
Brown Special (Mexico) 1921 = 2pOB. Trainer with an inline engine, used by the Mexican Air Force. Designed by Brown, but built by TNCA factory in Mexico. POP: 4.
L-20 Brownie (possibly L-25) 1946 = 1pOhwM; 25hp Haines M-2 pusher; span: 35'0" length: 24'0" load: 250# v: 65/55/25 range: 165. Inexpensive, parasol-wing personal plane project designed shortly before Brown's death on Christmas Day 1945. Projected $750; POP: 1 protoype [N90843], reportedly test-flown only.
(Thoburn C & William R) Brown Metalplane Co, S 168 Post St, Spokane WA.
Brown Metalark I [X519V] (Ralph Nortell)

Metalark I 1930 = 1pOhwM; 65hp Velie M-5; span: 20'6" length: 20'6" v: 90. Thoburn Brown; ff: 3/14/30 (p: Nick Mamer). All-metal construction. $4,000; POP: 1 [X519V]; destroyed in a hangar fire.
Brown Metalark II 1p original configuration [10668] (Ralph Nortell)
Brown Metalark II 2p with modified engine mount [10668] (Ralph Nortell)

Metalark II aka Silver Streak 1932 = 1-2pOlwM; 90hp ACE; span: 26'1" length: 20'7" load: 347#; ff: 10/18/31 (p: Max Fennell). All-aluminum; full cantilever wing with three spars and no ribs, Friese ailerons. Modified with second cockpit in front; inverted engine. POP: 1 [10668], crashed during landing in a fog.
Brown (Ben Brown)
Benjamin Brown, Lawrence KS.
SC 1931 = 2pOswB; 95hp Cirrus Mark III Hi-Drive; span: 50'0" length: 22'10" load: 440#. A radical, high-aspect-ratio design with a 2'0"-chord top wing that was hardly more than an airfoil-shaped box spar with an aluminum leading edge and a fabric trailing edge. In addition, airfoil lifting struts added to the ship's unusual aspect ratio of 25 (standard gliders settle for 20). Reportedly test-flown briefly, but substantive data are lacking. [435V] c/n 1.
Ben Brown SC [682H] (AAHS archives)
Ben Brown SC minus its propeller [682H] (Challenge)
Ben Brown SC taking-off (film clip)

SC Diamond Wing) 1932 = 1pCswB; Cirrus(?) pusher. Tandem-winged evolution of the previous. POP: 1 [682H]. Despite its ungainly appearance, it flew quite well. The "Aeronautical Oddities" video sold by EAA includes some newsreel footage of it in flight.
C L Brown, Rushville MO.
1931 = A kit-built Heath with its original 25hp Heath B-4 replaced by a two-cylinder Cleone modified by Brown into a rotary engine, and with the housing attached to another propeller, of opposite pitch, at the rear. This two-prop arrangement theoretically would do away with torque and add more thrust, but in real life it created more problems than it solved, and the machine never got past a fast taxi.
1935 = 1pOlwM; 80hp Genet (modified as a rotary); span: 18'2" length: 18'0" v: 140/120/40. Brown's improved duplex-prop version seems to have fared better, since it flew and reportedly climbed at a 30° angle without stalling off on a wing. Deep-chord wings helped in this respect, but credit must be given to the cowled counter-rotating props, and the motor, which was highly modified with a scavenging oil system.
B 1932 = Unknown type; 80hp Genet. This might be an earlier model of the previous plane, which originally was a 1pOhwM, or a different one. [12542] c/n B-2.
H F Brown, Wichita KS.
Special 1931 = 2pChwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 19'0" length: 18'1". Looked much like a large Curtiss Robin. POP: reportedly 3, but registers show only [572Y] c/n 1.
William Brown Jr, Fall Creek WI.
1931 = 2pOM; 50hp Ford. [12093] c/n 2.
Alden Brown, San Francisco CA.
Brown racer [NR71Y] (Frank Rezich coll)

