REVISED: 4/17/09
N A B A SEE Peters
National Aeroplane Co, Chicago IL and Galveston TX.
Beech-Farman aka Beech-National 1912 = 2pOB; 75hp Roberts; span:52'0". A C Beech, apprently based on the French Farman design. Fitted with dual controls, it was used by NAC School for flight training.
National Aircraft Corp, no location.
Dream 1986 = 1pChwM; 35hp Cuyuna ULII-02. Possible ultralight?
1938-1945: (Bruno) Nagler-Rolz Flugzeugbau, Vienna, Austria. 1950: Nagler Helicopter Company Inc, White Plains NY. 1961: Vertigyro Company. 1971: Nagler Aircraft Corp, Phoenix AZ. 1974: Phoenix Heligyro Corp.
1953 = 2pCH/Ag; similar to VG-1, but with fuselage from an Aeronca Champion.
Honcho 100 1972 = 1pOH; AiResearch 85-90 gas turbine feeding compressed air to the rotor; rotor: 28'7" length: 10'9" load: 275#. [N1750Z].
Honcho 200, 202 1973 = 2pCH; Solar-T-62-Titan gas turbine. Data similar to 100.
NH-120 1955 = 1pOH; 40hp Nelson; rotor: 20'4" length: 8'2" load: 425# v: 80/70/0 range: 210. Two co-axial rotors.
NH-140 1956 = 1pOH; 70hp McCulloch. Two co-axial rotors.
NH-160 1956 = 1pOH; 72hp McCulloch; rotor: 20'4" length: 12'2" load: 430#. Two co-axial rotors, one on top and one smaller, believe it or not, under the pilot's seat.
Nagler VG-1 [N5395Z] (newspaper clip)

VG-1 Vertigyro, VG-2 1963 = 2pCH/Ag; one 108hp Lycoming O-235 and one Garret-AiResearch GTC-85-90 gas turbine to feed compressed air to nozzles in the two-blade rotor; rotor: 36'0". The fuselage was taken from a Piper Colt, complete with engine and prop. The vehicle could take off and fly as a helicopter at 75mph, then convert into an autogyro to do 85mph; minimum gyro v: 45. POP: 1 [N5395Z]. A development with twin tail booms, VG-2, was on the drawing board in 1970, but no info was found on its development.
XNH-1 Heliglider 1952 = 1pOH; two solid rockets at the tips of the rotor. Snap-on helicopter. Empty wt: 67#.
XNH-2 Heligyro 1952 = As previous, but added 2-cyl opposed engine driving a pusher prop; v: 60/x/0.
N A S (National Airways)
Feb 1925: National Airways System Inc (fdrs: Glenn J Romkey & Shukri F Tannus), Lomax IL. Sep 1928: Planned relocation to Peoria stifled by Depression. Mar 1930: Filed bankruptcy.
Air King 1926 = 2pOB. POP: 1 entry in 1927 New York-Spokane Race; disabled when the tailskid broke on take-off. Plane was dismantled, with its motor going to Mono-4.
Air King 1926 (ATC 29) = 3-4pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: (upper) 33'0" (lower) 34'1" length: 26'0" load: 850# v: 98/84/35 range: 380. Orville Hickman. $2,385.
NAS Air King Dole racer City of Peoria [X3070]

Air King 1927 = 2pOB; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 38'0". Larger, boxy "big brother." POP: about 4, the first of which was Dole Race entry City of Peoria (p: Charles Parkhurst) [X3070], disqualified because of insufficient fuel tanks.
Air King 1928 (ATC 29) = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 34'1" length: 25'5" load: 775# v: 99/85/35 range: 395. $2,095-2,295; POP: 23.
Air King Mono-4 1928 = 4pChwM; 220hp Wright J-5. Ryan B-2 look-alike. POP: 1 prototype [7610] c/n 101.
Air Prince 1929 = 2pCM; 90hp LeBlond. Designed to be marketed as an inexpensive trainer. $3250; POP: 1 prototype [X43N]; was still on registers in 1936.
(Paul) Nash Aircraft Co, Chapin IL.
N 1928 = 3pM; 165hp Gnôme rotary; span: 32'8" length: 23'10". Nash wrote to CAA 3/9/30, "Dismantled, motor went to the bad. I am holding ship for sale without motor." POP: 1 [6811]; ident cancelled 3/28/30.
Split Tail 1984 = No data. Could be an erroneous entry, considering the timespan.
Kelvinator Div, Nash-Kelvinator Corp, Detroit MI.
JRK 194? - Planned USN 37p four-engine light transport flying boat as XJRK-1, but none was built.
R-6 Hoverfly - Sikorsky Co, heavily involved in F4U production, contracted Kelvinatorthen a licensee of Pratt & Whitney building airplane enginesto take over production of the R-6A. Kelvinator had an available plant in Detroit, and the tooling for the project was moved there.
YR-6A 1943 = POP: 26 [43-45316/45341].
R-6A 1943 = Production version; POP: 193 [43-45342/45534].
R 6B - Version scheduled for Lycoming O-435-7, but production was cancelled.
National Aircraft Co, 211 W Front St, Plainfield NJ.
Aircub Sport 1929 = 2pOB; 80hp Lee radial, replaced by 90hp Lambert R-266 in 1930. Leo C Mohme. POP: 1 [X27N] c/n 2. Experimental reg cancelled 1/1/32, fate unknown.

