"Defective equilibrium" epitomises the failure of practically every attempt at flight with a true flying machine since experiments have been made along this line. Shifting the weight of the operator to vary the angle of incidence and numerous devices to shift the planes, the addition of side planes, tails, and similar devices to accomplish the same objectall theoretically correcthave been found to fail when put to the test. It is the claim of G. Curtis Gillespie, who has made a close study of the subject along this particular line for a number of years, that in his flying machine principles are embodied that permit of the operator becoming imbued with a sensitiveness to the movements of the aeroplane in flight that, with a little experience, the closest approach ever made to this same subconsciousness of the bird will be attainable.

The effective area of the Gillespie aeroplane is approximately 240 square feet, and the designer, while being perfectly familiar with the great advantages of the curved plane, is confident that with the great amount of power developed by the seven aluminium propellers, each of which is slightly over three feet in diameter, the form of plane used in this machine is not only very much more difficult to "up-end" when in flight, but is likewise not so easily capsized laterally, that being a fatal defect in many of the extremely light machines with curved planes. This small plane is moreover more easily handled than an extremely wide convex plane or several of them, as usually adopted.

Dimensions of the machine are 24 feet overall with a beam of 10 feet, the plane being of light duck, its surface being cut into at each end to provide for aluminium movable planes in order to vary the angle of incidence. To do this they are connected by light wire cables with an alumninium wheel directly in front of the operator, and this is his sole duty while in the air, upon this fact being based his ability to emulate the sub-consciousness of the bird in flight.

The body is suspended from the plane by a trussed frame of light aluminium tubing reinforced by piano wire which also serves the purpose of stiffening the wind-bearing surface and preventing any deflection under pressure.

The motive power consists of an air-cooled gasoline engine having six cylinders, opposed three to three in a horizontal plane with cranks set an an angle of 60 degrees. The machine's total weight is 150 pounds, and it develops 20 horse-power.

With this power each of the propellers has shown an effective pull of approximately 50 pounds, so that at maximum speed a lifting power of some 2,400 pounds is commanded. Complete with operator the total weight is 150 pounds. (Scientific American via Paul Dunlop, 9/7/09)