REVISED: 3/16/09
1960: Skycraft Inc (pres: James L Robertson), Ft Worth TX.
Skyshark 1961 = 4pChwM; 420hp Lycoming; v: 168/140/40. Conversion by Robertson Skylark SRX prototype from 1953 [N2903B]. Used for testing of ULS (Ultra-Low Speed) system.
1982: Flight Concepts Inc, Los Angeles CA. 1982: Skyfox Corp. 1986: Acquired by Boeing Co, Seattle WA.
1983 = Conversion of a Canadair Lockheed T-33. 2pClwM rg; two 3700# Garrett TFE 731-3A turbofans; span: 37'10" length: 44'0" (?> 46'0") load: 5716# (?>5900#) v: 581 range: 2255 ceiling: 50,000'; ff: 8/23/83 (p: Skip Holm or Tony LeVier). POP: 1 [N221SF], rights to which transferred to Boeing as Boeing Skyfox; reg cancelled in 1997. (Skyfox reportedly was a "loose" satellite of Boeing Corp, perhaps in subsidy?).
Sky Gem SEE Regent
1985: Skyhawk Helicopters, Liberal KS. 1988: Ended operations.
1985 = No data, but reportedly produced 1 aircraft and 2 kits.
Skyhopper SEE Salvay-Stark
SEE ALSO Phillips
1930: Skylark Aircraft Co, Muskegon MI, on acquiring Driggs Co. 1937: Western Airmotive Corp, Van Nuys CA. 1940: Phillips Aviation Co.
3 1930 (ATC 2-469) = 1pOB; 75hp Michigan Rover; span: 28'3" length: 22'6" load: 501# v: 105/87/40 range: 300. From Driggs Skylark 3. POP: 2.
3-95 1930 (2-281) = 2pOB; 95hp Cirrus Hi-Drive; span: 28'3" length: 22'6". From Driggs Skylark 3. POP: 4 [NC817Y, NC11328, et al].
3-95A 1930 (ATC 2-369) = 85hp Wright-Gypsy. POP: 2.
1941: Skylark Aircraft Corp (pres: Forrest G Perkins (?>Stanley Pederson)), Venice CA on acquisition of rights to Pasped Aircraft Co. 1946: Skylark Mfg Co, Skycrafters Industries Inc, 350 Washington Blvd, Venice. 194?: Skylark Industries Inc.
1942 Aerosphere makes no mention of Pasped and, as for Skylark, "Skylark Aircraft Corp of Venice, California, has become inactive." (This is understandable with the advent of WW2.) Also, "The two-place Skylark airplane formerly built by this company was described ... in Aerosphere 1941." There is no mention of either company or the airplane in Jane's from 1941-45 or Aircraft Year Books of that same era. When Perkins took over is unknown, as Pasped co-founder Pederson was shown in 1941, but not his partner, Fred Pastorius.

(Historian Lennart Johnsson suggests a special page for only "Skylarks" to feature all those made by Bücker, Columbus, Driggs, Galvin, Larkin, Pasped, Phillips, Watkins, et al.)
Skycraft 246 1946 - 2pClwM; 115hp Continental; span: 36'0" length: 26'3" load: 710# v: 139/120/43 range: 445 ceiling: 12,500'. $3,800-4,200; POP: unknown if any were built in this designation, possibly was an evolutionary project. Wing had ailerons and flaps. 1946 aviation periodicals told of a "new twin-boom Skylark project" in three versions: 2p 246, 4p 446, and 5p 546. When the prototype appeared, it was as 447, with model number amended to fit the year.
Skycraft 445, 545 1945 = 4pClwM rg*; no data. No record of production found. 545 was noted in a brochure as slated for "Air Taxi service."
Skycraft Rendering of unspecified model (company brochure)
Skycraft 446 [NX25607] (Al Hansen coll via AAHS)

Skycraft 446, 447 1947 = 4pClwM rg*; 190hp Lycoming R-680 pusher; span: 36'0" length: 26'3" load: 1240# v: 162/142/49 (?>150/135/49) range: 715 (?>600) ceiling: 16,000'. * Partially-retacting gear to prevent structural damage in the event of a wheels-up landing. All-metal construction. Twin booms and tails; no ailerons, but wing spoilers served that purpose. $5,800-7,500; POP: 1 [NX25607] (registration also belonged to a North American NA-50A that went to Thailand).
Skyote Aeromarine Ltd, Boulder CO.
1976 = 1pOB; 118hp Lycoming O-235-K2A; span: 20'0" length: 16'3" load: 297# v: 157/112/44 range: 207; ff: 4/23/76. [N8XX] (90hp Continental C-90F).
Sky Romer
(Paul) Hobrock & Associates, Sweebrock Airport, Fort Wayne IN. Sky Romer Mfg Co, Inc.
Sky Romer [X206E] (Ft Wayne newspaper)

1929 = 4pChwM; 180hp Hisso E; span: 45'9" v: x/105/x. Paul Hobrock, Glenn Lampton; ff: 2/9/29. Originally Sky Roamer, but the spelling was changed when Crosley Co claimed infringement of patent on their radio named "Roamio." POP: 1 [X206E]. Disposition unknown, reportedly dismantled and stored in the early 1930s.
Tubular Aircraft Prod Co, Los Angeles CA.
211 c.1964 = 1pClwM; 100hp Continental O-200A; span: 25'0" length: 18'0" load: 537# v: 135/120/44 range: 480. Development of Thorp Sky Skooter 211. POP: 1.
Saalfield Aircraft Co, San Diego CA.
Skyskootor [N345L] (factory brochure)

