P-47 Thunderbolt Registrations

40-3051XP-47 = Converted to XP-47B.
40-3052XP-47A = Cancelled.
41-5895/6064P-47B = -5938 rebuilt as XP-47F with laminar-flow wing. -6037 to Brazil 1944 as ground trainer.
41-6065XP-47E = From last P-47B.
42-7853/8702P-47D = -8702 completed as XP-47K.
42-22250/22253P-47D = Pre-production Evansville-built Thunderbolts.
42-22254/23299P-47D-RE = First Evansville production block. Originally, only Evansville-built P-47s were to be designated P-47D, and the first Evansville-built P-47Ds were P-47D-RE (there is a valid claim here about [42-22254/22363] actually being the first of the P-47D-RAs). The -RA designation for Evansville and -RE for Farmingdale was introduced on the next production blocks. -23297/23298 converted to XP-47H.
42-24920/25273P-47G = Curtiss production.
42-25274/26388P-47D = -25421/25438, -25449/25488, -25639/25678, -25779/25818, -25914/25953, -26177/26236 to RAF as Thunderbolt I.
42-26389/29466P-47D = First "bubble-top" Thunderbolt, originally scheduled for production as P-47L. -27385/27388 converted as YP-47M. -27387 later converted to XP-47N. -26477/26506, -26593/26622, -26722/26751, -26885/26914 to RAF as Thunderbolt II.
42-74615/76614P-47D = -76614 completed as XP-47L, prototype for P-47D "bubble-top" series.
44-19558/21107P-47D = -19619/19658, -19806/19845, -19967/20006, -20158/20197, -20298/20337, -20488/20527, -20628/20657, -20738/20797, -20817/20846, -20877/20906, -20974/20976 to RAF as Thunderbolt II; -20948 to France as B/67.
44-87784/89450P-47N = Final production at Farmingdale.
44-89451/89683P-47N = Cancelled.
44-89684/90483P-47D = -90076/19120, -90335 to RAF as Thunderbolt II.
45-49555/49974P-47D = Cancelled.
45-50124/53574P-47N = Cancelled.