REVISED: 4/24/09

Lockheed 1 to J

1926: (Allan and Malcolm) Lockheed Aircraft Co, Sycamore St, Hollywood CA; 1928: Burbank CA. 1929: Lockheed Aircraft Div, Detroit Aircraft Corp, Burbank and Detroit MI. 1929: Allan Lockheed resigned. 1932: Bankruptcy, with Title Insurance & Trust Co, Los Angeles, as receiver. 1932: assets acquired by Walter Varney for $40,000, reorganized as Lockheed Aircraft Corp, 1705 Victory Blvd, Burbank (pres: Lloyd Stearman). 1937: Subsidiary AiRover Co formed (Vega Airplane Co). 1951: Military production to Marietta GA. 1993: Acquired General Dynamics-Fort Worth. 1994: Lockheed-Martin.

Burbank origins 1928 (Lockheed)
Lockheed Airport 1940 (USAAC)

Model designations for some Lockheeds were sometimes preceded by an L (as L-12 for Electra 12) or, following World War 2, by a V (as V-1 for Vega 1), as devised by Lockheed. During Detroit Aircraft ownership in 1929-31, certain models appeared with DL-number designations, and are listed thusly. Groupings are by familiar name before the model number for visual simplicity, although they are often seen the other way around in publications.

1, 2, 5 SEE Vega.

3 SEE Air Express.
4, 7 SEE Explorer.
8 SEE Altair, Sirius.
9 SEE Orion.
10, 12 SEE Electra.
14 SEE Super Electra.
18 SEE Lodestar.
33 SEE Little Dipper.
35 SEE Vega.
40 1939 = Target drone. POP: 5.
60 see Lasa-60.
186 - Civil version of 286/XH-51.
  Lockheed 212 Prototype (Lockheed via K O Eckland coll)

212 1940 = Electra 12A, originally sold to Western Air Express, but returned to Lockheed for conversion to bomber trainer with two P&W R-985-AN-4s, external bomb racks, and a manual top turret. POP: 1 prototype [NX18955=CFBQX] c/n 212-13 (sold after RCAF service to US owner and reregistered [NC60755]) and 16 exports to Netherlands East Indies AF.
414 = Military export version of Electra 14.
286 SEE H-51.
322 SEE P-38.
402-2 1960 (TC 2A11) = 5pClwM; 250hp Continental IO-470R and 260hp TSIO-470B; v: 176/140/100. Possibly related to Lasa-60. POP: 11.
A-11 SEE F-12, SR-71.
  Lockheed A-12 (Lockheed)

A-12 1962 = 2pCmwM rg; two 32500# P&W J58s; span: 55'7" length: 102'0" load: 102,000# v: 1850-2500+ range: 2500; ff: 4/26/62. POP: 13 for CIA [60-6924/6933, -6937/6939]; -6927 was 2p trainer. Design evolved into SR-71. SEE Flight of Blackbirds.
A-28 1941 = Similar to Hudson, but with 1050hp P&W R-1830; load: 5960# v: 260/206/68 range: 1500. To RAF as Hudson IVA. POP: 52 [41-23171/23222].
  Lockheed A-28A (USAAF)

A-28A 1942 = To RAF as Hudson IIIA and VI with 1200hp R-1830. POP: 450 [42-6582/6681, -46937/47286], of which many were impressed by USAAF, and as USN PBO-1 for anti-sub duties—one of these was the first US aircraft to sink an enemy U-boat.

A-29, AT-18, C-63 1942 - Similar to A-28 with 1200hp Wright R-1820; load: 8175# v: 253/205/68 range: 1550. USN version PBO.
  Lockheed A-29 (Lockheed)

A-29 1942 = To RAF as Hudson III. POP: 416 [41-23223/23638].
  Lockheed A-29A (USAAF)

A-29A, C-63 1942 = Troop transport version, designated briefly as C-63. POP: 384 [41-23639, -36968/37267, 42-47287/47369].

  Lockheed A-29B [41-23470] (USAF Museum)

A-29B 1943 = A-29 impressed by USAAF as photo-recon. POP: 24.

AT-18 1943 = Trainer. POP: 217 [42-55568/55784].
  Lockheed AT-18A [42-55563] (USAAF)

AT-18A 1943 = Target tug. POP: 83 [42-55485/55567].

Aerogyro SEE H-51.
AH-51, AH-65 SEE H-51, H-65.
  Lockheed Air Express 3 [7955] (Lockheed)
  Lockheed Air Express 3 with Laura Ingalls [NR974Y] (Lockheed)
  Lockheed Air Express 3 Roscoe Turner's emergency plane 'chute [NC3057] (Irvin Parachute Co)

Air Express 3 1928 (ATC 102) = 5pO/ChwM; 425hp P&W Wasp or 525hp P&W Hornet; span: 42'6" length: 27'6" load: 1840# v: 167/135/55 range: 700+. John Northrop. Cabane-mounted parasol wing. $19,885, $21,250 with Hornet; POP: 7 [NC306H/307H, NC514E, NC522K, NR/NC974Y, NR/NC3057, 4897=NR/NC7955], plus 1 registered but not completed [182W]. Performance data with NACA cowl and wheel pants slightly higher.
Air Trooper SEE Little Dipper.
  Allen Monsoon (Richfield Oil Co)

Jimmie Allen was a popular radio serial of the late '30s, and sponsor Richfield offered youngsters trading cards like this showing Jimmy's aerial hot-rod, the custom-built Monsoon, which looked for all the world like an Altair. An early Skunk Works secret project?

Altair 8 1930 = OlwM rg; 450hp P&W Wasp; span: 42'9" length: 27'10" load: 1600# v: 204/x/x.
  Lockheed Altair 8D [NC118W] (Ed Popejoy coll)
  Lockheed Altair 8D Lady Southern Cross [VH-SUB] (Lockheed)

Altair 8D 1932 = Conversions from Sirius 8-A; span: 42'9" length: 27'1". POP: 3 [NC13W, NR15W, NC118W=VHSUB=GADUS]. The last one was Kingsford-Smith's 1934 Australia-US record flight, reregistered again in England for his ill-fated Australia flight.

Altair 8E 1932 = Sirius as 2pOlwM rg; 550hp P&W Wasp S1D1; span: 42'9" length: 28'11" load: 2250# v: 220. Cargo/passenger version POP: 1 [X12230=JBAMC] to Japan.

Altair 8F 1932 = Same as 8E, except load: 2150#. POP: 1 [X14209=JBAUC] to Japan. Destroyed during an USAAF bombing raid in 1944.

Altair 8G 1938 - SEE Vega Flying Test Stand.

Altair DL-2A 1931 (ATC 2-386) = 3pOlwM rg; 450hp P&W Wasp SC; span: 42'10" length: 27'10" load: 2212# v: 175/145/65 range: 870. Experimental mail carrier for TWA with metal fuselage. POP: 2, of which one was converted to Orion 9C [X12222], the other to USN as XRO; one other as a conversion of Sirius DL-2 [X/NR8494] to USAAC as C-23.

