REVISED: 12/11/08
Fairchild, Fairchild-Hiller, Fairchild-Republic, Fairchild-Swearingen
1920: (Sherman Mills) Fairchild Aerial Camera Corp (aerial photography & mapping). 1922: Subsidiary Fairchild Aerial Surveys of Canada Ltd, Longueuil Canada. 1925: Fairchild Aircraft Mfg Co, Farmingdale NY. 1929: Acquired Kreider-Reisner Aircraft Co. 1929: Acquired by AVCO as Fairchild Aviation Corp. 1930: Recapitalization, sold AVCO holdings. 1931: Reformed as American Airplane & Engine Co. 1931: Kreider-Reisner Aircraft Div, Fairchild Corp, Hagerstown MD. 1934: Fairchild Aircraft Corp. 1936: Fairchild Engine & Airplane Corp. 1937: Acquired Duramold Corp. 1939: Farmingdale NY. 1945: Subsidiary Fairchild Industries Ltd, Quebec Canada. 1947: Winfield KS. 1961: Fairchild Stratos Corp. 1964: Acquired Hiller Helicopters as Fairchild-Hiller. 1972: Fairchild-Republic Co, Fairchild Industries. 1976: Fairchild Industries Inc, Germantown MD. 1984: Fairchild-Hiller assets sold to Rogerson Aircraft Corp as Rogerson-Hiller, Port Angeles WA (who in 1994 sold to Stanley Hiller Jr). 19??: Fairchild Aerospace Corp, San Antonio TX. 2000: Acquisition by US-German financial consortium, Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Inc-Allianz Capital Partners.
The famous Fairchild aerial camera
NOTE: During WW2 Fairchild built 300 Curtiss SC2B under license as XSBF-l, SBF-l, -3 and -4E, plus components for Grumman F7F amd Vought F4U. Canadian Fairchild, as well, produced 600 Bristol Blenheim Mk IVs and 676 Bristol Bolingbrokes, and utility Argus (F24).
Fairchild 21 [X139E] (Frank Tallman coll)
Fairchild 21 3-view (Aircraft Year Book)

21 1928 = 2pOlwM; 85hp Genet; span: 28'3" length: 21'6" load: 495# v: 105/90/40 range: 425. $4,250; POP: 2 or 3 [X138E/139E, x]. Semi-cantilever wing; interchangeable rudder and elevators.
The Fairchild Freaky Four (NASA)

Four Fairchild 22s were acquired and reconfigured by NACA for wind-tunnel and flight testing, even to the extreme of one used for flight tests of retractable ailerons on a tapered low wing, results of which were reported by J W Wetmore in NACA TN.714 as "a flight investigation ... to determine the lateral-control characteristics of retractable ailerons installed on a highly tapered wing ... retractable ailerons tested in this investigation gave approximately the same degree of control as plain ailerons of equal span with which the airplane was previously equipped. The amount of control available with the retractable ailerons was not sufficient to be considered satisfactory owing, apparently, to their rather short span (0.327 of the wing span). With the aileron span increased to between 0.50 and 0.60 of the wing span, a satisfactory degree of control would probably be obtained." We wonder where that unique and sporty-looking "upside-down" 22 ultimately went after testing was finished?
Fairchild 22C-7 [NC11649] (Frank Rezich coll)

22C-7 1931 (ATC 408) = 2pOhwM; 75hp Michigan Rover L-267; span: 32'10" length: 22'0" load: 530# v: 107/90/43 range: 350. George Hardman. Remarketed Kreider-Reisner C-7 with new tail design; prototype had 85hp Genet [X783W]. $2,675; POP: 13.
Fairchild 22C-7A [NC13161] (Frank Rezich coll)

22C-7A 1931 (ATC 438) = 95hp Cirrus Hi-Drive; span: 32'10" length: 21'8" load: 574# v: 114/94/45 range: 290. $2,775, $2,275 in 1933; POP: about 58.
Fairchild 22C-7B [NC12760] (Frank Rezich coll)

22C-7B 1932 (ATC 483) = 125hp Menasco C-4; span: 32'10" length: 21'11" load: 590# v: 125/106/45 range: 400. $3,450; POP: 8.
22C-7C 1932 (ATC 2-429) = 90hp de Havilland Gypsy. POP: 1 to Canada.
Fairchild 22C-7D [NC9480] (Ralph Nortell)

22C-7D 1933 (ATC 503) = 90hp Wright-Gypsy; span: 32'10" length: 21'8" load: 558# v: 112/95/45 range: 350. $2,675; POP: 21 [NC2575, NC2579. NC2691, NC2693, NC2722, NC94789482, NC13193, NC14336/14340, NC14764/14768].
Fairchild 22C-7E [NC9383] (Frank Rezich coll)

22C-7E 1933 (ATC 515) = 125hp Warner Scarab; span: 32'10" length: 21'2" load: 648# v: 130/110/48 range: 380. Redesigned, rounded fuselage. $2,750; POP: 11 [NC2738, NC9383. NC9392/9396, NC9484/9486, NC13286].
22C-7F 1933 (ATC 517) = 145hp Warner Super Scarab; span: 32'10" length: 22'0" load: 617# v: 138/118/48 range: 400+. $3,480; POP: 9 [NC9379, NC9383, NC13284], 1 to USN/NACA as XR2K-1 [9998] and 5 unregistered exports to Mexico.
Fairchild 22C-7G [NC14788]
Fairchild 22C-7G Canopied cockpit [N14788] (Bernhard C F Klein coll)

22C-7G 1935 (ATC 564) = 22C-7F with higher gross weight, and new 33' wing; v: 135. $3,700; POP: 6 [NC14306, NC14786/14789, PPTBD].
Fairchild 24C-8 [NC13191] (Gordon Williams via Frank Rezich coll)

24C-8 1932 (ATC 475) = 4pChwM; 95hp Cirrus Hi-Drive; span: 35'8" length: 23'2" load: 570# v: 114/95/44 range: 330. George Hardman. First of the 15-year line of 24s. $3,360-3,450; POP: 10.
Fairchild 24-C8A [NC9397] (Joseph Abril)

