Data Codes & Abbreviations

SEE ALSO Aerofiles' Dictionary

Aircraft Manufacturers Codes can be found here
Aircraft Listings

First shown is an aircraft's model name/number, then the year of its appearance or first manufacture. ATC or Group-2 certifications, if any, follow in parentheses, after which its specifications begin. Descriptions will be clear once logical initials are recognized. An aircraft might be shown, as an example: 2pOlwMFb, which translates into accommodations and physical description (in this example a two-place open low-wing monoplane flying boat):
p = place or passenger (the number for multi-place aircraft may or may not include crew); O = open cockpit; C = cabin or canopied cockpit; O/C = open or closed cockpit; O-C = optional or convertible open/closed cockpit; lw = low-wing; mw = mid-wing; hw = high-wing; sw = sesqui-wing; B = biplane; M = monoplane; T = triplane; Ag = autogyro; Am = amphibian; F = pontoon floatplane; Fb = flying boat; H = helicopter.
Next are incidental codes: rg = retracting gear; hp = horsepower; load: = useful load (gross minus empty weight); v: = speed (max/cruise/landing or stallmph unless otherwise noted, single entry is max unless otherwise noted; kts = knots, nm = nautical miles); ff: = first flight; wt: = weight (pounds); underline = principal designer(s); p: = pilot; $ = unit cost, usually at first release; POP: = population, the number built of a specific entry; [0000] = registration(s), sometimes limited to a representative or notable few in large civil productions; ? = unknown data; x = missing or questionable data; (>) = conflicting data from an authoritative source.

All information is based on found data, nothing has been "guesstimated." Performance figures can differ greatly in horsepower and speed between sea-level and altitude; useful loads might represent either design gross or maximum service loads; ranges can differ with empty or loaded readings and vary greatly with special equipment. Prices ($) are generally those advertised by the manufacturer.

Aircraft designations shown in bold face can be cross-referenced throughout Aerofiles. File or personal names shown in blue are internally linked to separate data sites.

= linked photo.

We bow to the American Library System as the most logical. Using Curtiss as an example: numerals come first (Curtiss 1), initial letters alone are next (Curtiss A), followed by initial letters with a dash (Curtiss A-1), then the alphabet takes over (Curtiss Autoplane), accepting numbers, hyphens, and spaces as part of the first letter (B-2, Carrier Pigeon, CT, F6C, and so on). Indented sub-models follow this pattern, eg: JN-4HB under JN-4H under JN-4.

Military are shown in their original designations; e.g.: F-80 appears under the P-80 entry. In subclassifications, generally these are chronological or logic-sequential and not always in alphabetical order; e.g.: XF-84D, as a prototype, precedes F-84D, while RF-84D, as a variant, follows.

In the case of similarly-named entries, these are arranged by the earliest date.

All registrations, military and civil, are shown in [brackets].

It is common for pre-war "Identified" (non-CAA approved) civil aircraft to be seen in print with the prefix "N." However, in AeroFiles, to visually differentiate between those and the post-war approved "N" licenses, early Identified aircraft are shown with numbers only, except for racers (R, NR) or experimentals (X, NX). This way [N12345] is recognizable as an aircraft of 1948 or later registry, and [NC12345] or [C12345] as earlier registered and [12345] as unregistered aircraft.

An equals sign (=) shows a re-registration [NC12345=N567H], or a change from civil to military [NX12345=40-012], or US registry to foreign [NC12345=GABCD]. Within brackets, an equals sign should be interpreted as "became". A virgule (/) is used as a tie to indicate a change of license prefix for a specific plane, as from Experimental to Standard category [X/NC12345].

The virgule also indicates a span of numbers in registrations and military numbers and, within brackets, should be interpreted as "to and including". Thus does [A1234/2345] signify a USN batch from A-1234 to A-2345 and [41-001/023] an AAF batch from 41-001 to 41-023. In this group the equals sign indicates a transfer of registration for one specific plane, as in [123=V456], where a Navy plane "became" a USCG plane, or [35-123=A4567], where an Army plane was transferred to the Navy. It will get cloudy here for those unfamiliar with military registrations, particularly those of USN, for it requires knowledgeable assumption to separate a pre-WW2 civil unregistered [34567] from the USN's [34567], a Vultee SNV-1. As with any arcana, study and experience are the only keys.