Altair Special 1931 = Custom plane for health-food baron Bernarr MacFadden. POP: 1 Gold Eagle[NR998Y]. Renamed Miss Libertyfor 1932 New York-Paris attempt (p: Louis Reichers); ditched near Ireland.

AT-18 SEE A-29.

Aurora c.2001 = "Aurora? What Aurora? I don' see no steenkin' Aurora."
  Lockheed B-14 Hudson

B-14 1941 = Recon-bomber version of export Hudson. "B-14" was factory designation, unrelated to official USAAF Martin XB-14.
B-30 - Four-engine bomber project; none built.
  Lockheed B-34

B-34, -37 (Vega) 1941 = Ventura exports given an Army designation for procurement purposes. 5pClwM rg; two 1850hp P&W R-2800-31; span: 65'6" length: 51'7" load: 11,600# v: 300 range: 900 ceiling: 26,500'. POP: 200 as B-34 [41-38020/38219], 18 as B-37 [41-37470/37487]. Subsequent production as USN PV-1.
  Lockheed RB-69A [54-4037] (USAF Museum)

B-69 1964 = USAF recon conversion of USN P2V-7U as RB-69A [54-4037].
  Lockheed Big Dipper (Lockheed via EAA coll)

Big Dipper (Model 34) 1945 = 2pClwM; 100hp Continental C-100-12 pusher; span: 31'0" length: 22'2" load: 515# v: 136/119/x ceiling: 16,000'; ff: 12/10/45 (p: Prentice Cleaves). John Thorp, later Frank Johnson. Tailpost pusher prop driven by a shaft from the motor amidship. POP: 1 [unregistered]. Destroyed when it stalled on landing during a flight on 2/6/46 and the project was abandoned along with preliminary plans for a 145hp four-place Super Dipper.
C-5 Galaxy - 5pChwM rg; four 43000# GE TF39; span: 222'9" length: 247'10" v: 571/x/x range: 2729; ff: 6/30/68. Payload: 261,000#. Enlarged version of C-141 with fore and aft loading doors. Plans for a commercial version as L-500 failed to materialize.
  Lockheed C-5A (Lockheed)

C-5A 1968 = ff: 1/30/68 (p: Leo Sullivan). POP: 81 [66-8303/8307, 67-0167/0174, 68-0211/0228, 69-0001/0027]. On 12/17/84, a C-5A carried an 11-ton payload, the heaviest weight ever flown by an aircraft at the time. Production until 1973.

  Lockheed C-5B [86-0025] (USAF)

C-5B 1985 = Engine and avionics upgrades; ff: 9/10/1985 (p: Bernie Dvorscak). POP: 50 [83-1285, 84-0059/0062, 85-0001/0010, 86-0011/0026, 87-0027/0045]. Production until 1989.

  Lockheed C-5C (Lockheed Martin)

C-5C 19?? = C-5A especially modified to carry large satellites. POP: 2 [68-0213, 68-0216].

First C-5C in 1988 and second in 1989. These were referred to as SCM (Space Container Mod) because the design criteria were to carry a container for the Space Shuttle cargo. Of course, from the beginning it was realized that there would be a lot of large military equipment that would benefit from the larger cargo opening. C-5 AMP (Avionics Modernization Program) prototype first flew 12/21/02—that was C-5B [85-0004]. I haven't heard if USAF plans to issue a new model designation for this. (— Robert A Brown 1/13/02)

C-12, C-17 - Military versions of Vega with similar data. At the time, it was was the fastest plane on military inventory.
  Lockheed Y1C-12 [31-405] (Clark Scott coll)
  Lockheed Y1C-12 [31-405] (Wright Field)

Y1C-12 (Detroit) 1931 = Aluminum fuselage Vega. POP: 1 [31-405].

Y1C-17(Detroit) 1931 = Aluminum fuselage Speed Vega with single-strut landing gear. POP: 1 [31-408].

C-23, C-25 - Military versions of 2p Altair.
  Lockheed C-23 [32-232]

Y1C-23 1932 (2-386) = Metal-fuselage Altair DL-2 [NR8494] as a command transport. POP: 1 [32-232] c/n 165, redesignated as C-23.

  Lockheed C-25 [32-393]

Y1C-25 1932 = All-wood Altair. POP: 1 [32-393], redesignated as C-23.

  Lockheed XC-35 [36-353] (USAF Museum)

C-35 1936 = 10E Electra modified with pressurized cabin, two 550hp supercharged P&W XR-1340; span: 55'0" length: 39'8" v: 240 ceiling: 32,000'. Windowless, circular fuselage. Awarded 1937 Collier trophy for research. POP: 1 as XC-35 [36-353].
C-36, C-37 - 10 Electras with similar data. All were class-redesignated UC in 1943.
  Lockheed Y1C-36 (USAF Museum)

Y1C-36 1937 = POP: 3 [37-065/067].

C-36A 1941 = 12p impressed 10A. POP: 15 [42-32535, -38341/38344, -56638/56641, -57213/57216, -57505, -68362].

C-36B 1941 = Impressed 10E. POP: 5 [42-32533/32534, -38289, -38296, -38304].

C-36C 1941 = Impressed 10p 10B with Wright R-975. POP: 7 [42-38345, -57217/57222].

  Lockheed Y1C-37 [37-376] (USAF Museum)

Y1C-37 1937 = POP: 1 [37-376] to Natl Guard.

C-40, UC-40 - 7pClwM rg; two 450hp P&W R-985; span: 49'6: length: 36'4" v: 220/190/x. Military personnel transport version of 12A Electra (Model 212). Class-redesignated UC- in Jan 1943.
212 1939 = Export bomber trainers for Netherlands East Indies AF. POP: 16.

  Lockheed C-40 (USAF Museum)

C-40 1938 = POP: 3 [38-536/538]. Became UC-40.

  Lockheed C-40A (USAF Museum)

C-40A 1939 = 5p. POP: 10 [38-539/548], became UC-40A, of which 1 [38-547] to Cuban AF.

  Lockheed C-40B [38-582] (Lockheed)
  Lockheed C-40B [38-582] (USAF Museum)

C-40B 1939 = Tricycle gear for testing. POP: 1 from civil commercial [NX18964=38-582] c/n 1266, returned to conventional gear in 1940 as C-40A; surplused post-war as [NC14999].

C-40D 1942 = Impressed civil model. POP: 11 [42-22249, -38346/38352, -38280, -57504, -66386]. RAF acquired 5 from USAAF as Lend-Lease and impressed 14 civil 12As in England and India.

C-56, C-66 Lodestar 1941 - Military version of Model 18. 17pClwM rg; two 1200hp Wright R-1820; span: 65'6" length: 49'10" load: 6150# v: 253 range: 1600 (data for C-56A). All were impressed civil models.
C-56 1942 = 760hp Wright R-1820. POP: 1 [41-19729].