1960 = 2pOAg; 72hp McCulloch 4318A (factory overhauled) or 4318E (new); rotor 21'4" length: 10'0" load: 440# v: 85/65/25 range: 250 ceiling: 12,000'. Molded fiberglass fuselage. Sold either as a complete aircraft or in component form. $3,495-3,995 assembled with motor, $1,995 as a kit less motor.
Skystar SEE Denney
Skytrader SEE Dominion
1959: Skyway Engr Co, Carmel IN, patent licensee for Autogyro AC-35 roadable autogyro.
AC-35 1964 = 2pCAg update of Autogiro AC-35 with 210hp Continental; (data is from a projection) rotor: 38'0" length: 18'11" load: 576# v: 134/113/x range: 400. POP: unk.
1928: Skyways Inc, Boston MA.
Amphibienne 1930 = 2pOAmB; 145hp Warner Scarab. POP: 1 [835H]. Built at Granville Brothers' repair shop in Boston. Crashed to destruction in May 1930 when the test pilot tried a half-roll followed by a half-loop, a maneuver for which the fragile amphibian wasn't quite suited.
J J Slavin, Los Angeles CA.
1912 = OB; no data.
Builders unknown, Manteca CA.
1930 = 1pChwM; Heath-Henderson. Said to have been designed in part by Charles A Lindbergh, but no proof of this was found [10327].
Slingsby Advanced Composites Ltd, Yorkshire Great Britain.
Slingsby T-3A [N31575] (USAF)

T-3A Firefly 1992 = British (or Canadian?) built variant of T67 Firefly trainer. POP: 113 in USAF service, wearing civil registrations, at Randolph Field TX [92-0625/0662, 93-0555/0596, 94-0001/0033].
(James B) Slinn Aeroplane Co, Chillicothe OH.
1911 = 1pOmwM; unknown pusher; no specs found. Tricycle gear; headless monoplane design. Oversize elevator mounted above the wing almost made this one a biplane. POP: 1 built for Eugene Brown of Peoria IL.
Slipstream Industries Inc, Wautoma WI.
19"?? = No info foiund about three aircraft: Dragonfly, Skyblaster, SkyQuest. Possibly an Australian product marketed in USA.
Sloan, Sloane
1913: (John Eyre) Sloan Aeroplane Co Inc, 1733 Broadway, New York NY. (Company funded by Thomas A Edison.) 1916: Sloan Aero Corp; Sloan Aircraft Co, Bound Brook NJ. 1916: Reorganized as Standard Aero Corp, Plainfield NJ.
1913 = Déperdussin manufactured under US license.
H-1 1916 = 2pOB; 180hp Hisso E. Charles H Day. Similar to Standard J.
H-2 1915 = 2pOB; 125hp Hall-Scott A-5; span: 40'1" length: 27'0" v: 84 range: 350. Charles H Day. Swept-back wings, originally had mid-wing ailerons. Forerunner of Standard J military trainer. POP: 8 [AS82/89].
H-3 Trainer c.1915 = No data found.
Slowen-Reinhardt SEE Blackhawk
Robert R Smedley, Tulsa OK.
Rapid Robert 1959 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 17'10" length: 15'8" load: 220#. Based on Lazor-Rautenstrach Belle of Bethany.
Henry Smidley, College Park MD.
1910 = 1pOM; Duryea auto engine; span: 32'0". Built and flown by Smidley. Verification by daughter, Irene Smidley Christopher, 3/25/01.
Smirnoff Special
Rod Nimmo, Los Angeles CA.
1949 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85. Midget racer [N84G] partly from Nimmo (Argander) Special. Destroyed in practice 1966.
(Rexford) Rex Smith Aeroplane Co, College Park MD.
Rex Smith Tony Jannus piloting

1910 = 2pOB; Emerson marine engine pusher. Rex Smith, Frederick Fox; ff: 11/6/10 (p: R Smith). Used in Signal Corps experiments with wireless radio-telegraphy in April 1911 (p: Antony Jannus). Operations continued until 1916 in building several other Curtiss-type biplanes.
1910: Arthur L Smith, Ft Wayne IN. 19??: San Francisco CA.
1910 = 1pOB; 60hp Eldridge chain-driving two pusher props; span: 40'0". This was the end result of two prototypes that crashed, mainly because Smith was teaching himself to fly as he went along. A replica of this ship, built by Billy Parker and Bob McComb, is now hung on display at Ft Wayne Intl Airport terminal. Smith also previously built a "gasless air-ship," according to 1909 Jane'sno specifics given.

From books and magazine articles Art learned about aircraft construction, designs, and patents. He believed he could build a plane that would fly better than the Wright airplane, and as he worked on his design, he was careful to avoid infringing on their patents. It took him and a friend six months to build the plane, which they moved through the streets of Fort Wayne at night to a field in what is now Memorial Park. The next morning, in its first test the plane reached almost 50 mph before leaving the ground. Suddenly it rose alarmingly, dipped, rose again, and crashed. Art was thrown onto the frozen ground and seriously injured; the plane was ruined except for the engine. ( excerpt; article by Rachel Sherwood Roberts, Indiana Historical Society)
c.1915 = Three aircraft are said to have been constructed for Smith's exhibition performances at the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition by Al Mensaco. The use of "Smith-Curtiss Pusher" in a contemporary journal leads to an assumption of their being Curtiss machines assembled by Smith, or copies using Curtiss motors. Smith was pictured in several different types of aircraft during this period, most of them looking much like the tried-and-true Curtiss designsor at least faithful replicas.
F P Smith, location unkown.
Smith Monoplane (clip: Aero 3/16/12)

Monoplane 1911 = No specs or data found.
Floyd Smith, San Diego CA.
1912 = 2pOB; 60hp Hall-Scott. Claimed to be the first tractor biplane built in the US. With his wife, Smith flew from Santa Ana to Griffith Aviation Park (Glendale) on 7/19/12, an ambitious cross-country flight at the timethe 45-mile journey took 01h:07m!
Smith, West Virginia
Kyle Smith Aircraft Co, Wheeling WV. 1919: West Virginia Aircraft Co.
Kyle Smith ad (Aviation 5/1/17 via Dennis Parks, MOF 4/6/07)

