REVISED: 8/12/08
1923: Acquisition by Reuben H Fleet of Gallaudet and Dayton-Wright interests; 1924: Buffalo NY. 1932: Aircraft Development Div, (Errett L) Cord Mfg Corp, Glendale CA. 1934: Reformed as Airplane Mfg Corp-AVCO. 1936: (Gerard Freebairn) Vultee Aircraft Div, Aviation Mfg Corp-AVCO, Downey CA (old Emsco plant). 1938: Gerard Vultee killed in crash of his personal Stinson; Richard Palmer as president. 1940: Vultee Aircraft Inc, on acqusition of Barkley-Grow and Stinson Divisions of AVCO. 1940: Nashville (TN) Div. 1941: Merged with Consolidated as Consolidated-Vultee Corp. 1942: Name changed to Convair.
Vultee V-11GB Ventral gun station (Vultee via John K Lewis)

A-19 - 3pClwM rg attack bomber from V-11GB. All-metal except for tail control surfaces.
Vultee YA-19 (Ed Popejoy coll)

YA-19 (Model V-11GB) 1939 = 1200hp P&W R-1830-17 Wasp; span: 50'0" length: 37'10" load: 3969# v: 230/207/80 range: 1110-1385 ceiling: 24,400'; ff: 1/27/39. POP: 7 [38-549/555], of which 3 were converted from V-11G and repowered as XA-19 series.
Vultee XA-19A (Vultee)

XA-19A (Model V-11) 1940 = Enlarged, triangular fin and 1200hp Lycoming O-1230-1; load: 3680# v: 232; ff: 5/22/40. POP: 1 converted from YA-19. Became XA-19C.
XA-19B 1939 = 1800hp P&W R-2800-1. POP: 1 converted from YA-19 [38-550].
Vultee XA-19C [38-555] (Vultee)

XA-19C 1939 = 1200hp P&W R-1830-1/-51. POP: 1 converted from XA-19A [38-555].
A-31 Vengeance - Dive-bomber. 2pClwM rg; 1600hp Wright GR-2600A; span: 48'0" length: 39'9" load: 3215# v: 275/235/80 range: 500 ceiling: 22,300' (data for V-72). Richard Palmer et al. Designed to meet French AF requirements.
Vultee V-85 Frst prototype (Vultee)
Vultee RA-31

RA-31 (Model V-72) (Vultee, Northrop) 1941 = Export model; ff (as prototype V-85): 3/30/41 (p: Vance Breese). Second prototype with twin tails, but pilot Vance Breese refused to fly after finding dangerous tendencies during taxi tests, and it was quickly modified with a single tailff (as Vengeance I): 11/30/41 (p: Moye Stephens). POP: 400 to RAF as Vengeance I/IA, subcontracted to Northrop Corp for production 1941-42, of which 99 to RAAF, plus 300 to USAAF as RA-31 in a special Restricted classification [41-30848/31047, -31048/31147], the last batch of 100 built by Northrop; 300 to RAF as Vengeance II, plus 243 to USAAF with type redesignation as model 85 in 1942; 100 as Vengeance III, becoming Army A-31C, with subsequent production as A-35.
XA-31A, -31B (Model 85, 86) 1942 = Test-bed for 3000hp P&W XR-4360. POP: 1, redesignated XA-31B for flight tests [42-35824].
A-31C 1942 = First production of Vengeance III. POP: 100 [41-30148/31147].
XA-31C 1942 = Test-bed for 2200hp Wright R-3350.
YA-31C 1942 = POP: 5 to Wright Field for testing of four-bladed props in the B-29 development program.
A-35 Vengeance (Model 88) - A-31 for USAAF, with similar data; improved armament.
Vultee A-35A [41-31166] (Vultee)
Vultee A-35A [41-31231]

A-35A 1942 = Second production of Vengeance III. POP: 99 [41-31148/31246].
Vultee A-35B (USAF Museum)