C-56A 1942 = P&W R-1690. POP: 1 [42-38261].

C-56B 1942 = POP: 3 [42-38262/38263, -68347].

C-56C 1942 = P&W R-1690. POP: 12 [42-53494/53503, -68690].

C-56D 1942 = P&W R-1690. POP: 7 [42-53504/53507, -57223/57224, -62602].

C-56E 1943 = 22p. POP: 2 [43-3278/3279].

C-57 Lodestar = C-56 with P&W R-1830.
C-57 1942 = POP: 13 [41-19730/19732, -23164/23170, 43-34921/34923].

C-57A 1941 = Impressed Model 18. POP: 1.

C-57B 1943 = Converted as troop ship. POP: 7 [43-3271/3277].

C-57C 19?? = Repowered C-60A. POP: 3.

C-57D 19?? = Repowered C-57A. POP: 1.

C-59, C-60 Lodestar 1942 = Military use of Model 18.
C-59 1941 = POP: 10 [41-29623/29632], to RAF as Lodestar MkIA.

  Lockheed C-60 (Lockheed)

C-60 1942 = POP: 36 [41-29633/29647, 42-32166/32180, -108787/108792], to RAF as Lodestar MkII.

  Lockheed C-60A

C-60A, -60B 1942 = USAAF paratroop carrier with R-1830. POP: 125 [42-32181/32232, -55845/55884, 43-16433/16465], of which 1 was converted to XC-60B with experimental de-icing system [42-55860]. SEE ALSO R-50.

C-63 - Provisional designation for A-29 as troop transport; cancelled.
C-66 Lodestar c.1942 = Impressed 11p civil Lodestar to Brazil AF. POP: 1 [42-13567].
C-69 - Military version of Constellation 049; ff (as NX67900): 1/9/43.
  Lockheed C-69 (Lockheed)

C-69 1942 = Ordered by TWA, but impressed by USAAF. Four 2200hp Wright R-3350-35; span: 123'0" length: 95'2" load: 21,500# v: 330 range: 2400 ceiling: 25,000' POP: 22 [42-94549/94561, 43-10309/10317]. Prototype became XC-69C.

C-69A, -69B, -69D - Cancelled troop carriers.

C-69C 1942 = Converted from C-69 to VIP transport. POP: 1 [42-94550].

XC-69E 1943 = POP: 1 converted from C-69 as P&W R-2800 test-bed, reverted to civil registry as a 1049.

  Lockheed UC-101 [42-94148] (William T Larkins)

C-101 1942 = Vega 5 impressed into wartime service. POP: 1 [42-94148], redesignated UC-101 in 1944.
C-111 1944 - Commercial Model 14 with 760hp Wright R-1820, impressed by USAAF. POP: 3 [44-83233/83235].
C-121 - Military versions of Constellation 749, 1049 and 1249 with similar specs and data unless otherwise shown. USN as R7V, WV.
  Lockheed C-121A [48-609] (MATS)

C-121A, PC-121A, VC-121A 1948 = Model 749 as MATS VIP transport. POP: 9 [48-609/617]. All were ultimately redesignated PC-121A as purely passenger aircraft.

VC-121B 1949 = Modified with VIP interior, long-range tanks. POP: 1 [48-608].

  Lockheed C-121C (USAF)

C-121C 1951 = Model 1049. POP: 33 [54-151/183].

RC-121C, EC-121C 19?? = Early-warning. POP: 10 [51-3836/3845], redesignated as EC-121C.

TC-121C 1962 = Trainer version.

  Lockheed EC-121D (USAF Museum)

RC-121D, EC-121D 1951 = Wingtip fuel tanks. 3250hp Wright R-3350-34/-91; span: 126'2" length: 116'2" load: 62,989# v: 321/c.250/105 range: 4500 ceiling: 20,600'. POP: 72 as RC-121D [52-3411/3425, 53-533/556, -3398/3403, 54-2304/2308, 55-119/139], became EC-121D in 1962.

  Lockheed VC-121E [53-7885] (William T Larkins)

VC-121E 1953 = Converted from USN R7V-1. POP: 1 [131650=53-7885] as President Dwight Eisenhower's Columbine III,now on static display at USAF Museum, Wright-Pattertson AFB.

VC-121F 195? = Model 1249, converted from R7V. POP: 1.

YC-121F 1955 = Super Constellation 1249 with P&W turboprop mods converted from R7V-2 as familiarization trainers. POP: 2 [131660/131661=53-8157/8158].
C-121G 195? = Conversion from R7V-1. POP: 32 [54-4048/4079].

EC-121H 1962 = Early-warning ship for NORAD. POP: 42 conversions from RC-121D.

  Lockheed C-121J (USAF)

C-121J 1962 = P&W YT34-P-12A turboprops. From and to R7V. POP: 1.

EC-121J 19?? = Upgraded ED-121D. POP: 2.
EC-121K, -121L, -121M 1962 = Redesignations from WV2.
JC-121K 195? = Redesignation of WV-2 in temporary use by USAF. POP: 1.
WC-121N SEE WV-3.

EC-121P 19?? = Redesignation for C-121J and EC-121K in anti-sub operations.

EC-121Q 19?? = Upgraded EC-121D. POP: 4.

EC-121R Warning Star 1967 = Modification and transfers from USN WV-2. POP: 30 [67-21471/21500].

EC-121S 19?? = Upgrade of RC-121D. POP: 5.

EC-121T 19?? = Modified EC121-D and -121H with new electronics.

  Lockheed C-130 (USAF)

C-130 Hercules - Cargo, ambulance, troop transport. ChwM; four Allison T56-A-7 propjets (plus some with 1000# ATO pods). Military version of L-100, entered service with USAF in 1956. Two-spar wing. Capable of carrying 18 tons of cargo, up to 92 troops or 74 litter patients. Exports to Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Iran, Libya, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, RAF, RCAF, RNZAF, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, and Turkey. USMC versions as GV-1 (tanker) and -1U (cargo). On 10/30/63, a USMC C-130F demonstrated its disregard for space by making 29 touch-and-gos and 21 unassisted (no JATO) take-offs and landings on carrier USS Forrestal (p: Lt James Flatley, LtCdr W Stovall).
AC-130 (LTV) 1967 = Gunship with four 20mm multibarrel cannon and four 7.62mm miniguns, searchlights, FLIR. Active service in Vietnam by 1970. POP: 8 modified from C-130B, included prototype tested at Wright Field.

DC-130 19?? = Drone director. POP: 1 converted from C-130A.

  Lockheed AC-130A (USAF Museum)

AC-/YC-130A 1954 = Four 4050hp Allison T56-A-11 turboprops; span: 132'7" length: 97'10" v: 380/335/112 range: 2500 ceiling: 33,000'; ff: 8/23/54 (p: Roy Wimmer, Stanley Beltz). $5,240,000; POP: 2 YC-130A prototypes [53-3396/3397].