24C-8A 1933 (ATC 497) = 125hp Warner Scarab; span: 35'8" length: 23'5" load: 617# v: 125/105/48 range: 360. $3,850; POP: 25+.
Fairchild 24C-8B (Ron Dupas coll)

24C-8B 1933 (ATC 498) = 125hp Menasco C-4; span: 35'8" length: 24'1" load: 617# v: 125/106/48 range: 365. $3,990; POP: 2 [NC13172, NC13173].
Fairchild 24-C8C [NC14794] (Dan Shumaker)

24C-8C 1934 (ATC 535) = 145hp Warner Super Scarab; span: 36'4" length: 23'9" load: 796# v: 138/120/45 range: 500. $4,000; POP: 130.
24C-8D 1935 (ATC 576) = 145hp Ranger 6; span: 36'4" length: 24'6" load: 960# v: 135/120/43 range: 500. $4,990; POP: at least 14.
Fairchild 24C-8E [X16846] (Frank Rezich coll)

24C-8E 1936 (ATC 600) = 145hp Warner Super Scarab; span: 36'4" length: 23'9" load: 937# v: 135/120/55 range: 480. $5,390; POP: more than 50.
24C-8F 1936 (ATC 610) = 150hp Ranger 6; span: 36'4" length: 24'10" load: 864# v: 130/120/50 range: 460. $5,540; POP: 41, of which 1 [NC16815] to USAAF as UC-61J, 4 to USCG as J2K-1.
Fairchild 24G [N73506] (Dan Shumaker coll)

24G Deluxe 1937 (ATC 633) = 3p with 145hp Warner Super Scarab; span: 36'4" length: 23'10" load: 925# v: 130/118/48 range: 475. $5,290; POP: 100, of which 1 [NC19116] to USAAF as UC-61H.
Fairchild 24H Deluxe [NC16906] (Frank Rezich coll)

24H Deluxe 1937 (ATC 632) = 3p with 150hp Ranger 6; span: 36'4" length: 24'10" load: 850# v: 133/122/50 range: 470. $6,190; POP: 25.
Fairchild 24J Classical cabin (K O Eckland)
 24J 1937 (ATC 663) = 145hp Warner Super Scarab; span: 36'4" length: 23'10" load: 1135# v: 132/120/48 range: 500. $6,190; POP: 40, of which 1 to USAAF as UC-61; to RAF as Argus I.
Fairchild 24K [NC20612] (William T Larkins)

24K 1937 (ATC 667) = 150hp Ranger 6; span: 36'4" length: 24'10" load: 1054# v: 138/124/48 range: 500. $6,530; POP: 34, of which 3 [NC8459, NC20605, NC20611] to USAAF as UC-61E. WW2 exports as Argus were serialized by USAAF as UC-61K.
Fairchild 24R-9 [NC13191] (Reid Patterson via Frank Rezich coll)

24R-9 1939 (ATC 706) = 175hp Ranger 6-410; span: 36'4" length: 24'10" load: 1054# v: 138/126/48 range: 520. $6,800; POP: 60 by Fairchild, about 150 by TEMCO (as 24-R46). 3 [NC18585, NC18686, NC18690] to USAAF as UC-61F, USN as GK-1. Rights sold to TEMCO in 1946.
Fairchild 24W-9 CAA [NC99] (Frank Rezich coll)

24W-9 1939 (ATC 707) = 145hp Warner Super Scarab; span: 36'4" length: 23'9" load: 1135# v: 135/122/48 range: 500. $6,845; POP: Fairchild ?, Temco (as 24-W46 but 165hp Warner) about 150; to RAF as Argus II. Military data same as 24-R9.
F24W (Canada) 1942 = Argus production for RCAF; 1 US civil as F24W-41A [NC37194], impressed by USAAF as UC-61FA [42-97435].
Fairchild 41 [X390] (Fairchild)

41, 41-A Foursome 1927 = 4pChwM; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 45'6" length: 30'4". John Lee; ff: 11/19/27. Essentially a smaller version of 71 with folding wings. POP: 1 each; prototype 41 [X390] c/n 1, and 300hp 41-A prototype for 42 [NC146H] c/n 2.
Fairchild 42 [146H] (Roger Seybel coll via Andrew Seybel)

42 Foursome 1929 (ATC 242, 2-127, 2-203) = 4pChwM; 330hp Wright J-6; span: 45'6" length: 30'6" load: 1448# v: 130/109/56 range: 700; ff: 7/29/29. Folding wings. $13,000; POP: 8, included 4 converted from Models 41 and 41-A [NC81M, NC106M, NC146H, NC361N, NC390, NC246V, NC757Y, X9183], with the first one as a 5p modification under (2-203). (2-127) replaced by (242).
Fairchild 45 [NC15060] (Fairchild)

45 1935 (ATC 588) = 5pClwM rg; 225hp Jacobs L-4; span: 39'6" length: 28'11" load: 1323# v: 160/147/48 range: 620. George Hardman. $17,400; POP: 1 [NC15060]; ff: 5/31/35 (p: Richard Henson).
Fairchild 45-A [NC16879] (Dan Shumaker)
Fairchild 45-A 1939 colors [NC16363] (Morrisson-Reeves Library, Richmond IN)

45-A 1936 (ATC 603) = 5pClwM rg; 320hp Wright R-760-6; span: 39'6" length: 30'1" load: 1488# v: 170/164/57 range: 650 ceiling: 19,500'. $12,000; POP: 16 [NC15955 c/n 4001, NC16361/16365 c/ns 4002/4006, NC16864/16880 c/ns 4010/4016], of which 2 to USN as JK-1, plus 2 unregistered to Argentine Navy (c/ns 4007/4008) and 1 retained as a company demonstrator (c/n 4009). [NC16361] to South Africa as [ZS-AML] c.1937.
Fairchild 45-80 (Dan Shumaker)

45-80 Sekani (Canada) 1938 = 10pChwM; two P&W Wasp Jr. POP: 2.
Fairchild 46-A [NC19131] (Frank Rezich coll)

46-A SEE Clark Duramold 46.
Fairchild 51 [NC757Y] (AAA)