An article in the 5/28/29 Kansas Citizen states that National Aircraft Welding School secured the services of Mohme to form National Aircraft Co and expected to produce a "Sport Express," as well as a 6p cabin plane, which I think was never built. ( John M Jarratt 1/19/03)
National Aircraft Corp, Watts Airport, Beaverton OR.
C-3 1929 = 3pOB; 80hp Anzani and 150hp Hisso A. [X334E] c/n 100 and [X335E] c/n 101.
N-5-300 1929 = 5pM; 300hp Hisso. [829M] c/n 301.
National NC-2 [10641]

NC-2 1931 = 2pOhwM; 80hp Anzani. [10641] c/n N-280. A curious shift in model designations and serial numbers.
National Airplane & Motor Co, Billings MT.
Bluebird C-3 1934 (ATC 2-465) = 1pOhwM; 40hp Salmson AD-9. Repowered later with motor modified under the National name. Design based on Commercial Sunbeam. POP: ? [15506, 15509, 15510], perhaps others.
National Bluebird LP-1 [NC11965] (Frank Rezich coll)

Bluebird LP-1, LP-3, LP-4 19?? = 1pOhwM. No data, but LP designations were used earlier by American Sunbeam. LP-1 was [11965] c/n 3; LP-4 was [14430].
National Bluebird S-1 [930Y]

Bluebird S-1 19?? = As previous but Lawrance engine [930Y]. No other data found.
National Airplane & Motor Co, 2810 E 11 St, Los Angeles CA.
1940 = No data.
National Aircraft Corp, 3411 Tulare Ave, Burbank CA.
NA-75 c.1950 = Surplus Stearman PT-17 modified as ag duster/sprayer with National high-lift wings and metal-paneled fuselage sides. Various engine options from 220hp Continental to 450hp P&W; span: (upper) 33'0" (lower) 29'6". Hopper loads: 500-2000#. Stall speed with 500# load reduced to 35 mph.
National Aerial Navigation SEE Aerial Navigation
National Motors
National Motors Corp, Stout Field, Indianapolis IN.
S-90 1935 = 2pCM; 100hp Cirrus Mk III. POP: 1 [15175].
S-125 1936 = 2pCM; 115hp National. POP: 1 [X18300].
National Sports Aircraft SEE N S A
National Wingless
National Wingless Aircraft Inc, 410 Donner Ave, Monessen PA.
1935 = 1pO?; 90hp Gypsy-Cirrus. No data located on this intriguing "wingless"(?) model. One reference also shows a change to 37hp Continental, a curious drop in power. [15915].
1939: (Harry C & Richard G) Naugle Aircraft Corp, Latrobe PA.
Naugle Mercury N-2 [NX28646] (1940 Popular Aviation)

Mercury N-1, N-2 1940 = 2pChwM; 75hp Lycoming GO-145; span: 30'0" length: 20'6" (?>21'8") load: 610# v: 142/138/43 range: 450. All-metal; unique X-spar, slotted cantilever wing with interchangeable front and rear spars. POP: 1 [NX28646]. Retractable landing gear planned for production models, of which none was builtthe N-2 designation was apparently for this one, as specs were the same except for higher speeds (projected: 155/138/55). Production curtailed by the war; reappeared 1947 as Midwest Mercury.
1959: Navion Aircraft Co (Div of Tusco Corp), Galveston TX. 1965: Navion Aircraft Corp, Seguin TX. c.1970: Janox Corp, Arcanum OH. 1972: Navion Rangemaster Aircraft Corp, Wharton TX.
Model H 1968 = 285hp Continental IO-520-B; length: 27'6" load: 1370 v: 200/185-191/x.
Navion Rangemaster [N2420T] (Eddie Coates)

Rangemaster G-1 1960 = 5pClwM rg; 260hp Continental IO-470-H; span: 34'9" length: 27'10" load: 1231# v: 192/185/58 range: 1858; ff: 6/10/60. Five-seat version of North American/Ryan Navion. [N514H].
Nebraska SEE Lincoln-Standard
Neico SEE Lancair
1928: (Thomas S & Duncan S) Neilsen Steel Aircraft Co, Berkeley CA.
Neilson NC-1 [NC883E] (William T Larkins)

