REVISED: 11/18/08
A L Hackenberger, San Antonio TX. 1938: Las Vegas NV.
Hackenberger 1A [13974] (Phillipe R Chandler coll)

1A 1935 = 1pOB; two 20hp Irwin Meteormotors (40hp Continentals in 1938). [13974] c/n 2.

The aircraft (1A) is an evolution of the model H. Similar in its design, but larger and more streamlined. Compared to your photo of the model H, the gear is much more compactballoon tires on small wheels. A curious thing about the photos is the tail skid. While one photo shows only a tail skid, the other two have a small wheel propped up beside it.
The movement of the control surfaces is somewhat unclear, but I think the lower planes, longer on the 1A, acted as ailerons and a large elevator was fitted where the tip of the heart-shaped parasol and the rear of the fuselage meet. At the extremites of the elevator are twin stabilizer/rudders. Those rudders were actually braced onto the rear of the fuselage and only a single strut balanced the elevator above the stabilizers. The fuselage curved upwards at both ends, connecting to the leading and trailing edges of the parasol. Somehow the angle of the elevator was varied at its joining with the parasol/fuselage. ( Rod Filan 1/8/05)
Hackenberger H [18966]?

H, Helioplane 1930 = A curious twin-engine flying pancake-type with heart-shaped parasol wing and very little data. Motors were 4-cyl "Scroggies." Register listing [NX18966] c/n 5H-1 (as H) says 1pCM, but makes no mention of a pancake shape.
Hacker SEE Stoelk
Robert Hatfiled, Imperial CA.
Hornet c.1955 = 1pClwM; 65hp Continental C-65; span: 20'0" length: 14'0" v: 135/110/x. Strut-braced Luscombe wings; reportedly stressed for 8-G. [N23K].
Ernest Hagness, Portland TX.
Hokey Pokey #1 c.1970 = 2pChwM; 65hp Continental. [N2817J]. Another dozen different airplanes were reportedly built 1955-70.
Joseph Haig, no location.
c.1986 = 2pOlwM; 240hp Continental. Replica of German Junkers CL-1 (aka J.8) all-metal monoplane from 1918, using the fuselage frame of a Snow S-2C. POP: 1 [N4976C].
Haig-K Aircraft Corp, Swedsford Rd, Paoli PA.
HK-1 1959 = 2pOH; 85hp Continental C-85; rotor: 26'8". Gross wt: 1030#. [N9065H].
Henry Haigh, Howell MI.
Super Star c.1985 = Built for aerobatic competitions. 1pCmwM; 200hp Lycoming IO-360; span: 24'0". No other data. POP: 1 [N8HH].
Frank Haines, Daytona Beach FL and Detroit MI.
H-2 1934 = 1pOlwM; 40hp Salmson, later 90hp Warner Scarab. Wheel pants, scalloped red-and-white paint scheme like a Gee Bee. POP: 1 racer [14518].
H-3 Firefly 1937 = 1pClwM rg; 260hp Menasco C6S; span: 20'8" (?>19'10") length: 20'3" (?>19'8") v: 177. Used some parts from earlier Rider racers with a beefed-up, plywood- and fabric-covered wing. POP: 1 racer [R91Y]. Ran fifth in the Greve race at the 1937 NARs, then at the Miami Air Races on 12/3/37, Haines stalled in a pylon turn and was killed in the crash.
Low Wing 1932 = 1pOlwM; Henderson. Logically this would be H-1, but was not so named. [12831].
1932: George A Hales, 2831 Ocean Ave, Long Beach CA. 1933: Hales Aircraft, Oklahoma City OK.
Hales [X12258]

1932 = 1pOlwM; 40hp Salmson. Wood and fabric. [X12258] c/n 100, licensed 9/19/32, reg cancelled 12/22/32 when reported as dismantled, and parts apparently used to build to following airplane.
1933 = 1pOlwM; 125hp Warner Scarab. [11961] c/n 101, licensed 5/9/33, reg cancelled 7/19/34.
102 1934 = 2pOhwM; converted 50hp Ford A. [X11992] c/n 102, registered to "Hale Aircraft, Oklahoma City" in 5/31/34; reg cancelled 12/1/34, and CAA advised by owner J R Cole that plane had been "salvaged" on 1/28/35.
Robert P Hall, Searchlight NV.
1911 = No data found on US patent #1,005,026 for a "novel aeroplane."
1920: Hall Aeroplane Company (Charles S Hall), 807 North Spring St, Los Angeles CA.
Helicopter Aeroplane 1920 = OB; v: 150. Had ordinary tractor prop, plus a horizontal prop in a cut-out of the upper wing, which would allow near-vertical descent. Claimed climb to 18,000' in 10 minutes.
Helicopter Aeroplane c.1932 = OhwM. A realization of the 1920 design, possibly a rebuilt Crawford A-1 Parasol, since its registration [X12205] earlier belonged to such a machine. The horizontal prop was driven by a separate engine, mounted in the wing. The added weight of this engine made the airplane too heavy, and cooling was blocked by the fuselageit probably never flew.
Robert "Bert" Hall & Porter Roberts, Lindsay OK.
A 1929 = 2pOM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. POP: 2 [9492] c/n 560experimental license applied for on 6/3/29, reported to CAA on 3/10/30 as dismantledand [91N] c/n 561, possibly a development of the previous ship in 1929, reg cancelled 2/8/33.
Theodore P Hall Engr Corp, Spreckels Bldg, San Diego CA.
118 Flying Auto SEE Convair ConvAirCar.
XCP-1 1939 = 2pCM; Continental. [NX14993].
Hall (aka Hall-Springfield)
Springfield Aircraft Inc (fdr: Robert L Hall), Springfield MA.
C-80 SEE PJC entry.
Hall Bulldog [NR2111] (National Archives)
Hall Bulldog [NR2111] (Frank Rezich coll)
Hall Bulldog color art (unknown artist)

Bulldog 1932 = 1pChwM; 535hp P&W Wasp; span: 26'0" length: 19'0". Robert Hall. Construction of the gull-wing Bulldog [NR2111], so named for the Yale University mascot, was sponsored by Marion Guggenheim with a stipulation that Russell Thaw be its pilot in the 1932 NARs. However, Thaw declined the honor: "The ship is not my idea of a racer!" Designer Hall then took the controls and finished sixth at a speed of 215.5 mphit was afterward speculated that its experimental Hamilton Standard prop prevented the Wasp from running at full power. Hall was so disappointed with its performance that he dismantled and scrapped the plane after that race. SEE ALSO Baltrun.
Hall Cicada [NR13205] (Frank Rezich coll)

Cicada 1932 = 1pOhwM; 535hp P&W Wasp. Racer for the Nationals [NR13205]; ff: 6/23/32. Did not perform as expected, suffered motor problems, and finally was modified with a 2p cockpit. It crashed and burned in take-off on a test flight (p: Frank Lynch). Named for its insectlike green, cream, and brown paint scheme.
Hall Aluminum
1916: Charles Ward Hall Inc, Mamaroneck NY. 1927: Hall Aluminum Aircraft Corp, Buffalo NY. 1934: Radcliffe St, Bristol PA (former Huff-Daland, Keystone, and Fleetwings facility). 1940: Acquired by Consolidated Aircraft Corp.
Air Yacht 1923 = 2pOswFb; 60hp Wright-Gale L-4; span: 25'0" length: 25'1" load: 440# v: 75. [2612], registration canceled in May 1930.
Hall Aluminum XFH-1 [A-8009]

FH 1929 = USN shipboard fighter. 1pOB; 450hp P&W R-1340B; span: 32'0" length: 22'6" load: 741# v: 152/125/55 range: 275 ceiling: 23,500'; ff: 9/25/29. All-metal. Had dropable landing gear for emergency water landings, fuselage was water-tight for flotationas proved on its final flight in early 1930 when it was ditched (with its undercarriage still attached) after engine failure and floated for 40 minutes before recovery. POP: 1 as XFH-1 [A8009].
Hall Aluminum Monoped [X777N] (Frank Rezich coll)

Monoped 1935 = 2pChwM rg; 120hp Ranger; span: 32'0" length: 25'0" v: 130. Single landing wheel underneath the forward fuselage, plus two outrigger wheels. POP: 1 [X777N]. Charles Ward Hall lost his life in this one on 8/21/36, when he struck a tree in fog.
Hall Aluminum XP2H-1 [A-8729] (USN via W T Larkins coll)

P2H 1933 = CBFb; four 600hp Curtiss V-1570 tractors/pushers; span: 112'0" length: 70'10" v: 139. Twin-tail, motors mounted on nacelles between the wings. POP: 1 as XP2H-1 [A8729].
PH - Patrol and rescue. 4-5pOBFb; two 500hp Wright GR-1750; span: 72'10" length: 51'10". Open bow and dorsal gun cockpits.
Hall Aluminum XPH-1 [A-8004]

XPH-1 1929 = Two 535hp; v: 126; ff: 12/x/29. POP: 1 prototype [A8004].
PH-1 1931 = 620hp Wright R-1820; load: 6538# v: 135 ceiling: 11,400'; ff: 10/x/31. POP: 9 [A8687/8695].
Hall Aluminum PH-2 [V-164, V-169] (USCG)

PH-2 1936 = 750hp Wright R-1820F, gun positions removed; load: 7220# v: 145/136/61 range: 2242 ceiling: 21,350'. POP: 7 to USCG [V164/170].
Hall Aluminum PH-3 [V-177] (USCG)

PH-3 1939 = Anti-sub warfare. Wide cowlings, redesigned cockpit, gun positions reinstalled; v: 175/159/x. POP: 7 to USCG [V177/183].
Hall Aluminum XPTBH-2 [9721] (USN)

PTBH 1937 = USN twin-float torpedo bomber. 5pCmwMF; two 800hp P&W XR-1830-60; span: 79'4" length: 55'4" load: 9422# v: 186/170/x range: 2620 ceiling: 20,400'. Fabric-covered wing with a single aluminum-tube spar POP: 1 as XPTBH-2 [9721]. Although it performed well in tests, USN saw no use for a seagoing torpedo plane.
Russel and Francis Halligan, Beardstown IL.
1923 = 1pOH; 30hp Johnson outboard motor. Two rotating Piper Cub-size wing panels driven by propellers set at the leading edge about two-thirds of the way out from the fuselage. Flight information not found. Donated to EAA Air Museum.
Bruce Hallock, Austin TX.
Hallock Road Wing [N2721C] (Jay Miller coll)

Road Wing aka HT-1 c.1955 = 4pChwM roadable; 145hp Continental O-300. Tailless pusher with folding wings, closely based on Waterman Aerobile [N2721C]. Several tailless designs reprtedly followed.
Pterodactyl c.1980 = 2pChwM; Lycoming O-235. Two pusher props.
1925: (Thomas E) Halpin Development Co, Lunken Airport, Cincinnati OH. 1928: Reorganized as Metal Aircraft Corp.
Flamingo 1928 = 6pChwM; 410hp P&W Wasp; span: 48'0" length: 30'0" load: 2050# v: 138/115/45 range: 1000. T E Halpin (formerly with Stout Aircraft). SEE Flamingo entry for continuation.
Richard Halpin and Tom Huf, no location.
H&H Fun Special 1968 = 2pOhwM; 125hp Lycoming. [N919Z].
Joseph L Halsmer, Lafayette IN.
Aero Car 3 1959 = 2pOhwM roadable airplane; 85hp Continental C-85 pusher; span: 30'0" length: 19'0" load: 480# v: 105/85/48 range: 250 ceiling: 9500'. [N9085C]. First flown with two engines in push-pull configuration. Construction cost: $2,300.
Safety Twin 1967 = 2pOhwM; two 65hp Continental mounted one atop another driving separate props; span: 26'0" length: 19'7" load: 520# v: x/100/42 range: 310; ff: 4/1/67. Essentially a Pietenpol airframe. [N12043].
Barry Halsted, Fountain Valley CA.
Saffire 1990 = 2pClwM rg; Teledyne Continental IO-360C; span: 28'0" length: 25'0" load:725# v: 211/205/69 range: 806; ff: 11/24/90. POP: 1 [N297].
Charles K Hamilton, Mineola NY
Hamiltonian 1909 = 1pOB; 60hp Hamilton pusher; v: c.75. Curtiss type, specially reinforced for exhibition work. POP: 2; the second of which, in 1910, was 2p with 110hp Hamiltonian-Christie V-8; span: 26'0" length: 38'0". Hamilton, who was associated with Glenn Curtiss in 1909, purchased the Curtiss Rhiems Racer, and that might be one of these models which had recorded successes in West Coast exhibitions.
J W Hamilton, Mineola NY.
1911 = 1pOmwM. Blériot type with twin radiators and, from a poor-quality photo copy, what appeares to be a single-boom fuselage aft of the cockpit. "Flown around Hempstead for three hours," is all that was reported about this early design. Relationship with the previous Hamilton is unknown, but similarity of location suggests a likelihood.
Hamilton Helicopter Co, Baltimore MD.
Hamilton helicopter (1949 Flying via Wendy J Miller)