51 1930 (ATC 357 2-86, 2-259) = 5pChwM; 300hp Wright J-6; span: 44'0" length: 31'0" load: 1500# v: 130/110/50 range: 525-670. POP: 1 converted from FC-2 [NC757Y]. (2-259) for floats.
Fairchild 51-A [ex-NC6800]

51-A 1930 (ATC 358, 2-241) = 300hp P&W Wasp Jr; span: 44'0" length: 31'0". POP: 1 converted from FC-2W [NC6800], to RCAF; 3 [NC6800, NC6851, NC8009] impressed as UC-61D. (2-241) superseded by (358).
51-B 1929 = 315hp Ranger V-12 as a test bed. POP: 1, converted back to 51 [X8017].
Fairchild 71 [NC24K] (Gene Palmer coll)

71 1928 (ATC 89, 2-244, 2-314) = 7pChwM; 420hp P&W Wasp; span: 50'2" length: 33'0" load: 1427# v: 138/110/52 range: 650. Folding wing. $18,900, $22,400 for floatplane. (2-244) for one with allowable weight increase for bush operations; (2-314) for 450hp P&W Wasp SC as 71 Special. POP: 90, with about 15 71-E to AAC as C-8/YF-1. Series evolved into Pilgrim 100 in 1931 by way of Fairchild 100.
71-A 1930 (ATC 289, 2-290) = 7pChwM; 420hp P&W Wasp; span: 50'2" length: 32'11" load: 2344# v: 135/110/57 range: 700. From FC-2W2. $18,900, $13,500 in 1931; POP: 3 [NC9154, NC9170, NC952V]; last one as 5p under (2-290).
Fairchild 71-B [CF-AHG] (E J Young coll)

71-B 1928 (ATC 89) = 7p with 410hp P&W Wasp B. POP: 7. Also first production by Canada Fairchild was 71-B as a more rugged, spartan version for bush operations; several later taken by RCAF. POP: 12.
Fairchild 71-C [GYWB (RCAF Museum)

71-C, -CDM (Canada) 1929 = Canadian version of 71-B. POP: 4 [GYWA, GYWB, GCYVY, GCYVZ], plus 5 fuselages.
71-E 1930 = Military production as prototype Army XF-1 [29-325]. SEE C-8.
Fairchild Super 71 (Fairchild Canada)

71-P, Super 71 (Canada) 1934 = Freighter, photo-survey. 1-9pO/ChwM; 600hp P&W Wasp S2H1-G; span: 58'0" length: 36'2" load: 2400# v: 142/120/x range: 800 ceiling: 19,000'. Dural monocoque fuselage, metal wings and tail; wheels or twin-pontoon; pilot in forward cabin in 71-P, in open/hatched cockpit aft of the cabin in the others. POP: 2 Super 71, 1 71-P.
72 1929 = 7pClwM; 410hp P&W Wasp B. POP: 2: prototype [51K], which crashed on test flight, [X114M]; possibly one other.
81 1929 = 8pChwM; 525hp P&W Wasp C or 400hp Armstrong-Siddeley Jaguar. POP: 1 prototype as an aerial photography ship for RCAF [N115M].
82, 82-A, -B (Canada) 1935 = 6-11pChwMF; 450hp P&W Wasp; span: 51'0" length: 36'11" load: 1970# v: 141. POP: 24 built by Canada Fairchild for bush work; one modified as 82-B with 550hp P&W S3; several exported to Mexico and South America. Design evolved into post-war F-11 prototype.
Fairchild 91 Prototype [NC14743] (Dan Shumaker coll)
Fairchild 91 Fixed floats [NC14744] (clip: PanAm coll)

91 (A-942-A) Baby Clipper 1935 (ATC 587) = 10pChwMAm; 750hp P&W Hornet; span: 56'0" length: 46'8" load: 3200# v: 173/155/63 range: 730. Alfred Gassner. $41,300-60,000, depending on extent of customizing; POP: 3 [NC14743 (prototype with retractable wing floats, and Zap flaps), NC14744=PPPAP, NC15952=PPPAT]. Most had engine conversions throughout their careers.
91-B (A-942-B) Jungle Clipper 1936 (ATC 605) = 10pChwMAm; 760hp Wright Cyclone; span: 56'0" length: 46'8" load: 3200# v: 175/155/63 range: 610-720. POP: 1 specially equipped for NYC Museum of Natural History [NR777]. Some data show POP: 3 Model 91 and 4 Model 91-B, likely explaining subsequent motor changes.
Fairchild 100 [NC754Y] (Aerofiles coll)

100 1930 (ATC 390) = 9-10pChwM; 575hp P&W R-1340 Wasp; span: 57'0" length: 38'1" load: 2800-3388# v: 141/120/59 (?>136/118/65) range: 432; ff: 10/22/30. Virginius Clark. POP: 1 [NC754Y].
Fairchild 100-A [NC712Y] (Dan Shumaker coll)

100-A 1931 (ATC 443) = Production 100 for American Airways (Airlines); ff: 7/14/31. $28,750; POP: 16, aka Pilgrim 100-A, also seen as America Pilgrim and mistakenly credited as built by American Airways.
American Pilgrim (Fairchild) Y1C-24 [29-411] (Gene Palmer coll)

100-B 1931 (ATC 470) = Modified 100 with larger fin. POP: 10; of which 6 to American Airways, 4 to AAC as American/Fairchild Y1C-24, aka Pilgrim 100-B.
135 1931 = 2pOB; 145hp Ranger 6. Similar to KR-125.
140 1931 = 2pOB; 310hp Ranger V-770. Virginius Clark. POP: 1 [X756Y].
150 1932 = 12pClwM; 575hp Wright Cyclone. All-metal monocoque fuselage; later with fixed gear. POP: 1 prototype built by Fairchild [X775N]; to Japan as a GA-43. For data SEE General Aviation GA-43, North American GA-43.
Fairchild AT-14 (USAF Museum)
Fairchild AT-21 Civil conversion [NX25663] (K O Eckland coll)

