REVISED: 2/1/08
Taylor, Taylor-Young, Taylorcraft
1926: North Star Aerial Service Corp, Newark NJ; Rochester NY. 1927: (Clarence Gilbert & Gordon) Taylor Bros Aircraft Mfg Corp, 42 Allen St, Rochester. 1927: Arrowing Co, 127 Alexander St, Rochester. 1928: Taylor Bros Aircraft Co, Emery Field, Bradford PA. 1931: Sales slump forced bankruptcy. 1931: Taylor Aircraft Co (William T Piper, C G Taylor), Bradford. 1936: Taylor Aviation Co, Butler PA; July 1936: Alliance OH. 1937: Taylor-(William C) Young Airplane Co, Alliance, 27 D St, Bradford. 1937: Cub production to Piper Aircraft Corp. 1938: Reorganized as Taylorcraft Aviation Corp. 1941: New factory dedicated at Alliance. 1945: Taylorcraft Div, Detroit Aircraft Products Inc, Alliance. 1946: Ended operations in bankruptcy. 1947: Reorganized as Taylorcraft Inc, Conway PA and (c.1950) Connellsville PA (qv). 1955: Production rights acquired by Univair Aircraft Corp, Denver CO. 1963: Sheriff's sale of Taylorcraft company assets (C G Taylor to Saturn Corp). 1967: Taylorcraft Aviation Corp (Charles & Dorothy Feris), Alliance. 1982: Acquired as Taylorcraft Div by AmeriJet Corp, Youngstown OH, but transaction uncompleted. 1985: Taylorcraft Aviation Corp (George Ruckles), Piper Airport, Lock Haven PA. 19??: Syncrom, Lock Haven. c.1990: Acquired from sheriff's sale by Airborne Marketing Inc (pres: Lee F Booth), renamed Booth-Taylorcraft Aerospace, 7716 Airline Dr, Greensboro NC. 2000: Taylorcraft 2000 LLC (L F Booth & Harvey Patrick), Georgetown DE.
Arrowing Chummy [X4203] (Taylorcraft 2000)

A-2 Chummy (Arrowing) 1928 = 2pOhwM; 90hp Anzani and 125hp Siemens-Halske SH-12; span: 34'0" length: 22'0" v: 110/100/38 range: 500; ff: 12/x/27 (p: Gordon Taylor). C G Taylor. $3,985; POP: 2 [X4203, 4901] c/ns 3 and 4. Planes were first known only as Chummy or Arrowing Chummy; numeric designations came in 1930. Two Taylor/North Star works preceded this onea 3p JN-4D rebuilt as [285=3035] c/n 1, and one identified only as a "monoplane with Hallet motor," which is Loomis Special below.
Taylor B-2 [NC492] (Frank Rezich coll)

B-2 Chummy 1930 (ATC 2-114) = A-2 with 100hp Kinner K-5. POP: 5, included 2 rebuilds [5E, 314W, NC492, X140E=NC592V, 2542]; aka B-2 Arrowing.
Taylor C-2 [7303]

C-2 1929 = 2pChwM; 90hp Kinner K-5; span: 34'0" length: 22'6". POP: perhaps 7 [7303, et al]. One was modified with a seven-degree, variable-incidence wing for entry in the Guggenheim Safe Airplane Competition.
Taylor E-2 [NC14346] with AR-3 and [NC15370] with A-40 (Frank Rezich coll)
Taylor E-2 Prototype [NC10547] with C G Taylor and company pilot Bud Havens