1949 = 2pCH; 125hp ? with two coaxial 3-blade rotors; v: 99/x/0 range 300. All-metal construction; no other specs or data found. Reported in Jan 1948 Flying as having "undergone tethered lift check and is expected to fly soon." Also later reported to have had a test flight by Alexander Sikorsky [NX41970].
(Gordon B) Hamilton Aircraft Co Inc, Tucson AZ.
HA-1 19?? = Conversion of TC-45J. [N28471].
Little Liner c.1963 = Design modifications to Beechcraft 18/C-45 as 11p executive transport. Conventional gear with retracting tailwheel. POP: unk.
T-28R-1 Nomair 1958 = Conversion of surplus 2p North American T-28A with 1350hp Wright R-1820 for export. POP: 6 to Brazil Navy as trainers.
T-28R-2 1960 (TC A1WE) = 5p civil version of the preceding; ff: 2/x/60. POP: 1 prototype, 10 production by early 1964.
Westwind - ClwM rg. Turboprop conversions of Beech Model 18.
Westwind II STD 19?? = 19p; two 840hp P&W PT6A. [N231LJ].
Westwind III 1963 = 10p; two 579hp P&W PT6-20 or 630hp PT6-27 or 630hp Lycoming LTP-101. [N432U].
Westwind IV c.1977 = 2p cargo version; two 570hp Lycoming LTP-101 or 680hp P&W PT6-28 or 750hp P&W PT6A-34 or 1020hp P&W PT6A-45.
Hamilton Aerospace. San Antonio TX.
H-1 1989 = Trainer. Garrett TFE731 jet engine or 500hp Allison 250-C20 turboprop. No other info found.
HX-321 1988 = 2pCmwM rg; 300hp Textron Lycoming IO-540 pusher or 500hp Allison 250-C20 pusher. No other info found.
Hamilton Metalplane
1910: (Thomas Foster) Hamilton Aero Mfg Co, Seattle WA; gliders (later mfr also of Hamilton propellers and metal pontoons). 1914: Hamilton Aero Mfg Ltd, Vancouver BC; flight school and mfr of one aircraft. c.1917: Hired by Matthew Bros Furniture Co, Milwaukee WI, to manage wartime production of propellers. 1918: Hamilton Mfg Co, 530 Park St, Milwaukee on acquisition of Matthew Bros Co; propeller production. 1926: Hamilton Metalplane Co on merger with Boeing Airplane Co as William Boeing was interested in switching production to metal airplanes. 1929: Absorbed by United Aircraft & Transport Co. 1932: Suspended aircraft operations to specialize in propeller production.
c.1912 (Seattle) = 2pOB; 40hp Maximotor tractor. No data.
1915 (Canada) = 2pOB, Curtiss copy. No data.
Hamilton H-18 Sea and land [C235] (Dan Shumaker coll)

H-18 1927 = 6pOmwM/MF; 450hp Wright J-5; v: 125/100/45; ff: 4/2/27. James McDonnell, John Akerman. First had 220hp Wright J-4. Full-cantilever shoulder wing, monocoque fuselage; all-metal construction. Hamilton-built pontoons; also flown as a landplane. Pilot and passenger in an open cockpit behind the motor; 4-place cabin. POP: 1 [C235], built as Maiden Milwaukee for competition in 1927 National Air Tour, where it took second place. First all-metal plane to be licensed. Ended up being converted into, of all things, an autogiroSEE Johnson (Milwaukee 1929).
H-21, -22, -23 1928 (ATC 85, 2-268) = 4-6pO/ChwM; various Wright and P&W Wasp; span: 48'0" length: 32'7" load: 1630-2000# v: 105-135/90-115/50-55 range: 550-750. $12,900-14,900; POP: 4, each with fanciful names of Silver Eagle (220hp Wright), Silver Streak (425hp P&W), Sea Dan (425hp P&W) and Silver Swan (220hp Wright), the last two as floatplanes with span: 54'0" length: 37'7". One [NC5562] converted to H-47 standards (under ATC 85) and exported to Peru in mid-1930.
H-43 1928 (ATC 2-13) = Prototype of H-45 with 420hp P&W Wasp. POP: 1, is also seen listed as H-21 for unspecified reasons, perhaps "borrowing" (2-268) after expiration of (2-13).
Hamilton H-45 Perú (Sergio de la Puente coll)

H-45 1928 (ATC 85) = 8pChwM; 450hp P&W Wasp; span: 54'5" length: 34'8" load: 2226# v: 135/115/50 range: 675. $23,200-24,500; POP: estimated 25.
Hamilton H-47 [NC854E] (Frank Rezich coll)
Hamilton H-47 Air mail special delivery? [NC7522] (WASM)

H-47, Special 1928 (ATC 94, 2-14, 2-125, 2-129, 2-329) = H-45 with 525hp P&W Hornet; load: 2300# v: 145/125/55 range: 600. $26,000; POP: 21 [C69E, C133E/134E, C371H, C466E, C537E/538E, NC854E, NC875H/879H, NC7521/7523, NC7689, NC7785, NC7791, NC7794/7795], of which 1 impressed by AAF as UC-89 [42-79546], but was found "unsuitable for use." (2-14) superseded by (94). (2-125) for 7p twin-float conversion [C416E]; (2-329) for increased weight allowance; (2-129) for 8p with 525hp Wright Cyclone as H-47 Special (span: 60'5").
Russell Hammer, Indianapolis IN.
ANZ-3 1931 = Home-built ultralight with 30-35hp Anzani; suspected to be a Lincoln Sport built from plans or a kit. [11369] c/n H-10; crashed and reg cancelled 12/1/31.
Altitude Unlimited Inc (Bob Hammer & Dick Hunt), Paine Field WA.
HH-1 Zipper 1979 = 2pClwM rg; General Electric J85-17 turbojet mounted on a stubby pylon above and behind the cockpit; ff: 7/2/79 (p: Dick Hunt). POP: 1 [N2200Z], destroyed in a spin 9/15/79, killing Hunt.
1932: (Dean B) Hammond Aircraft Corp, Ann Arbor MI.
Hammond 100 [NC13533] (Frank Rezich coll)

100 Sportster 1933 = 2pOB; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 30'1" length: 23'6" load: 760# v: 108/90/36 range: 400. Modified from Ryan Speedster/Parks P-2A design, to which Hammond acquired the rights, adding a wide-track gear. $2,795; POP: 7, of which one was restored and flying well into the 1990s [NC15771].
Hammond Y [15151] (Clark Scott coll)

Y 1934 = 2pClwM; 95hp Menasco B-4 pusher; span: 40'0" length: 27'0" v: 118/108/40. Dean Hammond, Carl Haddon. Twin-boom, tricycle gear; braced wings and single tail, faired-in main gear. $3,195; POP: 1 [NX15151] c/n 301, proved to be very underpowered, and was modified as Y-1M.
Y-1M 1935 = Second version, with 125hp Menasco C-4; span: 40'0" length: 26'0" load: 600# v: 123/112/39. POP: 2 [NX15770] c/n 302, redesigned by Hammond and Lloyd Stearman for DoC testing and evaluation as Stearman-Hammond Y-125 [X/NS73] and [18615=NS5] c/n 303.
Hammond FH-1 SEE Fuller-Hammond
Hampton Engr Co (Arnold & David Biermann, engrs at NACA), 310 Marshall St, Hampton VA.
1930 = 2pOM; 60hp Rover [791W]. Used by Biermanns for varied experiments from floating ailerons to retracting undercarriage. 350 hours on airframe when cancelled 4/15/39.
Allan Hancock Foundation (College), Santa Maria CA. Also listed with CAA as Santa Maria Air Lines Inc.
Cadet 1932 = 1pOhwM; 65hp Velie M-5. POP: 1 [12233] c/n 2. Reg cancelled 7/15/32 after a reported accident. College provided no info, and John M Jaratt speculates they might have been Pietenpols or similar home-builts.
Cadet 1937 = 1pOhwM; Lambert-Velie M-6. POP: 1 [15541] c/n 1. Disparity in sequence of c/ns as this model was finished on 10/1/37 but started in 1932, reported sold to Phil Murry 11/14/33, then to Duane Newhart 11/24/37, who apparently completed construction. Reg cancelled 12/15/39.
Edgar Hand & Jack Hoffman, Susalito CA.
1908 = 2pOhwM with 6-cyl Green motor, impressively streamlined for its day. Parasol wing, side-by-side cockpit; skid undercarriage was replaced by floats, but those filled with water one night and the plane sank, sustaining damage beyond economical repair.
Wayne Handley, Greenfield CA.
Raven T 1997 - Specific aerobatic plane. 1pCmwM; 750hp P&W PT-6A; [N711WH].
Arnold Hanes, Los Angeles CA.
H-1 Hornet 1947 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85. Midget racer built with parts from Retz R-10 [NX68379]. Reed Kinert reports: "Eliminated in 1947 heat races."
William B Hanken, Monticello IA.
HDT-681 1933 - Unknown type with Velie motor; [12906] c/n H6. Possibly was a modified Monocoupe Monocoupe c/n 681 is unaccounted for.
Hannaford SEE Rose
Perry D Hansen, Lansing MI.
Hansen Special Baby Bullet III [NR84Y] (Frank Rezich coll)

Special 1931 = 1pOlwM; 29hp Wright-Morehouse; span: 20'0". POP: 3 racers; the first a modified Heath Baby Bullet as Baby Bullet [11351]; the second, from Heath 115, with 40hp Continental A-40 (span: 16'6") as Baby Bullet II for 1932 Nationals [NR282W] (p: Art Davis, Walt Bagnick); the third as Baby Bullet III for 1934 Nationals [NR84Y] (p: Art Davis), rebuilt 1947 as Francis-Angell midget racer.
Willam Hansen, no location.
WH-1 Thunderchicken 1971 = 1pClwM; span: 18'8" length: 18'3". POP: 1 [N35WH]; modified in 1974 to Sump'n Else [N35TS].
Lorrin L Hansen & Rev Carl H Loock, Rapid City SD.
Hansen-Loock Artist's concept (clip: Aug 1930 Modern Mechanix and Inventions via Erling Olson)

"Rotary Aero-Zep" 1930 = While LTA are not included in Aerofiles' fleet, we couldn't let this one float by without at least applauding its mind-bending creativity! As best we can translate from its text, this is a huge aluminum can of helium that revolves around a frame-track from which are suspended a motor/control room and a passenger car (with wheel pants yet) that serves as a rolling weight to shift the center of gravity for climbs and descentsperhaps also as a thrill ride for the folks inside. Everything else seems to move, too. The pivoting tail surfaces all flap and wiggle, the "Zep" part spins slowly as its V-shaped, helium-filled, snakelike vanes more-or-less screw the assembly through the air, and a safety valve logically fitted in its rear end releases gas when pressure builds up. It is our guess that one could hear this airborne theme-park coming from 30 miles away. Their closing comment: "As yet this amazing new idea in aeronautics has not progressed beyond the model stage, and it is not at present known when a full-size ship will be built." Or why...
Carl L Hanson, Mercer Island WA.
Woodwind 1970 = 4pChwM; 100hp Lycoming O-235; ff: 6/20/70. A Wittman Tailwind of all-wood construction. POP: 1 [N1429].
Dennis Hardwick & Clem Whittenbeck, Joplin MO.
HW Special 1937 = 1pCmwM; v: 187. Rebuilt Folkerts SK-1 as Davis Cup racer (p: Clem Whittenbeck) [R500W].
Oregon Aircraft Co (Mayor Harley and Gus Stromer), Astoria OR. Aeronautical Equipment Inc, New York NY (sales agents).
Harley-Stromer (The Museum of Flight)

Oregon Maid 1917 = 2pOBFb; twin-tail, single-float with two Ford pushers. Gus Stromer. $3,000; POP: 1, reportedly operated a successful passenger service for 19 months, planned to fly to NYC to participate in 1917 transcontinental contest, but no further info was found.
1936: Max Harlow, Pasadena Junior College CA. 1938: (Max) Harlow Engr Corp, Alhambra CA. 1938: Harlow Aircraft Corp (pres: J B Alexander), Alhambra CA. 1940: Rights to PC-5A sold to Cub Aircraft Corp, Hamilton Ontario. 1942: Aquired by Vultee Aircraft Corp. 1945: Acquired Interstate Aircraft, but ended operations the same year.
C-80 1942 = Military PJC-2. POP: 4 as UC-80 [42-52513, -68692, -97040, -97054].
Harlow PC-5A [NC21737]
Harlow PC-5A [NC21737] (John Dagle coll)