AT-13, -14, -21 Gunner 1942 = Bomber crew and gunnery trainer, originally evisioned as a light bomber. 5pCmwM rg; two 310hp Ranger V-770-11; span: 52'8" length: 37'0" load: 3800# v: 195 range: 870 ceiling: 22,400'. Duramold construction. Contract production of AT-21 also by Bellanca and McDonnell.
Fairchild XAT-13 [41-19500] (Fairchild)

XAT-13 1942 = Two 600hp P&W R-1340-AN-1, conventional gear. POP: 1 prototype [41-19500].
XAT-14 1943 = Two 520hp Ranger V-770-6, tri-gear. POP: 1 [41-19503].
XAT-14A 1943 = Nose gun and turret removed as bombardier trainer. POP: 1 modification of XAT-14.
Fairchild AT-21 (Douglas), and McDonnell production line 1943 (McDonnell Douglas)

AT-21 Gunner 1943 = Production version of XAT-14. POP: total 175; Fairchild: 106 [42-11679/11753, -76615/76645], Bellanca: 39 [42-48052/48090], McDonnell: 30 [42-48412/48441].
AU-23 Peacemaker SEE U-23
C-8, F-1 - 3-7p 71 as cargo or photo plane, with similar data.
Fairchild XC-8 [29-325] (USAF Museum)

XC-8 1929 = 410hp P&W R-1340. POP: 1, temporarily redesignated as XF-1 [29-325].
Fairchild C-8 [30-391] (William T Larkins)
Fairchild C-8 [30-389] (USAAC via Gordon Williams coll)

C-8 (YF-1) 1930 = Production model. POP: 8 [30-388/395].
Fairchild F-1A (USAAC via TKnL coll)

C8-A (F-1A) 1931 = Second production batch. POP: 6 [31-463/468].
C-24 SEE 100-B, Pilgrim 100-B.
Fairchild XC-31 [34-026] (USAF Museum)

C-31, (Model 95) 1934 = Freighter. 2-15pChwM rg; 750hp Wright R-1820-25; span: 84'0" (?>75'0") length: 55'5" load: 5350# v: 155/136/52 range: 775 ceiling: 15,000'. 15 passengers or 3500# cargo. Appears on AAC inventory as Kreider-Reisner XC-31. Novel feature was cargo doors parallel with the ground to facilitate loading. POP: 1 XC-31 [34-026], tested at Wright Field with project number XC-941.
C-61 Forwarder - Civil Model 24, included those impressed by USAAF.
UC-61 1942 = POP: 102 [41-38764/38863, 42-13572/13583, -32117/32165, -94147, -97053]. The last 2 were impressed.
UC-61A 1942 = Impressed F24W-41A. POP: [42-53514, -57516, -97435].
UC-61B 1942 = Impressed 24J. POP: 1 [42-53523].
UC-61C 1942 = Impressed F24A-9. POP: 1 [42-70862].
UC-61D 1942 = Impressed 51A. POP: 3 [42-78031, -78033, -88619].
UC-61E 1942 = Impressed 24K. POP: 3 [42-78041, -88637, -94139].
UC-61F 1942 = Impressed 24R-9. POP: 3 [42-88613, -97419].
UC-61FA 1942 = Impressed F24W-41A. POP: 1 [42-97435].
UC-61G 1942 = Impressed 24W-40. POP: 2 [42-94127, -97433].
UC-61H 1942 = Impressed 24G. POP: 1 [42-97414].
UC-61J 1942 = Impressed 24C-8F. POP: 1 [42-107276].
Fairchild Argus III [G-BCBH] (Adrian Pingstone)

UC-61K 1942 = US-built 24K for export as Argus. POP: 190 [44-83036/83225].
C-82 Packet - 44pChwM; two 2100hp P&W R-2800-85; span: 106'6" length: 77'1" load: 24,300# v: 248/218/95 range: 3875 ceiling: 21,200'.
Fairchild XC-82 (Fairchild)

XC-82 1944 = POP: 1 [43-13202].
Fairchild C-82

C-82A 1945 (TC AR-15) = POP: 220 [44-22959/23058, 45-57733/57832, 48-568/587].
EC-82A 1948 = Firestone-designed tracked landing gear. Not a great
success. POP: 13 converted from C-82A.
XC-82B 1947 = 2650hp R-4360. Evolved into C-119 series. POP: 1 converted from C-82A [45-57769].
C-82N 1946 = North American-built version of C-82A. POP: 3 [45-25436/25438], 997 cancelled after VJ Day.
C-86 - Impressed and purchased Model 24s as UC-86 1942 = 24R-40. POP: [42-63350, -66385, -68852, -70861, -78029, -78034, -78040, -78043, -94142]. [42-78040] repowered and redesignated XUC-86B.
C-88 - Impressed F-45 as UC-88 [42-68675, -68677].
C-96 1942 = FC-2W2 impressed by USAAF; 410hp P&W R-1340 Held honors as the oldest active aircraft in military service at the time, despite the late s/ns. POP: 3 as UC-96 [42-78032, -88617/88618].
Fairchild C-119 (ad: Fairchild)

C-119 Flying Boxcar - Twin-engined military transport evolved from
C-82 with similar specs. Production of -119C and -119F also by Kaiser-Willow Run during Korean War.
XC-119A 1947 = Two 2650hp P&W R-4360-4. XC-82B modified to approximate production standards; ff: 11/x/47. POP: 1 [45-57769]. Later redesignated C-119A.
EC-119A 19?? = C-119A converted as an electronics flying test-bed. POP: 1 [45-57769].
C-119B 1949 = Dual-wheel landing gear. 3250hp R-4360-20; span: 109'3" length: 86'6" load: 31,850# v: 258/231/105 range: 1770. POP: 55 [48-0319/0355, 49-0101/0118].
C-119C 1950 (TC A21WE) = 3500hp R-4660; load: 34,200# v: 281/207/93 range: 1770. POP: 303 to USAF [49-0119/0199, 50-0119/0171, 51-2532/2584, -2587/2661, -8233/8273]. SEE ALSO R4Q-1.
C-119F 1951 (TC A6NW, A8NM) = 3500hp Wright R-3350-85; range: 2280. POP: 204 (?>210) to USAF [51-2662/2717, -7968/8052, -8098/8168], plus 1 as YC-119F [51-2586]. One [51-8119] with a special flat "beaver" tail and ventral loading ramp. A further 35 were delivered to RCAF. SEE ALSO R4Q-2.
C-119G 1952 (TC A24WE) = As C-119F but with Aeroproducts replacing Hamilton props. POP: 480 [51-8053/8097, -17365/17367, 52-5840/5954, -6000/6058, -9981/9982, 53-3136/3222, -4637/4662, -7826/7884, -8069/8156].
AC-119G Shadow 1967 = Gunship conversion of C-119G. POP: 26 [52-5898, -5905, -5907, -5925, et al]
Fairchild XC-119H [51-2585] (Fairchild)