1917 = 2pOB; no specs or data. $3000, $3100 for "water model"; POP: probably just the prototype.
c.1918 = 1pOB; pusher motor. Twin-tail, headless Wright-type design, with trailing-edge ailerons on upper wing.
C-3 (West Virginia) 1919 = 3pOT; 150hp Wright-Hispano A (pusher?). POP: reportedly at least 3.
H J Smith, Minneapolis MN.
June-Bug Aerial Flivver 1922 = 1pOmwM; 30hp 2-cyl engine. Described as "a bathtub with a pole stiking out behind it" and wearing a child's tricycle wheel on its tail. Did it ever fly? Planned maiden flight in mid-May at the State Fairgrounds (some say Curtiss Northwest Airport) was delayed by a balky engine and the tailwheel breaking off, and no further account was found.
Edward F Smith, 354 W Anderson St, Hackensack NJ.
ES-5 c.1929 = 2pOhwM; Anzani. Rounded sides, parasol wing. Sold to J E Brown of Camden, who apprently repowered with a Hisso.
S-1 1928 = 2pOhwM; Anzani. Slab sides, parasol wing. [987H] c/n 22, used by Ivan Gates in exhibition work.
J W Smith, Cicero IL.
c.1929 = 1pOhwM. Monocoque fuselage made from red fiber paper rolled into shape and riveted. Wing were steel-tubing framedthe first-ever wing to have metal ribs. The fuselage hung below the wing with a pivoting arrangement somewhat like that which George Spratt would champion much later. According to William B Stout, "Its one bad habit was changing shape from day to day as the humidity increased or decreased."
Yale Elmer Smith, Eugene OR.
HS 1930 = 1pOM; Anzani. [10659].
Smith Racer SEE PSE Racer
Smith Airplane Co, Tacoma WA.
S-2 1931 = Unknown type; 100hp Curtiss OXX-6. [10606] c/n 1.
Elmer L Smith, Eugene OR.
1933 = 1pOB; 45hp Salmson; span: 22'5" length: 15'6" v: 95. Began life in 1929 as White 25 with a 25hp Henderson De Luxe engine, built by L J White, Pasadena CA. Not even the "De Luxe" addition helped very much. The aircraft would hardly fly. Smith bought it, increased the span of the upper wing, mounted the more powerful engine and flew it successfully. [10684]. After WW2 it was acquired by Hobart Sorrell in Rochester WA, who refitted a 65hp Continental, reregistered it as [N4940V], and renamed it Peer Gynt. It was active at least into the 1970s.
Glen A Smith, Mason City IA and Detroit MI (where Smith worked as GMC engr).
1933 = 1pOB; 40hp Ford. POP: 1 V-strutted home-built.
Smith S-2 [12935] (Nov 1933 Popular Aviation)

S-2 1932 = Home-built. 1pOhwM; 38hp Ford A; span: 25'0" length: 15'10". Looked like a shoulder-wing version of a Church, with a radiator arrangement similar to Curtiss Hawk. POP: 1 [12935] c/n S-1.
Simon Smith, Beloit WI.
Smith (clip from a newspaper)

c.1930 = 1pOhwM; motorcycle engine; span: 20'0" length: 15'0" v: 75. No other data but that Smith had "bought $200 worth of parts and put the machine together." What those parts were is unknown.
O 1933 = 2pOhwM; 100hp Kinner K-5. This was actually a renamed 1929 Acme Sportsman 21, originally fitted with a Warner [13622].
Everett A Smith, Missoula MT.
S-1 1937 = 2pOM; 120hp LeRhône. [13391].
Wilbur Smith, Bloomington IL.
Termite c.1955 = 1pOhwM; 40hp Continental; span: 23'6" length: 15'1" v: 95/85/38 range: 150. Cost to build: about $350, less engine. [N7939A].
Frank W Smith, Fullerton CA. c.1980: Norco CA.
Smith Miniplane [N90P] (Lee Enich via EAA Experimenter)

DSA-1 Miniplane 1956 = 1pOB; 65-125hp various105hp Lycoming O-235C typical; span: (upper) 17'0" (lower) 15'9" length: 15'1" load: 384# v: 135; ff: 10/29/56. Popular home-built design from marketed kits and plans. Model designation was for "Damn Small Aeroplane," obviously inspired by Benny Howard's DGA.
Herb O & Herb V Smith (father and son), San Antonio TX.
Sputnik 1958 = 1pChwM; 72hp McCulloch 0100; span: 32'0" length: 19'5" load: 275# v: 105/80/x.
1947: L B Smith Aircraft Corp, Miami FL.
Smith Tempo II (ad clip: Flying)

Tempo II 1959 = Executive transport version of surplus Douglas B-26. 12pCmwM rg; two 2100hp P&W R-2800-C; span: 73'6" length: 60'4" v: 365/350/102. Also held civil certificate for modification of C-46.
(Ted) Smith Aerostar
Ted R Smith & Associates, Santa Maria CA.
320 c.1971 = ClwM rg; two prop engines. No data. POP: 1 prototype [N540TS].
Ted Smith 601 [NC3638T] (Eddie Coates coll)

600, 601, 601L 197? (TC A17WE) = 6pChwM rg production of Aero Commander.
Superstar 700 1972 = 6pCmwM rg; two 300hp Lycoming IO-540-M; span: 36'8" length: 35'4" load: 2400# v: 275/255/x; ff: 11/22/72 [N72TS].
Cyril B Smith II, Colorado Springs CO.
Der Kricket 1978 = 1pOB; 60hp 1835cc VW; span: 16'0" v: 105/90/58; ff: 9/19/78. Demountable wings for trailering. Plans marketed for home-builders, reported 200+ sold. After racking up 25 years of flying the prototype [N501CS], Smith donated it to Mid-America Air Museum.
1978: Mike Smith Aero Inc, Johnson City KS. 1986: Acquired by Prop-Jets Inc.
Super Interceptor 1979 = 2pClwM rg; 750hp P&W PT6A-34; span: 24'0" length: 23'0" v: 440. POP: 1. Destroyed at an early stage of flight testing.
Prop-Jet XP-99 1982 = 6pClwM rg; 850hp P&W-Canada PT6A-41 derated to 550hp; load: 2000# v: x/350/x. POP: 1 [N3191K].
A J Smith, no location.
AJ-2 1981 = 2pClwM; 215hp Avco Lycoming IO-360-A1B6; span: 24'0" length: 22'0" load: 600# v: 298/255/68; ff: 7/15/81. [N9AJ].
Everett M Smith, New Castle DE.
Smith-Cirigliano [N755W] (Warren Shipp via 1955 EAA Experimenter)