PC-5A 1939 (ATC 735) = 2-4pClwM rg; 165hp Warner Super Scarab; span: 35'10" length: 23'8" load: 639# v: 154/140/56 range: 425. Max Harlow. Like PJC, prototype was designed and built as class project, with final assembly at Alhambra airport [NC21737]. $12,000; POP: 4 [NX21737, NX19978/19980, VTATN]; reportedly 50 were sold in component form to Hindustan Aircraft Ltd in Indiaalthough less than a dozen were said to have been built in 1941, the rest are unaccounted for. Still stored away somewhere? Additionally, a cheaper, simplified variant of PC-5 was reportedly built as PC-6, but no data were found. Rights were acquired by Cub Aircraft in Canada, but no known production.
PJC-1 1937 (ATC 659) = 4pClwM; 145hp Warner Scarab; span: 35'8" length: 23'4" load: 687 v: 165/145/48 range: 500; ff: 9/14/37. $12,000; POP: 1 prototype built by engineering students at Pasadena City College, assembled at Glendale's Grand Central Air Terminal [NX18136].
Harlow PJC-2 [NC18978] (unknown author via Don Munsell coll)

PJC-2 1938 = POP: 10 [NC15, NC54, NC82, NC102, NC18978, 19981, NC19983, NC19983, NC 19996/19997], of which 4 to AAC as UC-80; 1 as c/n 10 assumed not completed since reg expired 7/26/40.
PJC-4 1939 = 2pClwM rg. Tandem trainer, developed for the Army's trainer design competition. When rejected, it was sold to an unknown company. Reappeared in 1945 as four-place cabin model Atlas H-10. POP: 1 [N37463].
S-1 SEE Interstate S-1.
C B Harmon, no location.
Harmon (National Archives)

c.1911 = 1pOB; unknown pusher.
George Richard Harmon, Richmond VA.
1935 = 1pOB; 30hp Szekely. [15688].
(James B) Harmon Engr Co, Sherman TX.
Der Donnerschlag 1974 = 1pOhwM; 75hp VW; span: 19'6" length: 14'6" load: 250# v: 120/110/55 range: 500. Rebuilt in 1975 to 1-2p Mister America.
Ralph Harmon & L L Spellman, Greenwood IN.
Sport 1932 = 2pOM; 45hp Chevrolet. [12866].
(Jack) Harper Aircraft Mfg Co, Bedford and Elyra OH, airport at Sharpesville PA.
1-A 1931 = 2pOlwM; 35hp Szekely S-3. Ray Greenough, Jack Harper. Full-cantilever wing. POP: 4 [453K, X11383, 12827, 14507], one with 40hp Salmson AD-9.

Smithsonian tells me they have record of 25 built! ( Doug Nichols 5/18/01)
B-2 1936 = 2pOlwM; 50hp Aeromarine. Side-by-side cockpit. POP: 2 [X15377, 16737].
Roberts Special 1931 = 2pOlwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D. POP: 1 for an Albert J Roberts, custom-built with a variable Clark-Y wing and STOL performance [11376].
J Emery Harriman, possibly Brookline MA?
Harriman Aerocar Artist's concept
Harriman Aerocar A better artist's concept (National Archives)

Aerocar 19?? - No data found on this fanciful critter that appeared on a postcard. Design seems much earlier than supplied date of 1910, could even be pre-Wright. A working or filial relation with the following entry?
(Frank H) Harriman Motor Works, South Glastonbury CT.
Harriman 1912

Biplane 1912 = 2pOB; 60hp Harriman. POP: reportedly 1. Another does appear as a flying boat entry in the 1913 Great Lakes Reliability Cruise, but whether that was a modification of the original or a second ship is unknown.
Triplane 1915 = 1pOT; 100hp Harriman. POP: 1, reported as having been built by inmates at the Cheshire Reformatory in Connecticut.
Richard Hillman Harris, Atlanta GA.
Parasol 1928 = 1pOhwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 33'6" length: 22'6". [X6532] c/n 1. Semi-cantilever wing. Reported as "First successful Atlanta-built ship, and mayor and city council are to hold launching ceremonies 6/27/28." Builder Harris, an aircraft mechanic, reported to CAA 1/22/29: "Flown in early January, motor drowned out in storm at Fort Pierce (FL), wrecked in dead-stick landing." License cancelled 1/29/29. Another registry shows an unspecified type with a Harley-Davison motor [807N].
Douglas Harris, Pawtucket RI.
Harris and its creator

1930 = 1pOmwM; unknown 25hp motor; span: 26'0" length: 16'0" v: 80.
Vernon C Harris, Heyworth IL.
Little Jewel c.1955 = 1pClwM; 65hp Franklin; v: x/105/x. [N7936A].
J Warren Harris, Vernal UT.
Geodetic #1 19?? = 1phwM; 80hp Continental.
Geodetic #2 c.1976 = 2pClwM. [N28xxx].
Charles D Harrison, no location.
K1S-1 1992 = Home-built ClwM with Lycoming O-235. [N924C] c/n 002.
Bruce Harrison, Redding CA.
Saunders Jethawk 1993 = 1pClwM rg; 330# Turbomèca; span: 25'0" length: 19'0". [N71610].
George Harth, The Dalles OR.
Sport 1945 = 1pChwM; 40hp Crosley; span: 27'2" length: 19'0" v: 80. All-wood construction; parasol wing. Later modified to OhwM.
Hartman (aka Burlington)
Burlington Airplane Co, Burlington IA.
1938 = 1pOlwM; 45hp Szekely. Loose representation of a Blériot with open wood-frame fuselage; ff: 5/10/10; [286Y] c/n 1910-1. Arthur J Hartman, and possibly privately built by him. Stored 1920-55. Completely rebuilt with a steel-tube fuselage in 1955 as [N286Y]. Hartman reportedly later also built a mid-wing, as well, in this general style.
Burlington Biplane 1931 = OB, probably built after Hartman had left the company; a rounded fuselage and different tail, but otherwise a Hartman Biplane. POP: 1 [10726] c/n 4.
H-1 or HL-1 1927 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 29'4" length: 21'6" load: 700# v: 100/90/35 range: 350. Empty wt: 1225#. $2900, or $1,900 less motor; POP: 3 [5256] c/n 1, [5261] c/n 2, [7376] c/n 3, the last one refitted with a Hisso. Often mistaken as a Waco.
Hartmann Aircraft Corp, Jordan NY.
OW-5M c.1938 (637) = Remanufacture of Welch OW-5M. POP: unknown.
Hartzell Walnut Propeller Co, Piqua OH and Detroit MI.
Hartzell FC-1 and FC-2 (Walter E Lees coll)

FC-1, -2 1923 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Frederick Charavay. POP: 1 each [2465, x]; the first was christened Fort Wayne Hartzell. Built in league with (E A) Johnson Aircraft Co as Johnson-Hartzell. Other planes registered in the individual name of Hartzell, but with no model designations, might have been JN-4 conversions.
Model XX 1930 = Unknown type with Anzani. POP: 1 [803Y]. There were other planes registered in the name of Hartzell besides this, but with no model designations or data, and might have been JN-4 conversions.
HarvEd Aircraft Co (Harvey Calbo & Edward F Smithana), 1515 Phillips Ave, Racine WI.
Monoplanes 1928/1929 = 3pOlwM; 150hp Hisso A; span: 36'6" length: 26'0". [7924] c/n 3; ident cancelled 7/23/30 after Smithana reported to CAA the plane was permanently dismantled. A second ship, an OX-5-powered 3pChwM in 1929 with similar specs, [9498] c/n 4, was verified by nephew William Smithana as The Spirit of Honey Creek, named for a town near Racine. He tells of his uncle taxiing around a meadow in it until it lost a contest with a barbed-wire fence, being damaged beyond economical repair. No info found about possible c/ns 1 and 2.
Jack Hash, Crosbyton TX.
c.1947 = 2pClwM; v: 100. Side-by-side cabin. Reg [NX75024] reported, but unsubstantiated.
George Hast, no location.
Wooden Baby c.1975 = 1pOhwM; 60hp Franklin 4AC; span: 25'6" length: 17'6" load: 280# v: 105/85/x range: 225. [N11GH].
Hastings Aeronautics Co, Hastings NB.
JCH-1 1928 = 4pChwM; 120hp Anzani (also Hisso A somewhere in its brief career); span: 42'8" length: 27'5" v: x/90/x range: 600; ff: 5/11/28. All-metal construction. Clifford Currier, James McCreary, who also built the ship. POP: 1 [7266], crashed fatally 7/4/29. John M Jarratt is certain the model initials were for "James, Clifford, Hastings." One register listing as "Reed Hastings Aeronautics Co" is in error.
Bob & Cliff Hatfield, Imperial CA.
Haeco Hornet c.1956 = 1pClwM; 65hp Continental C-65; span: 20'0" length:
14'0" v: 135/110/x. Cut-down Luscombe wings. Looked somewhat like a Stits
Playboy. [N23K].
Racer 19?? = 1pOmwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 18'10" v: 195. Goodyear class racer.
Milton Hatfield, Elkhart IN.
Little Bird 1986 = 1pClwM; 27hp or 50hp Rotax; span: 17'0" length: 10'0" load: 210# v: x/60/30; ff: 5/25/86. A series of Arup-like airplanes with low-aspect-ratio delta wings. POP: 3.
John D Hatz, Schofield and Merril WI. c.1980: Dudley R Kelly, Versailles KY.
CB-1 1962 = 2pOB and OhwM; 100-150hp Lycoming O-320; span: 26'0" (?>25'4") length: 18'6" (?>19'0") load: 630# (?>600#) v: x/90/40 range: 270. Popular and charming throwback to the '30s, looking much like a small Waco, began as a parasol monoplane [N8670E]. Plans were marketed to home-builders at $125, kits were available from commercial sources.
Howard F Hatzenbuhler, Mt Clemens MI.
Packard A c.1927 = 2pOB; 200hp Packard. [707].
Walter Haufe, Neenah WI.
Hawk Model 3 1963 = Powered sailplane 1pCmwM; 40hp Nelson H-59; span: 40'6" length: 22'0". Prop could be stopped and pivoted to horizontal position for soaring. [N1051Z].
Hawk Industries Inc, Yucca Valley CA.
GAFHawk 125 [N101GH] (Frank Harris)

GAFhawk 125 c.1982 = 2pChwM; 1198hp P&W PT6A; span: 71'6" length: 46'11" load: 6250# v: x/145/51; ff: 8/19/92. [N101GH]. It was sold and went to Alaska where they grounded it because they were hauling passengers. The PT6 was taken out and replaced by a huge Russian radial engine from an Antonov biplane. Frank Harris 8/21/08.
1931: Hawke Dusters (fdrs: Edwin R Hawke, John Cuneo), Modesto CA. After Hawke's death in 1941, company continued agricultural operations under this name with several new owners.
Hawke Duster [NR10626] (Frank Rezich coll)
Hawke SJ (William T Larkins)

Duster, SJ 1931 = 1pChwM; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 42'0" length: 30'6" load: 1225#. H Sherman Tharpe, modified from his 1929 Sierra BLW design. POP: 3 [NR10609, NR10626/10627]. Claimed to be the first airplane specifically designed as a duster (perhaps overlooking the Huff-Daland ag planes); hopper capacity: 1000#. Second plane [NR10626] scrapped in 1945, the others were destroyed in crashes 1937 and 1945.
Hawkins & Powers
No data.
(TC A19NM, A30NM, A34NM) = Civil conversions of C-130 and P2V-7. No data, likely borate bombers. TCs in Restriced category.
(Frank) Hawks Aircraft Co, Springfield MA.
Miller HM-1 rebuild of Hawks [NX2491] (Frank Rezich coll)

HM-1 aka Hawks-Gee Bee 1936 = 1pClwM rg; 1150hp P&W R-1830-BG Twin Wasp; span: 31'0" length: 23'9" v: 375/340/65; ff: 6/12/36 (p: Frank Hawks). Howell Miller, commissioned by Hawks, construction by Granville Bros. Sponsored by Gruen Watch Co as Time Flies for general competition. POP: 1 [NR1313] (number transferred from Hawks' retired Travel Air Mystery). Based on the famed Gee Bee racersunderstandably, as Milller was a principal designer for Granvillethe streamlined ship was considered by many as the "perfect design," with a 1700fpm climb rate and speeds not common at the time in the private sector; however, it logged most of its hours in publicity tours for Gruen and testing, finally was rebuilt in 1938 as Miller HM-1 [NX2491] (qv).
Hayden SEE Bushmaster
Hayden & Clark, Visalia CA.
Hayden-Clark-O'Day W-6 [NC10613]