  Lockheed C-130A (USAF Museum)

C-130A 1955 (TC TQ3CH) = 3750hp T56-A-7; load: 19,800# ceiling: 34,000'; ff: 4/7/55 (p: Bud Martin, Leo Sullivan). POP: 216 (?>231), included 1 as DC-130, plus 12 to RAAF.

DC-/GC-130A 1958 = USN transfer from USAF as target-drone launcher and director. POP: 2 coversions from C-130A [158228/158229].

RC-130A 195? = Recon. POP: 25 [57-510/524].

C-130B 1958 = 4050hp T56-A-7A and four-blade props; v: 368/350/105 range: 2200 ceiling: 23,000'. POP: 230, plus 29 exports. To USMC as tanker/transport GV-1.
C-130BL SEE LC-130F.

JC-130B, HC-130B 1961 = Satellite recovery. Later redesignated HC-130B.

SC-130B 19?? = Transfers to USCG. POP: 9 [1339/1342, 1344/1348].

NC-130B SEE C-130C.

WC-130B 1960 = Conversions as weather ships. POP: 5.

C-130C 1960 = USAF boundary-layer control experimetal with two Allison YT56-A6 turbojets added under the wing, larger rudder, 22' braking parachute. Stall speed: 60, max landing roll: 1,400'. Originally designated as NC-130B; ff: 2/8/60. POP: 1 converted from C-130B [58-0712].

C-130D 1960 = Fitted with 20' skis. POP: 13 modified C-130As, included 1 to USN as DC-130A.

C-130E 1962 = length: 97'9" v: 384/368/115 range (paylod): 2230 ceiling: 20,000'. POP: 389, of which 1 converted to EC-130E, and 4 to EC-130G. One converted in 1964 as a demilitarized civil demonstrator and FAA evaluator L-100, for which a TC was awarded [N1130E].

AC-130E 19?? = Gunship conversion of C-130E for Vietnam.

EC-130E 19?? = USCG electronic navigator. POP: 1.

HC-130E 196? = POP: 15 [64-551/565].

  Lockheed MC-130E

MC-130E 1966 = Combat TALON paratroop carrier; crew of 9 and 53 troops or 26 paratroopers. 4910hp Allison T56-A-15; span: 132'7" length: 100'10" range: 3110 ceiling: 33,000'. In-flight refuelable. Also featured Fulton personnel recovery system — a helium balloon on a 450' line which could be snagged in slow flight to rescue a person from land or sea. $40.1 million; POP: 24.

C-130F 19?? = USN transport. POP: 3.
KC-130F 19?? = USMC tanker. POP: 46.

LC-130F (originally, briefly C-130BL) 1968 = Ski equipped for Arctic duty. POP: 4.

EC-130G 19?? = USN radio relay plane similar to EC-130Q. POP: 4.

  Lockheed C-130H (USAF Museum)

C-130H 1980 = Four 4500hp T56-A-15; length: 100'6". POP: 136, of which 5 to USCG; plus 90 exports, with 66 to RAF as Hercules.

  Lockheed HC-130H (USAF Museum)

HC-130H 1963 = POP: 43 to USAF Rescue, plus 24 to USCG.

KC-130H 19?? = Export model. POP: 21.

LC-130H 19?? = POP: 4 to Arctic USAFR.

MC-130H Spectre 1991 = Supply and leaflet drops, infiltration troop transport. Same as MC-130E, but crew of 7 and 75 troops or 52 paratroopers. $55.6 million; POP: 8.

NC-130H 19?? = Boundary layer research. POP: 1 converted from -130A.

TC-130H 2001 = USAF pilot proficiency trainer; four 4500hp T56-A-15. POP: 65.

  Lockheed WC-130H (USAF)

WC-130H 19?? = Weather ship conversion. POP: 15.

C-130J, CC-130J Lockheed-Martin 1996 = USAF troop transport, temporarily as C-130J-30 with brand new mission-prefix CC designation for the stretched (180") cargo version with enhanced cargo handling system. POP: contract let for 70.

C-130K 19?? = To RAF as Hercules C Mk I. POP: 66 converted from -130F.

HC-130N 1969 = Helicopter tanker for USAF Rescue. POP: 15.

HC-130P 19?? = Helicopter tanker for USAF Rescue. POP: 20.

EC-130Q 19?? = USN radio relayer, trailed 30,000' of antenna wire to relay VLF signals to submarines. POP: 18 [156170/156177].

KC-130R 19?? = USMC tanker. POP: 14.

  Lockheed LC-130R [155917] (Don Leger via Lew Samil)

LC-130R 1968 = USN tanker. POP: 6 [155917]. At the South Pole, the sole USN LC-130R, pictured above, broke up on a hard landing in white-out conditions on 1/28/73. Crew escaped injury but the ship was judged unsalvageable and abandoned where it sat.
RC-130S 19?? = Recon conversions of RC-130A.

KC-130T 19?? = USMC tanker. POP: 10.

AC-130U SEE Rockwell page.

C-140 JetStar - 11pClwM rg; four 3000# P&W JT12A-6 turbojets; span: 53'7" length: 58'9" load: 12,230# v: 573/512/x range: 2850 (data for C-140A). C L "Kelly" Johnson et al. One [61-2488] was used as a small transport by President Lyndon Johnson in the mid-1960s, and dubbed "Air Force One-Half."
  Lockheed C-140 [N814NA] (NASA Dryden)

C-140 1957 = length: 60'6". POP: 1 prototype; ff: 9/4/57 (two minutes ahead of the time estimated 34 weeks previously when in design stage!)

  Lockheed C-140A [60-6502]

C-140A 1960 = To MATS. POP: 5, plus 29 to Canada and 1 [65-12845] to Germany.

C-140B 1962 = Stretched version. POP: 5 [62-4197/4201] and 6 redesignated from VC-140.

  Lockheed VC-130B [61-2492] (USAF Museum)

VC-140B 1962 = Staff transport. POP: 6 [61-2488/2493], redesignated as C-140B.
C-140C 19?? = To USN as UV-1. POP: 2, plus 2 to Saudi Arabia AF as -140A [62-12166/12167].

C-141 Starlifter - USAF transport and cargo, 155- to 200-troop capacity, or 103 litters; cargo load: 68,725#.
C-141 1963 = 5pChwM rg; four 20250# P&W TF33-P-7 turbofans; span: 159'11" length: 145'0" v: 510 ceiling: 41,000'; ff: 12/17/63 (60th anniversary of the Wright brothers' flight). $40.9 million; POP: 1 prototype.

  Lockheed C-141A [61-2775] (USAAF via Peter Bird coll)
  Lockheed C-141B (AETC)

C-141A, YC-141B 1963 = Payload: 68,725# (?>90,200#). POP: 285 [61-2775/2777, 63-8075/8090, 64-0609/0653, 65-0216/0281, -9397/9414, 66-0126/0210, -7944/7959, 67-0001/0031, -0164/0166], the last of which was a commercial demonstrator that ultimately went to NASA with a 36" telescope as a flying astronomy lab; one other to NASA [66-0201=N714NA]. One was civil registered for a world tour [67-0164=N4141A]. In late 1979 the USAF had 270 C-141As rebuilt and stretched (168'4") as YC-141B.

