REVISED: 2/13/08
includes Scaled Composites
1969: (Elbert L "Burt") Rutan Aircraft Factory (RAF). 1974: Mojave Airport CA. 1981: Voyager Aircraft Co (Dick Rutan, Jeana Yeager), Mojave CA. 1983: Scaled Composites Inc (SCALED = "Scaled Composites, the Advanced Link to Efficient Development") established. 1985: Scaled Composites bought by Beech Aircraft. 1988: Scaled Composites sold back to Rutan, and in turn to Wyman-Gordon, who was in turn acquired by Castparts Inc. 2001: Scaled Composites LLC reacquired by Rutan and 10 investors.
(Thanks to David Lednicer for a major overhaul in 2001)
49 - First design studies of Model 54 Quickie (SEE separate entry on Q page).
59 - Design study, with a joined-wing configuration, for Predator, which subsequently looked much different.
78 - Canard configured regional airliner design program.
89 = Three-surface configuration business turboprop design that led to Model 115. Did not fly.
115 (Scaled) 1983 = 85% scale model of Beech Starship. Company's working name was "SCAT."
AD-1 (Model 35) 1979 = Research aircraft to test the "skew-wing" system of variable geometry. 1pChwM; two 220# Microturbo TRS18-046 turbojets; span: 32'4" length: 38'10" load: 600# v: 255/x/x. POP: 1 built by Ames Industrial for NASA.
Adam M-309 [N309A] (Adam Co)

Adam M309 SEE Adam entry on the Ab page.
Amsoil Racer (Model 68) 1981 = 1pCB; 160hp Avco Lycoming O-320; span: 22'0" length: 22'0" load: 310# v: 232/x/70. Designed for Dan Mortenson and sponsor Amsoil Corp. POP: 1 [N301LS]. Destroyed in a crash at Reno in 1983 Mortenson was uninjured, as the cockpit was designed to withstand 22g load.
Scaled ARES (Scaled Composites)

ARES (Model 151) (Scaled) 1990 = Acronym for "Agile Responsive Effective Support." Canard configured ground attack aircraft with P&W-Canada JT15D-5; ff: 2/19/90 (p: Doug Shane). Engine inlet was on the left side and a 30mm cannon was mounted on the right side. Company working name was "LATS." POP: 1 [N1515C].
Scaled ATTT [N335C] (Scaled Composites)

ATTT (Model 133) (Scaled) 1986 = Three-surface military transport built under contract to DARPA. Two P&WC PT6As. Although known officially as ATTT (Advanced Tanker, Transport, Trainer), company working name was "SMUT" (Special-Mission Utility Transport). POP: 1 62% proof-of-concept [N335C].
Boomerang (Model 202) 1993 = Asymmetrical, pressurized twin with forward-swept wing. Two Lycoming TIO-360; one engine on the fuselage and one on a second boom extending back to the horizontal tail. POP: 1.
Catbird (Model 81) 1987 = 5pClwM rg; 210hp Avco Lycoming; v: x/276/x. Proof-of-concept aircraft aimed at replacing Beech Bonanza. POP: 1 [N187RA]; no production.
CM-144 (Model 144) 1987 = Enlarged and slightly modified version of Long EZ, developed as a drone for California Microwave Co; Lycoming IO-360. POP: 1?.
Defiant (Model 40, 74) 1978 = 4pCmwM canard; two 160hp Avco Lycoming O-320 tractor-pusher engines; span: 29'2" load: 1300# v: x/214/75 range: 1130. Work began on production version Model 74 in 1982.
Rutan GlobalFlyer [N277SF] (Virgin Atlantic)