W-6 1931 (ATC 2-373) = 1pOhwM; 40hp Salmson AD-9; span: 32'0" load: 241# v: 85 range: 250. Stilt-legged, parasol-wing design was advertised as a cheap "time builder." Repowered with 65hp Franklin as an aerobatic ship for Al Warner [NC10613].
Heath, International-Heath
Malcolm R Heath, Warren OH.
PH-1 1937 = 2pOM; 40hp Ford. [21299].
Helicopter Engineering and Construction Corp, RI.
100, 101 1947 = 1pCH; 75hp Continental A-75; rotor: 19'6" load: 400# v: 100/x/0. POP:1 [NX6915]. Two-seat Model 101 was designed, but not built.
Heckerson or Hickerson
Harold Heckerson (Hickerson?), Stoner Rd, Fostoria OH.
A-1 1929 = 2pChwM; LeRhône. Built (possibly also designed) and test-flown by two youths, only one of which had some flying instruction, crashed when the engine failed, killing both. [510K] c/n B100.
Paul Peter Hege, Sedgwick, KS.
Pup 1933 = 2pCM; 65hp Velie. [12557]; sold, and crashed in 1937. Hege, a Master Mechanic, worked for Beechcraft, Cessna, Culver, Swallow, and Travel Air, died in 1990 at age 84.
Ray C Hegy, Marfa TX.
Hegy El Chuparosa [N9360] (Jay Miller coll)

El Chuparosa 1959 = 1pCB; 65hp Continental A-65; span: 13'0" length: 14'0" load: 243# v: 140/110/77. [N9360]
June Bug 19?? = No data. [N35K].
(M A) Heimann-(Hillery) Beachey Aeroplane Mfg Co, St Louis MO.
1911 = 1pOB; 40hp Hall-Scott. (Hillery was Lincoln Beachey's brother.)
George Heinemann, Bellingham WA.
Special 1930 = 1pOhwM; 32hp Johnson marine outboard motor. Modified from Heath Parasol, later converted to 1pOBF with 40hp Ford T [899N].
(Albert S and Arthur) Heinrich Aeroplane Co, Baldwin NY, and Victor Aircraft Corp, Freeport NY.
1910 = 2pOmwM; 23hp converted 4-cylinder marine engine. Bird-wing design with an open-framework fuselage. Brothers were taxidermists, which explains the birdlike approach to flying. Had the distinction of being the first American monoplane flown with an American-made motor, in May 1910.
Heinrich 15 (clip: 1915 Flying)

15 1915 = 2pOB; 110hp Gyro rotary.
Victor Pursuit (US Signal Corps)

Advanced Trainer aka Victor Pursuit 1918 = Army trainers, despite their pursuit name. 1pOB; 100hp Gnôme rotary; span: 26'0" v: 115. Albert Heinrich. POP: 3 built by Victor [AS539/540, AS40007] and 4 by Heinrich [AS40008/40011]. [AS40007/40008] refitted with 80hp LeRhône. Production with a Liberty 8 engine was cancelled.
C-1 aka Victor Scout Trainer 1917 = 2pOB. [AS539/540].
D 1913 = 2pOmwM.
Monoplane #2 191? = CM; 3-cyl Anzani. Enclosed fuselage, otherwise similar to 1910 monoplane.
Trainer 1917 - Two ordered and assigned s/ns [320/321], but were concelled at the Armistice.
Victor D.8 1918 - Army pursuit. 1pOB; no data. POP: 4 ordered as [40103/40106], but cancelled at the Armistice.
Monoplane c.1939 = hwMF. Twin-booms, twin tails, and nothing else found about this mystery flying boat built by the scion of the Heinz foods company. Gunston's Encyclopedia of Aircraft Manufacturers adds, "Heinz Aircraft made several small biplane seaplanes 1924-28 with twin floats directly attached to lower wings."
Charles Heiserman, Iron Mountain MI.
1933 = 1pOmwM. Modified Long Longster with 65hp Velie. [13607] c/n 547.
Heiserman [18215] (1937 Popular Aviation)

1937 = 2pOlwM; 65hp Velie. Another modified Longster, this time as a low-wing. [18215] c/n 1-434.
1954: Helicopter Research Co (fdr: Harold E Emigh). Later renamed Helicom Inc, Long Beach CA. c.1964: Commercial rights sold to Southern Pacific Aircraft Co (qv). 1979: Acquired by International Helicopters Inc, Mayville NY.
H-1 Commuter Jr 1960 = 1pO/CH; 90hp Continental C-90; v: 80/x/0 range: 170. [N828Z, N10061]. Designed for home-builders.
Commuter II 19?? = 2pOH; 125hp Franklin.
Commuter IIA, IIB 19?? = 150hp Avco Lycoming O-320.
Helicopters Inc
1948: Reformed and renamed from Bendix Helicopters Inc, Stratford CT.
Model J 1949 = Was Bendix Model J. 5pCH; 450hp P&W R-985 with 12:1 gear reduction to two 48'0" twin-blade coaxial rotors; length: 21'3" load: 1800# v: 100/89/0 range: 389 ceiling (hover): 7000'. Large enclosed pod; tricycle gear. POP: 1 [N74101].
Model K 1948 = 1pH experimental, sold to NACA for wind tunnel tests.
Helidyne SEE Gyrodyne
1956: Helio Corp & Aeronca Aircraft Corp, Pittsburg KS. c.1959: Helio Aircraft Corp, Pittsburg KS. Helio Aircraft Corp, Norwood MA. 1969: Helio Aircraft Co div of General Aircraft Corp. 1984: Acquired by Aerospace Technology Industries. 1989: Acquired by Aircraft Acquisition Corp and revived as Helio Aircraft Corp, Morgantown WV. 1992: Helio Enterprises Inc. 1997: Acquisition of rights, inventory, and ATCs by Alliance Aircraft Group LLC (Helio Enterprises Inc). 199?: Merged with Intercommerce Co, Bristol TN.
The Morgantown Helio Aircraft Corp is apparently unrelated to the Helio companies of Norwood MA and Pittsburg KS. Type certificates for the Norwood and Pittsburg Helios (1A8, A2EA, A4EA) are owned now by the Alliance Aircraft Group LLC of Kent WA. ( Jack Erickson 5/20/01)
H-250 Caballero aka Courier Mark II 1964 = Lighter version of H-395. 250hp Lycoming O-540A; load: 1290# range: 725.
Helio H-295 (Avn Week via Ron Dupas)
Helio H-295 on floats [N269E]

H-295, H-395A Super Courier c.1960 (TC 1A8) = H-295 was a tri-gear modififcation by Alcor Avn, San Antonio TX; H-395A no data, perhaps a tri-gear version of H-395. ATC Revision 33 issued 8/18/77.
Helio H-391 Prototype [N9390H] (Smithsonian)
Helio H-391 [N242B] (Helio)

H-391, -395 Courier 1949 (TC 1A8) = Personal and cargo transport. 4pChwM; 260hp Lycoming GO-435C; span: 39'0" length: 30'9" (?>30'0") load: 900-1120# v: 169/157/30 range: 800. Lynn Bollinger, Otto C Koppen; ff: 4/14/49 prototype [N9390H]. [N242B] was the original MIT Bollinger-Koppen Helioplane (qv). All-metal STOL design with cantilever wing, slotted flaps, and automatic, full-span wing slots in leading edge; castering wheels; float options. First production in 1953-54 went to AF as L-24/L-28/U-10 with 295hp Lycoming O-480; prototype [N74151]. ATC Revision 33 issued 8/18/77.
H-392 Strato Courier 195? = H-392 was nothing more than a pumped up H-391 with a 340hp GSO-480. Only one was built and set a world altitude over Mexico City in Oct 1957 of 31,200'. Developed as a high-altitude photographic version of the standard Courier. I would like to have seen this one go into productionthe fastest Helio built at that time. ( Stephen Ruby 1/3/02)
Helio H-500 [N8745R]

H-500, -580, U-5 Twin Courier 1960 (TC A2EA) = 6pChwM; two 250hp Lycoming O-540-A2B; span 41'0" length: 32'5" (?>31'10") load: 2800# (?>1374#) v: 205/170/36 range: 810 ceiling: 17,750'. POP: unknown civil as H-500 [N10033, N10036/10037, N8745R, N92860] and likely more (but none of these regs appear on FAA records as Helios!); 2 to USAF in 1962 as U-5A [52-5955/5956], which s/ns show as Ryan XV-5 in some references, and 3 as U-5B [63-8072/8074]. A longer-nosed version in 1968 with 290hp Lycomings was H-580. ATC Revision 7 issued 8/18/77.

Reply from Helio Corp to inquiry: "Unfortunately, we have very little information on the Twin Courier. All we know is that there were supposedly seven delivered to the CIA. There are no manufacturing records for these aircraft. They left the factory one day and were never seen again by the Helio Aircraft Company. Apparently all records either went with the aircraft or were destroyed. We still have all the engineering drawings, but that is about it." ( Jos Heyman 11/20/01)
H-550, HST-500, U-24 Stallion 1964 (TC A4EA) = 8pChwM; 550hp P&W PT6A-6 or 600hp Garrett TPE-331-2; span: 41'0" length: 39'4" load: 2400# v: 227/201/38 range: 1200 ceiling: 30,000'. POP: 15 H-550A to USAF as AU-24A with 680hp PT6A-27 [72-1319/1333]; sold to Cambodia. ATC Revision 13 issued 8/18/77.
H-634 Twin Stallion 1968 = 8pChwM; two 317hp Allison 250B mounted on a stub wing in the nose. POP: 1 [N11038]. A version with two 620hp PT6-A was planned with estimated load: 2250# v: 210/x/35 range: 560.
H-700 1982 = 6pChwM; 350hp Lycoming TIO540-J2B.
H-800 1982 = 6pChwM; 400hp Lycoming IO720-A1B.
L-24 Courier 1953 = H-391 with 260hp Lycoming GO-435-C2B2 to USAF. POP: 1 as YL-24 [52-2540].
L-28, U-10 1958 = Military version of H-395 with similar data. POP: uncertain as L-28A [58-7025/7027], with [52-7025] shown as cancelled, plus [58-3093/3096] in some records, while others show this batch as "cancelled contract." Redesignated as U-10A in 1962.
Helio U-10A (USAF)

U-10A 1962 = 60-gallon tanks. POP: 8 [62-3603/3608, 63-13184/13185]. An original batch scheduled as -10A [63-13166/13183] were built as U-10B. From cloudy records, it seems that [62-3603] was civil [N4181D] purchased by USAF, which later returned to civil life as [N44953].
U-10B 1963 = 120-gallon tanks. POP: 52 [62-5907/5920, 63-8091/8110] and [63-13166/13183] from U-10A batch. [62-5914] and [62-5920] to S Vietnam as "civil" [N54497] and [N62291] respectively.
U-10C = Projected version with 360hp IGSO-540, not produced.
Helio U-10D CANG [66-14348] (William T Larkins)

U-10D 1963 = Higher gross weight. POP: 44 (?>36) [66-14332/14375].
U-5 SEE H-500.
U-24 SEE H-550.
Unknown, possibly Marion WS.
Helle-Franklin postcard of crash [2519]

c.1927 = 2pOB; Hisso A. No other data. Linked photo shows its sad end as "The remains of the big plane that dropped 400 ft at Marion Wis, June 19-27." [2519]. A most bleak subject for a postcard.
Henry Helmerichs, Ryegate MT.
1932 = 2pOM; 35hp Ford A. [12752].
Helton SEE Culver Cadet
S Hemstreet, Chattanooga TN.
Jessie 1907 = Undescribed entrant in Flying Machine events at 1907 Intl Aeronautic Tournament at St Louis MO (10/21-24/07).
Ward & Bruce Hendershott, Sioux City IA.
1929 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Nicknamed Stonecrusher. Thick, Barling-type wings. Crash-landed in 1931, rebuilt in 1932-33 with parts from Nicholas-Beazley Co, but never flew again. Stored in a garage, it vanished until the fuselage was recently located and donated to EAA.
C J Hendrick, Middletown NJ.
1910 = 1pOmwM; 2-cyl Curtiss; length: 20'0". Close copy of Santos-Dumont Demoiselle.
no location.
Biplane 1909 = 1pOB; 60hp unknown make; span: 40'0".
James R Hennessey, no location.
1926 = 3pO/ChwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 36'0" length: 25'0" v: x/95/x range: 285.
Ed Hensley, Oklahoma City OK.
1936 = 1pOB; 35hp Hensley. [17600] c/n E-2.
Frank Herbst, Wilmington NC.
1911 = A newspaper report about the Palmgren airplane also mentioned mentioned this one as being built, but no subsequent info was found to substantiate its completion.
Adolph P Herff & Orval H Snyder, San Antonio TX.
1909 = Unknown type reported in Galveston Times to have flown for 57 minutes at a maximum height of 35' on 9/23/09. Described only as "like the models now in use," but having some "undisclosed inventions awaiting patents."
1926 = 1pOhwM; 35hp Anzani. Parasol wing lightplane. [167].
Frank Hernandez, San Diego CA.
Rapier 65 1959 = 1pOB; 65hp Continental A-65-1; span: 20'2" length: 16'5" v: 110. Empty wt: 678#. [N7831C].
Harold D Herr, Millersville PA.
Eaglet 1934 = 2pOM; 35hp Brownback-Anzani. [15319] c/n 101. Sold 9/5/36 and engine replaced with Salmson AD-9. Fatal accident on 8/17/37 (William R Winter, York PA); reg cancelled.
(Wilson) Herren Aeronautical Corp, Barrington IL.
Herren CL-32 [X12081] (Popular Mechanics via Brad Taylor / AAA)