A-35B 1942 = 1700hp R-2600; v: 279/230/84 range: 550. POP: 781 [41-31247/31447, 42-94149/94548, -101236/101465]. Contradicting factory records show 831 A-35Bs built, with 562 going to RAF and RAAF as Vengeance IV, and 29 to Brazil AF. (67 A-35A and -35B were supplied to the Free French, but it is unclear whether these were culled or a separate production.)
Vultee XA-41 [43-35124] (USAAF)

A-41 (Model 90) 1944 = 1pClwM rg; 3000hp P&W 28-cyl XR-4360; span: 54'0" length: 48'8" load: 5400# v: 353/270/74 range: 950; ff: 2/11/44 (p: Frank Davis). Factory Model 90 was the last of the two A-type designations, the other being Beech XA-38. POP: 1 as XA-41 prototype for testing as ground-attack by USAAF and USN [43-35124], then civil re-registered by Pratt & Whitney for supercharger testing [NX60373]. Scrapped 1950.
Vultee AB-2 [X18985] (Vultee)

AB-2 (Model V-12) 1938 = Upgraded V-11 with streamlined canopy faired into turtleback. 2pClwM rg; various motors; span: 50'0" length: 38'2" load: 3688#x v: 262/237/72 range: 1130 (data with 1200hp P&W R-1830-S1C3 Twin Wasp); ff: 9/13/38. POP: 1 [X18985], went to Pratt & Whitney for use as an engine test-bed until being scrapped in 1950. Production to China as 26 V-12Cs with 1100hp Wright GR-1820, and 52 -12Ds with 1600hp Wright GR-2600.
Vultee BC-3 [39-720]
Vultee BC-3 [39-720] (clip: Air News)

BC-3 (Model 51 aka BC-51) 1939 = Army basic combat trainer. 2pClwM rg; 600hp P&W R-1340-S3H1G Wasp; span: 42'0" length: 28'10"; load: 920# v: 180 range: 725; ff (as Vultee-designated BC-51): 3/24/39 (p: Eddie Allen). POP: 1 [39-720], tested by Army, who purchased the test model for upgrading as BC-3, one of the only three BC classifications (the other two were North Americans). Design became BT-13/-15.
Vultee BT-13s for everyone! (USAAF)

BT-13 Valiant (Model 54) - 2pClwM; 450hp P&W R-985; span: 42'2" length: 28'10" load: 1121# v: 166/140/x range: 515 ceiling: 16,500'. Richard Palmer, Walt Hite et al. More popularly among the troops as "Vibrator," for its stall buffeting, and unpopularly as "Widow Maker" (a title shared with several other warplanes), undeservedly as there were no recorded in-flight structural failuresaccidents were most often the result of pilot error and the Valiant's unforgiving personality with a heavy hand on its control stick. USN version was SNV.
Vultee V-54 [NX21753] (Vultee)

V54 (Model 51D) 1939 = Retractable-gear export model demonstrator with 600hp R-1340-S1; ff: 11/15/39 (p: Gil Clark). POP: 1 prototype [NX21753] c/n 140; crashed 11/16/39.
Vultee V54-A [NX21754]

V54-A 1940 = Faired, fixed gear, 450hp R-985-AN-1; ff: 7/28/40. POP: 1 prototype of BT-13 [NX21754] c/n 141.
Vultee BT-13 (USAAF)

BT-13 1939 = First production model; P&W R-984-25. POP: 300 [40-810/1109].
Vultee BT-13A (W T Larkins via K O Eckland coll)
Vultee 54 Peru export with fairings

BT-13A 1940 = 450hp R-985-AN-1; gear fairings deleted in 1941. POP: 7,037 [41-1211/1710, -9587/9979, -10410/11586, -21162/23161, 42-1164/1743, -42201/43257, -88674/89573], plus 430 [41-09980/10409] to USN/USCG as SNV-1, and 12 to Peru AF.
BT-13B 1941 = 24v electrical system. POP: 1,125 [42-89574/90698, 44-31511/32160], with the last batch of 650 transferred to USN as SNV-2. Totals of all models include Lend-Lease exports to China, France, Haiti, Indonesia, Israel, the Philippines, and South American nations.
Vultee BT-15 [42-41894] (USAAF)

