REVISED: 6/12/07

The Glendale Homestead 1923 (K O Eckland coll)

1919: (Winfield Bertram) Kinner Airplane & Motor Corp, Tweedy & Long Beach Blvd, Los Angeles CA; 1923: Grand Central Airport, Glendale CA. c.1925: Contract production to Crown Carriage Works, Los Angeles. 1930: Recapitalization by George M Holley (Holley Carburetor Co, Detroit MI). 1933: Severed corporate ties to form Security-National Aircraft Corp, Downey CA. 1937: Bankruptcy, aircraft manufacturing rights sold to Timm Aircraft Co. 1938: Reorganized as Kinner Motor Inc. 1946: Sold to Gladden Products (mfr of motor scooters).
1919 = 2pOB; 55hp Kemp. Kinner's first airplane, looking much like a scaled-down Curtiss Jenny. Its first flight was also his.
Kinner Airster 1923
Kinner Airster Bert Kinner and 1921 Airster that would become Earhart's ship

Airster 1920 = 1-2pOB; 60hp Lawrance L-4; span: 28'0" (?>26'7") length: 21'4" (?>19'7") load: 450# v: 85/70/30 range: 420. $2,500; POP: 32; aka K-1 and K Airster. Prototype crashed on test flight, rebuilt with a wider cockpit for a snug 2p fit. A second version, painted bright yellow and dubbed The Canary, was bought by Amelia Earhart while training with Neta Snook at Kinner Airport. Later models had slab-sided plywood fuselages and were nicknamed "Crackerbox Airsters," powered by 60hp Anzani or the first 60hp three-cylinder Kinner motors. Exclusive, licensed manufacturing rights first to Crown Carriage Works c.1925.
Airster 1927 = 3pOB; 100hp Kinner K-2; span: 28'6" length: 22'0" load: 800# v: 110 range: 400. Evolution of the 1920 version. Last Airster was built in 1927, then rights were sold in 1929 to Crown Carriage Works to be produced as their Crown B-3. Found regs: [1092 c/n 32, 1393 c/n KE-12, 2643 (with LeRhône), 2737 c/n 11, 2742, 7941 c/n 26] as Airster, [6780] as Airster B-3, [3452 c/n 32-A, 3207 c/n 9, 6950 c/n 9(?)] as Airster K-3.
Airster Monoplane 1925 = 2pOhwM; 60hp Kinner. Parasol wing, tandem cockpits; modified from Airster biplane.
Kinner Argonaut (Clark Scott coll)

Argonaut 1924 = 4pCB; 200hp Renault V8. Specially built for T C Young, a prominent Glendale surgeon and aviation enthusiast. With a cabin nearly as roomy as a railway car, Argonaut was used one day by a local couple for their airborne marriage ceremony. This started a trend; other lovers followed suit and the ahip soon became known as "Honeymoon Express." POP: 1, rebuilt and modified in 1927 as KE-8.
B, B-1 Sportster 1933 (ATC 516) = 2pOlwM; 125hp Kinner B-5; span: 39'0" length: 24'2" load: 643# v: 112/98/40 range: 440 ceiling: 15,000'. 35-gal fuel tank. B-1 had metal prop, optional canopy and cockpit heater, radio, 24-gal tank (load: 603#). POP: 8 B [NC13654, NC13704, NC13710, NC13754, NC13776, NC14201, NC14217, NC14288], 2 B-1 [NC13744, NC14235], and 2 converted from K Sportster [NC14238, NC14264].
Kinner B-2 [NC14234] (Frank Rezich coll)

B-2 Sportwing 1933 (ATC 522) = 2pOlwM; 125hp Kinner B-5; span: 34'5" length: 24'2" load: 633# v: 122/110/48 range: 450. Max Harlow. $4,600; POP: 8 [NC13791, NC13797, NC14200, NC14212, NC14214, NC14224, NC14234, NC14927]. [NC14200] rebuilt as (Wally) Timm 2SA.
Kinner B-2R [NC13703] (Frank Rezich coll)