CL-32 1931 = 2pOB; 58hp supercharged Irwin Meteormotor X; span: 24'0" length: 19'6" load: 475# v: 100/85/35 range: 340. [X12081]. Herren was also involved a few years earlier with the Locomotive biplane as a principal of that company in Barrington. What connection there might be between this plane and Locomotive Co is unknown.
Gerald & Myron Herrick, Philadelphia PA, with International (Heath) Aircraft Co, Niles MI.
HV-1 1931 = 1pOlwMAg*; 48hp Poyer. Built to order by Heath from Myron Herrick's design [X11384]; ff (as a fixed-wing aircraft): 11/6/32. Hybrid autogyro and conventional plane with free-rotating upper wingform; crashed during a test flight shortly after conversion to an autogyro. * In the Herrick design, a symmetrical airfoil-shaped rotor was mounted on a horizontal hinge about which it could rotate within certain limits. When flying as a biplane, the upper wing could be prevented from rotating by braces connected to its pylon. When rotating, the wing then assumed the character of an autorotative system.
Herrick Vertaplane [NX13515] (Dale Hurst via George Townsend coll)

HV-2A Vertaplane aka Convertoplane 1937 = 2pOlwMAg; 125hp Kinner B-5; span: 28'0" rotor: 24'0" v: 100/x/30; ff: 7/24/37 (p: George Townsend). Evolution of HV-1 was built in Sept 1933, but nearly four years passed before it flew because of a shortage of funds, then flew successfully until 1942 [NX13515]; reported to be presently in storage at NASM. Publicity in 1949 told of an HC-6D succesfully completing wind-tunnel tests, but no production was noted.
Herring SEE Burgess, Curtiss
Jan Herse, no location.
RWD-13 (Series III) 1937 (ATC 2-561) = Although not an American product, the Herse is included because it has served confusion for researchers. It was in fact a 1934 Polish 3pChwM with 120hp Gypsy Major (originals had 128hp Walter Major 4), two of which were brought to the USA for use as aerial taxis during the 1939 World's Fair in New York [NX20651/20652]the former was still flying in private use in the 1950s, the latter was scrapped. Group 2 approval in 1941. It is unknown whether Jan Herse was a company principal in Poland or an agent on this end responsible for its import; the name does not appear on registers as an owner (the initials were for S Rogalski, S Wigura, J Drzewicki, likely the designers/bilders).
Harry A Hershfield Jr, Santa Rosa NM.
VJA Special 1934 = 1pOM; 55hp Dayton. [274Y].
George H Hervey, San Fernando CA.
Travelplane 1947 = 4pChwM; 200hp Ranger. Convertible auto-plane project; no data.
R D Herzog (Herzog Bros), Harvard NE.
Meteor 1910 = 1pOB; 21hp ?; span: 48'0". Wright Flier-type pictured both on skids and tri-gear wheels.
Bob Hesley, Houston TX.
Pussy Cat c.1968 = Home-built. 1pOB; 65hp Continental A65-8. Five years in construction at a cost of $2,000 [N361PC].
1925: (Adrian T & Aubrey W) Hess Aircraft Co Inc, Van Alstyne Blvd, Wyandotte MI. 1928: Alliance Aircraft Corp (pres: William Trump, Hess brothers as officers), S Range Rd (renamed Armour Rd), Alliance OH (?>N Webb St). 1930: Bankruptcy soon followed when Aubrey Hess died in a crash 10/12/29, and the Depression began. 1930: Attempted revival as Warrior Aeronautical (qv) by businessmen soon failed without any production; factory was later home for Taylorcraft Co.
H-1 Bluebird (Wyandotte) 1925 = 3pOB; no data. POP: 1 [779] c/n 18.
The following Hess data need to be investigated to see if and how many were in fact Alliance Argo aircraft. Recently uncovered info only adds to the confusion:

H-2 Bluebird aka Bluebird Sport (Alliance) 1928 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 33'4" length: 22'3" load: 775# v: 95/85/42 range: 340. Also offered with 100hp Hisso A and 165hp Wright R-460. $2,250, $1,800 less motor; POP: 19 found with curiously random c/ns; included Dole race entry Miss Wanda [X1445] (p: Fred Giles) and [87M] appearing as Mutual Blackbird (qv), a possible modification of [2160]? Some of these might have been produced by Alliance (qv), but registrations are all in the name of Hess.
H-5 Bluebird - Enigmatic model appearing in some records and references was finally tracked down by historians V J Berinati and J M Jarratt and exposed as H-2 c/n 36, sold to Phoenix Corp and reregistered as Phoenix H-2 [1878].

693 717 765 779 87M 1022 1367 1409 1445 1878 2156 2160 2493 2653 2725 2811 5029 5050 5060 10744
The Hess Mess...

Hess Bluebird, 21 Hess H-2 Bluebird, H-2 Hess H-1 Bluebird, 18 Hess Blackbird, 100 (Mutual Co) Hess Bluebird, ? Hess H-2 Bluebird, 29 Hess H-2 Bluebird, 31 Hess H-2 Bluebird, 32 Hess Bluebird Dole Special, 1sub Hess H-2 Bluebird, 36 (the "H-5") Hess Bluebird, ? Hess Bluebird, 100 > possibly 2160sub Hess Bluebird, ? Hess Bluebird, A-927 Hess Bluebird, 20 Hess Bluebird, 1193 Hess Bluebird, 8 Hess Bluebird, ? Hess Bluebird, 22 Hess H-2 Bluebird, 510sub
Lawrence K Heuberger, El Paso TX and Los Alamitos CA.
Heuberger Doodle Bug [N3930B]

Doodle Bug 1954 = 1pClwM; 90hp Continental C-90-14F; span: 18'0" length: 16'6" v: 195/173/60. Empty wt: 717#. All-metal construction. Plans were sold, and several were built with various engines and performances. Prototype [N3930B].
Sizzler 1957 = 2pClwM; 125hp Lycoming O-290D; span: 18'4" length: 20'7" load: 550# v: 160/150/85 range: 450. All-metal construction. [N75345].
Stinger 1970 = 2pChwM; 125hp Lycoming O-290 pusher; span: 16'6" length: 14'8" load: 400#. Delta-wing. [N3638G].
Orville H Hickman, Minneapolis MN.
H-16 1931 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [597W].
H-20 1931 = 3pOhwM; 40hp Ford A. Parasol wing. [593W].
H-22 SEE Chilleen-Fitton.

Hickman also designed a small seaplane whose plans ran in several magazines. When featured in Mechanical Package magazine it was called their Packmag Midget Seaplane. ( Laure'l Santos 6/24/05)
Leo A Hidde, Milwaukee WI.
LH-1 1934 = 1pOB; 40hp Salmson AD-9; span: (upper) 19'7" (lower) 18'10" length: 16'6" load: 283# v: 110/90/37; ff: 3/3/34. [NX13667] c/n H-1 (later as LH-1). Sold 3/1/39 and went to Escalon CA. Crashed and reg cancelled 4/7/40.
(?) Higgins, Amarillo & Merkel TX.
19?? = No data for [13960] c/n 102 except having a LeBlond engine.
1942: (Andrew J & Frank O) Higgins Industries Inc, New Orleans LA.
C-46A 1943 = Contract-built Curtiss C-46A. POP: 2 [43-43339/43340]; contract for 498 more cancelled by war's end.
Higgins EB-1 [N38845] Note wartime building camouflage (Edward J Young coll)

EB-1 Rotorplane 1943 = 2pCH; 180hp pressure-cooled Warner; load: 600# v: 125/x/0. Enea Bossi (initially developed at Delgado Trades School). Four-bladed rotor. POP: 1 [N38845]. Ambitious plans for a series of 2p to 14p helicopters from $1,500 were ended by the post-war slump.
J H Higgins, Bunkburnett TX.
H-2 1962 = 1pOH; 85hp Continental C-85; rotor: 21'4" length: 17'0" load: 240# v: 80/65/0 range: 150; ff: 10/12/62 [N56H].
Clarence Higley, Cummings KS.
Parasol c.1929 = 1pOhwM, enlarged from plans for a Storms Flivver, with redesigned fuselage and undercarriage. First with a Ford Model-T motor which was never used for flight, then an Oldsmobile with Gnôme cylindersHigley was an automotive engineer. POP: 1 [11068]. Flight history unknown.
SEE ALSO Eastern
1910: (Frederick C) Hild-(Edward F) Marshonet, Hempstead NY. 1911: American Aeroplane Supply Co. 1913: Hild Flying School. 1914: Hild-(William C) Diehl Flying School, North Bergen NJ; 1915: Chicago IL. 1915: Eastern School of Aviation (Hild & Diehl), Sheepshead Bay, NY; Eastern Aeroplane Co (Hild & Marshonet).
1911 = 1pOmwM; 50hp Roberts. POP: reportedly about 8 Blériot copies, some with 90hp Gnôme and 100hp Emerson. At the 1910-11 New York Aero Show the two brothers-in-law were selling copies of plans they made from measurements of Earle Ovington's Blériot, as well as parts and supplies for amateur builders. Deciding to finally build one themselves, the sale of this plane put them in the aircraft manufacturing business.
1919 = 1pOB; 20hp Hild & Marshonet; span: 24'0" length: 19'0" load: 250# v: 65/x/35. Swept-back wings with I-struts; single-boom empennage.
c.1920 = 2pOB; span: 24'0" v: 65/x/35. Patterned somewhat after the Fokker D.7 fighter.
Trainer 1912 = 2p version of the 1911 monoplane; 75hp Roberts. In this Hild earned his flying license and started a flying school while continuing the Blériot creations as American Aeroplane Supply Co until the winter of 1913, when a factory fire brought an end to the operation. POP: 5 to 10.
No name, Topeka KS.
Tomcat 19?? = 1pOB. Based on Nesmith Cougar. [N211V].
John Hill, Enid OK.
Tiny Hawk 19?? = 1pOB. 3/4-scale Curtiss P-6E. [N1KG].
Keith Hill and Roger Kemman, no location.
HK-1 1959 = 1pOH; 40hp Mercury.
Stanley Hiller (Sr), Alameda CA.
Hiller monoplane (Drina Welch Abel coll)
Hiller monoplane Flight at Lake Merritt, 1912 (Drina Welch Abel coll)

1911 = 1pOmwM; 60hp and 80hp Hiller rotary built from Hiller's plans by C E Kelsey, San Francisco. The father of Stanley Hiller Jr began designing gliders in 1909 and this, his first powered aircraft, flew at Alameda and a 1911 air meet at Tanforan race track in South San Francisco. On pontoons, it was flown from Lake Merritt, Oakland, by Charles Patterson in Aug 1912.
Doug Hillman/Rotor Sport Inc, Falcon Field, Mesa AZ. 1981: Hillman Helicopters, Paso Robles CA and Stellar Airpark, Chandler AZ. 1983: Operations ended when Hillman and brother, Ron, were killed by a drunken driver.
Hillman 360 [N9360M] (Aviation Week)
Hillman 360 (Hillman Family coll)

360 1981 = 3pCH; 205hp Avco Lycoming HIO-360-C1A; load: 1100# v: 130/115/0 range: 1560 ceiling: 15,000'; ff: 10/15/81. Rudy Enstrom. Fiberglass shell, fiberglass blades with stainless-steel leading edges, metal airframe. POP: 1 [N9360M]. Optional equipment included spray rig, cargo and stretcher racks, floats
Hillman Busy Bee (Hillman Family coll)

Busy Bee 1975 = 2pH; Mazda RX-3; no other data; ff: 7/18/75.
Hillman Hornet and Turbo Hornet (Hillman Family coll)