Baby Hawk 1950 = 1pCB; 145hp Warner; span: 27'0" length: 17'6" v: x/125/35. Major modification of 1928 Cirigliano SC-1 with lengthened fuselage and new tail, canopied cockpit, Cessna spring gear, cowling. POP: 1 [N775W].
Everett Smith, W A McCurdy, Arthur Lardin, New Castle DE.
AL-1 1934 = 1pOM; 85hp DH Gypsy. [X12Y].
M L Shanklin, (--) Moore, (--) Johnson, Indianapolis and Mooresville IN.
SMJ Maverick I [N6417] (clip)

Maverick I 1968 = 1pOM; 150hp Lycoming O-320; span: 25'0" length: 19'0" load: 725# v: 160/140/80; ff: 7/2/68. [N6417]. Reported built at Kelly Field, Mooresville; destroyed there in a crash on 9/20/69 after a wing failure.
Anthony Smokowitz, Vulcan MI.
1933 = Modified Gere Sport. 1pOB; 60hp Dayton Bear, then in 1936 a 55hp Lambert, and in 1938 a 60hp Dayton Bear again. [13698] c/n S-9405.
Smolinski SEE A V E
Jerry Smyth, Huntington IN. c.1980: Sidewinder Corp (pres: George Blair), Temecula CA.
Sidewinder 1969 = 2pClwM; 125hp Lycoming O-290G; span: 24'10" length: 19'4" load: 583# v: 185/160/55 range: 425. Jerry Smyth, later modified by George Blair. Aerobatic capability. EAA's Best Design Award 1969. Stressed to 9g for limited aerobatics. Plans marketed to home-builders; kits available from commercial sources. A version with retractable gear has been seen.
Harry B Snell, Toledo OH.
c.1910 = Classified by Jane's as "Miscellaneous," this creation had wings as "supporting surfaces, which rotate in a direction opposite to the direction of flight." A helicopter?
R Snoke, no location.
Swifty Jr 1959 = Midget racer. 1pCmwM; span: 15'5" length: 17'0". Wings from Miller Little Gem. [N4908E].
1955: (Leland) Snow Aeronautical Co, Olney TX. 1961: Snow Aeronautical Corp.
S-2A, -2B 1958 = Duster/sprayer. 1pOlwM; 220hp Continental W-670-6A. POP: ?.
Snow S-2C [N1633S] (William T Larkins)

S-2C 1961 = S-2B repowered with 450hp P&W R-985-AN-1 (span: 42'6" length: 28'8" load: 2470# v: 130/115/69 range: 330; hopper load: 2000#; ff: 4/12/61) or 600hp P&W R-1340-AN-1 (span: 42'6" length: 27'6" load: 2720# v: 140/120/72 range: 270; hopper load: 2400#; ff: 5/12/61).
1929: Motor Gliders Inc, Johnson Airport (fdr: Orville H "Bud" Snyder) aka Aire Kraft Inc, Dayton OH. 1930: Design sold to Curtiss-Wright Corp.
Baby Bomber 1929 = No data.
Snyder Buzzard Three-view

Buzzard Light Plane aka MG-1 1930 = 2pOhwM; 34hp ABC Scorpion pusher; span: 35'0" length: 19'3" v: 70/60/28. Bud Snyder. Early ultralight, essentially a motorized glider with a pylon-mounted parasol wing and a motor. Fabric covered except for a dural-covered plywood fuselage bottom, most likely to cope with student landings. Purchased by Curtiss-Wright and is assumed to be the basis for, or at least a major influence on, the 1931 Curtiss-Wright CW-1 Junior. Design revived in 1983 as kit-form, Zenoah-powered Ritz Standard A by Gerry Ritz, Wartrace TN.
OHS-III 1929 = No data.
Charles Snyder, Lockport IL.
Snyder FS-1 [R12040]

FS-1 19?? = 1pOlwM; Cirrus. Very Ryan ST-ish looking racer, with no data. [R12040] c/n 1.
Snyder S-2 SEE Arup S-2
Snyder Sportster SEE Barney
Orville H Snyder & Lt John A Macready, Dayton OH.
Snyde-Macready (Aviation via Joe Martin)

Baby Bomber 1921 = 1pOB; chain-driven 18hp Indian; span: 21'7" length: 16'6" load: 186# v: 62/50/35. O H Snyder, based on a German Junkers lightplane design; all-wood construction. Popular with home-builders of the time, with plans published in magazines.
AFA Corp, Huntington Beach CA.
A400 - Roadable flying sedan concept in development (c.2004); featured telecoping wing span. Dr Branko Sarh.
1929: Solar Aircraft Co (fdr: Edmund T Price), 1212 Juniper Ave, San Diego CA, reorganized from Prudden Aircraft Co.
Solar MS-1 [X258V] (K O Eckland coll)

MS-1 1930 (ATC 2-252) = 8pCswM; 420hp P&W Wasp C; span: 56'6" length: 35'11" load: 1955# v: 125/112/50 range: 500; ff: 1/21/30 (p: Doug Kelly). All-metal evolution of Prudden SE-1. POP: 1 [X/NC258V]; to Mexico in 1931 as [XBAFK], where it was destroyed in a 1936 crash.
MS-2 19?? = No data found.
William E Somerville, Coal City IL.
Somerville-Borel (clip: 3/16/12 Aero)
French Borel-Morane (clip: 3/16/12 Aero)

1910 = 1-2pOmwM; 40hp pusher; span: 45'0". Mention also in 9/27/13 Aero and Hydro of a 50hp Gnôme-powered Somerville-Borel monoplane being flown at Rensselaer IN. Advertised as "automatically stable," it might have been a copy, rather than a rebuild as thought, of the Morane-Borel since that import retained its original look throughout its life. That Borel had a very involved and hand-me-down career before ending up as a display relic, acquired from Earl Daugherty, at the Tallmantz Movieland of the Air (aka Intl Museum of Flight at Orange Co CA Airport) in the 1960s. Modified to some unknown extentperhaps just renamedas the Mathis-Mestach Exhibition Monoplane c.1911.
Somerville Biplanel
Somerville Biplane with Daugherty at the helm