B-2R Sportwing, Timm 160 1936 (ATC 617) = 2pOlwM; 160hp Kinner R-5; span: 34'5" length: 24'7" load: 803# v: 132/120/45 range: 460. Modified by Timm from previous B-2 models upon acquiring rights from Kinner Co after its bankruptcy in 1937. POP: 3 B-2R [NC14964/14965, NC16098], 4 as Timm 160.
Kinner C-7 Envoy [NC13756] (Arthur Martin coll via WASM)

C-7 Envoy 1934 (ATC 532) = 4pClwM; 300hp Kinner C-7; span: 39'9" length: 28'7" load: 1449# v: 170/150/55 range: 700. Max Harlow, Harold Webb. POP: 4 [NC13756, NC14289, NC14929, X/NC14930], plus 3 to USN as XRK-1 [A9747/9749]. 1936 model had 370hp Kinner SC-7. Last of the Kinner production models.
Coupe 1926 = 4pChwM; 100hp Kinner K-2; span: 28'6" load: 800# v: 110.
CG-14 Invader 1935 - 6pClwM. POP: 1 constructed to covering stage, but was never completed.
Kinner Courier [4618] (1928 Aviation)

Courier 1928 = 2pOhwM; 100hp Kinner K-2; span: 35'0" length: 23'0" load: 550# v: 120/110/35 range: 800. Folding parasol wing. POP: ??; one custom version built for Dr T C Young, chairman of California Aviation Council at the time, and christened Spirit of Ether [4618].
Kinner K With and without canopy (Joseph Juptner coll)

K, K-5 Sportster 1932 (ATC 490) = 2pO-ClwM; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 39'0" length: 23'8" load: 575# v: 104/90/37 range: 300. Max Harlow redesign of Bolte LW-2. Folding wing; optional cockpit canopy. $2,490; POP: less than 32 K [NC217Y, NC222Y, NC228Y, NC234Y/235Y, NC12235, NC12252, NC12259, NC12276, NC12281, NC12290, NC12295/12296, NC12299, NC13700/13701, NC13707, NC13709, NC13750/13752, NC13779, NC13798, NC14211, NC14213, NC14218, NC14225, NC14233, NC14237/14238, NC14264, NC14928], of which some were modified into B Sportster, and 1 K-5 [NC13799]. Production continued in 1933 at Kinner's new Security-National Corp as Security S-1 Airster. Design was also adopted in 1940 as Call-Air.
Kinner KE-8 [2743]

KE-8 1927 = 4pOB; 300hp Hisso; span: 39'0" length: 26'0" v: 120/x/35. POP: 1 [2743] for Dr T C Young, modified from his old faithful Argonaut.
Monoplane 1926 = 2pChwM; 28hp Lawrance LA-3; span: 31'6" length: 21'0" v: 85/x/30.
Kinner P [X12257] (Frank Rezich coll)

P Sportster 1932 (ATC 2-426) = 2pClwM; 210hp Kinner C-5. POP: 1 [X/NC12257] larger, deluxe model for corporation principals, Robert & Lillian Porter.
Kinner R-1 [NC13703] (Clark Scott)

R, R-1 Playboy 1933 (ATC 518, 2-480) = 2pO/ClwM; 160hp Kinner R-5. Began as enclosed version, later modified to open cockpit. POP: 1 [NC13703, NC18621/18625].
Kinner R-5 [NC14920] (John Stoltz)

R-5 Playboy 1935 (ATC 554) = 2pClwM; 160-210hp Kinner R-5; span: 32'9" length: 24'2" load: 809# v: 138/125/55 range: 600 ceiling: 14,000'. POP: 12 [NS/NC21/25, NC13756, NC13778, NC14289, NC14920, NC14929, NX14930, NC14963]. One, with 210hp R-5, delivered to China Aviation Assn (Shanghai) in early 1936 as a trainer.
Kinner XRK-1 (Clark Scott)

RK 1936 = USN command transport version of C-7 Envoy with similar specs. POP: 3 as XRK-1 [A9747/9749].