NC-141A 1964 = POP: 4 conversions from C-141A [61-2775/2777, -2779].
C-141C 1977 = POP: 2 prototypical conversions from C-141B [65-0245, 66-0152] rolled out 10/31/97; 62 more C-141Bs modified thusly to "glass cockpits" (all-electronic instuments) followed thereafter.

CL-282 - An alternative to U-2 based on the F-104 with a long wing span. Was to be fitted with a J73-GE-3 and would have a landing skid rather than wheels. None built.
CL-288 - Another example of F-104 derivatives studied by the Skunk Works. Two wing-mounted jet engines; span: 49'9' length: 96'2". None built.
CL-295 - No data.
CL-325 195? = Strategic reconaissance, design project as successor to U-2; two Rex 4350# thrust liquid-hydrogen engines; span: 79'11" length: 153'4". Gross wt: 45,705#. Intended to cruise at 1700mph and at 100,000' over a range of 3500 miles. None built, superseded by CL-400.
  Lockheed CL-329 [N329K]

CL-329 JetStar - Commercial version of C-140. Prototype JetStar I had four Bristol Orpheus motors paired in pods at the tail [N9201R].

Here at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, Vancouver BC, we are lucky enough to possess [N329J], which is serial number 001 of the Jetstar. This aircraft, indeed, has Bristol Orpheus Change Unit engines Mk 810D, but she was equipped with only two engines, not four as you describe. Other interesting facts is that it only has single-wheel main gears, as opposed to the production model that had double-wheel mains. The nose gear was originally a single wheel mounted on a "J"-style gear—this was replaced with a double fixed-axle gear by Lockheed. (— Bodil Nielsen 04/27/00)
JetStar I aka JetStar 6 1957 = Two GE J60. POP: 162.

JetStar II aka JetStar 8 1975 = Four 3500# Garret AiResearch TFE731; span: 54'3" length: 60'3" load: 19,822# v: 504/x/124 range: 2660 ceiling: 43,000'. $2,850,000; POP: 40.

CL-400 1957 = 2p development of CL-325; two P&W 13000# thrust Model 304 liquid-hydrogen engines; span: 83'9" length: 160'0". Gross wt: 69,955#. Designed to cruise 2500 miles at 1800mph. First aircraft nearly complete when Project Suntan was canceled in October 1957 and A-12 was developed to fill the mission.
  Lockheed CL-475 [N6940C] (Lockheed)

CL-475, -595 Aerogyro 1959 = 5pCH; rotor: 32'0". Irven Culver. Gross wt: 2000#. Rigid-rotor development; Lockheed's first helicopter. POP: 1 prototype [N6940C]. Design led to H-51.
CL-823, L-2000 1964 - Design program for 2200mph airliner as America's first SST ("NYC to LAX in two hours"). L-2000 was the "press-release" name. Never went past conceptual stage as government nod went instead to Boeing.
CL-915 - A range of design studies based on the A-/F-12 design.
CL-1200 Lancer SEE X-27.
CL-1600 - Twin-engine development of X-27 designed to the same specs as General Dynamics F-16 and Northrop F-17. None built.
CL-1980 - A-/F-12 derivative for USN submitted in 1973 as an alternative to Grumman F-14. None built.
  Lockheed Constellation 049 (PanAm Airlines)

Constellation 049 1943 (ATC 763) = 69pClwM rg; four 2200hp Wright R-3350 Cyclone; span: 123'0" length: 95'1" load: 31,155# v: 329/275/75 range: 3400; ff: 1/9/43. $800,000+; POP: 66 as L-049. Design began as mock-up Excalibur c.1938. Many dash-number variants. To USAF as C-69, one of which set a transcontinental record of 7 hours from Los Angeles to Washington DC (p: Jack Frye, Howard Hughes). It was in a Constellation that Orville Wright made his last flight, 4/26/44 at Wright Field, four decades after Kitty Hawk.
  Lockheed Constellation (Lockheed)

Constellation 649, 749 1946 (ATC 763) = 049 with four 2500hp Wright R-3350; span: 123'0" length: 95'3" load: 36,000# v: 350/303/75 range: 4800. Many dash-number variants. POP: 11 L-649, all upgraded to 749; 111 L-749 (1947) with with additional fuel tanks.

  Lockheed Super Constellation 1049H [N6931C]

Super Constellation 1049, 1249 1950 = 44-99pClwM rg; four 2700hp Wright R-3350; span: 123'0" length: 113'9"-116'2" load: 41,390-61,358# v: 374/320/94 range: 4820-7750 ceiling: 23,900'. POP: 24 L-1049; L-1049B was USN R7V-1; 49 L-1049C; 4 L-1049D; 25 L-1049E; 104 L-1049G with 3250hp Wright 972TC-18 turboprop (1955); 53 L-1049H freighter version. L-1249 was military model YC-121F.

Constellation Starliner 1649 1956 = 99pClwM rg; four 3400hp Wright 988TC-18EA turboprop; span: 150'0" length: 116'0" load: 70,447# v: 372/290/101 (?>377/350/101) range: 6180 (?>7000) ceiling: 25,300'. Final version of popular series. POP: 44.

CP-140 Aurora SEE P-3.
D-21 SEE M-21.
DL-1 SEE Vega DL-1.
Electra 10 1934 = POP: 148.
  Lockheed 10A Protoype [X233Y] (Lockheed)
  Lockheed 10A [CF-TCA] (Natl Aviation Museum, Canada)

Electra 10A 1934 (ATC 551) = 12pClwM rg; two 400hp P&W R-985-SB Wasp; span: 55'0" length: 38'7" (?>39'8") load: 3545# v: 210/195/63 range: 700±; ff: 2/23/34 [X233Y] (p: Marshall Headle). Kelly Johnson. POP: 103, of which 19 impressed by USAAF in WW2 as C-36/-37, and 3 R2O-1 to USN. First commercial deliveries went to Northwest and Pan-Am.

Electra 10B 1935 (ATC 584) = 440hp Wright R-975-E3. POP: 18, [NC14958/14962, NC14990/14992, NC16021/16024, NC16052/NC16054, VHUZN/VHUZP] of which 7 impressed by USAAF in WW2 as C-36C, and 1 to XR3O-1 to USCG for use by Secy of Treasury [353=V151].

Electra 10C 1935 (ATC 559) = 450hp P&W SC1 Wasp; v: 205/192/65 range: 800 ceiling: 22,750'. POP: 8 [NC13762, NC14259/14259, NC14906, PPPAS, XABEM, XABEO, XABEQ].