NC-1 Golden Bear aka Coach 1929 = 3pCB; 130hp Comet; span: 37'6" length: 29'0" (?>28'6") load: 800# v: 130/110/40 range: 800. Richard Korman. Attractive, fabric-covered Ryan B-3 type [X883E]; subsequent models were planned to be metal-clad. $7,500. Destroyed by an angry crowd at a "thrill show" at Oakland Speedway in Aug 1939 after its performance failed to meet their expectations. A second one, with 300hp Wright J-6, was reportedly under construction at the time, but its history is unknown. Factory was at Berkeley's then-new airport by San Francisco Bay.
William Nelsch, St Louis MO.
19?? = 1pChwM. Experiment in roadable airplanes. Folding wings, caged motor for ground operation.
Norman Nelson, Cloquet MN.
Trainer 1932 = 2pM. POP: 2 known; [12925] c/n R-2 with 65hp Velie and [12958] c/n R-3 with 90hp Lambert.
(Ted) Nelson Aircraft Corp, San Fernando CA. 1949: Nelson Specialty Co, San Leandro CA. 1965: Purchase of company name, Hummingbird, and Nelson engine rights by Charles Rhoades, Lock Haven PA.
Bumblebee 1946 = 1pChwM rg (manual); 16hp pusher; span: 41'0" length: 23'5" load: 355# v: 75 range: 110. William Hawley Bowlus. Powered sailplane with vertical tail and two small stabilizers mounted on a single boom. [NX1955].
Dragonfly 1947 = 2pChwM rg (manual); 25hp 4-cyl Nelson pusher (some powered by 48hp Nelson H-63CP); span: 47'3" length: 20'4" v (powered): 70/60/x. Our nation's first certified powered sailplane had an engine pod that retracted into the fuselage for soaring flight. Rebuilt from Bumblebee and with tricycle gear, but the powered sailplane idea failed to gain a foothold in the sagging postwar market. POP: 7. At least 2 have survived and are now in museums; [NX/NC34921] restored in New York 1964.
Humming Bird (Model PG-185B) 1952 = 2pCmwM rg (manual); retractable Nelson pusher; span: 54'0" length: 24'0" v: 120/90/39. Don Mitchell, Ted Nelson, Harry Perl, based on Dragonfly. Side-by-side cockpit. Sink rate 20:1, glide ratio: 25:1. $210,000; POP: 3 or 4 [N68581, N68959, et al].
Twin Cub SEE Rhoades
Raymond Nelson, Tacoma WA. 19??: Deer Park NY.
N-1 Special c.1957 = 1pCmwM; 85hp Continental C-85. POP: 1 built from some parts of Piper J-3. [N14N] c/n 1.
N-4 19?? = 2pCmwM modified from N-1; 85hp C-85; span: 24'9" v: 120/105/x.
Bob Nelson, Pendleton OR.
1-B Special c.1960 = 1pClwM; 65hp Lycoming O-145; Built from assorted parts, such as Taylorcraft empennage and Ercoupe wings. POP: 1 [N1325N]. Modified c.1967 by new owner in Troutdale OR and redesignated Half-Nelson.
Sport 19?? = 1pCmwM; 65hp Continental A-65. Built-up from Piper J-3 parts. Possibly [N2478x].
Robert Nelson, no location -- possibly is same as previous entry?
Star Lance 1 1984 = 1pCmwM canard; 35hp Cuyuna (optional 72hp
Kawasaki); span: 23'0" load: 280# v: x/124/x range: 620. [N32286].
Nels J Nelson & Benjamin B Driscoll, 176 E Main St, New Britain CT, and Wallingford Airport CT.
Fleet Wing 1929 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 32'0" length: 28'0". [2827] c/n 25. New England Air Museum thinks this was a modified Standard J-1, but historian J M Jarratt points out that "dimensions do not add up." Ident issued 4/26/29, reissued 3/17/30, reported in storage Feb 1933, cancelled 3/15/36.
Steven Paul Nemeth, Chicago IL.
Nemeth Umbrellaplane [X13651] (Frank Rezich coll)
Nemeth Umbrellaplane in flight (film clip)

Umbrellaplane, aka Roundwing 1934 = 2pOhwM; 90hp Lambert; span: 16'0" length: 20'0" v: 120/95-100/20-25. Circular wing on a lengthened Alliance Argo fuselage for STOL performance [X13651] initial experiments by Nemeth with rotating wingforms go back to 1929. Designed by Nemeth and built by students at Miami University (OH) to test circular wing configuration. Repowered with 120hp Warner Scarab, later reworked as divided wing. Name has been seen spelled Nuneth.
Robert E Nesmith, Houston TX.
Nesmith Cougar [N1016Z] (Antique Aircraft Assn coll)