1932 = 1pOlwM; 300hp supercharged Menasco; span: 18'9" (initial span: 17'8" or 18'1") length: 19'0". Racer Miss San Francisco II (p: Roy Minor, Lee Schoenhair) [NR71Y]. Trucked to Cleveland for the Nationals and assembled at the Great Lakes factory.
Brown & Hilton SEE Hilton
(Lawrence W) Brown-Mercury Aircraft Corp (with R T Leonard), 1172 E Slauson Ave, Los Angeles CA.
Brown-Mercury C-3 [1276] (1928 Aviation)

C-2, C-3 Trimotor 1928 = 3pOhwM; three 35hp Anzani; span: 41'6" length: 25'0" load: 1298# v: 120/100/40 range: 650. Larry Brown. $9,800; POP: 3 registered, possibly one other [1049=683, 1276, 4646]. [1276] redesignated as C-3 with three 60hp Anzani as City of the Angels. Design was carried into Kreutzer K-1.
(Willis C) Brown-(Richard) Young; aka Columbia Aircraft Co, Tulsa OK.
Brown-Young BY-1 [NX13987] (Frank Rezich coll)

BY-1 aka Columbia BY-1 1936 = 4pCswB rg; 225hp Jacobs L-4. Willis Brown, Dick Young. All-metal fuselage; fabric-covered, reverse-stagger wings; underslung lower wing. POP: 1 [X13987], noted in two variations.
C D Browne, Freedom KS.
1900-1902 - Reported existence, but no info found about this pre-Wright experimenter with flying machine.
J B Browning and Ben E Cayler, Oceanside and Encinitas CA.
C-1 1929 = 2pOhwM; 90hp 10-cyl Anzani. Spruce and fabric parasol wing, welded steel-tube fuselage. [X448E], c/n 212. Built 1/15/29, license issued 2/20/29; crashed after engine failure on 4/20/29, killing Browning.
Wayne Chester Brubaker, Terre Hill PA.
B-2 1938 = 2pOM; 60hp Lawrance. [20670].
Clarence W Bruggeman, Norfolk NE.
Nini Bandido 1971 = 1pClwM; 65hp VW 1600cc; span: 19'0" length: 12'8" v:
110. Home-built based on Parker's Teenie 2. [N8829].
Brunner-Winkle SEE Bird
Joseph Brush, Riverdale NJ.
A 1934 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [15017] c/n 1. Dismantled 3/20/37 and reg cancelled.
(Neal H) Brutsche Aircraft Corp, Salt Lake City UT.
Freedom 180 STOL 1995 = 4pChwM; 180hp Lycoming O-360; span: 31'0"
length: 24'1" load: 975# v: 196/192/46 range: 922. Full-span Fowler flaps. Marketed kits.
Leland D Bryan (GMC-Buick engr), Milford MI.
Bryan II [N2714C]

II, III 1956 = 1pClwM roadable; 75hp Continental A-75 pusher; span: 22'0" length: 19'0" load: 300# v: 105/90/55 (max road speed: 60) range: 300. Twin-boom, all-metal. Major parts of a standard Ercoupe were used for construction. For highway travel (at 45 mph), wings were folded upwards, then wing tips were cranked inwards to form a protective square around the prop. II [N2714C] traveled 1000 miles on the road under its own power and flew 65 hours. Bryan's first roadable was Autoplane, flown in 1953. His third attempt, two-seater III, was on the register in the 1970s, evidently II rebuilt, and in that one Byran was killed in a crash in 1974.
Greer College, Greer Airways, 2024 S Wabash Ave, Chicago IL.
B-1B 1929 = 2pOB; 60hp Anzani. J C Bryan, Charles Laird. No data as to whether or not this class project ever got off the ground. [516K] c/n 1. Was it originally the Chicago Viking? ALSO SEE Aircraft Engineers, Chicago Avn, and (Charles) Lairdentries.
(Leland A) Bryant Aircraft Syndicate, Vail Field, Bell Gardens CA.
Bryant [X705] (Lesley Forden coll)