XC-119H SkyVan (Model 160) 1952 = Redesign of C-119 Extended wing for increased cargo capacity. Two 3500hp R-3350-30W; span: 148'0" length: 95'8" load: 39,500# v: 263/187/71 range: 2150 ceiling: 22,500'; ff: 5/27/52 (p: Dick Henson). Walter Tydon. All fuel was in two 1700-gallon external pod-tanks. Payload: 30,000#. 50' obstacle take-off in 2280', land in 1733'. Test pilot reports told of normal-gross, single-engine climbing turns and vertical banks, as well as slow-flight at 70 mph with maintained altitude! Despite impressive test results, USAF looked instead to Lockheed C-130. $4,057,551; POP: 1 [51-2585].
C-119J 1956 = Beaver-tail conversion of C-119F/G. POP: 62.
EC-119J 19?? = Satellite tracker. POP: 4 converted C-119J.
C-119K (Model 484) 197? = Two 3700hp R-3350 and two 2850# J85-GE-17 turbojets in underwing pods. POP: 6 converted from AC-119G, included 1 as YC-119K.
AC-119K Stinger 1968 = Gunship version of C-119K. POP: 26 converted C-119G [52-5864, -5889, -5910/5911, et al].
C-119L 19?? (TC A5NW, A32CE, A35CE) = Modifications to C-119G. POP: 22.
Fairchild XC-120 [48-330] minus its pod (Fairchild)
Fairchild XC-120 The pantograph ladder (Fairchild)

C-120 Pack Plane 1950 = C-119B variant. 66pChwM with 2700 cu/ft detachable cargo pod; two 3250hp R-4360; span: 109'3" length: 82'10" v: 250/175/95 range: 2300; ff: 8/11/50. POP: 1 conversion as XC-120 [48-330].
C-123 Provider 1949 = 60pChwM rg, twin-engined military transport.
Originally design by Michael Stroukoff at Chase Aircraft Co, who built XC-123 and XC-123A. Production order for the former went to Fairchild.
C-123 Avitruc (Chase) 1949 = Chase XG-20 powered glider; two 1900hp P&W R-2800-83; ff: 10/14/49. POP: 1 as Chase XC-123 [47-786].
C-123A (Chase) 1951 = Second prototype, sister ship of the previous, but with four J47 turbojets paired in undwerwing pods; span: 110'0" length: 76'3"; ff: 4/21/51. POP: 1 as Chase XC-123A [47-787].
Fairchild C-123B [46-4362] (Ardmore AAFB coll)

C-123B Provider (TC A13SW) 1954 = Two 2300hp P&W R-2800-99; span: 110'0" length: 75'9" load: 30,100# v: 245/205/80 range: 1470 ceiling: 29,000'. POP: 302 [54-552/715, 55-4505/4577, 56-4355/4396, 57-6185/6202, -6289/6294], plus 5 built in 1953 by Chase as pre-production models [52-1627/1631].
C-123D, -123E (Stroukoff) 1955 = C-123 designation was also shared with Stroukoff Aviation Co for two aircraft, YC-123D modifed for boundary layer experiments [53-8068], and YC-123F equipped with "Pantobase" all-terrain landing gear [55-4031]. These were redesignated as Stroukoff YC-134 and YC-134A respectively.
YC-123H 1955 = Two additional J85 turbojets in underwing pods. POP: 1 [54-2956].
C-123J 1956 = Fitted with two 1000# J44 booster engines at the wingtips for use in Alaska. POP: 10 converted C-123Bs [54-0647, 56-4388/4396].

[54-0647] was prototype for the C-123J model which origanally had retractable wheel skis for use in the Arctic to resupply DEW sights across Alaska, Canada (I believe), and Greendland. However, due to the drag of the skis on thesnow, it was modified to add J-44-R-3 centrifugal-flow jet engines used mainly used for takeoff & climb, change to higher altitude, and landing, as they could only be operated for about one hour due to the engine lubrication system utilized. (This engine was originally developed as a drone engine needing only to operate for short periods before being checked and returned to service). After serving with SAC for 3 to 4 years, they were transferred in mid-1960 to the 144th Air Transport Squadron (Medium), Alaska ANG, Anchorage. The 144th later received authorization to remove the skis from 7 of the 10 aircraft. This modification, made at Middletown Air Material Area Depot PA, improved the performance of the aircraft. ( Robert Brown 5/7/01)
C-123K 1966 (TC A6NM, A13SW, A48NM) = Two additional 2850# General Electric J85 in underwing pods. POP: 183 converted from C-123B.
NC-123K aka AC-123K 196? = POP: 2 C-123K [54-0691, -0698] converted for armed night-time surveillance.
UC-123K 19?? = Defoliating missions in Vietnam. POP: 34 converted C-123K.
VC-123K 19?? = POP: 1 C-123K modified for use by Gen
Westmoreland in Vietnam [56-4375].
Fairchild Cornell [RCAF FH651] (Fairchild)

Cornell 1942 = RCAF designation of PT-26. SEE PT-19.
F24W SEE 24W.
Fairchild YF-1 [30-391] (Eugene Palmer coll)

F-1 SEE C-8
Fairchild F-11 [C-GCYV]