Cougar 1957 = 2p; 85-125hp various, 115hp Lycoming O-235 typical; span: 20'6" length: 18'11" load: 590# (?>646#) v: 195/155/53 range: 700 ceiling: 13,000; ff: 3/x/57. Steel-tube fuselage, wood wing. POP: 1 [N75282]. Marketed plans for home-builders reportedly numbered in the 2,000s.
Cougar Comet 1961 = Cougar modified with 125hp Lycoming O-290D.
Wil Neubert, Long Beach CA; San Luis Obispo CA.
Nostalgia 1974 = 2pCB; 220hp Continental. Stolp Starduster Too seriously modified to resemble a USN Boeing F4B. [N7X]
Everett Neumann, Ham Lake MB.
N-2 1978 = Home-built 1pOlwM with folding wings; Continental O-200. [N2287D] c/n N782.
Al Neunteufel, no location.
Mini-Copter 1963 = 1pOH; 40hp Triumph 650; rotor: 21'0" load: 170#. [N103N].
(Valentine) Newbauer Vertical Airplane Co, Monterey Park CA.
1927 = 1pOH. Two propeller-type (coaxial?) rotors and a tractor prop. A model was built, powered by a 1.5hp engine. Newbauer claimed it lifted 60 pounds, which is judged by experts to be highly improbable. He was engaged in helicopter experiments from 1917-27 and held several patents. One project was entered in the 1924 British helicopter competition.
Hummingbird 1928 = Ornithopter-type craft; two revolving disks on top, and wings made from lateral vanes, all powered by a four-cylinder motorcycle engine. No record found of flight. US patent #1,743,327 issued in 1930.
Newell Aerial Navigation Co, no location.
1910 = No data, might have been lighter-than-air.
New England
New England Air Transport Co (aka NEAT Co) (pres: George H Armitage), Jefferson Ave, Hillsgrove RI. ALSO SEE Armitage.
F-2 1930 = 2pOB; 90hp DH Gypsy; span: 30'0" length: 21'0". Apparently brought in as the 1929 Engle T-1 (qv) and renamed. Sold (as forfeiture of mortgage) to Richard D Savage of Brighton MA for $4,000 on 11/15/30, then to Nina L Armitage of Manville RI 4/4/34, who reported to CAA on 3/16/36, "Aircraft now being dismantled." POP: 1 [11028] c/n 27; reg cancelled by CAA 4/15/36.
F2-WG 1929 = No data; 85hp Wright-Gypsy. POP: 1 [X117M] c/n 26; reg cancelled 1/26/31.
New Era
New Era Aircraft Corp, Butler PA.
Model A 1931 = 2pChwM; 90hp Cirrus. Podlike cabin with twin-boom tail. Tail booms broke during a rough taxi, and the plane was dismantled. [X10778] c/n 100.
Model B 1932 = Unknown type; [12692] c/n 101.
(Richard A and Werner A) Newhouse Flying Service, Rocky Hill-Princeton NJ.
Newhouse 1911 (Princeton Historical Society)

NS-1 1929 = 3pOhwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Parasol wing; ff: 5/18/29; accumulated more than 1000 hours with considerable exhibition flying time [635]. Newhouse had built several other unrecorded, one-of-a-kind planes since 1911 such as this Curtiss pusher-type 1pOB and, according to his son, Werner, operated the Newhouse Flying Service at Bolmer's Field (Princeton Airport) from 1929-42.
K C "Casey" Newland, Harvey IL.
B-45 1936 = 1pOB; 45hp Szekely. [14877] c/n 101; sold 9/21/40, dismantled and reg cancelled 4/14/48.
William L Newman, Carlsbad CA.
1935 = 1pOM; 25hp Henderson. [15503].
New Pacer SEE Pacer
New Piper SEE Piper
New Standard
SEE ALSO Day, Jones Standard, Standard-Day
1928: Standard Aircraft Corp, Paterson NJ, reorganized from Gates-Day Co. c.1933: After bankruptcy, production facilities went to Metropolitan Aircraft Corp (pres: Bruce Huppert), where a total of 4 were built. 1934: D-25 production rights bought by Jones Aircraft Corp, Schenectady NY. 1938: Ended production.
D-24 1929 (ATC 107) = 5pOB; 180hp Wright-Hisso E; span: 45'0" length: 26'6" load: 1334# v: 100/95/37 range: 550. Charles H Day. $4,600; $4,250 with 150hp Hisso A; POP: 4 [NC442, NC9102, NC9756, NC9794], and 2 [NC193, NX7286] converted from Standard GD-24.
New Standard D-25
New Standard D-25 as crop-duster [N928V] (Boardman C Reed)