1927 = 2pCmwM; two 120hp Bristol Lucifer; span: 45'0" length: 30'0" load: 2900# v: 145/125/x. Lee Bryant; constructed by Catron & Fisk Co. Twin booms, twin tails, full-cantilever wing; monocoque nacelle fuselage; inline pusher-tractor motors. Dole Race entry as [X705] Angel of Los Angeles (p: Arthur Rogers). Crashed on test flight 8/12/27, at Montebello CA. Rogers bailed out, but his chute snagged the tail boom and he was carried to his death.
No data.
Model 2 1933 = 1pOM; 40hp Clark. [13548].
William O Buchanan, Long Beach CA.
Zipper 1936 = 1pOlwM modified from Mason Greater Meteor, but its eight-cylinder, 90hp Indy-type racing engine (284hp Miller) was so problematical as to preclude even a test flight. Reportedy renamed Texas Sky Ranger, but no data was found on that one.
Bucher Special SEE Vantuil
Clarence Rudolph Buckenberg, Larchwood IA.
1932 = Unknown type; converted Renault engine. [12956].
High Wing 1934 = 3pOM; 50hp Ford. [13974].
1929: (Roy B) Buckley Aircraft Co, 6628 E Central Ave, Wichita KS.
FC-1 1929 = 2plwM; Kinner K-5. William Stout. All metal; fuselage of chrome-moly welded tubing covered with a corrugated aluminium skin. [9999].
Buckley LC-4[499W] (Dan Shumaker coll)

LC-4 Witchcraft 1930 (ATC 2-359) = 4pClwM; 300hp P&W Wasp Jr; span: 52'0". William Stout. All-metal design for use as an aerial taxi. Original contract with Yellow Air Cab Co called for 200 planes at $2,225,000; however, the sole output went to Northrop Co, and eventually was scrapped [499W]. Some records indicate one other aircraft was built, but no verification was found.
1930: Edward G Budd Mfg Co, Philadelphia PA.
Budd BB-1 at Franklin Institute [NR749N]

BB-1 Pioneer 1931 = ChwMAm; 210hp Kinner C-5; span: 34'2" length: 25'8" load: 1551#. Used Savoia-Marchetti S-31 design concepts. First of the stainless steel construction process (US patent #2,425,498 in 1942) a wire-cloth fabric was first tried, but this proved unsuccessful because technology in tightening this new fabric was unknown, and a standard cloth was used to cover the wings. POP: 1 [NR749N], which has perched on a mounting in front of Philadelphia's Franklin Institute for a long time, now (2006) with its lower wing and empennage fabric missing, deteriorated by time and weather. Budd's initial entry into the world of aeronautics was in the contract manufacture of aircraft wheels and stainless steel wing ribs in 1930.
C-93 1943 - AAF version of RB-1. Contract for 600 cancelled.
Budd RB-1 Flying Tigers war surplus [NC45347] (Robert O'Hara coll)
Budd RB-1 [NC45354] (William T Larkins)