GlobalFlyer (Model 311) 2004 = Twin-boom 1pCmwM; Williams FJ44-3 ATW; span: 114'0" length: 44'2"; ff: 3/5/2004 (p: Jon Karkow). Gross wt: 22,000#, empty wt: 3,350#. Constructed expressly for record-breaking unrefuelled solo global flight 2/28-3/3 2005 (p: Steve Fossett); sponsor: Virgin Atlantic Airlines.
Grizzly (Model 72) 1982 = 4pClw tandem-wing STOL research aircraft; 180hp Avco Lycoming IO-360-B; v: x/x/40. POP: 1 [N60RA].
Rutan Long EZ [N93PJ] (Joseph Abril)
Rutan Long EZ [N3R] See text below (NOAA)

Long-EZ and -EZE (Model 61) 1979 = 1-2pCmwM canard; 115hp Avco Lycoming O-235; span: 26'2" length: 16'9" load: 615# v: x/183/60 range: 1430 (2010 as a single-seater). An enlarged, longer-range and easier-to-fly version of VariEze. Both types have been the subject of intensive home-building worldwide with 4,000 sets of plans sold and 700 flying by 1985. Creative use of [N3R] by National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration's Air Resources Laboratory for meteorological and air-surface interaction research and development of airborne scientific instrumentation, with special design features required for high-fidelity turbulent flux measurements and flight safety at low altitudes.
Lotus (Model 91) 1983 = 2pCmwM canard microlight; 25hp Lotus. Empty wt: 300#. Marketed in Britain by Lotus auto manufacturer.
Microlight (Model 97) 19?? = No data found.
Mini-Viggen 1974 - Projected aluminum version of VariViggen was abandoned as too costly to produce and only made it to wind-tunnel stage.
NGT (Model 73) 1981 = 1pCmwM; two Microturbo TRS-18 turbojets; span: 21'7". Gross wt: 1500#. Three-fifths scale model of Fairchild T-46 jet trainer. POP: 1, built by Ames Industrial.
Predator (Model 120) (Scaled) 1984 = Agplane. 1pClwM canard; 400hp Avco Lycoming IO-720; span: 57'0". Gross wt: 7,580#.
Scaled Proteus (Scaled Composites)

Proteus (Model 281) (Scaled) 2000 = High-altitude, high-endurance, multi-role aircraft with two Williams-RR FJ44 turbofans; load (est) 2000# v: 288/x/75; ff: 7/26/98. Originally designed as part of an airborne cellular phone system for Angel Technologies Corp, with the ability to remain airborne up to 14 hours. POP: 1 [N281PR]. Set three world altitude records 10/25-27/2000, of peak altitude (62,786'), sustained altitude in horizontal flight (61,919'), and peak altitude with a 1000-kg payload (55,878').
Pond Racer [N221BP] (Dan Shumaker)

Pond Racer (Models 76, 158) 1990 = Unlimited-class racer developed for Bob Pond at Reno Air Races. Two Electromotive-Nissan VG-30 3-liter GTP engines, which ran on methanol and were designed to produce 1000hp each although they never gave more than about 600hp; span: 25'5" length: 20'0" load: 640#. POP: 1 [N221BP]. Appeared at Reno in 1991-93, qualified at 400mph. Destroyed in a forced landing crash in 9/14/93, killing pilot Rick Brickert.
Scaled Proteus (Scaled Composites)

Proteus (Model 281) (Scaled) 2000 = High-altitude, high-endurance, multi-role aircraft with two Williams-RR FJ44 turbofans; load (est) 2000# v: 288/x/75; ff: 7/26/98. Originally designed as part of an airborne cellular phone system for Angel Technologies Corp, with the ability to remain airborne up to 14 hours. POP: 1 [N281PR]. Set three world altitude records 10/25-27/2000, of peak altitude (62,786'), sustained altitude in horizontal flight (61,919'), and peak altitude with a 1000-kg payload (55,878').
Quickie SEE separate entry on Q page.
Scaled Raptor (Scaled Composites)