Biplane 1912 = 2pOB exhbition and sightseeing ship for Earl S Daughery, who relocated to Long Beach CA and founded its muni airport. Unknown if only this one was built, as well as Somerville's involvement with Coal City's Illinois Aero Construction Co (IAC), whose initials were on the plane&$#!51;most likely when it was used as a trainer at IAC's fliying school. SEE ALSO IAC.
(?) Somerville, OshkOsh WI.
MX.II 19?? = Homebuiltl no data found.
Great Plains Aircraft, Boys Town NB.
Sonerai I (Marty Comstock)

I c.1975 = Formula-V racer. 1pCmwM; 1600-2180cc VW; span: 16'8" length: 16'8" load: 260# v: 225/150/54 range: 345 mi. John Monnett. Folding wings for storage or trailering. Plans and kits for the home-builder market.
II, II-L, II-LT 19?? = As previous but 2pCmwM, with low-wing configuration as II-L and tri-gear as II-LT; span: 18'8" length: 18'10" load: 430# v: 200/140/58 range: 280 mi.
John A Sons, Humble TX.
Trainer 1929 = 2pOM; span: 34'6" length: 22'6". Built with "parts purchased from local dealer." POP: 1 [NC3044] c/n S-8772. Reg cancelled 9/5/30.
Sopwith SEE Foreign military
Keith Sorenson, Van Nuys CA.
Sorenson Special Deer Fly [N24C] (Leslie Burgess coll)
Sorenson Special Little Mike [N35C] (K O Eckland coll)

Special 1948 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 18'6" length: 15'6". POP: 2 midget racers: Deer Fly (p: K Sorenson, Mike Argander) [N24C] and Little Mike with modified tail [N35C]. The former competed successfully under various owners until it crashed at Tampa FL in 1966, killing pilot Bill Stead. The latter was modified for 1949 competition as Foss Jinny.
Otto Sorrell, Rochester WA.
Bathtub c.1960 = 1pOhwM "ultra-ultralight" geared-down chain-saw motor and tricycle gear; inspired by 1924 Dormoy Bathtub. Further development by Michael Kimbrel, Oakville WA, who 1978 flew a tail-wheel version with a VW engine, then promptly sold 400 sets of drawings to home-builders.
Colt 195? = 1pOB; 65hp Continental A-65.
Sorrell Aviation
Hobart C Sorrell & Sons (John, Mark, Tim), Rochester WA. 1982: Sorrell Aviation, Tenino WA. 19??: Sorrell Aircraft Co Ltd.
Biggy Rat 1967 = 1pOB; 125hp Lycoming O-290-G; v: x/130/x. POP: 1 [N3717].
DFG-1 1958 = 1pOB; 40hp Mercury water-cooled outboard motor; span 20'0". Gross wt: 500#. All-wood construction; fuselage with geodetic structure. [N7158].
Dr.1 1957 = 1pOT; 65hp Continental; span: 18'0" v: 100. A three-quarter scale replica of the WW1 Fokker triplane. [N6441C].
Golden Condor 19?? = No data.
Intruder 19?? = No data.
Nieuport 17 1961 = 1pOB; 40hp Salmson AD-9 (from 1931); span: 21'9" length: 15'3" load: 325# v: 99/75/x. Three-quarter scale replica of WW1 Nieuport 17C.
SNS-2 Guppy 1967 = 1pCB; 18hp OMC Cushman 200; span: 21'3" length: 15'5" load: 245# v: 80/70/38. POP: 2 [N2180 c/n 2, N2976G c/n 1].
SNS-4 1970 = 2pOB; 125hp Lycoming O-290-G; span: 21'0" length: 17'0" load: 510# v: x/130/55-60. POP: 1 [N2026].
Sorrel SNS-7 Hiperbipe [N3717] (Dan Shumaker)

SNS-6, -7 Hiperbipe 1973 = 2pCB; 180hp Lycoming O-360; span: 22'10" length: 20'10" load: 680# v: 172/160/49. Negative-stagger wings. EAA's Outstanding New Design Award 1973. Prototype was SNS-6 [N66S]. Kits and plans marketed to home-builders.
SNS-8 Hiperlight, Hiperlight EXP 1983 = 1pOB; 27hp Rotax 277 or 36hp Rotax 377 (EXP); span: 22'0" length: 15'6" load: 254# v: 63/60/27 range: 200.
SNS-9, EXP II 1985 = 2pCB; 42hp Rotax 447; span: 23'4" length: 18'0" load: 454# v: x/85/39 range: 255; ff 5/22/85. [N9EX].
-Robinson Wenoso 197? = 1pCmwM; 65hp Continental; span: 25'0" length: 19'0" v: x/125/x. [N1041].
(S W) Sorrenti Aviation Corp, San Francisco Bay Airdrome, Alameda CA.
1930 = No data.
Southern Commercial Aircraft Co (fdrs: Walter & Merle Krouse), Hialeah FL.
Sea Hawk 1928 = 4pOBFb; Wright J-5. Floyd Copeland. $7,000; POP: 1.
Southern Commercial Airmotive Corp, Dothan AL.
Southern [N3900C] (clip EAA Experimenter)

1950 = Aerobatic. 2pOB; 85hp Continental; span: (upper) 20'4" (lower) 17'6" length: 16'2" load: 300# v: 180/115/43. POP: 1 [N3800C], built from salvage of a Being P-12 for Charles Short and sometimes seen credited to his name. Seen also as reregistered (Del) Denly Special in the 1950s.
Southern, Southernaire
1940: Southern Aircraft Div, Portable Products Corp (pres: Willis C Brown), Garland and Greenville TX; 1947: Houston TX.
Aerocar 1946 = 2pChwM; 130hp Franklin 6AC; span: 30'0" v (est): 128 range (est): 310. Ted Hall. Roadable with demountable wing and twin-boom, twin-tail unit, a development by Hall of his twin-boom auto-plane concepts. It is uncertain if this was ever specifically produced under the Southern banner, or if it was one of Hall's projects in the works, as it was first flown at San Diego CA in 1939. POP: 1 [NX59711], made several test flights, but proved to be underpowered and the project was abandoned in the post-war slump.
Southernaire BM-10 [NX17670] (Aero Digest)