RB-1 Conestoga 1943 (ATC 756) = 2-3pChwM rg; two 1050hp P&W R-1830-92 Twin Wasps; span: 100'0" length: 68'0" load: 13,735# v: 197/155/56 range: 600; ff: 10/31/43 (p: Guy Miller). Dr Michael Watter. Take-off run: 650'. First aircraft built of spot-welded stainless steel; was intended for cargo use only. ATC in mid-1944. It was in its own way the "pattern" plane for others to follow with its innovative rear-door loading, as well as other design ideas used in most post-WW2 military cargo planes. POP: 3 prototypes [NX37097, NX41810, NC45354] and 17 for USN as RB-1 [39292/39308]; contract for 180 more cancelled. 14 war-surplus RB-1s were the matrix of Robert Prescott's Flying Tiger Airlines in 1945.
Carl Buecker, Ft Wayne IN.
Skylark 1962 = 2pChwM; 85hp Continental C-85 pusher; span: 27'0" length: 20'1" load: 500#. Shaped somewhat like Republic Seabee; strut-braced parasol wings, tricycle gear. [N6336T].
American Warbirds (Dennis G Buehn), Carson City NV.
19?? (A23NM) = Civil conversions, restorations, repair, and maintenance of Grumman HU-16C (UF-1)s and TC-16C (UF-1T)s.
(W B) Buethe Enterprises Inc, Cathedral City CA.
Barracuda 1975 = 2pClwM rg; 250hp Lycoming IO-540-C4B5; span: 24'9"
length: 21'6" load: 730# v: 208/187/64 range: 920; ff: 6/29/75. Marketed plans for home-builders; reportedly about 25 units were flying in early 1988.
Paul W Buffington, Springfield OH.
WE-3B Lady Jamy 196? = 2pClwM; Lycoming O-290-G. Empty wt: 789#. POP: 1 [N583A].
Herman C Bulask & joseph Hidalgo, San Francisco CA.
c.1909 = No aircraft data. Hidalgo was an instructor at Univ of California, a president of Pacific Aero Club, author of 1910 book The History of Aerial Navigation, and is said to have built several Bay Area aircraft in the early days both by himself and, like this one, in league with others.
Bullock, Bullock-Curtiss
Walter Bullock. Location unknown.
-Curtiss Little Looper 19?? = Replica for exhibition and air-show work by Vern Dallman, aka Dallman Little Looper. No data.
-Curtiss Pusher 1947 = 1pOB; 75hp Continental C-75; span: 26'0" v: x/52/35. Replica of a 1912 Curtiss Headless. Motor, hydraulic brakes, and wheels from a Piper J-5. Most recently owned by Peter Bowers (Seattle WA).
Biplane-Helicopter c.1909 = 1pOB; 35hp pusher with two propellers; span: 15'0" length: 12'9". Described in Jane's as a "tubular frame mounted on four bicycle wheels, which can be geared to the engine if required"that suggests it could also be roadable. Two 6' adjustable helicopter blades, running at 120rpm, were mounted under the lower wings. No performance data found.
John F Bunting, Bothell WA.
Bunting A [10683] (May 1937 Popular Aviation)

A 1931 = 1pOhwM; 3-cyl 45hp modified from a LeRhône rotary; v: 95/80/32. Strut-braced parasol wing. POP: 1 [10683], was still active in the late '30s.
1931: Kenneth L Bunyard, Westchester NY. c.1946 Bunyard Airplanes, Flushing NY.
1931 = 1pOBF; 15hp Johnson outboard motor; span: 16'0".
B-40 1933 = 1pOBF; 32hp Bunyard J-3. [13294] c/n 105.
BAX-3 Sportsman 1946 = 3pChwMAm; 130hp Franklin 6AC pusher; span: 34'4" length: 23'0" v: x/105/45. Ken Bunyard. All-wood construction; cantilever wing. Prototype of BAX-4.
BAX-4 Sportsman 1948 = 4pChwMAm; 190hp Lycoming O-435 pusher; span: 34'4" length: 24'0" load: 755# v: 133/118/64 range: 680. $6,000.
Burke Aircraft Co, 704 Townsend St, Chicago IL.
Model 1 1929 = 1pOmwM*; 38hp Cross #578 5-cyl radial; span: 26'6" length: 17'8"; ff (assumed): 6/1/29. *Described as an "externally-braced medium high-wing," which likely was a shoulder-wing. POP: 1 [X335H] c/n 1. Reg cancelled 1/16/30, but a subsequent letter to CAA referred to it as "the Keith mid-wing monoplane," which doesn't help in the least. SEE ALSO Cross-Foster.
Fred & Sanford Burkholdt, Minneapolis MN.
1927 = 1pOhwM; 45hp Ford A engine. Displayed at an aero exposition at Minneapolis in 1927, but further info not found. [10424]. Reg [10423] lists a Burkholt with a Cleone engine, but data there are also in short supply.
No data.
Rockford Twister 1969 = 1pOmwM; 65hp Lycoming O-145B. Looked a bit like a pregnant Buhl Flying Bull Pup. No specs found. POP: 1 [N111S].
Elmer A Burlingame, Boston MA.
Burlingame Imp (family via Philip L Fletcher)

Imp 1909 = 2pOmwM; 30hp Harriman. If not the actual first American monoplane to fly, it was certainly one of the very first.
Burlington SEE Hartman
Art Burns & J E "Brig" Young (Jung), Los Angeles CA.
Burns (Edward J Young coll)