Hornet, Turbo Hornet 1977 = 2pCH; 150hp Lycoming O-320-A2B; rotor: 25'2" length: 29'0" load:600# v: 100/90/0 range: 276 ceiling: 12,000'; ff: 11/19/77. POP: 80 sold in kit form by Sep 1978. Prototype [N44JA] nicknamed Green Hornet for its color. EAA Best Operational Helicopter award 1979. Turbo option added in 1979.
Hillman Wankelbee [N17165] (Hillman Family coll)

Wankelbee c.1977 = No data; rotary powered. [N17165].
1928: Harvey W Brown and Ralph Hilton, Wichita KS. 1929: Hilton Aircraft Co, 621 W Douglas, Wichita.
Hilton & Brown 1000 [X373M]

Super aka Brown & Hilton 1000 or vice-versus 1929 = 4pCmwM; 165hp Wright J-6; span: 37'0". Ralph Hilton. Full-cantilever wings. POP: 1 [X373M] c/n 1. Built for Yellow Air Cab Co as its "first flying unit."
Hirt Aircraft Corp, Hemet CA.
MK-7 199? = 1pClwM rg; 300hp Lycoming IO-540; v: 350+. Aerobatic, unlimited class racer; composite construction.
Trio 1994 = 2pCM; 160hp Textron-Lycoming; span: 30'0" length: 21'6" load: 600 v: 180/173/55 range: 800. Forward-swept-wing with canard. Side-by-side seats.
(Fred H) Hise Aircraft Co, Gratiot Ave Airport, Detroit MI.
Hise A [X794K] (Leo Opdyke coll)

A 1929 = 6pChwM; three 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 52'0" length: 32'2" (?>30'10") load: 1725#. Semi-cantilever wing; ceiling-mounted control stick. [X794K].
Air Rambler C-2 1937 = 2pCM; 125hp Menasco. [X19819].
Historical Aircraft Corp, St Paul MN.
19?? = Produced 62.5-percent scale replicas of P-51D (230hp Ford V-8), AU-1 Corsair, and P-40 Tomahawk, as well as an 85-percent scale of Ryan STA.
(T G) Adams-(Paul) Wilson Helicopters Inc, Lakewood CA.
Hobbycopter Line art (company brochure)

101 aka XH-1 1958 = One-man open framework helicopter powered by a 34hp Triumph motorcycle engine; ff: 11/x/58. POP: 1 [N23P]. Offered in kit ($900) or plan ($35) form to home-builders.
102 19?? = Strengthened Model 101 with 50hp Triumph, fiberglass cockpit enclosure.
1937: (Noel R) Hockaday Aircraft Corp, Burbank CA. 1946: Hockaday Mfg Co.
Hockaday Comet [NX18933] (K O Eckland coll)

CF-130 Comet 1946 = 2pChwM; 130hp Franklin 6AC; span: 33'0" length: 22'2" load: 647# v: 140/130/50 range: 500. Noel Hockaday. Optional 125hp Continental C-125. Prototype flew in 1939 as Noelcraft [NX18933].
Hocker, Hocker-Denien
A Hocker, Evansville IN. 1961: Ralph R Denien, Indianopolis IN.
Sparrow Hawk 1930/1961 = 1pOhwM; 25hp Henderson. [441Y]. Early ultralight was restored and converted to a biplane in 1961 by Denien; 75hp Lycoming; span: (upper) 20'0" (lower) 15'3" length: 15'4" load: 319# v: 115/100/50 range: 255. ff (rebuild): 7/17/61. [N441Y]. Advertised for sale ($17,500) in June 2003 wearing an 85hp Continental.
L M (and T A?) Hodgdon, Detroit MI.
Hodgdon AscentderArtist concept (clip: Modern Mechanix)

Ascender 1933 = 2p flying auto; 125hp pusher. Theodore Hogdon. Two-page article in May 1933 Modern Mechanix tells of the wonders and applications for this invention but fails to give any projected specs or data. Doubtful that even a prototype was built.
Chummy 1929 = Land monoplane; 80hp leRhône rotary; span: 30'0" length: 17'9"; ff: c.9/1/29. [848M], cancelled 12/19/32. 1929 Flying Manual features an article by a T A Hodgdon about designing one's own airplane, using an 18hp Indian motorcycle engine, that includes plans for a small (25' span) ultralight parasol. Yet the article's main photo shows a larger shoulder-wing creation (Hodgdon's?) with what appears to be a Velie-type motor, so assuming a connection between L M and T A, the Hodgdons produced other ships, as well.
Edward R Hodgson IV, 125 S Millodge, Athens GA.
Red Star 1930 = 3pOB; 150hp Hisso A; ff: c.5/11/30. Designed and built by Frank Elmore with help from M C Armel, Paul Keller, and Lester Pilcher. [361V] c/n 1 (also found listed as Model A). Intended for use in passenger service from Athens to Gainesville GA (p: Jimmy Culpepper).

Of interest is that Hodgson's great-grandfather ran a mail-coach line between those two towns in the 1840s. ( John M Jarratt 8/18/02)
Valley Mfg Div, (W W) Hodkinson Aircraft Corp, Glendale CA.
Hodkinson HT-1 [X28M] (Edward J Young coll)

HT-1 1929 (ATC 2-211) = Transport. 8pCswB; three 170hp Curtiss Challenger; span: (upper) 56'0" (lower) 30'6" length: 36'3" load: 2813# (?>3200#) v: 115/100/50 range: 500. Don Berlin (of later P-40 fame); ff: 7/17/29. Outboard motors mounted directly on sesqui-wings; wide-track gear. POP: 1 of a planned five requested by a South American airline [X82M]. Beset by financial troubles at the onset of the Depression, the company quietly closed shop and the one plane went to Guatemala, where it flew for many years; its ultimate fate is unknown. Hodkinson, who was the financial backer for this grand venture on the part several moonlighting Douglas engineers, had more notable success as the founder of Paramount Pictures.
Charles D Hoefelman, Mineral Wells TX.
CH-1 Schatzie 1967 = 1pCB; 125hp Lycoming O-290-1; span: 23'4" length: 18'3" load: 490# v: 141/130/68 range: 370. Fixed gear in its original configuration. Fabric covered; wood wings, steel-tube fuselage. [N86495].
Joseph Hoff, CA.
c.1921 = OB with no data. Third place in Sport Plane Races at Los Angeles Speedway 2/27/21.
C D Hoff, Chicago IL.
Cabin 1929 = Unknown type; Locomobile auto engine. [575] c/n H-4-2.
Hoff SEE Tuscar
Hoffman SEE Von Hoffman
Raoul J Hoffman, St Petersburg FL.
Hoffman flying Wing 3-view

Flying Wing aka Hoffman-Younghusband FW 1934 = 2pClwM; 85hp Cirrus Mk III; span: 22'8" length: 17'8" v: 135/x/28. Empty wt: 900#. 14'6" chord all-wing design was very similar to Arup S-2 as Hoffman was an ex-Arup employee. Built for J Leslie Younghusband of Chicago. Planned for retractable gear, but a fixed gear was used. Had a novel cockpit ventilator in the wing's leading edge that howled to warn of stalls. POP: 1; caught fire during a 1936 flight and crashed [NX11573].
Edward C Hoffman, St Petersburg FL.
Orphan Annie c.1965 = 2pOhwFb; 75hp Continental A-75; span: 32'0" length: 22'6" v: 35/65/81. [N9159R].
Sweet Patootie 1960 = 1pOlwM; 65hp Continental A-65, later 90hp C-90; span: 19'0" length: 17'6" load: 278# v: 110/105/64 range: 200; ff: 2/24/60. [N6313D].
(Robert J) Hogan-(Jarrett G) Moyer Aircraft Corp, 226 Wolf St, Syracuse NY.
Homer 1928 = 3pCM; 40hp Anzani; span: 35'0" length: 20'6". POP: 1 [X7879]. Sold 6/10/29 to Theron D Beach, Dover NJ, who installed 80hp Anzani, then to F C Wright (dba Major Aircaft Co, Brooklyn NY) 3/31/30, and the trail fades there. Reg was cancelled by CAA 2/16/33. SEE ALSO Moyer.
L M & T A Hogdon, Detroit MI.
Ascender 1933 = 2p flying auto; 125hp pusher. Theodore Hogdon. Two-page article in May 1933 Modern Mechanics tells of the wonders and applications for this invention and fails to give any specs or data.
Chummy 19?? = No info found except for LeRhone engine. POP: 1 [C848M] cn 1001.
Alton H Hogue, Boulder CO.
H-100 1929 = 3pOswB; 150hp Hisso A; span: (upper) 30'0" (lower) 9'0"; no other specs found on this "training biplane" [X811M] c/n H-100.

Hogue died in a car crash during WW2, and the plane was found at Laramie Airport by George Wilcox, who bought it, then sold it to George Welch (Lafayette CO). Flight time unknown, but in 1970 it was stored in a barn, reregistered [N819M]. In a letter to FAA 1/27/71, Welch said it was "beyond economical restoration" and "will probably be placed in a museum some day." Hogue was also involved with Silver Wing's construction. ( John M Jarratt 7/1/06).

[N819M] was given to a Piper PA-23 on 4/27/05, so the prior reg must have been cancelled some time between 1971 and 2005, and the current status of Mr Welch's intriguing possible museum gift is unknown. ( K O Eckland 7/2/06)
1909: (Arthur Erritt) Holbrook Helicopter Aeroplane Co (pres: L B Durnil), Joplin MO (1910) and Monett MO (1911). 1911: Holbrook Motor Co, Joplin.
Holbrook Two-view patent drawing (Aeroflles)

1910 = Curious early usage of "helicopter aeroplane." A stock certificate dated 5/15/11 provided no specs or data. However, Holbrook's US patent #1,086,916 (filed Jan 19, 1910, granted Feb 10, 1914) tells of a "... novel form of propeller, wherein the angle of the operating surface of all the blades may be simultaneously varied." Double-duty rotors for both lift and thrust! (NOTE: A full description can be found in its patent via a 'Net search.) A report in the 12/5/10 Joplin Daily Globe supplies some insightan engine "with which Glenn Curtiss experimented" purchased but "owing to defects in several parts a successful flight was impossible. With the exception of a suitable engine the aeroplane has been built."
At some point, Holbrook's project was apparently abandoned and the company became the corporate vehicle for building the DeChenne biplane (qv). On 3/8/11 the Daily Globe told of the crash of the DeChenne in a test flight "in which their aviator was seriously injured and the machine was demolished." In April, 1911 the Holbrook Helicopter Aeroplane Co moved to Monett, where it rebuilt the DeChenne and gave paid flying exhibitions in Missouri, Oklahoma. and Texas. Something called the Holbrook Motor Co stayed in Joplin, where it advertised as "Manufacturers of Aeroplane Motors," as well as being a "Brass & Aluminum Foundry..." The connection between the two companies, if any, isn't clear. No further mention of the original Holbrook flying machine in either place.
Investors Durnil and U S Barnsley were invoived in at least three aviation projects during that periodCall (Mayfly), Holbrook, DeChenne. ( research by Bob Banks 9/21/2008)
Jerry Holcomb, Vancouver WA.
Perigee 1987 = 1pChwM; 35hp Cuyuna pusher; ff: 4/4/87. Originally was Taylor Ultra Imp. [N9XH].
W J Holeka, Sacramento CA.
Type Z 1924 = 2pOM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 30'8" length: 24'0". [3384].
Fred T Hollman, Parkesburg PA.
c.1920 = 2pOB that appears to be a war-surplus stock Sloan-Standard H-1 and Standard J-1, perhaps merged and modified in some way, and registered to Holl as [407] c/n 1 (sub?).
Winther-Hollman Aircraft Inc, Cupertino CA.
Condor 1982 = 2pCmwM; 65hp VW or 115hp Avco-Lycoming.
HA-2M Sportster 1974 = 2pCAg; 130hp Franklin or 150hp Lycoming O-320; rotor: 28'0" length: 12'0" load: 430# v: 90/75/28 range: 90.
Holloway & Wallace
H H Holloway & A J Wallace, Los Angeles CA.
HB-2 1930 (ATC 2-360) = 4pOhwMFb; 180hp Hisso E; span: 49'8" length: 26'5". [NC906Y] c/n H2. Crashed 9/6/31 and reg cancelled.
C B and Clarence T Holman, Rawlins WY.
1930 = 3pO/CM; static LeRhône (Tips & Smith?); ff: 6/x/30 (p: Fred Wahl). Open cockpit and 2p cabin. Fabric-covered welded steel-tube fuselage, wood wing.
Honda Motor Co, Greensboro NC.
Hondajet [N420HA] (Honda Co)