Raptor (Model 226) (Scaled) 1993 = High-altitude, unmanned aircraft; 100hp Rotax. First flown 4/27/93, with a safety pilot (Doug Shane) riding on top of the fuselage. Originally designed to carry missiles to destroy ballistic missiles in the boost phase (known as "Quiver" at that stage), later reoriented to the high-altitude drone mission. First aircraft was lost because of a gyro failure; second had a larger prop and double-turbocharged engine. POP: 2.
Solitaire (Model 77) 1982 = 1pCmwM canard sailplane with auxiliary engine; 23hp KFM 107E; span: 41'9" load: 240# v: x/x/37. Glide ratio 32:1. Retractable engine and prop in the nose.
Scaled SpaceShipOne [N328KF] (Scaled Composites)

SpaceShipOne (Model 316) (Scaled) 2003 = First privately-sponsored manned space vehicle [N328KF], reached a record altitude of 62 miles on 6/21/04 (p: Michael Milvill), carried aloft and launched from White Knight. Captured the $10 million Ansari X-Prize for being the first private craft to break the "black sky barrier" on 10/4/04 (p: Brian Binnie) as an official spacecraft. Awarded Collier Trophy for 2004.
Scaled Triumph (Scaled Composites)

Triumph NGCT (Model 143) (Scaled) 1987 = Three-surface small business jet with two Williams FJ44s. Built under contract to Beechcraft. Originally three versions were designed to be powered by piston engines, turboprops, and turbofans. Company working name was "Tuna." POP: 1.
Vantage (Model 247) SEE VisionAire Vantage.
VariEze (Model 31, 32) 1975 = 2pCmwM canard; 100hp Continental O-200 pusher (also other 75-90hp Continentals); span: 22'2" length: 14'2" load: 470# v: x/195/70 range: 850; ff: 5/x/75. Composite fuselage structure. Wings and foreplane of fibreglass with rigid urethane foam core. First prototype 31 [N7EZ] had a 63hp VW engine. A series of world records for speed and distance were broken by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager using VariEze and LongEze aircraft.
VariViggen (Model 27) 1972 = 2pClwM rg canard; 150hp Lycoming O-320 pusher; span: 19'0" length: 23'8" load: 750# v: 163/125-158/52 (?>180/125/51) range: 400 ceiling: 14,000'; ff: 4/x/72. The starting point of Burt Rutan's revolution in light airplane design. It's name and shape were inspired by Swedish AF attack plane, SAAB AJ-37 Viggen ("Thunderbolt"). Flying characteristics were remarkableit displayed no conventional stall and could climb, cruise, glide, turn, and land with continuous full back-stick at a stable speed of 52 mph throughout. By 1977, 600 sets of plans had been sold, and 245 aircraft were under construction. Prototype [N27VV].
VariViggen SP (Model 32) 1973 = VariViggen with winglets and a longer wing.
V-Jet II (Model 271) SEE Williams (1997).
Rutan/Scaled Voyager [N269VA] (NASA)

Voyager (Model 76) (Scaled) 1984 = 2pCmwM rg; one 110hp Continental Voyager 200 and one 130hp O-240 (the latter used only for take-off and emergency power); span: 110'10" length: (fuselage) 25'4" (booms) 29'3" v: 150/100/74. Twin-boom ultra-light, built from composite materials, had an aspect ratio of nearly 34:1. POP: 1 for a historic first global non-stop, non-refuelled flight from Edwards AFB, 12/14-23/86 (p: Dick Rutan, Jeana Yeager) [N269VA]. Average speed was a leisurely 115.8 mph at altitudes from 8,000' to 12,000' for the 25,000-mile flight. Rutan and Yeager flew from a cramped cockpit of 7'6" x 3'4" x 2'11", and their nine-day flight (216h:03m:44s) nearly doubled the previous distance record set in 1962 by a USAF B-52H. Voyager's take-off weight was more than 10 times its structural weight, but its drag was lower than most any other powered aircraft.
Scaled White Knight with SpaceShipOne (Scaled Composites)

White Knight (Model 318) (Scaled) 2002 = Carrier for SpaceShipOne; two J-85-GE-5 with afterburners; span: variable 82'0"-93'0"; ff: 8/1/02. Payloads to 8000#.