D-25 1929 (ATC 108. 2-542) = 5pOB; 220hp Wright J-5; span: (upper) 45'0" (lower) 32'6" length: 26'10" load: 810# v: 110/98/37 range: 490 ceiling: 18,000'. $9,795; POP: about 45. (2-542) issued in 1937.
D-25A 1929 (224) = 225hp J-6 for an increase in load. $7,990; POP: 5 [NC33K, NC38K, NC150M, NC930V, NC9190], the next-to-last of which was modified with 300hp J-6 as D-25B.
D-25B SEE White D-25B.
D-25C SEE D-29S.
D-25X 19?? = Unknown modification of D-25A. [37K] c/n 203.
New Standard D-26 (Joseph Juptner coll)

D-26 1929 (ATC 109) = 3pOB; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 45'0" length: 26'10" load: 1390# v: 114/100/37 range: 500. $9,750; POP: ??.
D-26A, -26B 1929 (ATC 225) = 225hp J-6 for an increase in load. POP: 1 [NC35K] c/n 202, later registered as D-26B.
New Standard D-27 [NC9122] (Joseph Juptner coll)

D-27 1929 (ATC 110) = 1pOB; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 45'0" length: 26'10" load: 1390# v: 118/105/37 range: 525 ceiling: 18,000'. $9,750; POP: 4 mail planes for Pennsylvania Airlines [NC9121/9194].
D-27A 1929 (ATC 226) = Night-flying equipment and 225hp J-6 for increased cargo load. POP: 1 conversion from D-27 [NC9122].
D-28 1929 (ATC 109) = 3pOBF version of D-26 with some weight and performance differences. POP: 1 conversion from Hisso D-24 [NC442].
D-29 1929 (ATC 198) = 2pOB; 85hp Cirrus Mk III; span: 30'0" length: 24'11" load: 535# v: 88/75/37 range: 300. $4,250; POP: probably only 1. Design evolved from license-built Belgian Stampe-Vertongen D-29A.
New Standard D-29 Special [NX172M] (E J Young coll)

D-29A, D-29 Special 1929 (ATC 216, 2-326) = 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 30'0" length: 24'8" load: 625# v: 98/80/42 range: 250. $4,250; POP: 26 [NC36K, NC151N/158M, NC164M/172M, NC715Y, NC913V, NC922V/926V, NC9195]. (2-326) for 95hp Menasco B-4 installation as D-29 Special [NX172M] c/n 1026. USN version with Kinner B-5 was NT-1.
D-29S 1930 (ATC 2-272) = "Sport" version with coupe-type cockpit; load: 655# v: 102/85/45 range: 340. $5,000; POP: 1 special model for Charles H Day [NC173M] c/n 1020; also appears on registers as D-25C.
D-30 1929 (possibly 108) = 5pOBF version of D-25 with some weight and performance differences.
New Standard D-31 [NC154M] (Frank Rezich coll)

D-31 1930 (ATC 2-276) = D-29A with 125hp Kinner B-5; span: 30'0" length: 24'8". POP: 2 [NC775Y c/n 1033, NX29090 c/n 100], the latter built in 1941 as Barnard New Standard.
New Standard D-32 (Rhodes Arnold via Skyways)

D-32 1931 (2-382) = 3p D-29A with 165hp Wright J-6; span: 30'0" length: 25'0" load: 585# v: 113/98/50. $7,338. POP: 1 [NC747Y] c/n 3000.
New Standard D-32 [X776Y]

D-33 1931 (ATC 2-327) = 3p D-29A with 125hp Kinner B-5; span: 30'0" length: 24'8". POP: 2 [X/NC776Y c/n 33-1 and NC13229 c/n 33-2].
New Standard NT-1 (Peter Bowers coll)

NT-1 1929 = USN/USCG trainer conversion of D-29A with 125hp Kinner B-5. POP: 6 [A8583/8588].
New Standard NT-2 [312] (USCG)

NT-2 1929 = Unrelated to NT-1, both were gifts to USCG from the Treasury Dept, impounded D-25As from whiskey smugglers. POP: 2 [311/312=V123/V124], both were destroyed in crashes in late 1935.
New Standard Aircraft Co
1930: New Standard Aircraft Co Inc as a holding group.
Atlantic Seaboard Airways
Gettysburg Flying Service
Haines Point Seaplane Service
Hoover Field
International Airways Inc
Potomac Flying Service
New Swallow SEE Swallow
New York
New York Italian Aeroplane Co, NY.
1910 = No data.
New York
New York Aero Construction Co, Newark NJ.
1916 = 2pOswBF; two 100hp Aeromarine; load: 1700# v: 85/75/43 range: 680. Warren S Eaton. Triple tails.
Nicholas-Beazley, NB-Standard, Barling
1921: (Russell "Penny") Nicholas-(Howard A) Beazley Motor Co, Marshall MO. 1924: Nicholas-Beazley Airplane Co. 1935: Aircraft production discontinued. 1938: Sold rights to Air Associates Inc, Roosevelt Field, New York NY. 1940: Bendix NJ.
NB-1, NB-2 - While there is no factory record of these designations being used, or why NB-3 was their first model, these phantoms sometimes appear in references to early N-B production.
Nicholas-Beazley NB-3 [NC503M] (Clark Scott coll)