1925 = 3pOBF; 150hp Hisso A. Donald Douglas, Dutch Kindelberger. Constructed by Young and other Douglas employees at his at home (3448 Hunter St) for use as the first scheduled passenger carrier for the Wilmington-Catalina Island service. Had an early EDO float, also possibly Curtiss OX-5 at first.
Burns Aircraft Comp, Starkville MS.
Burns BA-42 [N4604S] (Avn Week via Ron Dupas)

BA-42 1965 = 6pCmwM rg; two 210hp Continental I0-360D; span: 28'8" length: 32'2" load: 1850# v: 238/225/79 (?>236/235/64) range: 870. T-tail and a tubular fuselage, with expectancy of future pressurization. Poor single-engine performance, stall speeds too high, climb speeds too low, and engine nacelles set to close, according to Al Mooney, who was a consultant. POP: 1 [N4604S].
Leslie K Burrell, Garden Grove CA.
Sport 1930 = 1pOM; 40hp Hall-Scott. [NC946Y] c/n A-100. Reg cancelled 12/19/32.
Riley Burrows, Gardena and Glendale CA.
R-1 19?? = Racer of unknown type; Cirrus engine. [12298].
R-4 1933 = 1pOlwM; 100hp Cirrus. Racer [NR226Y].
R-5 1934 = 1pOlwM; 120hp Martin 333; v: 200+/c.150/50. Very short-span (12'0") racer built by Burrows was modified, after crashing in initial flight tests, by Curtiss-Wright Tech students in 1935. Novel split trailing-edge flaps provided low landing speed; 65-gallon fuel tanks for 1500-mile range with the thought of entry in Bendix races [NR214Y] (erroneously in one register as [14220]). Destroyed in a crash at Denver CO on 4/3/36. A subsequent larger redesign, as B-6, was submitted to AAC for pursuit evaluation, but never went past the blueprint stage.
Robert F Burt, Pomona CA.
RB-2 Special 1961 = 1pOB; 125hp Lycoming O-290-C; span: 19'0" length: 15'6" load: 200# v: 150/120/65 range: 300. Wooden wings, steel-tube fuselage and tail. [N11Z].
(C J) Bush Welding Works, 117 Greene St, Piqua OH.
B-1 1929 = 2pOhwM; 80hp LeRhône; span: 32'8" length: 18'0". Wood wing, steel-tube fuselage. POP: 1 [8579]. Fate unknown; license cancelled 1/16/30.
1959: (Robert W) Bushby Aircraft Inc, Glenwood IL; c.1972: Minooka IL. 1992: Rights sold to Mustang Aeronautics, Troy MI.
Midget Mustang MM-I 1948 = 1pClwM; 90hp Continental C-90 and 125hp Lycoming O-235; span: 18'6" length: 16'5" load: 300# v: (C-90) 210/200/60 (O-235) 225/215/60 ceiling: 16,000'. Aerobatic; all-metal construction. Dave Long, from original 1948 Long LA-1. Competed in 1948 Natl Air Races. Plans offered for $75, materials kits for $550. POP: c.850 plans by 1982.
Mustang M-II 1966 = 2p version of MM-1; 125-160hp Lycoming; span: 24'2" length: 19'6" load: 410# (?>573#) v: 210/160/60 range: 450 ceiling: 19,000'; ff: 7/9/66. POP: c.700 plans sold by 1982; prototype [N1117M].
Ralph Bushey-C F McGrew, Los Angeles CA.
Bushey-McGrew B7M1 [NX98Y]

B7M1 1938 = 1pOLwM rg; 200hp Menasco C-4; span: 17'0" length: 19'0" load: 300# v: 210. Racer Bumblebee [NX98Y], rebuilt from 1934 Rider R-2. Co-owned by McGrew, then husband of film actress Jean Harlow. Flown by George Dory in the 1938 Nationals, where it was destroyed in a crash.
1955: Hayden Aircraft Corp, Bellflower CA. 1963: Aircraft Hydro-Forming Inc (pres: Ralph P Williams), Long Beach CA. 1969: Rights sold to Whittaker Corp. 1970: Bushmaster Aircraft Corp (R P Williams), rights repurchased from Whittaker Corp.
Bushmaster 2000 [N7501V] Painted in Ford and PAA colors (K O Eckland)
Bushmaster 2000 [N750RW] (Dale Elhardt)