HA-420 HondaJet 2003 = Microjet. 6pClwM rg; two 1670# Honda HF-118 turbofans; span: 39'9" length: 41'1" v: 895/483/x range: 1265 ceiling: 41,000'; ff: 12/3/03. [N420HA].
Ray Honey, Bourbonnais IL.
Li'l Honey 1962 = 1pOlwM; 80hp Franklin, later 65hp Lycoming O-145-B2; span: 21'9" length: 18'0" load: 230# v: 140/105/55. [N4943E].
Edward Honroth, no location.
Special 1947 = Goodyear racer. 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85. [NX5595N]. SEE ALSO Raache LR-1.
1909: William Pierce Gary, 75 Lincoln Ave, Totowa NJ. 1910: Non-Capsizable Aeroplane Co, Paterson NJ.
Hoople Badly retrouched newspaper photo

1910-13 = 1p ribless, circular-wing experimental; 50hp Harriman; ff: 4/9/11. 40' hooplike wingform with the tail on a boom. POP: 1, damaged beyond repair when the landing gear broke on take-off and, on alighting after a 100-yd flight, the craft dug its nose into the ground. Judging from photos, there were at least three versions or modifications of this curiosity that actually flew (how long or how far was unstated), one of them with triplane wings within a hoop. Some reports mention a 20' circular wing, which could be any of the variations. The name was unofficially supplied by neighbors for its shape, as was also "Gary-plane." Gary built several other one-of-a-kind, more conventional planes after WW1, most of them from Curtiss JN-4 components.
Allen Scott, Pine Bluff AR.
Hoopo [5061]

1928 = 2pCB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Appears to be a modification of Waco 9 with a hump-backed enclosure over the cockpits. While this definitely did not add to the beauty, pilot Scott claimed a cruise increase of 10mph while flying his creation for the Arkansas Power & Light Co [5061].
(Orval M) Hooten Aircraft Co, Springfield IL.
HT-1 1929 = 4pCB; 180hp Wright-Hisso; no data. [940E]. The reg was cancelled 1/30/31 when Hooten, as a company, went out of business, then relicensed 3/31/31 and sold. Reg cancelled 9/5/39.
Robert S Hopkins, Reidsville NC.
Falcon 1 c.1947 = 1pOlwM racer. [NX1223M].
Hopkins & Meade
W F Hopkins & T A Meade, San Diego CA.
Sport 1927 = 1pOhwM; 28hp Lawrance. Parasol wing; V-shaped fuselage cross-section. No performance data, but this bulky, short-spanned home-built didn't look like it would break any records for a 100-yard dash.
Bruce Hopper, Dallas TX.
GrassHopper 1933 = 1pOhwM; 40hp Szekely; span: 20'0" length: 18'6" v: 88/75/33. An early home-built, wood-framed ultralight.
1945: Hoppi-copters Inc (fdr: Horace T Pentecost), Boeing Field, Seattle WA. 1954: Capital Helicopter Corp.
101, 102, Firefly 1948 = 1pOH; 35hp 2-cylinder; rotor: 16'0" load: 190# v: 96/x/0 range: 90 (data for 102). Horace Pentecost. A bucket seat mounted to an motor and a tri-gear frame; two stacked coaxial rotors. It was hardly more than a strap-on flying device, but the first model in development, the 1945 model 101, was in fact strapped on the pilot's back. Weighing 90#, it could lift 200# with its 15hp motor. Evolved into the 1950 experimental Firefly with an 18' rotor powered by tip ramjets.
Mark V Horn, West Palm Beach FL.
Li'l Trouble c.1957 = 1pClwM; 100hp modified Continental C-90; span: 17'11" length: 17'0" v: 165/80/70. Strut-braced, cut-down Monocoupe wings, other parts from Aeronca, Piper Cub, Taylorcraft. [N7863B].
William E Horton, Santa Ana CA.
Horton Wingless Original [N87698] (Al Backstrom coll)
Horton Wingless with and without motors [N39C] (Frank Rezich coll)
Horton Wingless [N39C] (Popular Science)

Wingless 1951 = 2pC flying wing; two 225hp Jacobs and extended driveshafts; span: 40'0". Not truly wingless, but essentially a highly-modified Cessna UC-78 with a more airfoil-shaped fuselage than wing. POP: 1 [N39C]. Although this innovative protoype flew successfully, no backers were attracted, and the project was abandoned, with the plane eventually being deliberately burned.
Russell A "Curly" Hosler, Huntington IN.
1911 = Pusher biplane built by 14-year-old Hosler, in which he allegedly taught himself to fly, becoming one of the youngest pilots in the nation.
Hosler Cirrus Derby racer [R954W]

G&G Special 1930 = 1pOlwM; 90hp ACE. Racer with monopod wheel and outrigger supports, wing flaps, built in only 28 days, was designed for entry in Cirrus Derby, but it nosed over on take-off with a blown tire and could not compete. Initialized model name honored financial backers. Rebuilt for 1930 Nationals, it caught fire enroute and, although landed successfully, was damaged beyond economical repair; [R954W] c/n 4. Rebuilt in 1931; crashed during competition.
Fury 1938 = 1pCmwM rg; 450hp Curtiss D-12; span: 16'0" length: 28'0". Racer, planned for 1939 Nationals, only made short test flights. [NX14Y] c/n 1.

Russ was a friend, and I am slowly writing a biography of him. About the G&G Special, it did compete in the 1930 Derby and was doing quite well until he hit something on takeoff in Ohio. The tire blew and wrecked the airplane. Russ was injured in that crash. He rebuilt the plane and while in flight it caught fire, but he successfully landed it. It was subsequently rebuilt again and flown by another owner. I understand that it crashed fatally during a flight by the new owner. The story of the Fury (which I played in as a child) is wonderful for its nomadic existance. ( Phil Krause 4/9/05)
Houfe SEE Berkeley
Richard & Katherine Houstee, Memphis TN.
Blackhawk 1933 = 2pOlwM; 88hp Genet. No specs found. R Houstee. [NX11568] c/n 1001. Experimental license issued 5/1/34; first "sold" to Katherine K Houstee. The ship appears in CAA abstracts to have been used for experiments with various airfoils, and acquired a Wright- Gypsy in its travels through five other owners. Reg cancelled in 1948. Even the ladies were plane builders, and this was part of the team constructing the Manncraft Southern Crane..
1947: (D U) Howard Aero Inc, San Antonio TX. 1963: Acquired by Alamo Aero Service as Howard Aero Mfg Co, Div of Business Aircraft Corp.
250 1961 =. Design modification of Lockheed Lodestar as 10-14pClwM rg; two 1350hp Wright R-1820-56A; span: 68'7" length: 55'6" load: 8,000# v: 320/265/87 range: 2,100 ceiling: 20,000'; ff: 4/3/61 POP: unk.
350 1962 = Smaller version of model 500 as 10-12pClwM rg; span: 68'3" length: 58'6" load: 11,000# v: 410/300/93 range: 2,100 ceiling: 35,000'; ff: 4/1/62. POP: unk.
500 1959 (TC A1SW) = Modification and conversion of surplus Lockheed PV-1 to 10-14p executive transport; certificated in 1962. Two 2500hp P&W R-2800-CB-17; span: 70'4" length: 58'6" load: 22,000# v: 410/350/103 range: 2,600 ceiling: 35,000'; ff: 9/x/59. POP: unk.
Tri-Motor Travel Air c.1965 = Modification of a Beech Travel Air with an added 180hp Lycoming IO-360 in its nose. Production unknown.
Tyler Howell, Jonesville MI.
S 1932 = 1pOM; 40hp Salmson, later replaced by Ford Model A. [12863] c/n HW-1; changed hands in 1933, 1934, 1937, qnd 1938; reg cancelled 1948. Was a modified Heath? Concurrency of MI location and the same reg number as the Howell-Lutzky (below) suggests this is might be "W T Howell."
Phil Howell, Christiansburg VA.
Mignet HM-293 Himmelslaus 1970 = 1pOB; 72hp McCulloch. Based on French Flying Flea design. [N2931].
W T Howell & Victor Lutzky, Detroit MI.
1936 = 1pOhwM; 45hp Heath B-4; span: 29'0" v: 75/63/x. First tried as OmwM, which lacked stability. Likely modified from Heath plans. [12832] was noted, but that belonged to the Howell S (above), as well as a claimed "Feldman lightplane." Some knots are yet to be worked out on this one.
Howland Aero Design, Debary FL.
H-2 Honey Bee 199? = 1pOB; 40hp or 60hp Hirth.
H-3 Pegasus 199? = 1plwM; 25hp or 40hp Rotax, or 31hp Hirth.
HP-40 Warhawk 199? = 1pClwM scale replica of Curtiss Warhawk.
Steve W Hoynik, Milwaukee WI.
Butch BA-11 196? = 1pClwM; 65hp Continental A-65-8. [N11021].
HPK Aircraft Associates (Harold Hayden, Art Payne, and Robert Kinney of Engle Flying Service), Delaware Valley PA.
HPK SP-1 [N65X] (Tom Beamer coll)

SP-1 aka Engle HPK 1957 = 1pClwM; 115hp Lycoming O-235C; span: 25'0" length: 19'1" v: 160/145/50; 8/23/57. Won a reward for outstanding workmanship in 1958. POP: 1 [N65X].
J Hruby, Riverwoods IL.
Cayuse 1966 = 1pClwM; 100hp Continental O-200. All fuel was carried in tip tanks. [N12057].
Sandy Hudson Jr, Black Mountain NC.
2-2-E Thing 1979 = 2pOhwM; two 18hp Briggs & Stratton; span: 24'0" length: 20'0# load:220# v: 80/65/x; ff: 7/17/79. [N1035G].
Trimotor c.1962 = Powered Schweizer 1-19 sailplane. 1pChwM; three 6hp West Bend go-cart engines; span: 36'5" length: 21'0" load: 220# v: 55/45/x range (powered flight): 20. Two engines were mounted on stub wings beside the cockpit, one on the turtle-deck. POP:1 [N91817].
Sanders V Hudson & William B Harris, Black Mountain NC.
Hudson 32

32 aka Harris & Hudson Longster 1932 = 1pOhwM; 21hp Henderson; span: 32'0" length: 21'6". Powered version of one of Hudson's glider designs used a Longster wing. POP: 1 [11576]; registration transferred as [NX] to a glider (Hudson OLM) in 1938.
Hudson & O'Brien
John Hudson & Clifton O'Brien, San Francisco CA.
1909 = 1pOmwM. Blériot copy with a motor also built by the pair, that a copy of the Adams-Farwell rotary.
1910 = OB; 35hp Hudson & O'Brien chain-driving two 6'6" props; span: 40'0" length: 36'0". Quad gear.
R V Huey and John W Bulmer, Valley Center KS.
Buluey Sport H-2 1966 = 2pOhwM; 85hp Continental; v: x/95/x. All-metal
structure with fabric covering. [N6376V].
Glen Huffman Aircraft Co, Detroit MI.
1928 = 4pOB; 150hp Wright-Hisso E; span: 41'0" length: 23'6". Steel-tube construction, fabric covered; thick, single-bay wings. Active into the '30s, then was dismantled. Sold, and was under reconstruction in Arkansas when it was destroyed by a 1933 windstorm [C4223].
Huggins SEE Graham-Perren
George Andrew Hughes, 1507 Garfield St (dba King of Flight Aircraft Co, 3830 Touzalin Ave), Lincoln NB.
1893 1932 = 2pOM; 575hp Wright Whirlwind. [12537] c/n KOF-1.