Electra 10E 1935 (ATC 590) = 550hp P&W S3H1 Wasp; v: 215/205/65 range: 650 ceiling: 25,800'. POP: 15 [NC1621, NC14972, NC14994, NR16020, NR16059, NC18139, NC18987, NC19982, NC30077/30078, PPPAS, XABAS, XABAU, YUSDA, et al], of which 4 to USAAF in 1942 as C-36B, and 1 XC-35 for use in cabin pressurization and high-altitude experiments, which earned the Collier Trophy in 1937. Amelia Earhart's final flight (1937) was in [NR16020].

Electra Junior 12 (Model 212) - Marketed as a fast and economical feeder airliner, but only 6 actually went into commercial use. Popularity came as corporate and executive aircraft, and many were exported for military duties.
  Lockheed Electra 12A TWA "Flying Lab" restoration [NC18137] (Ruth Richter Holden)
  Lockheed Electra 12A One of three tri-gear experiments [NX18964]

Electra Junior 12A 1936 (ATC 616) = 8pClwM rg; two 400-450hp P&W Wasp Jr; span: 49'6" length: 36'4" load: 2690# v: 225/190/64 range: 750-950; ff: 6/27/36. POP: about 100 (?>Juptner thinks 92, but some records say 129), of which 3 to USAAC as C-40, 10 as C-40A, and 1 with experimental tricycle gear as C-40B [NX18964=38-582], 7 to USN as JO (included one tricyle-gear conversion for carrier landing tests) plus 3 from PAA to USN as Electra [99090/99092]. 17 export bomber trainers as 212 (qv).

Electra Junior 12B 1937 (ATC 652) = 420hp Wright R-975-E3. POP: 2 recorded built for this ATC, and it appears that one went to Argentina (2 were ordered) and the other to USCG as XR3O-1.

  Lockheed Electra 14 [G-AFGN]

Electra 14 1937 = First use of Fowler flaps. POP: 111.
14F (14-F62) 1937 (ATC 666) = 14pClwM rg; two 620hp Wright GR-1820; span: 65'6" length: 44'4" load: 6750# v: 250/215/65 range: 850; ff: 7/29/37. $21,000; POP: 21, all for export. Became Super Electra 14H.

Electra (propjet) SEE L-188.
ER-2 SEE TR-1.
Explorer 4, 7 1929 = 1pOlwM; 450hp P&W Wasp; span: 48'6" length: 27'6" load: 593# v: 165. POP: 4 [NR856H (used twice), NR100W, NR101W]. Harold Bromley's planned transpacific City of Tacoma, of which parts from the first were salvaged after a 1929 crash to construct the second plane [NR856H was reassigned], also christened City of Tacoma, which also crashed during testing, as did his third plane [NR100W] in 1930. Last plane was built for Art Goebel as Yankee Doodle (no relation to same-name Vega), but never used for projected New York-Paris flight.
F-4, F-5 SEE P-38.
  Lockheed YF-12A [60-6936]

F-12 1963 = 2pCmwM rg; two 32500# P&W J58; span: 55'7" length: 101'8" load: 7600# v: Mach 2500+/1800+/x range: 2500 ceiling: 80,000'+; ff: 8/7/63. Interceptor version of A-11/-12 broke all speed (2070 mph) and altitude (80,258') records on 5/1/65. Program terminated, but the design endured in SR-71. POP: 3 as YF-12A [60-6934/6936] and 1 as -12C [60-6937], the SR-71A prototype. SEE Flight of Blackbirds.
  Lockheed XF-14 [44-83024] (Edwards FTC)

F-14 Shooting Star 1944 = Photo-recon version of YP-80A. POP: 1 conversion as XF-14 [44-83024]; destroyed in a mid-air collision 12/6/44.
  Lockheed-General Dynamics F-16XL (USAF Museum)

F-16 Fighting Falcon (Lockheed/General Dynamics) - Multirole fighter-bombers produced after merger. SEE General Dynamics for series.
  Testors F-19

F-19 - No such animal. It is officially undocumented, but generally assumed that the F-19 designation was skipped in 1982 in order to honor the Northrop F-20 (qv) with an even "next-generation" number.

Striving to keep pace with technology, Testors hit the market with an F-19 kit based on eyewitness reports from "usually reliable sources," research, gut level guesswork, and patterned it after the smooth-surfaced Lockheed SR-71. By May 1986 their kit was on hobby shop shelves and nearly 700,000 were sold in 18 months. However, somebody had pulled a plug in the Pentagon.

    Stealth technology at the time was one of our military's worst-kept secrets, and it was assumed that F-19 had been reserved for that department. There was so much speculation that the USAF, with uncommon humor, even roped off a vacant plot at the 1988 Edwards AFB Air Show with a sign identifying the "F-19 Flying Frisbee." But when the much-heralded stealth fighter was designated F-117A and was anything but smooth, the F-19 idea lost most of its lustre, and folks generally accepted that the designation had been purposely skipped when F-20 showed up.

    Yet, much like with those little green men they scraped off the Roswell landscape, folklore and wishful thinking took hold, and there came many reports from "usually reliable sources" who saw the real Testors F-19 flying around in remote desert regions usually off-limits to reliable sources. (Because of the popularity of the designation, the USAF Museum's Internet page lists a "Lockheed F-19 CSIRS," but its link connects the F-117A.) (— K O Eckland)

  Lockheed Martin-Boeing F-22 [USAF]

F-22 Raptor (Lockheed Martin-Boeing-P&W) 1997 = 1pCmwM rg. In 1981 USAF developed a requirement for a twin-tail, variable delta-wing Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) to take advantage of new technologies in fighter design, including composite materials, lightweight alloys, advanced flight control systems, higher power propulsion systems, and stealth technology. It was believed these technologies would make aircraft like the F-15 and F-16 obsolete by the early 21st century. In 1985 the Air Force sent requests for proposals to a number of aircraft manufacturers and selected two industry teams, one led by Lockheed and the other by Northrop, to build the prototypes. Each team built two prototypes, one with GE YF120 and one with P&W YF119 engines. Lockheed's aircraft was designated YF-22, and the Northrop Aircraft YF-23. In 1990, the USAF pegged the price of F-22 at $100 million each, but advisors said it was closer to $130 million. After extensive flight tests the tea, then Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and General Dynamics, team won the airframe competition and P&W got the engine contract. In 1997 the YF-22 prototype that had been equipped with GE engines went to the Air Force Museum, where it was refurbished and put on display.
  Lockheed YF-22 Civil [N22YF] (AETC)
  Lockheed Martin-Boeing YF-22 (Lockheed-Martin)

YF-22 1997 = span: 44'8" (?>43'0") length: 64'0" (?>64'2") v: 1006; ff: 9/7/97 (p: Paul Metz). POP: 1 [N22YF=98-7701].

  Lockheed Martin-Boeing F-22A (Lockheed-Martin)

F/A-22A 1997 = length: 62'1". POP: 3; reported initial contract for 29. Public unveiling and demo flights on 10/25/03.