F-11 Husky (Canada) 1946 = 6-8pChwM; 450hp P&W R-985; span: 54'9" length: 37'5" load: 2200# v: 140/116/x. POP: 1.
F-27, FH227 Friendship 1958 (TC 7A1) = License-built version of Dutch Fokker Friendship. 40-44pChwM rg; two 1750hp R-R Mk 511-7E; span: 95'2" length: 77'2" load: 20,039# v: 287/273/81 range: 1,806 ceiling (one engine): 18,400'; ff: 4/15/58. $995,000; POP: 45.
F-27A 1958 = F-27, but 40-48p with two 2105hp Dart RDa.7 (Mk 528-7E); v: 303/300/84 range: 1,820 ceiling: 32,600'. POP: 47 (?>25).
F-27B 1958 = 20-40p; range: 1,876 v: 287/273/80. Large cargo door forward of the wing, convertible cargo-passenger interior. POP: 3.
F-27F 1961 = 10-40p customized business transport; v: 324/300/84 range: 2,820 ceiling: 33,200'. Center-wing fuel tanks, optional long-range tanks. $830,000; POP: 19.
F-27G 1963 = Freighter and military transport with heavy floor with tie-downs and skid-rail; v: 342/314/84 range: 3,500 ceiling: 33,200'. Long-range tanks. POP: ??.
F-27J 1965 = $1.9 million; POP: 14; prototype [N2700J].
F-27M 196? = POP: 2.
Fairchild-Hiller FH-227

FH-227 (Fairchild-Hiller) 1966 = No data.
FH-227B 1966 = $1.25 million.
Fairchild F-47 [NX41769] and [NX3135K] (Fairchild)

F-47 1947 (TC 5A1) = 4pClwM rg; 185hp Continental E-185; span: 36'0" length: 24'0" load: 1080# v: 175/158/51 range: 700. Sherman Fairchild, Donald Garges; styling by Raymond Loewy. Some data show 145hp Continental (v: 165), which might have been an original installation. All-metal entry in the post-war market had a partially-retracting nose gear to minimize damage in case of a wheels-up landing. POP: 3 flight models and 1 static tester. Prototype [NX41769], ff: 2/18/47 (p: Dave Lewis), was destroyed in a crash on 8/22/47, during spin testing after 138 flights. Production models [NX3155K] (also curiously mismarked with [NX3135K] on its tail), ff: 10/24/47 (p: Lewis), and [N3156K], ff: 5/11/48 (p: Bill Taylor), received ATC in March 1949, but Fairchild's Personal Planes Division closed its doors later that month, and the planes were finally scrapped in 1951.
Fairchild FB-3 [X7385] (Dean Ross coll)

FB-3 1928 = 4pChwMAm; 410hp P&W Wasp pusher. All-metal predecessor of 91 Baby Clipper; Arthur Stelb (Fairchild Metal Boat Division). Estimated data: span: 52'0" length: 41'0" load: 2400# v: 130/105/x range: 650. POP: 1 [X7385].
FC-1, -1A 1926 = 5pChwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 44'0" length: 30'0" load: 735# v: 97/x/40 (with flaps). Alexander Klemin, Norman McQueen; ff: 6/14/26. POP: 1; [C103] c/n 1, repowered with 200hp Wright J-4 as FC-1A. Fairchild's first production aircraft, specifically a camera ship for Fairchild Aerial Surveys.
Fairchild FC-2 [6370] (E J Young coll)
Fairchild FC-2 [3616] (Fairchild)

FC-2 1927 (ATC 10) = 5pChwM; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 44'0" length: 30'11" load: 1435# v: 122/103/53 range: 700. Fairchild's initial production run had upward-folding wings. POP: 118, of which 1 to USN as XJQ-1 [A7978], and 12 built under license by Canadian Vickers. Some converted to Model 51 with 300hp Wright J-6; in Canada to 51-A with 300hp P&W Wasp Jr.
Fairchild FC-2C [3023] (Joseph Juptner coll)

FC-2C 1928 (ATC 2-40) = 5pChwM; 160hp Curtiss Challenger; length: 31'6" load: 1361# v: 112/96/49 range: 750. POP: 6.
Fairchild FC-2L [RCAF Mseum)

FC-2L 1929 = Refitted with Armstrong-Siddely Lynx V-18 in Canada. POP: 1 to RCAF.
Fairchild FC-2W [NX5501]

FC-2W, -2W1 1927 (ATC 20) = FC-2 with 450hp P&W Wasp; span: 50'0" length: 31'0" load: 2182# v: 140/115/52 range: 1000. POP: 14 as FC2W, included Collyer & Mears' around-the-world plane of June 1928, City of New York [NX5501]; 3 [NC346J, NR19951, x] to USAAF as UC-96; 1 modified as FC-2W1 [GCAIP].
Fairchild FC-2W2 [NC13934] (AAA)
Fairchild FC-2W2 Byrd Stars and Stripes [NX8006]

FC-2W2 1928 (ATC 61) = FC-2W with greater payload; 450hp P&W Wasp; length: 33'2" load: 2768# v: 134/108/55 range: 750. several modified later as Models 61 and 71. POP: 31. Notable in the lot was [NX8002] c/n 138, R E Byrd's 1928 Antarctic photo plane, often misidentified in side-views as a rare tri-motor with that deceptive collector ring looking much like a propeller.
FT-1 1929 = 2pOlwM. Otto Koppen. POP: 1 prototype of 21 [NX8018].
GK 1942 = 24W as USN light transport. POP: 10 as GK-1 [09787/09788, 09790/09797, 99079].
H-26 SEE American Helicopter.
Fairchild J2K-1 [V-160] (USCG)

J2K 1942 = 24C-8F impressed as USCG J2K-1/-2. POP: 4 (V160/163).
Fairchild XJ2Q-1 [A-8486] (Fairchild)

J2Q, R2Q 1929 = XJQ-1 with 450hp P&W. POP 1 as XJ2Q-1 [A8486], later redesignated as XR2Q-1.
Fairchild JK-1 Two-star Command hack [0800] (Frank Rezich coll)

JK 1942 = Purchased 45-A. POP: 1 as JK-1 [0800]; records also show 2 impressed 45s [34112/34113].
Fairchild XJQ-1 [A-7078] (Fairchild)