2000 1966 (TC A19WE) = 15-23pChwM; three 450hp P&W R-985; span: 77'11" length: 50'8" load: 5000# v: 130/115/60 range: 607. Modernized version of Ford Tri-motor, with William B Stout involved in the early stages of design of this nostalgic big bird. Despite ambitions to manufacture at least 100 airplanes for the bush market, only 2 were actually built, the last one completed in 1985 [N7501V, N750RW]; the latter was destroyed in a nonfatal crash 9/23/04.
Eugene A Bussen, Jefferson Barracks MO.
B-1 1931 = 2pOM; 90hp LeBlond; POP: 1, crashed 7/15/32.
Butch SEE Hoynik
1928: Butler Mfg Corp (pres: E E Norquist), Kansas City MO. 1929: Ended operations because of the Depression.
Butler Blackhawk [NC596M] (Vincent J Berinati coll)

Blackhawk 1929 (ATC 135) = 3pOB; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 34'0" length: 24'0" load: 1015# v: 130/110/42 range: 650. Waverly Stearman. $7,995; POP: 11 [NC299N, C521, NC896E, NC593H, NC596H/599H, NC730K, NC7857, NC14422]. [C521] went to exhibition pilot Art Goebel.
Blackhawk Junior 1929 = 2pOB; 25hp Cleone. [429V].
(Butler) Leuthart [NC14422], appearing in some regs, is in fact Blackhawk c/n 112, purchased and renamed by a R Leuthart of Louisberg KS. ( V J Berinati & J M Jarratt 7/11/01)
Coach 1929 = 3pCB; 220hp Wright J-5. Cabin version of Skyway with similar data [X146] c/n 102.
Skyway 1928 (ATC 2-49) = 3pOB; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 34'0" length: 23'0" load: 1050# v: 130/110/42. Waverly Stearman; ff: 10/4/28 (p: Howard Jones). POP: 1 prototype of Blackhawk [X/C7857]. Another was built, but said to have crashed on its first flight and never received a license number.
Butler Co, 325 S Broadway St, Butler IN.
Yellow Jacket 1930 = 2pOB; Velie M-5; ff: 3/17/30 at Bryan OH (p: Hodgson). Thomas S Baker, William Hankey. [393V]. Light commercial used by Baker in duties as aide to the governor of Kentucky. Sold 1932 to D C Flower of Waco Aircraft Co for development of automatic pilot; dismantled 1936.
William A Butters & Associates, Johnstown PA.
1930 = 2phwM; 37.5 hp Szekely SR-3; span: 33'6" length: 20'0" load: 400#. Dual control, all-metal construction and covering, semi-monocoque fuselage. [X765W] c/n A-1, licensed for 60 days only, then cancelled 3/12/31 when reported dismantled.
G N Butterworth, West Kingston RI.
Westland Whirlwind II 1977 = 2/3-scale replica of the British WW2 fighter. 1pClwM rg; two 65hp VW 1600cc; span: 28'0" length: 19'6" load: 358# v: 145/100/64 range: 700; ff: 7/x/77. [N60GB].
Butz F-1 SEE Flagg-Snyder Racer
Jay Buxton, Hawthorne CA.
B-4-A 1934 = ChwM powered glider with a pylon-mounted engine; looked like a Schweizer. [14210].
Buzzard SEE Snyder
Charles Byron, East Brunswick NJ.
Byroncraft A1 1972 = 4pChwMAm; two 125hp Lycoming O-290; v: x/160/x.
A popular axiom in today's commercial aviation industry puts a pilot and a dog in an airliner. The dog is there to bite the pilot if he so much as tries to touch the controls. The pilot's job is to feed the dog. unknown