For Army airplanes, an "Air Service" serial as [AS1234] is used to visually identify those Army and Signal Corps numbers of 1909-1921specifically Wright Flyer #1 to Dayton-Wright TA-5 #68583before they switched to the Fiscal Year numbers, which are then shown in hyphenated form [41-2345]. Navy aircraft used a prefix "A" in their BuAero numbers from [A51] to [A9204], then dropped it and went from [9205] to [9999]. Then, rather than clutter up the sides of their planes with more numbers, they started over at [0001]. The Coast Guard used their own system, from a Loening OL-5 [1] to Lockheed R3O-1 [383]. At that point they brought in a "V" and took some giant steps back to renumber everything after [55] starting with [V101]. Confusing? Damn right it is.
General Abbreviations

AAA = Antique Airplane Association
AAHS = American Aviation Historical Society
AETC = USAF Air Education & Training Cmd, Randolph Field TX
AF = Air Force
AFB = Air Force base (generic use)
aka = also known as
ATC = Approved Type Certificate
AIN = Aviation International News
ARM = Anti-Radiation Missile
AS = [in brackets] Air Service, generically denoting Army and Signal Corps serial numbers prior to 1922
ASM = Air-To-Surface Missile
Assn = Association
ASW = Anti-Submarine Warfare
c. = circa, approximately
CAA = Civil Aeronautics Authority/Administration
CAP = Civil Air Patrol
c/g = center of gravity
ci = cubic inches (engine displacement)
c/n = contractor's number (manufacturer-assigned number, now universally used in place of "factory serial number," while s/n is specifically a "military serial number")
Co = Company (County in AIRFIELDS listings)
COIN = Counter-Insurgency
Corp = Corporation
CPTP = Civilian Pilot Training Program
CTOL = Conventional Take-off and Landing
DoC = Department of Commerce (includes the subsidiary Bureau and is used generically in references to published government and commercial registers)
EAA = Experimental Aircraft Association
engr = engineer (-ing)
est = estimated
FAA = Federal Aviation Administration/Agency/Authority
fdr: = founder
FLIR = Forward-Looking Infra-red Radar
ft2 = square feet
Hisso = Hispano-Suiza (engines)
hp = horsepower
ID = identification
IMA = Identification Mark Assignment (CAA/DoC)
Inc = Incorporated
JATO = Jet-Assisted Take-Off
JPATS = Joint Primary Training Aircraft System
JSF = Joint Strike Fighter
MAD = Motion Anomaly Detector
MATS = Military Air Transport Service
MOF = Museum of Flight (Boeing Seattle)
NACA = National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
NAR = National Air Races
NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASM = National Air & Space Museum, Washington DC
NG = National Guard, generaally prefaced with state initials
NOTAR = No Tail Rotor; SEE Piasecki PV-1 for definition
p: = pilot, pilot in command
P&W = Pratt & Whitney (engines)
PAVE = SEE Sidebar
pres: = company president
RAF = Royal Air Force (and precursor Royal Flying Corps)
RAAF = Royal Australian Air Force
RCAF = Royal Canadian Air Force
reg = registration (CAA/FAA) number
RNAS = Royal Navy Air Service
RNZAF = Royal New Zealand Air Force
s/n = serial number (military-assigned unit number)
SAM = Surface-to-Air Missile
SAR = Search and Rescue
SLAR = Side-Looking Aerial Radar-photo
STOL = Short Takeoff and Landing
TIFS = Total In-Flight Simulator
TRIM = Trails & Roads Interdiction Multi-sensor
UK = United Kingdom, Great Britain, England
USAAC = US Army Air Corps (might also include Air Service)
USAAF = US Army Air Force
USAF = US Air Force
USAS = US Air Service (and Signal Corps)
USCG = US Coast Guard
USFS = US Forestry Service
USMC = US Marine Corps
USN = US Navy
USPO/USPS = US Post Office/Service
VTOL = Vertical Takeoff and Landing
WAAF = Women's Army Air Force
--> = to date; still in existence

States are shown by their current two-letter ZIP codes (OH = Ohio, etc).

Civil airlines often appear by their popular abbreviations (TWA, UAL, etc).
Army & Air Force Designations