JQ, RQ 1928 = USN use of civil FC-2; 220hp Wright J-5. POP: 1 as XJQ-1 [A7978], repowered with 450hp P&W R-340C as XJQ-2 and, later, XRQ-2.
Fairchild KR-21A (Roger Seybel coll via A Seybel)

KR-21A 1929 (ATC 215) = From Kreider-Reisner C-6B. 2pOB; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 27'0" length: 22'1" load: 600# v: 115/95/45 range: 330 ceiling: 17,000'. Fred Seiler via Amos Kreider. $4,375; POP: 45, includes 2 with Challenger C-6 [X207V, X576E] and 1 with 85hp Genet.
Fairchild KR-21B [NC247V]

KR-21B 1929 (ATC 363) = 2pOB; 110hp Warner Scarab; span: 27'0" length: 22'1" load: 586# v: 120/98/48 range: 370. $4,525; POP: 5, of which 2 were modified from KR-21.
Fairchild KR-31A [N838E] (Joe Juptner coll)
Fairchild KR-31A [5624] (Frank Rezich coll)

KR-31A 1929 (ATC 2-510) = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 30'1" length: 23'9" load: 878# v: 102/85/37 range: 340 ceiling: 12,000'. Continuation of Kreider-Reisner Challenger C-2. ATC was for 100hp Kinner K-5.
KR-31B 1937 (2-534) = 1-2pOB; 100hp Kinner K-5.
KR-32 1929 (ATC 2-208) = 2pOB; 165hp Wright J-6.
KR-34A 1929 (ATC 208) = 3pOB; 150hp Wright J-6; span: 30'0" length: 23'2" load: 965# v: 130/110/45 range: 510 ceiling: 17,000'. Modification of Kreider-Reisner Challenger C-4. POP: 2 [NC567K, NC11607]. Also used 170hp Curtiss Challenger.
KR-34B aka KR-34B-1 1935 (ATC 2-505) = 3pOB; 130hp Comet; span: 30'0" length: 23'2" load: 1070# v: 120/102/45 range: 510 ceiling: 16,500'. From Kreider-Reisner C-4C; also used 165hp Wright J-6 and 165hp Continental A-70. $6,575; POP: 1 [NC205E]; was still active into the 1970s.
Fairchild KR-34C [NC836N] (Arthur Martin coll via WASM)
Fairchild KR-34C [NC218M]

KR-34C 1929 (ATC 162, 2-257, 2-292) = KR-34B with minor improvements. $6,575; POP: more than 60; prototype [X200V]. (2-257) for 10 float conversions; (2-292) for a single 1p mail plane for Gulf Coast Airways [C292K].
Fairchild KR-34D [NC245V] (Aerofiles coll)

KR-34D 1930 (ATC 376, 2-250) = 3pOB; 165hp Comet 7-E; span: 30'0" length: 23'0" load: 855# v: 122/102/45 range: 430. $5,675; POP: 10. (376) replaced initial (2-250).
Fairchild KR-125 [NC244V] (William T Larkins)

KR-125 (X-125) 1930 (ATC 368) = 2pOB; 125hp Fairchild (Ranger); span: 24'6" length: 22'1" load: 595# v: 112/95/52 range: 380. Ernest Dichman. POP: 1 [NC244V].
KR-135 SEE Pilgrim
KRA Midget SEE Kreider-Reisner A
Fairchild M-62 Prototype, with initial open cockpits and unfaired gear [NX18689] (Fairchild)

M-62 1939 (ATC 724) = 2pOlwM; 175hp Ranger 6; span: 36'0" length: 27'9" load: 710# v: 132/118/48 range: 520; ff: 5/15/39. Armand Thiebolt. POP: 1 prototype [NX18689], configured in final with faired landing gear, turtleback, and canopied cockpits; 264 to AAC as PT-19, and 6 to Mexican AF.
M-62A 1939 = 200hp Ranger 6. Production version of PT-19A.
Fairchild M-62A4 [CF-CVA] (Eddie Coates coll)

M-62A4 (Canada) 1942 = Canopied cockpits. POP: 670 to USAAF as PT-26, 1,057 to RCAF as Cornell. Subcontract to Canadian Fleet.
Fairchild M-62B [NX28535] (E J Young coll)

M-62B 1940 = 2pOlwM; 165hp Warner Super Scarab. POP: 1 prototype [NX28535], 154 for export.
M-62C 1942 = 2pOlwM; 220-240hp Continental R/W-670. POP: 1,026; consisted of 3 civil prototypes (of which 1 was modified from PT-19A), 869 (?>924) to USAAF as PT-23, 93 to RCAF as Cornell, and 106 for other markets and export.
Fairchild M-84 [NX41893] (Ed Coates coll via 1000aircraftphotos.com)

M-84 1945 (ATC 2-599) = 4pClwM rg; 220hp Continental R-670; v: 155. Thiebolt modification of M-62, using surplus parts from PT-19 inventory for the prototype of Fairchild's new "family plane," which failed to make any waves in a lifeless post-war market. POP: 1 [NX41893].
M-232 1955 - Planned STOL. 2pCmwM rg; two 800hp Lycoming SO-580 with 13' props; span: 39'0" length: 29'6". William E Hunt (1953 US patent #2,650,045), from experience gained in his work on the Crouch-Bolas. Detachable belly-pod would accommodate 8 persons or 4 litters. Down-canted engines to deliver sufficient airflow over wings for low-speed maneuvers in conjunction with full-span slots and flaps. Only made it to wind-tunnel stage.
Fairchild XNQ-1 [75726] at Blakesburg
Fairchild XNQ-1 Take-off [75726]

NQ (T-31) (Model M-92) 1946 = Basic/Advanced trainer for military evaluation as replacement for AT-6/SNJ. 2pClwM rg; 295hp Lycoming R-680-10; v: 175/166/51 range: 955 ceiling: 16,000' (?>19,300'); ff: 10/7/46 (p: Richard Henson). Both delivered to USN in 1947. POP: 2 prototypes as XNQ-1 [75725/75726], the first of which was repowered with 320hp XR-680-13, then finally with inline 350hp Lycoming GSO-580; it was destroyed (in a crash?) about 1950.