BT-15 Valiant 1942 = BT-13 with 450hp Wright R-975-11. POP: 1,263 [41-9980/10409, 42-1744/2063, -41258/42200].
Vultee XBT-16 [41-9777]

BT-16 1942 = BT-13A [41-9777] rebuilt with a plastic-impregnated plywood (Duramold) fuselage, tail section, and wing sections by Universal Products Corp, Bristol VA (aka Vidal Research Corp). A wartime experiment to replace vital aluminum with a less expensive material that didn't prove too successfulit reportedly ended up heavier than the original metal-clad ship. POP: 1 as XBT-16. Thanks to Jos Heyman for flushing out this rare bird via the Forum of Paul Krumrei's bt-13.org.
L-1, L-5 SEE Stinson.
P-48 SEE P-66.
Vultee XP-54 The only flight of [41-1211] (USAF Museum)

P-54 (Model 84) 1943 = 1pCmwM rg; 2200hp Lycoming XH-2470 pusher; span: 53'10" length: 54'9" load: 2971# v: 381 range: 500 ceiling: 37,000'; ff: 1/15/43 (p: Frank Davis). Gull wings, twin booms and tails. Two 37mm cannon were slanted upwards to increase their range, two .50 guns were tilted downwards, all had compensating gunsights. Pressurized cockpit; pilot emergency ejection was downward, through a hole in the floor. POP: 2 as XP-54 [41-1210/1211]; the first made 86 flights, the second only flew once (5/24/44) and engine problems curtailed further flights testing. Both were eventually scrapped.
P-66, P-48, V-48/-61 Vanguard (Models 48, 61) - Incorporated design elements from Hughes H-1 racer and hinted at what the Vought F4U would look like. Detachable outer wing panels for storage. Original proposal included two rear-firing guns aimed with mirrors!
Vultee V-61 Prototype [NX21755] (Vultee via Hal Andrews coll)

V-48, V-61, P-48X 1939 = 1pClwM rg; P&W R-1830-S Twin Wasp with extended propshaft in an elongated low-drag cowling; span: 35'10" length: 28'5" load: 2165# v: 340 range: 850. Dick Palmer; ff: 9/9/39 (p: Vance Breese). POP: 1 company demonstrator [NX21755] c/n 142, redesignated V-61, then P-48X.
Vultee V-48C / P-48C [NX28300] (Vultee via Leo Opdyke coll)

V-48C 1940 = V48-X rebuilt and repowered with R-1830-S2 for export to Sweden, aka Flygvapen J.10; ff: 9/6/40. POP: 1 reregistered [NX19999] c/n 501, and 1 production prototype [NX28300] c/n 502; 144 built for Sweden, but diverted to RCAF, who in turn released 129 of them after the outbreak of WW2 as Lend-Lease to China as P-66, and so marked with US insignia. Of the total about 50 were impressed for Army stateside assignment, and 12 transferred to 23 Fighter Group in China.
Vultee P-48X [NX21755]

P-48X 1940 = Redesign of V-61 with conventional R-1830-S1 because of cooling problems; ff: 2/11/40 (p: Vance Breese). Crash-landed on May 9 after colliding with a camera plane.
Vultee P-66 (1940 Air News)

P-66 1941 = Impressed from V48-C exports. POP: 144 [42-6832/6975], of which 15 impressed by USAAF and 129 Lend-Lease to China.
P-68 - 1941 Design study never built.
Sky Car SEE Stout Sky Car.
SNV - USN basic trainer version of USAAF BT-13.
Vultee SNV-1 Restoration [N56319] (K O Eckland)

SNV-1 1940 = Same as BT-13A. POP: 1,125 [02983/03182, 05675/05874, 12492/12991] (USN serials total 1,350, but is unexplainedperhaps includes a cancelled batch), with 2 [V222/223] to USCG, plus 450 [34135/34584] transferred from USAAF [44-31511/32160, et al].
Vultee SNV-2 (USAAF)

SNV-2 1944 = POP: 650 BT-13B transferred from USAAF [44-31511/32010=52050/52549, -32011/32160=44038/44187].
TBV Georgia 1942 - USN version of A-35B was cancelled.