E-2 Cub 1931 (ATC 455, 2-358) = 2pOhwM; 40hp Continental A-40; span: 35'3" length: 23'3" load: 400# v: 80/68/28 range: 205. $895 less motor; $1,325 with A-40; $1,495 with optional 40hp Aeromarine AR-3; POP: 14 under (2-358) and 337 under (455). Prototype [10547] had 40hp Salmson AD-9, replacing a 20hp Brownback Tiger Kitten that proved to be underpowered.
F-2 Cub 1934 (ATC 525) = 2pOhwM; 40hp Aeromarine AR-3; span: 35'3" length: 22'0" load: 405# v: 85/75/30 range: 240, or 40hp Continental A-40; length: 22'5" load: 407# v: 85/70/29 range: 195. Open-sided cabin with optional side panels. $1,470; POP: about 30.
G-2 Cub 1934 = F-2 with 40hp Taylor T-50 experimental motor, POP: 1 [14756], rebuilt as H-2 in 1935.
H-2 Cub 1935 (ATC 572) = 2pOhwM; 35hp Szekely SR-3; span: 35'3" length: 22'0" load: 406# v: 80/72/30 range: 215. Open-sided cabin with optional side panels. $1,425; POP: at least 4.
Taylor J-2S minus its floats [X16395] (Frank Rezich coll)

J-2, -2S Cub 1936 (ATC 595, 2-533) = 2pChwM; 40hp Continental A-40; span: 35'3" length: 22'5" load: 407# v: 87/70/30 range: 200. $1,470; $1,270 in 1938; POP: 550 built by end of 1936. (2-533) superseded by (595). J-2S was prototype with EDO pontoons [X16395]. After a devastating factory fire in Mar 1937 only 658 Cubs were built that year; total more than 1,200 built by July 1937, at which time production was taken over by Piper Aircraft and the name changed.
Loomis Special (North Star) 1926 = 3pO/ChwM; 120hp Anzani; span: 40'0" length: 24'0". A redesign by C G Taylor of another plane for barnstormer Jack Loomis (Taylor's flight instructor). Steel tube fuselage, Clark-Y wing. 2p cabin under wing, pilot and passenger in open cockpit. POP: 1 [2594], crashed in Aug 1927, rebuilt as 4pOhwM with 135hp Hallett and reregistered [2954]. Unique features on this plane would be used in future Taylor products, so it was awarded c/n 2, right after the Jenny mentioned in the first entry.
Special 1928 = 4pM; 180hp Hisso. Two were ordered by a Mr Wuriman and a Mr Bishops, but only one was finished, and that eventually sold to a George Kallfelz [7698].
Taylorcraft A [NC19866] (Dan Shumaker coll)

-Young Model A (Alliance) 1936 (ATC 643, 2-529) = 2pChwM; 40hp Continental A-40; span: 36'0" length: 22'0" load: 420# v: 91/80/32 range: 240. $1,495; $1,595 in 1938; POP: 606; prototype [X16393] c/n 25, [NC15757/15763, NC15776, NC18301/18347, NC18349/18373, NC19000/19099, NC19600/19699, NC19800/19818, NC19821/19895]. The birth of Taylorcraft came in early 1936 when city fathers offered C G Taylor the old Hess-Argo factory rent-free in order to encourage new industry. William C Young entered the picture as a partner in Apr 1937, and city support was dramatically demonstrated in late 1937 in the sale to townspeople of more than 35,000 shares of company stock for needed capital. Prototype was built by Taylor Aviation Co under (2-529) and subsequent planes by Taylor-Young Airplane Co under (ATC 643). With company reorganization in 1938 it gained a "craft" and the Taylor-Young A became known and advertised as Taylorcraft A.
Taylorcraft 15 prototype [NX36320] (Taylorcraft)

15, 15-A Foursome and Tourist 1944 (ATC 775, 3A3) = 4pChwM; 150hp Franklin 6AC; span: 36'3" length: 24'0" load: 925# v: 125/112/38 range: 450; ff: 12/1/44. $4,500; POP: 31. Prototype [NX36320] had 125hp Franklin. Production began in 1947 at Conway, later (c.1950) Collinsville. (3A3) first issued April 3, 1951 for 15-A with Franklin 6A4-150-B31 or 145hp Continental C-145-2.
16 1946 = All-metal 15. POP: 1.
18 1950 = 4pChwM; 130hp Lycoming O-290; span: 36'0" length: 21'9" load: 620# v: 110/100/38. Flapped and slotted wing, greenhouse cabin. POP: 1 modified BC-12D [N6678N] for unsuccessful military evaluation.
20 Ranch Wagon, Ag Topper (Collinsville) c.1951 (TC 3A3) = Repowered, specialized versions of 15, the latter as crop sprayer. TC issued 5/12/55, for 208hp Continental O-470-A and 225hp O-470-J.
47 1947 = Postwar DC with 65hp Continental C-65; span: 36'0" length: 22'0" load: 440# v: 105/97/38 range: 380. $2,500.
A (1938) SEE Taylor-Young A.
Taylorcraft BC-12 Perú [OB-FAG] (Sergio de la Puenta coll)