F-80 SEE P-80.
  Lockheed XF-90 [46-687] (Lockheed via Dan Shumaker coll)
  Lockheed XF-90 (see below) [46-688] (Edwards FTC)

F-90 (Model 090-32-01) 1949 = 1pClwM rg; two 4000# Westinghouse XJ34; span: 40'0" length: 56'2" load: 9150# v: 667/437/x range: 2000; ff: 6/3 (?>6)/49 (p: Tony LeVier). Kelly Johnson, Don Palmer, William Ralston. Design elements from F-80. First Lockheed to break the sound barrier. POP: 2 as XF-90 [46-687/688]. Photo above shows the result after stall buffeting jammed the nose gear on [-688], and LeVier elected to land with wheels and flaps up. There was no structural damage and only scuffing to the underside — note that no part of the wings touch the ground, so precise was LeVier's landing!
  Lockheed F-94 [48-356] (USAF Museum)
  Lockheed YF-94 [48-373] (USAF Museum)

F-94 Starfire, F-97 (Model 780) 1949 = Radar fighter. 2pClwM rg; 4600# Allison J33-A-33A (J-48); span: 38'11" length: 40'1" v: 602/520/x range: 1097 ceiling: 42,750'. Russell Daniell, Kelly Johnson. Improved F-80, originally designated as YF-97. POP: 1 prototype, converted from T-33 (which itself was a prototype [48-356], converted from an TF-80) as F-94, ff: 4/16/49 (p: Tony LeVier) and 1 as YF-94 converted from TF-80C [48-373], ff: 7/1/49.
  Lockheed F-94A [49-2534] (USAF Museum)

F-94A, YF-97A 1949 = Heavily-modifed T-33A to handle new Hughes E-1 fire-control system. F-80-type underwing drop-tanks. POP: 110 [49-2479/2588], of which 1 was modified in 1950 as prototype YF-94B [49-2497]. YF-97A was temporary designation for F-94C.

  Lockheed F-94B [50-805] (Lockheed)

F-94B 1950 = Production version with new underwing tanks phased in, improved instrumentation, all-weather capability, and Sperry Zero Reader homing device; ff: 9/28/50. POP: 1 prototype YF-94B [49-2497] and 357 F-94B production models [50-805/955, 51-5307/5512], of which 2 were modified as prototype YF-94C.

NF-94B 195? = Modification as BOMARC test aircraft. POP: 1 [51-5502].
  Lockheed YF-94C [50-877] (Lockheed)

F-94C (Model 188) 1950 = Prototype with revised tip tanks. POP: 2 as YF-94C converted from YF-94B [50-877, -995]. Temporary designation YF-97A.
  Lockheed F-94C [50-966] (Lockheed)
  Lockheed F-94C [50-970] (USAF)

F-94C 1951 = Originally designated F-97. Redesign of F-94B with 63500# P&W J48-P-5, new nose and tail group, thinner wings; wingtip tanks; drag chute, Hughes E-5 fire-control system; span: 42'5" length: 44'6" v: 646/493/152 range: 1275 ceiling: 51,400'. POP: 387 [50-956/1063, 51-5513/5698, -13511/13603], of which 1 was modified as prototype YF-94D.
  Lockheed YF-94D [51-13604] (Lockheed)

YF-94D, F-94D 1951 = Conversion of F-94C as 1p long-range escort fighter. POP: 1 partially constructed [51-13604], but not flown; production order for 112 cancelled. F-94D was never applied.

F-97 - Original designation for F-104 Starfighter - 1pCmwM rg; two 12782# GE J79; span: 21'11" length: 54'9" v: 913/599/x range: 1585 ceiling: 58,000' (data for F-104G). Kelly Johnson et al. Also built by Canadair. Total 2,580 Starfighters produced worldwide.
  Lockheed XF-104 [53-7786] (Edwards FTC)

XF-104 1954 = Prototypes. These and other early models had 9600# Wright J65-W turbojet awaiting availability of GE J79. POP: 2 [53-7786/7787]; ff: 2/27/54 (p: Tony LeVier) — due to gear problems, this flight was limited to short hops; official first flight was not until 3/4/54.

CF-104 1961 = Lockheed-built for RCAF, similar to F-104G; ff: 5/26/61. POP: 239.

YF-104A 1955 = Service testers with GE J79. POP: 17.

  Lockheed F-104A [56-0749] (USAF)

F-104A 1956 = First production model, with stronger airframe; ventral fin. POP: 153, of which 1 to RCAF as a design model for Canadian production, and exports to Pakistan, Jordan, and Taiwan; 3 to NASA as JF-104A [56-754, -749/750] test-beds.

  Lockheed NF-104A and its tail rocket (USAF Museum)

NF-104A 1963 = Aerospace trainer. Stripped-down F-104A incorporating a tail-mounted 6000# liquid-fuel rocket engine in addition to its conventional turbojet engine; ceiling: over 120,000'. Modified with larger tail, 24" wingtip extensions to house reaction-control jets serving as ailerons to control roll and nose-mounted jets to control pitch and yaw in the thin air of high altitudes. POP: 4 modifications [56-756, -760, -762, -790].

  Lockheed F-104B [56-3719] (USAF Museum)

F-104B 1967 = 2p dual-control combat trainer (F-104A transferred from USAF inventory); span: 21'9" length: 54'8" load: 4804#. POP: 26, plus 20 exported to Jordan, 14 to Pakistan, and 47 to Taiwan.

  Lockheed F-104C [56-0914] (USAF Museum)

F-104C 1958 = Tactical strike fighter-bomber with 15800# GE J79; load: 9650# (ordnance: 2000#) v: 1150/x/196 range: 850. POP: 77, the first of which was designated YF-104C; ff: 7/24/58. World altitude record of 103,389' on 12/14/59 (p: Joe Jordan).

F-104D 1958 = 2p trainer with revised canopy; GE J79; v: 584 range: 1727. POP: 21.

CF-104D 1961 = 2p Lockheed-built trainer for RCAF, with Canadian-built J79; ff: 6/14/61. POP: 38, of which 15 went to Denmark, Norway, and Turkey after TF-104G replaced them.
F-104F 1959 = Converted 2p all-weather F-104G as trainer for West Germany. POP: 30.

  Lockheed F-104G [61-2340]
  Lockheed F-104G [63-13243]

F-104G 1960 = Upgraded F-104C as multirole export and license version. POP: 390, included 3 custom-built for NASA.

  Lockheed RF-104G [N826NA] (NASA Dryden)

RF-104G 1962 = Photo-recon version. POP: 40, plus those license-built overseas. (German production was as RTF-104G1, of which 1 to NASA for test programs [N826NA].)

  Lockheed TF-104G [63-8458] (USAF)

TF-104G 1962 = 2p trainer version of F-104G. POP: 220, of which 1 was in civil registry [N104L], used by Jacqueline Cochran to set three women's world speed records in May-June 1964 (v: 1127, 1303, and 1429mph), and 2 acquired from Germany by NASA [N824NA, N825NA].