Except only for V-1, V-11, V-12, V-72, and V-77, the prefix was not used at the factory or design levels, and was most likely the doing of media scribes who presumed a "V" for Vultee would follow other manufacturers' styles"NA" for North American, "L" for Lockheed, etc. Aerofiles retains that invisible "V" herein (but in plain text) only for the sake of sequencing the model numbers for easier reference.
Vultee V-1 Prototpye [X12293] (Eric Blocher coll)

V-1 1933 = 9pClwM; 650hp Wright SR-1820 Cyclone F2; span: 48'0" length: 35'6". Gerard Vultee, Vance Breese; ff: 2/19/33 (p: Marshall Headle). POP: 1 prototype as V-1A to American Airways/Airlines [X12293]. Built in backer E L Cord's Glendale hangar, it is sometimes seen as Cord-Vultee V-1. Sold to Spain in 1937 [FAQAP] (French registration was political camouflage).
Vultee V-1A [NC14251] and [NC16099]

V1-A, -AD 1934 (545) = 8-9pClwM rg; 735hp Wright R-1820-F2 Cyclone F2; span: 50'0" length: 37'0" load: 3168# v: 235/215/65 range: 1000 ceiling: 20,000'. $35,000; POP: 16 as V-1A [NC4249, NC13764/13774, NC16000, NC16099, NC17326, CFAWQ], included 10 to American Airlines, and 8 as 6p V-1AD "deluxe" executive models with 850hp SR-1820-G2 [NC14248/14256]. [NC16099] repowered with 1000hp SR-1820-G5 as 6p V-1AD Special for Hearst newspapers (v: 266/219/65 range: 950 ceiling: 31,000'). [NC13770] used in setting transcontinental speed record on 1/14-15/35 (p: James Doolittle), and a record first round-trip transatlantic flight in Sep 1936 as Lady Peace (p: Dick Merrill). 15 V-1As acquired from AA and others in 1937 went to in Spain, where they were converted as bombers and recons. SEE The Lady Peace Story.
Vultee V-1AS [URSS-N208] (Frank Rezich coll)

V-1AS Special 1936 (2-539) = 2pClwMF; 775hp Wright R-1820-F52 and 850hp SR-1820-G2. POP: 1 twin-EDO float version built for the Soviet government for an historic 10,000-mile Santa Monica-Moscow flight (p: Sigismund Levanevski, Victor Levchenko), via Alaska and Siberia, in Aug-Sep 1936 [URSS-N208]. Added fuel tanks in cabin, enlarged tail group, special cold-weather cowl. Additionally, manufacturing rights were sold to USSR in October 1936, but none was produced there.
Vultee V-11 [NX14999] (Vultee via K O Eckland coll)

V-11 1935 = 2pClwM rg; 750hp Wright SGR-1820 with two-blade prop; span: 50'0" length: 37'6" load: 3265# v: 229/207/68 range: 1225 ceiling: 28,000'; ff: 9/17/35 (p: T C Van Stone). POP: 1 prototype Army attack bomber [X14999] c/n 28, crashed on take-off for its second flight the next day, killing Van Stone and project engineer Duald L Blue. Although the design evolved into A-19, V-11 never was fully accepted by US military, despite the design's success in more than 100 military planes built for other nations.
Vultee V-11A [NR14980] (Vultee)
Vultee V-11T [NC14980] (Pratt & Whitney)

V-11A, -11T 1935 = The second V11 prototype, but with 1800hp P&W R-2800 Double Wasp and three-blade prop; span: 50'0" length: 37'6" load: 3450# v: 232/213/68 range: 1220; ff: 10/9/35. POP: 1 [NX/NR/NC14980] c/n 29, built first as V-11A, a demonstrator for the South America market, later modified as fixed-gear V-11T for Pratt & Whitney's use in engine testing; length: 39'9" load: 3500#; ff: 1/21/40. Ultimately refitted with 2000hp R-2800; destroyed in a crash on 3/20/45.
Vultee V-11GB Ventral gun station (Vultee via John K Lewis)