BC 1938 (ATC 696) = 2pOhwM; 50hp Continental A-50; span: 36'0" length: 22'0" load: 468 v: 97/88/35 range: 275. Optional 65hp A-65; load: 510 v: 105/95/38 range: 250). $1,495-1,565; POP: see BL.
Taylorcraft BC-12-D [N43809] (Eddie Coates coll)

BC-12 Deluxe 1941 (ATC 696) = 65hp Continental A-65; span: 36'0" length: 22'0" load: 470# v: 105/95/35 range: 375. POP: see BL-12. Postwar versions were reintroduced in 1946 as BC-12-D Standard and Deluxe Traveller with 65-85hp Continentals. Last production version, as F-22 by Taylorcraft-Ruckle of Lock Haven PA, had a list price of $34,110 in 1991.
BF 1938 (ATV 699) = 2pOhwM; 50hp Franklin 4AC-150 (single ignition); span: 36'0" length: 22'0" load: 512# v: 103/93/38 range: 255. C G Taylor. Optional, fully-cowled 65hp 4AC had a slight increase in performance. $1,549; POP: see BL.
BF-12 Deluxe 1941 (ATC 699) = 65hp Franklin 4AC. POP: see BL-12.
BF-12-65 (L-2K), BFS-12-65 194? = 65hp 4AC-176-B2, added elevator trim tab.
BF-50 194? = 60hp 4AC-171.
BF-60, BFS-40 194? = 60hp 4AC-171.
BF-65. BFS-65 194? = 65hp 4AC-176-B2.
BL 1938 (ATC 700) = 2pOhwM; 50hp Lycoming O-145 (data similar to 50hp BC), and 65hp O-145; span: 36'0" length: 22'0" load: 510# v: 102/95/38. $1,549-1,595. POP: total 2,401 B models, of which a large number to Army and USAAF as L-2, O-57, and TG-6 glider; one to Great Britain for evaluation of production. 132 built under license by Taylorcraft Aeroplanes Ltd in 1939-41 as C (with O-145) and Plus-D (90hp Cirrus Minor). First military use of a personal lightplane as 18 civil models were impressed into RAF as C/2.
BL-12 Deluxe 1941 (ATC 700) = 65hp Lycoming O-145. POP total Deluxe: 4,314, including export deliveries. In England, from 1953 to 1968, Taylorcraft Ltd produced 798 B models as civil Auster Autocrat and military Auster VI, plus 1,150 other models, until the end of production in 1968.
BLS-50 194? = 60hp 4AC-17.
DC 1941 (746) = 2pChwM; 65hp Continental A-65; span: 35'5" length: 22'9" load: 480# v: 102/92/35 range: 270. Tandem-seat trainer. $1,685-1,995; POP: see next.
DF 1941 (ATC 746) = 2pChwM; 65hp Franklin 4AC. POP: see next.
DL 1941 (ATC 746) = 2pChwM; 65hp Lycoming O-145. POP: total 2,348 D models, of which 2,119 to USAAF as L-2 and O-57. In England, Taylocraft Ltd built 822 D models as Auster AOP-1 Mk III (130hp Cirrus Major) and IV/V (125hp Lycoming O-290).
Taylorcraft L-2A & L-2M [42-35927 & 43-26402] (Peter Bowers coll)

L-2, O-57 1941 = DC and DL as USAAF liaisonL-2A with open cowling, L-2M with closed cowlingand observation as O-57. SEE previous.
Sportsman 1952 = 2pChwM; 85hp Continental C-85 36'0" length: 22'0" v: 120/110/40. Three models offered as Standard, Custom, and Deluxe.
Zephyr 400 1955 = Molded fiberglass experiment, specs and data needed.