STAFF: Peter Bergen
Walter J. Boyne
William T. Larkins
Dennis Parks
Raymond L. Puffer
|  |
RESEARCH: Joe Baugher
Ron Billman
Ed Drury
Jack Erickson
Jos Heyman
John M. Jarratt

MEMORIAM: K.O. Eckland : Peter M. Bowers : Lennart Johnsson : Frank G. Tallman : Edward J. Young

MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS: Drina Welch Abel : Brian Baker : Vincent J. Berinati : Eric Blocher : Jim Bohannan : Roger Cain : Pat Carry : Dr Ralph S. Cooper : Ron Dupas : Kaj Ekman : Tore Ericsson ; Jim Graves : Andy Heins : Jay Hendrickson : John K Lewis : Marty Maisel : Joe Martin : Richard L. Meister Jr : Ralph Nortell : Leo J. Opdyke : Tom Parramore : Eric Paslick : Ron Reuther : Eric Rearwin : Frank Rezich : Christian Santoir : Clark Scott : Andrew Seybel : Dan Shumaker : Cristopher Toth : Johan Visschedijk : Gary Williams


LANDMAIL: Aerofiles, Dan Eckland 5566 Wilson Ln Paradise, CA 95969-6141


What you see on our 360+ pages is the result of a half-century of research, note-taking, and data-gathering that began one evening in Frank Tallman's retreat at Orange County Airport and rapidly got out of hand. The full story, unexpurgated, uncensored, and really not all that exciting, is only a finger-click away.
Requesting use of our material
All material appearing on Aerofiles is covered by an international publishers' copyright in order to protect the intellectual property of our contributors. Yet permission to use specific items is generally granted for personal and non-commercial projects with prior approval via email.

Contacting us
Kindly do not email attachments to the comcast.net address. It became necessary to put up a firewall in order to keep our busy email traffic from becoming gridlocked, hence files other than plain emails are dropped at the server (as is also spam) and we never see them. To send JPEGs and other attachments, contact us first about what you have to send, and we'll activate our upload site for file uploads.

Navigation with our sectionals
After considerable experimentation over the years with an extremely complex site, our system of getting around Aerofiles seems to work smoothly for most folks. However, to speed up the process, if you are not familiar with that system yet, two pages will be most useful to youCodes explain our style of "avspeak," which will become logical as you use it, and an Index of Pages sorts out most of the features alphabetically so that you can find them fastly.

Help wanted
Aerofiles in not a one-man operation. Those names at the left represent many hours logged in contributing their talents, time, and expertise to our pages. Yet there are many areas of aviation history that need to be developed, and if you have a supply of those three ingredients handy, we would welcome you to our ranks. The pay is lousy and the hours can be long, but 100 years from now historians and researchers will still owe you a debt of gratitude.

Supporting Aerofiles
It takes a constant supply of green stuff shoveled into the Internet furnace to keep the field light on and the hangar doors open. Lacking as we do advertising, subsidy, or sponsorship, we rely on viewers who think what they find in Aerofiles is worth a buck or two to join the elite names in our Support Group. Those named are the ones largely responsible for keeping us airborne for you to enjoy.