  Those NASA Starfighters

F-104H - A stripped, less-costly export version. Design study only.

F-104J 1962 = Export to Japan with Japanese-built J79-H. POP: 3 (29 also license-built by Mitsubishi), plus 20 F-104DJ 2p trainers built by Lockheed, but assembled in Japan.

F-104N, NF-104N 1956 = Conversion from F-104A, redesignated as NF-104; span: 25'10" length: 55'8". POP: 3 to NASA [N811NA, N812NA, N818NA].

F-104RB aka "Red Baron" 1976 = F-104 built by Lockheed test pilot Darryl Greenamyer from parts collected from various sources—wing and tail from a F-104G, fuselage from a structural test item, reaction control system from a NF-104. USN supplied J79-GE-10A engine, to which a water-injection system was added. Attempted to set 3-5km absolute speed record in Oct 1976 at Mud Lake, Tonopah NV, where a speed of 1010mph was reportedly measured, but one timing camera failed. Another attempt on 10/24/77, resulted in a new record of 988.26mph. The aircraft then prepared for attempt on the current altitude record of 118,898', but the right gear failed to lock on a test flight on 2/26/78, Greenamyer ejected, and the aircraft crashed.

Various exports were 29 to Denmark, 36 to Greece, 54 to Norway, 21 to Spain, 95 to Taiwan, and 55 to Turkey.

Also produced under license in foreign countries 1960-72 as F-104G: 188 in Belgium, 340 in Canada (as CF-104), 160 in Germany, 100 in Italy, 350 in the Netherlands; 24 F-104DJ and 206 -104J in Japan; 245 F-104S in Italy 1968-80 (upgraded Fiat-built F-104G with 17900# J79-GE as fighter-bomber).

  Lockheed F-117 (AETC)
  Lockheed F-117 TACIT conversion (AETC)

F-117 Nighthawk 1981 = Subsonic attack fighter-bomber, the world's first operational aircraft designed to exploit stealth technology. 1pClwM rg; two 10800# GE F404; span: 43'4" length: 65'11" load: 22,500# range: 750. Delta wing, V-tail. Aluminum skeleton with composite covering for a low radar image. One B-52 bomber had a larger radar image than all 59 F-117s together— the print one Nighthawk left on a radar screen was about that of a seagull. POP: 59 as F-117A. Name, "Nighthawk," did not become official until 1994. ALSO SEE XST.
FO 1942 = F-5B photo-recon transferred to USN. POP: 4 as FO-1 [01209/01212].
  Lockheed XFV-1 with scaffolding [138657] (Lockheed)
  Lockheed XFV-1 Landing gear [138657] (Lockheed)
  Lockheed XFV-1 Color [138657] (Lockheed)
  Lockheed XFV-1 at Muroc Flight Test Ctr [138657] (Lockheed)

FV 1954 = VTOL experiments. 1pCmwM; 5850hp double Allison XT-40 with three-blade contrarotating props; span: 30'11" (horizontal tail: 12'3") length: 36'10" load: 4622# v: 580/410/0 (stall: 60) ceiling: 43,500'; ff: 6/16/54 (p: Herman "Fish" Salmon) as horizontal flight with basic stilt landing gear. Planned gearless VTOL; wingtip fuel tanks. Vertical take-off was never attempted because of lack of power, and the project was cancelled. POP: 1 as XFV-1 [138657]. Another, as ST40-A-16 [138658], was begun but never finished.
GV Hercules 1960 = C-130B modified as freighter, assault transport, and tanker for USMC. POP: 42 as GV-1 and -1U [147572/147573, 148246/148249, 149787/149816, 150684/150690]. Redesignated in 1962 as C-130F/KC-130F.

[147572] (c/n 282-3554) and [147573] (c/n 282-3555) are still in operation with USMC (2005). [147573], the first to be delivered, thereby considered to be the oldest, is given a birthday party by the Marines every May. (— Jerry Greenwood 1/19/05)
H-51 1962 = Experimental winged helicopter. CH; rotor: 35'0" length: 32'0"; ff as CL-595 Aerogyro: 9/29/62 (p: Donald Segner). Three-blade rigid-rotor. Set world speed record of 272mph.
286 1964 = Commercial model for evaluation. POP: 2 prototypes. Never went into production, but design elements went into AH-56 Cheyenne.

  Lockheed XH-51A (Lockheed)

XH-51A, AH-51 1962 = P&W J60; rotor: 31'7" length: 31'7" v: 303; ff: 11/2/62. POP: 2 prototypes modified from Model 286 for military evaluation as YAH-51A [151262/151263], but had high-speed stability problems.

XH-51N, SH-51N 1965 = POP: 1 modification of model 286 for NASA.

H-56 Cheyenne - 2pCH rg; 3435hp GE T64-GE turbine; rotor: 26'7" span: 26'9" length: 54'8" load: 4275# v: 253/x/0 range: 360 (875 with aux tanks); ff: 9/21/67 (p: Donald Segner). Stub wings as armament support; four-blade rigid main rotor. 360° belly turret with 7.62mm cannon.
YAH-56A 1967 = Prototype. $1,200,000; POP: 1.

  Lockheed AH-56A (Lockheed)

AH-56A 1967 = Production for Army as tank destroyer. POP: 10 for evaluation. Subsequent order for 375 cancelled in 1975 when it was deemed too complicated and too expensive to build and operate.

  Lockheed Hudson (Lockheed)

Hudson 1938 - Export bomber. 4pClwM rg; two 1100hp Wright R-1820G; span: 65'6" length: 44'4" load: 5870# v: 246/220/70 range: 1960; ff: 12/10/38. Factory model 14 exports to RAF Coastal Command. POP: 250 Hudson I, 20 Hudson II (change of props), 410 Hudson III with 1200hp R-1820G in 1940, 130 Hudson IV with 1050hp P&W R-1830, 309 Hudson V with 1200hp P&W R-1830G. Subsequent production for USAAF in 1941 was as A-28 and AT-8.
Invicta 14 19?? = aka Sky Zephyr.
JetStar SEE CL-329.
JO - USN version of 12A Electra Junior with two 400hp P&W R-985-48. Navy impressed one civil 12A in 1942 as XR3O-2, an error in designation—R3O was the Lockheed 10, not the 12A, so it should have been JO-4. AAC version C-40.
JO-1 1937 = 5p for Navy Attaché in Brazil. POP: 1 [1053].

  Lockheed JO-2 (USN)

JO-2 1937 = 6p staff transports. POP: 5 [1048/1051, 2541]; the first and last to USN, the others to USMC.

  Lockheed XJO-3 [1267] (Lockheed)

XJO-3 1938 = Fixed tricycle landing gear for carrier deck landing tests, specifically on USS Lexington. Later was used for airborne radar testing by MIT. POP: 1 [1267].