BM-10 1940 = 2pOB; 220hp Continental R-670; span: (upper) 34'1" (lower) 33'0" length: 25'2" load: 720# v: 123/105/50 range: 355 ceiling: 15,000'. Metal-framed fuselage, metal and fabric covered, wood and fabric wings and tail group. Refitted with 225hp Jacobs L-4 [NX17670].
Southernaire BM-11 [NX59783] (Aviation Heritage)

BM-11 1940/1945 = 6pChwM; two 200hp Ranger 6-440; span: 42'0" length: 29'3" load: 1921# v: 175/166/61 range: 760. POP: 1 [NX59783].
Southernaire 19?? = No data.
XC-1 1947 = 2pChwM; 130hp Franklin. POP: 1 prototype with scant data.
Southern Aircraft SEE Air Boss, Messer
Southern Aircraft
1940: Fleet Southern Aircraft Inc, Travis Field, Savannah GA.
Fleet Super-V c.1963 = 4pClwM rg; two 340hp Lycoming O-360; span: 33'5" length: 25'2" load: 1200# v: 210/202/67 range: 1150 ceiling: 21,000'. $33,800. A version or modification of the Canadian Fleet twin?
Southern Crane
1929: Manncraft Airplane Co (pres: H W Mann), Collierville (Memphis) TN. Oct 1930: Ended operations.
1929 = 2pOM; 60hp Anzani, replaced by a Chevrolet in Dec 1930. POP: 1 [X817N]. Sold to J C Norris of Collierville in Nov 1932, who may have reverted to an Anzani. Reg cancelled by CAA in Sep 1934. This could be the Fleming, according to findings by John M Jarratt, but this enigma has yet to be solved as the name of Fleming is not apparent. Mann Co officials of record also included Ricardo Houstee, Mann Jr, and E F Moreland.
Southern Eagle
Southern Eagles Avn Club, Baltimore MD.
A 1933 = 2pOB; Salmson engine; no specs or data. R S Crowley. Built by Southern High School students under the guidance of aircraft-mechanic instructors. POP: 1 [C2392] c/n 1; reg cancelled 8/31/34.
Southern Pacific
Southern Pacific Aircraft corp, Santa Monica CA.
Dragonfly c.1965 = Commercial production of Helicom Commuter as a trainer. No other data.
Marcellus Sowers & C Haugsted, Nevada IA.
Sportplane 1935 = 2pOM; 45hp Anzani. [14830].
Space Coupe SEE Anderson-Greenwood
Spacewalker SEE Warner
(John Nicholas) Sparling Propeller & Aeroplane Facory, E St Louis MO.
1912 = 1pOB. A personal representation of the Curtiss headless design with trailing-edge top-wing ailerons.
W W Sparrow, Healdron OK.
Model 1 1928 = Monoplane with no data.
Spear Aircraft Corp, no location.
1929 = No data.
Sam Spearman, Dunkirk OH.
S-1 1959 = 1pChwM; 55hp Lycoming; span: 24'0" length: 17'0" load: 235# v: 110/95/40 range: 225. [N10152].
Specialized Aircraft Co (pres: Jack Coroy), Camarillo CA.
Specialized Tri Turbo-3 [N23SA] (SAC / Conroy)

Tri Turbo-3 1977 = Tri-motor conversion of Conroy-Douglas DC-3, built by Aircraft Technical Services Corp. 3-ClwM rg; three 1175hp P&W-Canada PT6A-45 turboprops; span: 95'0" load: 12,000# v: x/225/x range: 2700; ff: 11/2/77. Swing-tail for loading; five-bladed props. POP: 1 prototpe [N23SA].
Spectrum Aircraft Corps, Van Nuys Airport CA.
SA-550 Spectrum-One 1982 = Conversion of Cessna 337 Skymaster. 4pChwM rg; 550hp P&W PT6A-27; span: 38'2" length: 36'10" load: 2200# v: x/250/66; ff: 2/1/83. [N15SA].
Robert E Speed and Ronald Johnson, no location.
F8F Beercat 196? = 1pCB; span: 16'0" length: 17'5" load: 304#. Took third place in Consolation biplane race at Reno 1969 (p: R E Speed).
Speed Bird
1932: Speed Bird Corp (Perth Amboy Title Co), Keyport NJ, as receiver of Bird Aircraft Co.
1933 = 2pOB; 90hp Lambert R-266; span: 34'0" length: 23'0". Side-by-side cockpit; the last of the Bird line. Possibly was that Bird F [X790N].
Speed Bird A Restoration [X15641] (Roger D Cain)

A 1935 = 2pOB; 85hp LeBlond 5DF. POP: 1 [X15641].
Percy H Spencer, Farmingdale NY. 1943: Chicago IL. 1945-53: Non-aviation years. 1954: Lear Aircraft Co, Santa Monica CA. 1965: Trident Aircraft Corp, Canada (qv). 1968: Glendale and Chino CA (partnered with Dale L "Andy" Anderson).
1914 = On 4/12/11, at age 17 in a rebuilt Curtiss-type modified as flying boathe had convinced his father to invest in the wreckageSpencer not only took his creation on its first flight but on his own solo flight, as well. Unskilled in turning the plane, he flew for five miles, landed on a river, and pushed it around for the return flight. Of pertinence is that Spencer was still actively flying in 1987 at age 90.
S-10 Monoplane 1922 = 1pOlwM; 25hp Lawrance La-3; wings from a Curtiss Oriole. Described by its inventor in Jan 1984, then 87, as "... a little puddle-jumper I made just for fun at Brainerd Field, Hartford CT, in 1922... The fuselage was laid out on the floor with spruce longerons and corner gussets and was fabric covered. The cockpit opening was formed by the wood rim of a bicycle wheel... (The) engine quit and parts began falling (but made a) normal landing. There was a teenager in the assembled crowd and I gave the plane to him. I don't know if he re-engined it or what became of the plane." Appeared in 1926 as Spenser [sic] with 35hp Lawrancepossibly the re-rated La-3; span: 32'0" length: 20'0" load: 220# v: 55/50/28.
Spencer S-12 [NX29098] (www.seabee.info)