Rejected by USN, but subsequent trials by USAAF using the second plane, with a larger stabilizer, led to designation of T-31A and a procurement schedule in late 1948 for 100 units; however, this was cancelled in 1949 in favor of Beech T-34. [75726] still active in Texas into the 2000s. ( Don Pellegreno)
PC-6 Porter 1964 = License-built version of Swiss Pilatus Porter. POP: 57 as PC-6, 36 as AU-23A Peacemaker.
PT-19, -23, -26 - AAC/AAF trainer. 2pOlwM; 200hp Ranger 6. From M-62 with similar specs. Subcontract manufacture by Aeronca, Howard, Canadian Fleet, and St Louis.
Fairchild PT-19 (Fairchild)

PT-19 (M-62) 1939 = 175hp Ranger 6. POP: 264.
Fairchild PT-19A (Fairchild)

PT-19A (M-62A) 1941 = 200hp Ranger 6. POP: 3,702 (Aeronca 477, Fairchild 3,181, St Louis 44), included 20 to Mexican AF.
PT-19B 1943 = Electrical system and blind-flying equipment. POP: 917 (Fairchild 774, Aeronca 143), of which 1 converted as XPT-23, and 43 to Mexican AF.
XPT-23 1942 = 220hp Continental R-670. POP: 1 from PT-19B.
Fairchild PT-23 (Fairchild)

PT-23 (M-62C) 1942 = POP: 869 (Aeronca 375, Fairchild 2, Howard 199, St Louis 200), included 93 by Canadian Fleet as Cornell.
PT-23A 1942 = POP: 256 (Howard 150, St Louis 106).
Fairchild Cornell III [RCAF 10385] (Moore Avn Restoration)

PT-26 (Canada) 1942 = Canopied cockpits. POP: (Fleet) 670 Lend-Lease for RCAF as Cornell II/III [42-14299/14498, -15330/15529].
PT-26A (Canada) 1943 = POP: (Fleet) 807 for Canadian Army.
PT-26B (Canada) 1944 = POP: (Fleet) 250.
Fairchild XR2K-1 [9998] (NASA)

R2K 1936 = USN registry of 22C-7F used by NACA to test full-span Zap flaps. POP: 1 as XR2K-1 [9998].
R2Q-2 195? = USN Equivalent to C-119F/G. POP: 58 [131662/131719].
R4Q Packet - USMC version of USAF C-119.
Fairchild R4Q-1 (USMC)

R4Q-1 1950 = Equivalent of C-119C. POP: 41 [124324/124333,
126574/126582, 128723/128744].
R4Q-2 1951 (TC A6NW, A8NM) = Equivalent of C-119F/G. POP: 58 [131662/131719].
SBF 1942 = Canadian contract production of Curtiss SB2C with similar specs and data.
Fairchild SBF-1 (USN)

SBF-1 1942 = POP: 50 [31636/31685].
SBF-2, -4 - Designations not used.
SBF-3 1942 = POP: 150 [31686/31835] .
SBF-4E 1943 = POP: 100 [31836/31935].
SOK - USN registered as XSOK-1 [9724], but never built.
Fairchild VZ-5 [56-6940] T-tail not installed (Fairchild)

VZ-5 (Model M-224) 1959 = Army 1pOhwM STOL/VTOL test vehicle; 1100hp GE YT58; span: 32'9" length: 33'8" load: 395# v (est): 184/140/0. The shaft turbine was buried in the fuselage and coupled to four wing-mounted props; vectored slipstream created lift. The machine reached a height of 18" in tethered tests, but never actually flew without its tailskid-leash. POP: 1 [56-6940].
T-31 SEE NQ.
Fairchild AU-23A (Fairchild)

U-23 Peacemaker 1971 = STOL, close air support, mini-gunship based on PC-6. 3pChwM; 650hp Garrett TPE331-1-101F turboprop; span: 49'8" length: 36'10" v: 170/148/x range: 483. POP: 36 as AU-23A [72-1304/-1318, 73-1699, 74-2073/2092] to USAF and Vietnamese Air Force. Armed with a side-firing 20mm XM-197 Gatling gun, as well as many various guns and arrangements, including bombs and rockets, tried during a year-long combat career, when it was grounded because of low speed and lack of armor plating.
Fairchild-Hiller FH-1100 [N549FH] (Fairchild)

-Hiller FH-1100 1966 = 4pCH; Allison 250-C18 turboshaft; load: 1355# v: 133/127/0 range: 400 ceiling: 21500' (hover: 16,600'); ff: 6/3/66. Developed from OH-5A as the first US turbine helicopter produced for the civil market. A 7,000-mile European demo tour made in 1966 [N517FH]. $85,000 ($98,000 in 1969); POP: about 250.
A-10 Jacket Patch

-Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II - Subsonic, anti-tank, CAS light attack bomber dubbed "Warthog" for its ungainly look. 1-2pClwM rg; span: 57'6" length: 53'4". Contract production also by Grumman.
Fairchild-Republic A-10 Grumman production

A-10 (Grumman) 1971 = POP: 713 field modifications.
YA-10A 1972 = 1p. POP: 2 [71-1369/1370].
Fairchild-Republic A-10A Firing guns in attack (USAF)

A-10A 1974 = 1p with two 9065# GE TF34 turbofans; span: 55'0" length: 53'4" load: 21,530# v: 443/387/x (?>449/345/x) range: (close-air support) 288 (ferry) 2,723. Landing run: 1,220'. POP: 349 by 1978.
A-10B 19?? = 2p with two TF34s; load: 22,041# v: 449/345/x ceiling: 44,200'. POP: ??.
-Republic AC-123 Provider 1970 = C-123 as recon bomber.
-Republic XF-105 Thunderchief 19?? = CmwM rg; POP: 400+.
Fairchild-Republic T-46A [84-493] and [84-492] (AETC)

-Republic T-46A Eaglet 1985 = AF 2pChwM; two 1330# Garrett TFE76; span: 35'11" length: 29'6" load: 1610# v: 496/454/115 range: 1390. POP: 3 [84-492/493, 85-596]. The last aircraft built by Fairchild.
-Swearingen Metro SEE -Swearingen Metro.