Reported to CAA as not completed 10/18/32, and the reg was cancelled on 11/1/34, probably as still not completed then. ( J M Jarratt 7/2/05)
C A Hughes Jr, Elon College NC.
Dixie Special 1933 = 1pOhwM; 45hp Szekely SR-3; span: 23'9" length: 15'0" v: 100/x/45. POP: 1 modification from original Russell plans [11562].
1934: (Howard R) Hughes Development Co, Glendale CA; 1936: Hughes Aircraft Div, Hughes Tool Co, Culver City, Burbank CA. 1948: Aircraft Div, Hughes Tool Co. 1972: Hughes Helicopters Div, Summa Corp. 1984: Helicopter Div acquired by McDonnell-Douglas.
Hughes 77

77 SEE McDonnell-Douglas H-64.
200 c.1957 = 2pCH model 269A; 180hp Lycoming O-360; rotor: 25'4" length: 22'4" load: 680# v: 87/80/0 range: 195 ceiling: 14,000'. $24,875; POP: 200 (1963).
300 c.1958 = 3pCH models 269B, -C; 225hp Lycoming HIO-360-A1A; rotor: 27'3" length: 30'10" load: 1000# v: 95/83/0 range: 220 ceiling: 14,000'. $29,875; POP: nearly 2,000 produced before licensing the product line to Schweitzer in 1986.
Hughes 500 (Boeing)

500 c.1963 = 5pCH as model 369; 420hp Allison 250; load: 1650# v: x/160/x range: 160. More than 4,500 delivered worldwide.
A-37, D-2, DX-2 1943 = 2pCM; two P&W R-2800-49; span: 60'5" load: 5200#
v: 430/x/110 range: 1000; ff: 6/20/43 (p: Hughes). The story of this twin-boom Duramold-designed plane will probably never be known in full. It was conceived in 1939 as a 5p bomber with 42-cyl Wright Tornado engines, and in the end appeared as 2p fighter-recon with the designation D-2A. The prototype was brought to Harper's Dry Lake CA in great secrecy in 1943, where flight tests led to a decision to change to an entirely new laminar-flow wing with greater span, and a new designation of D-5. That was not to be, however. A mysterious lightning strike hit the hangar (former employees swear it's true) and the D-2A was destroyed. Eventually an all-metal R-11 evolved instead. Two AAF designations were reserved for the project, XA-37 and XP-73, the latter cancelled.
F-11 = Redesignated R-11.
Hughes H-4 (Hughes)
Hughes H-4 cockpit with HRH (Los Angeles Mirror-News)
Hughes H-4 Miscellaneous (Summa Corp)

H-4 Hercules 1947 = ChwMFb; eight 3000hp P&W R-4360; span: 320'6" length: 218'6" load (projected est): 400,000# ceiling (actual): 12'. Richard B Murrow et al. The world's largest flying boat (200 tons). Nicknamed "Spruce Goose," although spruce was not used in its all-wood construction. Wingspan was greater than three B-17 Flying Fortresses, 55' longer than a B-36, and 79'3" tall. POP: 1 [NX37602]. An object of much government controversy, it only made one flight for about a mile on 11/2/47 (v: 94mph). Held thereafter in guarded secrecy at Long Beach until finally being released in 1981 for commercial display alongside SS Queen Mary in Long Beach harbor. In storage and restoration at Evergreen Air Museum (OR) for display.
Hughes XH-17 (George Marrett coll)

H-17 1952 = CH flying crane; two 3400# GE J35, whose compressors fed burners at the rotor tips; rotor: 134'0" length: 49'0" load: 27,000# v: 80/60/0 range: 40. Originally designed by Kellett Aircraft Corp. Although capable of lifting 50,000#, tests were "somewhat less than successful." POP: 1 as XH-17. A following similar version, XH-28, was not built.
Hughes XH-28 Design project (Hughes)

H-28 - Mock-up, predesignated XH-28, as proposed a follow-up version of XH-17.
H-55 Osage 1964 = CH model 269C; data similar to civil 300. POP: 792 as TH-55A [64-18001/18020, -18025/18239, 65-13045/13068, -18240/18263, 66-9027/9118, -18264/18355, 67-15371/15449, 67-16687/17002].
HO-2 1958 = CH model 269A. POP: 5 as YHO-2 [58-1324/1328].
Hughes YOH-6A (Boeing)

HO-6, H-6, OH-6 1962 = CH model 369; T63-A turboshaft. POP: 1,193 as YOH-6A [62-4211/4216, 65-12916/13003, 66-7775/7942, -14376/14419, -17750/17833, 67-16000/16686, -18356/18404, 68-17140/17369, 69-15960/16075].
P-73 - Reserved designation but project cancelled; SEE A-37.
Hughes XR-11 [44-70155]
Hughes XR-11A [44-70156]
Hughes XR-11A [44-70156]

R-11 (F-11) 1946 = 2pCcwM; two 3000hp P&W R-4360; span: 101'4" length:
65'5" v: 450 range: 5000. Twin-boom recon designed for the long-range photographic role, evolved from D-2. POP: 2. First prototype, XR-11 [44-70155], was fitted with eight-blade, contra-rotating props, the malfunction of which caused the airplane to crash on its first flight, 7/7/46, nearly killing its pilot, Howard Hughes. A second prototype, XR-11A [44-70156], had standard Curtiss four-blade props and flew in 1947, was turned over to the AAF for evaluation, but a contract for 98 units [44-70157/-70254] was cancelled with the advent of war's end and dawning of the jet age.
Hughes Special [NR258Y] (Delmar Watson, Los Angeles Times)

Special, Model 1-A, 1-B aka H-1 1935 = 1pOlwM rg; 700hp P&W Twin Wasp SA; span: 25'3" length: 28'2" (?>27'0"); ff: 8/18/35 (p: Hughes). Max Harlow, Richard Palmer. Set new closed-course speed record of 352mph on 1935, was modified as Model 1-B with 1000hp P&W, 280-gal fuel tanks, and new 32'0" wing for entry into 1936 Bendix, but Hughes withdrew [NX/NR258Y]. Set new transcontinental record of 7h:28m:25s on 1/19/37, with 332mph avg speed. Repowered with 1100hp P&W in 1937. Appeared in 1940 film, "Men Against the Sky," as an experimental fighter design. Model H-1 designation, never used by Hughes in reference to this plane (although he did adopt this H-line in subsequent military design projects), was coined by writers in aviation magazines. Donated to NASM. A faithful replica (qv Wright-Hughes) was built in 2003, crashed on 8/4/03, killing its builder-pilot, Jim Wright.
Hughes XV-9A (Boeing)

V-9 "Hot Cycle" 1964 = High-speed helicopter research. 2pCH; two GE YT64 gas generators; rotor: 55'0" length: 45'7" load: 6750# v: 170. Air from engine compressors was ducted through the rotor blades to propulsion nozzles at the tips. POP: 1 as XV-9A [64-15107].
Adolph B Hugo, Tulsa OK.
Hu-Go Craft 1965 = 1pOB; 65hp Continental A-65; span: (upper) 17'0" (lower) 15'0" load: 290# v: 115/105/55 range: 210. [N29H].
Dane Hulbert, no location.
Hulbert (1913 Jane's AWA)
1910 = 1pOB with laterally-placed wings, long-shaft pusher-tractor propellers; unspecified motor. 1913 Jane's claimed: "... achieved several flights." Said to have been built in Switzerland, but flown in USA.
(J Morry) Hummel Aircraft, Bryan OH.
Hummelbird 1981 = 1pClwM; 25hp Volkswagen; span: 18'0" length: 13'4" load: 280# v:120/95/45 range: 300. Modified Watson Windwagon. POP: 1 [N3765H].
Humphreys SEE Melberg-Greenemeier
A E Hunt, Jetmore KS.
1910 = 1pOH with tandem rotor; 40hp engine. An iron monster. When tests showed the machine to be underpowered and overweight, Hunt abandoned his brainchild unflown. See Sidebar
Bill Hunt, Moneta (Los Angeles) CA.
1927 = 1pOhwM; Wright Whirlwind; span: 50'0" range: 3500. 550-gal fuel tanks. POP: 1, designed for long-distance commercial flying.
Racer SEE Ranger Racer.
Special 1938 = 1pOB; 145hp Warner Scarab. A completely redesigned Great Lakes 2T-1 sporting a Luscombe Phantom cowling, a Monocoupe landing gear, elliptical wingtips, I-struts, and other novel effects. POP: 1 [X312Y]; rebuilt c.1960 by a new owner and registered once again as a Great Lakes.
U M Hunt, Kansas City MO. 1930: Hunt Aircraft Mfg Co, Fiskeville RI.
1930 = 3pCM; 120hp Anzani in 1930 and Lambert in 1936. [685W] c/n 1.
Special 1928 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [X7035] c/n 1.
Hunt Hummingbird SEE Glenview
Ralph V Hunt & William Rettig, Kansas City MO.
Special 1928 = 3pOM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 31'0". Ralph A Beal. [5658]; reg cancelled in 1930.
Charles Hunter, Chicago IL.
SA-3 1934 = 2pOM; 93hp Progressive. [14800] c/n SA-3001.
(Howard) Huntington Aircraft Co Inc, New York NY. 1916: Acquired by Empire State Aircraft Corp, Hempstead Plains NY. 1929: (Chester & Howard) Huntington Aircraft Corp, 1188 Main St, Bridgeport CT; 587 Broad St, Stratford CT. 1932: Ended operations.
1914 Huntington (Aerial Age)

1914 = Curio with six short-span, lateral wings arched in a gull fashion. No record of having flown.
Huntington (clip: 1915 Flying)

1915 = 1-2pOB; 90hp Gyro Duplex. Mid-wing ailerons.
1917 = 2pOB. Trainer for unsuccessful military evaluation.
Huntington HD-11[X36V] (Ted Koch via Skyways)

H-11, H-11K Governor 1931 = 2pChwM; 110hp Warner Scarab, 120hp Chevrolet D-333, or 125hp Kinner B-5; span: 35'7" length: 23'5" load: 550-590#. Strutless cantilever wing. $5,850 all versions; POP: 3 [27V, X36V, 11040], the last being Kinner-powered H-11K.
Huntington HD-12 Action art from an old ad, and 3-view

H-12, HD-12 Chum 1922 = 2pOhwM*; 37hp Continental A-40 or 45hp Szekely SR-3 or 85hp Genet*; span: 33'5" length: 22'10". Dwight Huntington (designer of Packard LePere pursuit). Side-by-side cockpit, braced shoulder wing. $1,550 for A-40, $1,750 for SR-3, $1,950 for Genet; POP: 3 [NX741Y=NX707Y, NX792Y, 11039]. * An article in a 1922 Aerial Age described the Huntington H-12 built in Hempstead NY as a 1pOhwM with a braced shoulder-wing, and powered by a 12hp V-type motorcycle engine that allegedly got it moving at 60mphspan: 20'0" length: 14'6" load: 180# v: 60/52/30 range: 250 ceiling: 7,500'. Empty wt: 220#. "Strong enough to take any engine up to 30hp and 150# weight ... such as Lawrance A-3." It could be that H-12 was the smaller single-place and HD-12 the larger planea guess unsubstantiated.
Huntington Airplane Co, Huntington WV.
1920 = 4pOB; 150hp Wright-Hisso A; span: 48'0" length: 25'0". Company was apparently unrelated to the other two of the same name. Registered [219] c/n HH1sub in 1927, as [C219] in 1929. Reported to CAA as "temporarity dismantled, possibly permanent" in Feb 1930; reg cancelled 5/9/30.
E P Hurd Co, Aeronautic Div, 5820 Fischer Ave, Detroit MI.
Monoplane 1928 = 2pOlwM; 60hp Detroit Air Cat; span: 32'4" length: 20'0" load: 535# v: 100/85/35 range: 340. Also suitable for 60-80hp LeBlond, Anzani, and similars. [2456].
HM-1 1929 = 2pOlwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D; span: 32'5" length: 20'0" load: 531# v: 105/95/35 range: 425. $3,000; POP: 3 [4986, 486M c/n 2, X558M c/n 1].
Mildred Caldwell, Margaret Hurlburt, Anna Logan, Cleveland OH.
Hurlburt (Camburn) Special [NX1223] (WASM coll)

Hurricane (Special) 1947 = 1pOmwM; 85hp Continental C-85. Designed and built by three ladies, but barred from Goodyear competition because the event was restricted to male pilots! Midget racer [NX1223] eventually was flown as Camburn Special in some competitions by Eugene "Joe" Smith.
LeRoy Hurry, no location.
J-1 Sport 1961 = 1pClwM; 65hp Continental A-65; span: 25'6" length: 18'6" load: 460# v: 95/90/50 range: 400; ff: 11/11/61. Built in 11 months from various Piper J-3 and PA-12 parts for $1,000. Refitted with 85hp Continental. POP: 1 [N8646E].
1918: (J W) Hurst Aeroplane & Motor Co (pres: I J O'Malley), Terre Haute IN.
Pappilon 1919 = 2pOB; no data or specs found. E A "Gus" Riggs. News clips report of four to six planes "under way," but no record of a finished product was found.
Bill Husk, Dublin GA.
The Clip 19?? = 2pChwM; 100hp Lycoming. Built up from Piper J-3 parts. [N16J].
Caribbean Traders Inc, Miami FL.
I, II, III c.1950 = Conversion of surplus Stinson/Convair L-13A as Husky I with 250hp Franklin O-425-9, Husky II with 300hp Lycoming R-680-13, and Husky III with P&W R-975-7. POP: unknown, but all were contracted for bush work in Central and South America.
William L Hutchinson, Huntington NY.
WLH-1 1957 = 1pCmwM; 90hp Franklin; load: 214# span: 13'2" length: 17'0" v: 180/150/85. Empty wt: 535#. POP: 1 midget racer [N9W].
Hutchinson Aircraft Co, Bay St Louis MS.
AG Master 198? = 1pOmwM; span: 28'8" length: 17'6" load: 550# v: x/x/52. [N185AG].
Hynes SEE Brantly
"It's a good landing if you can still get the doors open." Anonymous