NB-3 aka Barling NB-3 1928 (ATC 174, 2-157) = 2pOlwM; 60hp Anzani and 60hp LeBlond 5D; span: 32'9" length: 21'11" load: 629# v: 100/85/38 range: 300; ff: 2/x/28. Walter Barling. All-metal frame. $3,600; POP: 20, the first three [355, 356, 357] with Anzani, all eventually refitted with LeBlond, and the next two [358, 359] with experimental Superior radials; [NC503M/507M, NC548M/551M, NC553M, et al]. Captured lightplane altitude, distance and speed records in 1929. (2-157) approved 60hp LeBlond for [C9316]. Originally advertised as Barling NB-3 and is so listed in many registers.
NB-3G 1929 (ATC 231) = 80hp Armstrong-Siddely Genet Mk II; span: 32'9" length: 22'5" load: 620# v: 105/90/38 range: 340. $4,000; POP: 27+, of which most were repowered with 60hp Anzani and LeBlond, and 90hp Warner and Lambert [NC13N, NC82M, NC113N/128N, NC414V/415V, NC510M/511M, NC552M, NC556M/557M, NC896M, NC904N, et al].
NB-3L 1930 = 90hp Lambert. POP: 1 [903N].
Nicholas-Beazley NB-3V [NC884H] (Frank Rezich coll)

NB-3V 1929 (ATC 230) = 60hp Velie M-5; span: 32'9" length: 22'3" load: 629# v: 100/85/38 range: 300. $3,600; POP: 20+ [NC884H, NC115N/126N, NC132N, NC416V, NC425V, NC508M/509M, NC554M/555M, NC590M, NC881M/897M, NC902N, et al], included at least 2 conversions from NB-3 and -3G [NR355, NC122N].
NB-4G 1930 (ATC 385, 2-280) = 3pOlwM; 80hp Genet; span: 32'8" length: 23'8" load: 683# v: 109/91/40 range: 375. Tom Kirkup; improved NB-3 with 2p side-by-side front cockpit. POP: 1, modified as NB-4L [NC430V].
NB-4L 1931 (ATC 385, 2-260) = 90hp Lambert R-266; span: 32'8" length: 23'6" load: 683# v: 105/87/40 range: 390. $3,900; POP: 1 [NC427V], plus two converted from NB-4G and -4W.
Nicholas-Beazley NB-4W (Aerofiles coll)

NB-4W 1931 (ATC 386, 2-264) = 90hp Warner; span: 32'8" length: 23'4". $3,900; POP: 6, of which 1 modified as NB-4L [NC431V] and 1 repowered with 110hp Warner Scarab [NC501Y].
NB-7 1931 = 2pOhwM; 37hp Continental A-40. Flivver-type plane built under subcontract by the aero engineering firm, Gazley & Lasha, Washington DC, but details are sketchy. POP: 1 [438V] c/n NAE-1.
Nicholas-Beazley NB-8G [NC12516] (Frank Rezich coll)

NB-8G 1931 (ATC 452, 2-353) = 2pO-ChwM; 80hp Genet Mk II; span: 37'6" length: 20'3" load: 493# v: 110/83/40 range: 400 ceiling: 18,000'. Tom Kirkup. Folding parasol wings; side-by-side canopied cockpit (which ads bragged was "draft-free"); was fully aerobatic. $1,790, $1,490 in 1933; POP: 57; prototype had 45hp Szekely. Appeared in 1938 as Air Associates NB-8G under (2-353).
NB-PG 1931 = 1p flivver-type craft; 36hp E-113A Aeronca. Perhaps some connection to NB-7.
Phantom aka Pobjoy Special, R 1930 = 1pOlwM; 67hp Pobjoy; span: 21'9" length: 12'9" v: 120. Tom Kirkup. Racer for the Nationals [R1W]. Bought and modified by Steve Wittman (the only one of his racers he didn't build), with which he set many records 1933-34. Reappeared in 1948 as midget racer Reaver Special with 22' wing and 85hp Continental.
Plymocoupe SEE Swanson-Fahlin SF-2.
-Standard 1922 = 1-5pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5 and 100hp OXX-6; span: 31'6" length: 26'2" load: (varied with motor) v: 85/75/30 range c.350. Modified war-surplus Standard J-1 with shortened wings and fuselage. Company first sold OX-5 motors and aviation supplies, then expanded into ex-WW1 aircraft modifications. This entry is typical of N-B's reconditioned J-1s that sold for $750-800 throughout the 1920s, some with 150-180hp Hisso. POP: 100±.
A H Nichols, Rochester NY.
1910 = 1pOhwM, likely influenced by Blériot, designed and built by a man with no engineering knowledge. One of the first monoplanes built in the USAcertainly one of the first true home-builtsit made several entertaining attempts at flying until finally becoming airborne for about 50', then settled abruptly, smashing its undercarriage. No evidence found of further flight.
A H Nichols, Rochester NY.
Nichols Fusion concept art