S-12 Air Car 1941 = 2pChwMAm; 110hp Franklin; span: 33'7" length: 23'3" load: 527# v: 95/86/50. Wood-veneer construction on a metal frame. POP: 1 [NX29098]. Design was bought by Republic Aviation in 1943 and revised into Seabee. Modified and continued after WW2 as a home-builder project.
S-12B 1957 - Design study. Unknown if any built.
S-12C Air Car 1968 = No data found. Likely origin of the Spencer-Larsen SL-12C.
Spencer S-12-D [N17WH] (Roger D Cain)

S-12-D Air Car 1970 = 4pChwAm; 260hp Lycoming O-540-E4B5; span: 37'4" length: 26'0" load: 1050# v: 147/135/53 range: 600; ff: 5/25/70. Marketed plans and kits for home-builders.
S-12-E Air Car 1970 = 4pChwAm; 285hp Teledyne Continental Tiara 6-285-B; v: 155/135/53 range: 800. [N111DA].
S-14 Air Car Junior 1983 = Trailable 2pChwAm; ff: 11/4/83 (p: P Spencer). When the prototype's performance did not meet expectations, the project was canceled. Spencer and Anderson had invested nearly $85,000 in the project, but friend W R Hearst Jr purchased the Junior for salvage price of $25,000 and donated it to EAA Museum in 1984.
SEE ALSO Colgate-Larsen
1937: (Percy H) Spencer-(Victor A) Larsen Aircraft Co, Farmingdale NY. 1940: (Gilbert) Colgate-Larsen Aircraft Co, Amityville NY.
Spencer-Larsen SL-12C [NX20621] (Dan Shumaker coll)

SL-12C 1939 = 2pChwMAm; 150hp Menasco D-4 pusher; span: 40'0" length: 27'10"; ff: 5/x/39 (p: P H Spencer). Percy Spencer, Victor Larsen. Main wheels located in rearward-retracting wing floats; motor in hull drove the prop on a shaft above the fuselage. POP: 1 [NX20621]. Flight tests exposed so many problems with the design and construction that the plane was dismantled after logging 10 hours, and the company reorganized as Colgate-Larsen (qv). Spencer resigned in Sept 1940 to pursue his own designs (SEE previous entry).
1918: Lawrence Sperry Aircraft Co, Farmingdale NY.
1911 = 1pOB; 60hp Anzani. Predecessor of Messenger, a powered version of his 1910 glider, and touted as the first tractor built biplane in US, which is disputable. Interplane ailerons; six wheels plus skids for rough-field operation. POP: 1.
Hi-Lift 1922 = 5pOhwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 36'0" length: 26'0" load: 800# v: 85/x/42 range: 200. An experiment by Sperry in modifying a Curtiss JN-4D into a monoplane with an internally-braced, one-piece wing with I-beam spars, to produce a craft capable of carrying five, when it was originally designed for two. Despite successful trials and demonstrations, nothing came of the idea.
Land and Sea Triplane 1919 = 3pOTAm patrol bomber; 360hp Liberty; span: 48'0" length: 31'6" v: 90/85/x. Bomb load: 1000#. POP: 1.
Sperry Light Bomber [A-5243]? (USN via W T Larkins coll)

Light Bomber 1919 = USN. 3pOTAm; 400hp Liberty 12 pusher; span: 48'0" length: 31'6" v: 91. POP: 1, possibly [A-5243].
Sperry M-1 (Frank Rezich coll)
Sperry M-1A with hookup trapeze [AS-68533] (Leslie Burgess coll)
Sperry M-1A

M-1 Messenger, M-1A, MAT (Verville-Sperry) 1920 = Army liaison and utility. 2pOB; 60hp Lawrance L-4S and, later, L-3 (as Wright Gale); span: 20'0" length: 17'9" v: 97/80/37 ceiling: 13,400'; ff: 11/1/20 (p: John A Macready). Designed at McCook Field by Alfred Verville; aka Engineering Division M-1. Ailerons on all wings. POP: 22 as military M-1 and 20 as M-1A [AS64223/64227, AS68472/68477, AS68528/68533], plus 1 civil sport version that failed to spark any public interest, and the idea was never pursued. Of the first dozen, 8 were modified as remote-control flying bombs with the designation MAT ("Messenger Aerial Torpedo"). With a hook mounted above the upper wing, a Messenger [AS68533] piloted by Lt Rex K Stoner "landed" on a trapeze suspended from the D-3 Army Air Service airship in the first successful contact between an airplane and an airship while in flight, 9/18/23, over Langley Field VA (SEE ALSO Consolidated N2Y-1, Curtiss F9C, Vought UO-1, Waco XJW-1 in similar roles). Sperry lost his life on 12/13/23, crashing in the English Channel while demonstrating this plane, which was later rebuilt and modified by Clarence Chamberlin in 1928 for use in demonstrations to publicize lightplane aviation. Several ex-military aircraft appeared later in civil roles, as well.
N-9 Aerial Torpedo 1918 = No data.
R-3 SEE Verville-Sperry.
Sperry Sport 3-view (1922 Aircraft Year Book)

Sport 1921 = 2pOhwM; 110hp Curiss OXX; span: 38'0" length: 26'0" v: 85/75/37. JN-4 fuselage and strut-braced Sperry wing. Likely was prototypical Hi-Lift.
Sportplane 1919 = 2pOB; two 38hp air-cooled, 2-cycle, 4-cyl Sperry WBB; span: 27'0" length: 21'0" load: 475# v: 88/x/36. Folding wings.
Sperry-Curtiss E

-Curtiss SEE Curtiss E Flying Boat.
-Curtiss Speed Scout Aerial Torpedo 1918 = No data.
-Vickers Aerial Torpedo 1918 = No data.
Tony & Dorothy Spezio, Bethany OK.
Spezio Tuholer [N9110R] (Tony/Dorothy Spezio coll)

Sport DAL-1 aka Tuholer 1961 = 2pOlwM; 125hp Lycoming GO-290-G4; span: 24'9" length: 18'3" load: 590# v: 150/130/40 ceiling: 12,000'; ff: 5/2/61. Tandem cockpits, folding wing. Marketed plans for home-builders. Mechanix Illustrated Golden Hammer Award c.1961 for design.
1956: W K Foss, Schenectady NY, and Spibec Corp, Philadelphia PA. 1958: Acquired rights for Luscombe Gullwing. 1964: Sold rights to Swallow Aircraft Corp, Covina CA.
Luscombe Gullwing 1960 [N54082] (Robert O'Dell via Brian Baker coll)

Colt 190 1958 = Revival of Luscombe Gullwing (qv) with similar data. Don Luscombe (1941). Projected base price $7,995; POP: production planned, but none was built.