A = Ambulance 1919-24
A = Attack 1924-48
A = Motorized target 1940-41
A = Amphibian 1948-55
AC = Fixed-wing Cargo (Army)
AG = Assault Glider 1944
AO = Artillery Observation 1919-24
AO = Fixed-wing Observation (Army)
AT = Advanced Trainer 1924-48
B = Bomber
B = Unmanned missile
BC = Basic Combat trainer
BG = Bomb Glider
BLR = Bomber, Long-Range
BQ = Ground-launched controllable bomb
BT = Basic Trainer
C = Cargo and transport
CG = Cargo Glider
CO = Corps Observation
CO = Controlled target
COA = Corps Observation Amphibian
DB = Day Bombardment
F = Photo-reconnaissance c.1944-48
F = Fighter 1948-->
FG = Fuel Glider
FM = Fighter Multi-place
G = Autogyro 1930-48
G = Glider 1948-55
GA = Ground Attack
H = Helicopter 1962-->
HB = Heavy Bombardment
HC = Helicopter, Cargo (Army)
HO = Helicopter, Observation (Army)
HU = Helicopter, Utility (Army)
IL = Infantry Liaison 1922
L = Liaison
M = Messenger
NBL = Night Bombardment, Long-distance
NBS = Night Bombardment, Short-distance
NO = Night Observation
O = Observation
OA = Observation Amphibian
P = Pursuit
PA = Pursuit, Air-cooled
PB = Pursuit, Bi-place
PG = Pursuit, Ground attack
PG = Powered Glider
PN = Pursuit, Night
PQ = Target vehicle
PS = Pursuit, Special
PT = Primary Trainer
PW = Pursuit, Water-cooled
R = Racer 1921-22
R = Rotary-wing
R = Reconnaissance 1948
RB = Photo-reconnaissance Bomber 1948
RF = Photo-reconnaissance
S = Sonic testing
T = Transport
T = Trainer
TA = Trainer, Air-cooled
TG = Training Glider
TP = Two-place Pursuit
TW = Trainer, Water-cooled
U = Utility
UC = Utility and Cargo
V = Convertoplane 1952-62
V = VTOL/STOL, 1962-->
VZ = Vertical lift (Army) 1958-62
Y,Y1 = Provisional field testing
X = Experimental 19??-1948
X = Special research 1948-->

USN, USCG, USMC Designations

First letter(s) defines the primary role:
B = Bomber 1931-->
BF = Bomber-Fighter 1934-37
G = Transport, single-engine 1939-19??
GS = Gnôme Scout (one-time use by Curtiss Co) 1918
H = Hospital ambulance 1929-31
J = Transport 1923-31
J = Utility 1931-??
JR = Utility-Transport 1937-??
M = USMC Expeditionary 1922-25
N = Trainer 1923-19?
O = Observation 1922(?)
OS = Observation-Scout 1934-?
P = Patrol, 1922-->
PB = Patrol-Bomber 1934-??
PT = Patrol-Torpedo 1922 only
PTB = Patrol-Torpedo-Bomber 1937-38
R = Racer 1923-28
R = Transport 1931-??
S = Scout 1922-??
SB = Scout-Bomber 1934-??
SN = Scout-Trainer 1939-??
SO = Scout-Observation 1936-??
T = Transport 1927-30
T = Torpedo 1922-->
TB = Torpedo-Bomber 1934-??

Letter following a number or primary role denotes manufacturer (prior to 1923 it was first, followed by the class designation):

A = Aeromarine; Atlantic; Brewster
B = Beech; Boeing
C = Curtiss; Cessna 1943-51; Culver 19??-46; de Havilland (Canada) 1955-62
D = Douglas; McDonnell 1942-46
DH = de Havilland (England) 1927-31
DW = Dayton-Wright 1923
E = Bellanca; Detroit; Elias; Piper 1941-45; Cessna 1951-62;
Hiller 1948-62
F = Fokker; Grumman; Fairchild-Canada 1942-45
G = Eberhart; Great Lakes; Gallaudet 1929-35; Goodyear 1942-62
H = Hall-Aluminum; Howard; Huff-Daland; Stearman-Hammond 1937-39; McDonnell 1946-62
J = Berliner-Joyce; General; North American
K = Fairchild; Keystone; Kinner; Kreider-Reisner; Kaman 1950-62
L = Bell; Loening
M = Martin; General Motors (Eastern A/C) 1942-45; Naval Air Development 1948-62
N = Naval Aircraft Factory; Gyrodyne 1955-62
O = Lockheed; Viking
P = Pitcairn; Spartan; Piasecki 1946-55; Vertol 1955-62
Q = Fairchild; Hall; Stinson
R = Ford; Maxon; Ryan; Interstate 1942-62
S = Stearman; Sikorsky; Stout
T = New Standard; Northrop; Taylorcraft 1942-46; TEMCO 1955-62; Timm 1943-45
U = Vought-Sikorsky
V = Vultee/Consolidated-Vultee; Lockheed 1942-62; Willys-Overland 1948-62
W = Waco; Wright; Canadian Car & Foundry 1942-45
X = Cox-Klemin
Y = Consolidated
Z = Pennsylvania
Multiservice Helicopter Role Designations

CH = Cargo
EH = Electronics warfare
HH = Rescue
MH = Multipurpose
RH = Minesweeping
SH = Anti-sub warfare
VH = VIP transport
YH = Developmental