Fusion c.2000 - Flying car project.
Hugh G Nicholson Jr, NY. Built by Kenny Flying Service.
Nicholson Junior [X799V] (1931 Aero Digest)

Junior KN-2 1931 = 2pOhwM; 40hp Szekely SR-3 or Continental A-40; span: 37'0" length: 23'0" load: 440# v: 85/75/28 range: 315 ceiling: 10,000'. Side-by-side cabin; Warren-truss struts. POP: 1 [X799V]. Sometimes confused with Knoll, which used similar model designations, but this KN was for Kenny-Nicholson.
Hilbert (Burton) Nieman, MN.
Burtster 1928 = 2pClwM; 65hp Velie. Tricycle-gear home-built by a combination radiator welder and professional wrestler fell short in the craftsmanship department, but it did make a few flights before giving up and crashing; Nieman uninjured. [5717] c/n 156.
1939 = 3pCM; Nieman-built engine. [18264] c/n M-12.
1958 = Roadable helicopter with ram-jets at the tips of a two-blade rotor, and an Oldsmobile automobile engine to drive the rear wheels and spin up the rotor. It appeared that the ram-jets did not work effectively at the slow blade speeds used for flight, but rumors say that Nieman did hop the chopper off the ground on its only flight and landed on a nearby garage. The machine was, however, successful as a road vehicle, which it more resembled.
Niles (aka Niles-Williams)
Niles Aircraft Corp, Niles MI.
Gold Tip, Silver Tip 1928 = 1pOlwM; 40hp Szekely; span: 26'0" length: 18'0" load: 255# v: 90/85/30 range: 350. James R Williams. $2,000. Full-cantilever wing; steerable, braking tail wheel integrated into rudder. Optional factory color schemes were maroon and gold or maroon and silver, resulting in the two designations. [X4448] c/n 1.
Joe Niles, Ephrata WA.
Niles (magazine clip)

1928 = 1pOhwM; 28.5hp Lawrance; span: 26'0" length: 18'4" v: 90/85/30. Empty wt: 425#. Strut-braced shoulder-wing; wheels from a Thomas-Morse Scout.

This appears to be a photo of Alco Sportplane, a Pietenpol-simple cabin monoplane featured in 1930 Flying and Glider Manual (still available from EAA). This same photo is in fact used in that magazine, which suggests either that the ship was an Alco built by Mr Niles and not a separate design or it's the wrong photo. ( Peillet-Long Family)
1936: Rod Nimmo, Albuquerque NM; c.1947: Los Angeles CA.
NAC-SB-1 1936 = 1pOB; 35hp Szekely. POP: 1 home-built, the complex model designation for "Nimmo Aircraft Co-Szekely Biplane #1" [16046].
Nimmo Special [NX67894] (WASM coll)

Special aka Argander Special 1947 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 19'6" length: 16'0" (?>15'6") v: 137.88 (in racing). Midget racer Pftttt (p: Mike Argander) [NX67894]. Dismantled c.1949; some parts went into Sorenson Deerfly and Smirnoff Special.
Tommy H Nix, Guin AL.
Baby Beech 18 [N97BB] (Vic Smith)

Baby Beech 18 c.1990 = Ercoupe modified as a taildragger with gear assembly rotated forward [N97BB]. No data.
John F Nixon, Philadelphia PA.
Nixon with its builder (R H Stepanek coll via AAHS)
Nixon Restoration (New Englnd Air Museum)

Special 1920 = 1pOB; rebuilt 32-35hp Hall-Scott A-1; span: 22'0" length: 18'6" v: 98/x/22. John F McMahon. Built by mechanic Nixon from McMahon's plans, published in Aerial Age, for a Ford T-powered aircraft as a home-builder project. Test-flown by Bert Acosta at Hazelhurst Field, Mineola NY, who then taught Nixon how to fly in a Jenny. Hung in a family barn in 1926, it was restored in 1957 for museum display.
Noonan-Wiseman SEE Wiseman
AT-16 1943 = Canadian-built North American AT-6. POP: 1,500. of which some served in AAF in Joint Air Training Plan [42-464/963, -11254/12553, 43-12502/13201].
Noorduyn Norseman Prototype [CF-OBG] (Noorduyn Co)
Noorduyn Norseman
Noorduyn UC-64A [44-70296] (USAF Museum)