V-11G, -11GB 1935 = Versions with 1000hp Wright SGR-1820-G2 Cyclone. V-11G was a two-seater, and -11GB sat three (pilot, bombardier, gunner) with a retractable ventral gun position. POP: 1 as a company test hack on wheels [NX/NR17327] and 7 with 1200hp P&W R-1830-17 to USAAC in 1939 for field testing as YA-19 [38-549/555].
Vultee V-11GB2F (Vultee)

Export suffixes: 30 V-11G to China in 1937-38; 4 -11GB to USSR [NR17328/17329 and 2 unregistered] along with some EDO sets to transform them into -11GBS seaplane and -11GBF floatplane attack bombers31 more were built under license in USSR, but later converted as mail carriers; 40 -11GB to Turkey redesignated -11GBT; 26 -11GB to Brazil 1938-39 as -11GB2, the last of which was modified with EDO floats as 11GB2F for the Brazilian Navy, as also was prototype [NX21719] in hopes of civil sales, which didn't occur.
Vultee V-12D (Vultee)

V-12, -12C, -12D 1939 = Export designation for AB-2 (Model V-12). 2pClwM rg; 1050hp Wright GR-1820; span: 50'0" length: 38'2" load: 3470# v: 254/226/70; ff (as V-12C): 2/x/40. POP: 1 prototype [NX28367]. An order from China for 26 V-12C (with R-1820) and 52 V-12D (with R-2600) resulted in shipment of one each, the rest were delivered in parts for assembly overseas. SEE ALSO AB-2.
V-20 through V-37 were unbuilt design projects20: commercial design with Lycoming O-435A; 21-31: unrecorded; 32: bomber; 33: single-engine mid-wing observation-bomber; 34: unrecorded; 35: pursuit; 36: unrecorded; 37: transport; 38: attack-bomber; 39: mid-wing observation-bomber; 40: pursuit; 41; 2p cabin; 42: pursuit; 43; radio-controlled target; 44-46: pursuits; 47: attack-bomber.
V-48, V-61, V-83 SEE P-66.
V-49 - Unbuilt Wright-powered pursuit design.
V-50 - Unbuilt scout-bomber design.
V-51, V-54 SEE BC-3, BT-13.
V-52 - Unbuilt observer design based on YA-19.
V-54 SEE BT-13.
V-55 through V-59 were unbuilt design projects55: bomber; 56: pursuit; 57: torpedo-bomber; 58: transport; 59: unrecorded.
V-61 1939 = Interim designation for Vanguard, became P-48X.
V-62 through V-71 were unbuilt design projects61-68: unrecorded; 69 (aka AB-69): V-72/A-31 variant; 70: Allison-powered pusher pursuit; 71 and 73: unrecorded.
V-72 SEE A-31.
V-74 (Vultee-Stinson) 1940 = Prototype L-1 with full-span automatic slots and slotted flaps for Army evaluation as liaison; ff: 7/15/40 (p: Al Schramm). Operated in and out of a 200' circle.
V-75 (Vultee-Stinson) 1940 = First prototype of L-5, militarized from Model 10 with 100hp Lycoming; ff: 6/19/40 (p: Al Schramm). A P Fontaine. POP: 1 as -75B, modifed with 125hp Franklin as -75C [NX27711].
V-76 (Vultee-Stinson) 1941 = Modified Stinson 105 with 185hp Lycoming O-435; ff: 6/28/41 (p: Al Schramm). A P Fontaine. Full-span slots, which created a problem during testing with near-fatal results. With modification to half-span slots and enlarged tail surfaces it became final prototype for L-5. POP: 1 [NX27772].
V-77 SEE Stinson SR-10J, AT-19.
V-78 through V-83 were unbuilt design projects78: first P-54 design; 79: unrecorded; 80: cargo/transport; 81-82: unrecorded; 83: supercharged version of P-66.
V-84 = Initial designation for P-54.
V-85 SEE RA-31
V-86 1942 = 1p version of A-31.
V-88 SEE A-35.
V-89 - Unverified design designation for XA-31.
V-90 SEE A-41.
-Stinson ALSO SEE Stinson page.