Spibec's original intent was to experiment with fiberglass in lightplane construction, but poor sales of a fiberglass model introduced by Taylorcraft compelled the company to cancel its plans. Colt 190 design rights and fuselage, wing alignment, and gear jigs were purchased for $30,000, according to Carroll S Bechtel, one of Spibec's three owners. By 1958 the prototype had been flown more than 350 hours. Engineering data necessary for FAA approval, with the exception of static wing-loading tests, had been completed. Although with no firm orders, Bechtel production schedule called for 50 Colts the first year (1960) and another 50 the second year at one of several airports in the Philadelphia area, with subsequent output depending on demand for the plane. Spibec's goal was to incorporate as Colt Aviation & Engr Corp. ( Ron Dupas 3/21/01)
(Siegmund) Spier Aircraft Corp, Jersey City, NJ; Brooklyn NY. (Also Martin Spear [sic], vice-pres, Bernard Spier, secy, Nathan Spier, treas a true famliy operation!)
Pursuit Trainer 1940 = 1pClwM; 175hp Lycoming O-435; span: 26'0" length: 21'0" load: 300# v: 190/165/62. Unsuccessful protoype for military evaluation.
M H Spinks Sr, Ft Worth TX.
Akromaster 1968 = 1pClwM; 200hp Lycoming IO-360; span: 30'0" length: 24'0" load: 475# v: 280/170/55 range: 1100; ff: 8/28/68. Marketed home-built for aerobatics. [N7727].
1975: Spitfire Helicopter Co, Media PA.
Mark I 1978 = 3pCH; 420hp Allison 250-C20B derated to 240hp; rotor: 32'0" length: 29'5" load: 1100# v: 129/110/0 range: 308; ff: 12/x/78. Based on Enstrom F-28A.
Mark II Tigershark 197? = 4pCH; 420hp Allison 250-C20B; rotor: 31'11" load: 1175# v: 135/120/0.
Mark IV 198? = 4-5pCH; 420hp Allison 250-C20B; span: 33'4" length: 30'0" load: 2100# v: 215/201/0 range: 482.
Sport Aircraft SEE Chris Tena
Sport-Aire SEE Trefethen
Spotsy Aircraft Corp (Victor Gottchling & Emil W Pwters), 4109 Germaine Ave, Cleveland OH.
Model 1 1929 = 2pOB; 80hp Siemens-Halske; span: 26'0". Emil Peters. $1,750 less motor; POP: 1 [X549V]. Crashed at Elyra OH after engine failure on 5/4/30 (p: Lewis Dryer), reg cancelled 5/19/30.
George A Spratt. c.1935: George G Spratt, Media PA. 1936: Spratt Aircraft Inc, Costesville PA. 1982: Spratt and Co Inc. SEE ALSO Bendix, Consolidated, Stout.
George G (c.1902-1998) should be distinguished from his father, Dr George A Spratt (1870-1934), who started the whole pivoting-wing business. ( Lennart Johnsson 3/13/99)
1912 = 1pOB; 40hp Curtiss V-8 air-cooled engine. This was Dr G A Spratt's first powered airplane with pivoting wings. It was followed by three others during the next 20 years.
1934 = 1pOhwM; 25hp Jacobs outboard motor modified to air cooling (now in EAA Museum); empty wt: 180. The first controlwing airplane to do any real flying. [14763].
Controlwing 1939 = 2pOhwMFb; 65hp Lycoming pusher. Further development of Spratt's controllable-wing theory (SEE Bendix Controlwing) with wing mounted over a twin-tailed, boat-shaped fuselage (it was licensed as a boat!). Engine mounted in the bow, driving prop by a long shaft. 1947 version had 65hp Continental mounted aft of cockpit [N3915A]. Spratt's project continued well into the 1970s with several successful flying boats. Plans marketed to home-builders; 80 sets sold by 1982.
Controlwing 105 1973 = 2pChwM; 60ci Mercury marine engine; span: 22'0" length 12'6". Landplane version of 107. [N49888]. Spratt's continuance of design numbers from his days at Convair sometimes lead to confusion of this plane with Convair-Stinson 106 Skycoach.
Controlwing 106 1964 = 2pOhwMFb. POP: 1 [N910Z].
Controlwing 107 c.1975 = 2pOhwMFb; modified 80hp Mercury marine engine; span: 24'0" length: 17'0" load: 500#.
Springfield School of Aviation, Springfield OR.
JM2P 1930 = Renamed from Lee L-2P-T [353V] after its sale by Lee Inman. 2pOM; 60hp LeBlond 5D. POP: a second one (biplane?), a Continental-powered version, was built in 1931 as MacManaman Baby Fleet [10670].
Springfield SEE Hall-Springfield
S S Pierce
S S (Samuel) Pierce Aeroplane Co, Southhampton NY.
S S Pierce 1917 exposition (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)
S S Pierce Side-view drawing

Sporting Tractor 1916 = 1pOB; 40hp Lawrance L-4; span: 26'0" length: 20'0" load: 250#. Underslung lower wing; monocoque fuselage. Design was well ahead of its time.
"We soon saw that the helicopter had no future and dropped it. The helicopter does with great labor only what the balloon does without labor, and is no more fitted than the balloon for rapid horizontal flight. If its engine stops, it must fall with deathly violence, for it can neither glide like the aeroplane or float like the balloon. The helicopter is much easier to design than the aeroplane, but is worthless when done." Wilbur Wright, 1909