C-64 Norseman Canada 1944 = 5pChwM; 600hp R-1340-AN-1; span: 51'6" length: 32'4" v: 162. POP: 7 as YC-64 [42-5044/5049, -13602], 746 as C-/UC-64A [43-5105/5402, -7203/7208, -12502/13201, -34615/34914, 43-35326/35445, -53520/53521, 44-70255/70554, 45-41736/41764], of which 3 transferred to USN as XJA-1 [43-7206/7208=57992/57994], 6 as C-64B [42-53520/53521, x], and 1 to USN as JA-1 [57999].
Noran SEE Bat
(Rolla V) Norris Aircraft Manufacturer, San Francisco CA.
Norris [X99M] (clip via Bernhard C F Klein coll)

Foolproof Aeroplane 1930 = 1pOhwM; Quick tractor engine mounted above the wing. Fuselage was hinged to the wing with a universal joint to keep it level regardless of the wing's attitude. Flight unknown. [X99M].
North American
Northeast Airways
Northeast Airways Inc (Conrad C Blom), 18 Elder St, Schenectady NY; 1931: Amsterdam NY.
NA-1 CCB Special 1929 = 2pOhwM; Hisso motor, no other data. [5927].
NA-2C Spacial 1929 = 3pClwM; 150hp Hisso A; span: 32'0" length: 22'6" load: 725# v: 150/130/50 range: 750. [150E]
NA-4R 1931 = Unknown type; 90hp ACE (Cirrus). [8V].
Northern Aircraft Co, Alexandria MN.
Cruisemaster 14-19-2 1956 = Continuation of Bellanca Cruisemaster. 4pClwM rg; 230hp Continental O-470K; span: 34'2" length: 22'11" v: 205/196/48 range: 955; ff: 7/25/56.
Northrop, Norair
SEE ALSO Stearman-Northrop
Marvin A Northrop Aeroplane Co, 730 Washington Ave, Minneapolis MN.
c.1929 = Operating as a aero supply and parts house, this Northrop produced some low-powered aircraft using existing glider designs[7131] was seen as a Lawrance-powered Northrup [sic] Sport, c/n 756subbut it is doubtful that some 750 of these were built or we would have heard more about Marvin. There is question about the correctness of the name, but advertisements and a publicity squib show the spelling as Northrop, despite that registry version. Civil registers were not legendary for being error-free.
Northrup (or Northrop)
Russell Northrup/Northrop and James R Williams, Rochester NY.
Special 1952 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85. Inverted gull-wing midget racer competed into 1955, then was sold [N33N]. Sometimes credited to Northrop Aviation, but there was no connection, and the spelling of Russell's name is seen both ways.
North Star SEE Liberty Bell
Northwest Aircraft & Motor Co (pres: L F Duval), aka Clifford Aircraft Corp (gliders), 27 West & Commodore Way, Seattle WA.
Model A 1930 = 2pM; 60hp LeBlond; span: 40'0". Gross wt: 1060#. Mfr date reported to CAA as 2/6/30. POP: 2 [514K, X533V=CFAOX], the first registered as Northwest Monoplane, the latter sold to Cecil Eve Motors Ltd in Victoria, Canada 9/13/30.
Northwestern Aeronautical SEE American Eagle 201
Dr R C Northwood, Nassau Blvd Aerodrome, Long Island NY.
c.1912 = OB; 50hp Kirkham 6. Described as a "Farman-Howard-Wright type." Choose one.
Wallace L Nourse & Victor Leighton, Kansas City MO.
1926 = 2pOM; 60hp Anzani; span: 27'8" length: 16'0". POP: 1 [596]. Sold to Harland R Martin in 1933 and sometimes appears in registers under his name insteadsd.
Nowoselsky Brothers, no location.
1911 = OB. No data.
National Sport Aircraft Inc, Burbank CA.
NSA Genie [N1843] (Aviation Week via Ron Dupas)

Genie 1968 = 2pClwM; 200hp Lycoming AIO-360-A1B (prototype); span: 25'0" length: 24'7" load: 1330# v: 200/180/x range: 900. All-metal light aerobatic; tandem seats. $12,100; POP: 1 [N1843].
NuWaco Aircraft Co Inc, Calhan CO. (Also found as Aircraft Dynamics, Littleton CO.)
T-10 1984 = 3pOB; 275hp Jacobs R-755-B2 (prototype); span: 30'3" length: 22'6" load: 840# v: 160/130/50 range: 650; ff: 5/5/84. Markets plans and kits of modernized version of Waco 10 taperwing.
"The airplane is just a bunch of sticks and wires and cloth, a tool for learning about the sky and about what kind of person I am, when I fly. An airplane stands for freedom, for joy, for the power to understand, and to demonstrate that understanding. Those things aren't destructable." Richard Bach, Nothing by Chance.